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What in gods name hapend to wvw/eotm


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hello all first off all sorry for my english


after a very long break i wanna try gw2 again and see how things are going

so i wanna se wvw and omg they added mounts and you can glide to -.-


i even saw warclaw jump over walls o.O

ore players that dont have them get far behind the zerk party

i dunno what the dev team was thinking but the fun is wvw is not so fun anymore


and it seems that the comm of the zerk party jump from 1 border to the other ??

so in my few there so less players now in wvw that you dont have difrent zerk party's to defend is border ??


also my favorite area eotm its totaly dead really bummer i so much love the area

but thx to the dev team to remove the exp and only get rank points it seems players totaly quit eotm


old days was so much fun there was always a few 100 players on ea side and it was epic

and you can lvl your alt char fast there to becouse of the good exp

and nice loot for ea boss you fight


here so good old vid from 2014 that is a good old epic battle how it much be

not to mention the good old fear necro that was so funny to see a zerk party fear of the cliff :)


so in my few bring back the good old fasion back to wvw and eotm

let me know what you guys think can be beter for both






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you .cant earn pips in eotm, so nobody plays it anymore.


Getting the mount does suck. But it doesn't take too long. I've done it recently.

I still dont think the mount is good for wvw, but adding ome was inevitable, as its a way to make money off wvw players.


Wvw is profitable than it used to be, thanks to pips and reward tracks.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"MELORD.5013" said:

> > WvW nowadays is just an AoE spam fiesta and it feels bad

> > broken classes specially the pof ones

> > i hope the new team will balance some of it


> to be fair, wvw has always been about aoe spam. but now 111 spam is less.


To be more fair, wvw was les aoe and skill spammy before HoT and it's powercreep that came with elite specs and such.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"MELORD.5013" said:

> > > WvW nowadays is just an AoE spam fiesta and it feels bad

> > > broken classes specially the pof ones

> > > i hope the new team will balance some of it

> >

> > to be fair, wvw has always been about aoe spam. but now 111 spam is less.


> To be more fair, wvw was les aoe and skill spammy before HoT and it's powercreep that came with elite specs and such.

because we used 111 that hit 5 ppl :P


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wow thx so much for the coments

so it seems there alot of work to be done in wvw

also pain to my heart that 2 of the big bosses left arenanet :(


so i hope the next boss wil turn the ship around

i remeber players beging for mounts and see now gw2 is not going to well

so i wonder if that was a good idee ??


even with the new mount skyscale things only get to easy and take out the fun in my few


years back i work my ass off to get map complation to 100% with out mounts

even alot of mastery with out them its was blood sweat and tears but i did it and it makes me happy

but now things are to easy and it gets boring you dont learn how to play gw2 that way


and i hope anet brings back eotm like old days that was fun and epic

and in my few eotm looks beter its amazing high in the sky and the area is also not that big


good and fun fights with good zerk partys



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They've worked long and hard to destroy wvw and have accomplished their goals. From horrible expansions killing wvw balance, mounts and gliders that no1 wanted, a stupid new map no1 wants to play, auto upgrades, banners, and the list goes on and on. Can we get someone in charge of wvw that knows the gamemode? These guys are clueless

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> @"Bristingr.5034" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > a stupid new map no1 wants to play


> There's a fair number of people that actually like the new map. Just because _your_ server doesn't, doesn't mean that other servers don't enjoy it.




You know that nobody else's opinion matters :) Its all about ME ME ME and what I like. Anyone who doesn't like the same is just a

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What can you do.

They were caught out lying thanks to ncsoft.

GW2 as a whole, not just WvW, was getting the minimum amount of resources spent on it!

No wonder the PvE is terrible and WvW is neglected so much

All we've ever got were gimmicks.

Server pride doesnt exist anymore.

Just guilds playing together to keep themselves together.

To be honest I am surprised so many players still play the game.


I guess that is why you see so many pew pew rangers in WvW these days. Players just fed up of the zerg so they like to troll instead.


As for the bandwagon servers who still to this day claim to be in it for the fights.

Well when they have to fight a server which can kill them half the time as well, they tank it down to the lower tiers for "good fights"

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> @"Genlog.4983" said:

> i remeber players beging for mounts and see now gw2 is not going to well

> so i wonder if that was a good idee ??


Mounts aren't the reason WvW sucks - it's always had problems with the game design, and the class balance since HoT has broken the PvP element, which was the only part that was ever functioning well. It sounds like they've finally got some staff on PvP/WvW skill balance who understand competitive gameplay (if true, it would be the first time since about 2006), so maybe that part could start to improve.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> i dont think the mounts are that bad, wvw is nothing more than running around one tower to another, theres no pvp only aoe spam fest, wvw is boring as hell


Lel, found the guy who never played wvw more than 20minutes.


About topic:

Mounts are bad. For various reasons.

Eotm should be deleted or become one of the border maps (with balance changes)

Eotm was never rly a wvw map, only karmatrain.

You can still level in wvw, you dont get exp, but tomes of knowledge.



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WvW was dying before Mounts were added. Revision Historian tell you otherwise that Mounts killed WvW. WvW was dying before PoF as well.


WvW's problem is that it's not objective based. It has no meaning anymore and Faction pride is a thing of the past now. There are too many maps at once (4 maps and 1 EoTM map 5 total) which spread out the population too much which is why usually most of those maps are dead population wise. They need to cut down on boarderland maps. No need for 3 of then per match-up. I would combine the boarderland maps into one map and have just EBG and 1Borderland map. Or can do 1 EBG map and 2 Bl maps that are 2 Faction based maps.


Use the orange meta event timer system to introduce time based objectives to the WvW maps with designated winner/losers. Then it reverts back to the way its currently is where players just fight again over meaningless structures. This way both player types get something out of WvW.


Also need more mobile sieges added to the game with different uses and play styles.

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in my few shutdown wvw and all map eotm is so much beter and much more fun

yearssssss back around 2015 or so it had more players then wvw


second the map it self looks 10x beter

you dont see red dots on the map so you dont really no where they are

only the info on your screen witch tower is taken


only the green side you can buy becons to set them up to ping where the players are

other thing blow up bridges walk around in scorpion form to do more damage to walls


no mounts no gliders just old fasion walking in a big group

killing bosses get nice loot exp karma and so on


easy for alt char to lvl faster

try to knock of the players of the edge so funny


good old days i laugh so hard that a cry and all players scream necro necro necro

necro was insane op back that time as you can see in the vid you get good exp


yesterday i was in wvw but its seems that now they dont care to capture areas just want to kill players over and over again -.-

other server had a much bigger zerk party and they crush us over and over again


but the com keep trying only for free bags dont see much fun in that

am more a player to conquer areas with a good party like i always did in eotm


so i really dont know what to think atm of wvw

i wish anet brings back the good old eotm like old days and have fun again


its all about fun that maters and anet remove that fun away from eotm

becouse there always to many players there for karma and exp and more


so what players love it and it was fun dont remove that






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> @"KurokawaKazuma.8641" said:

> Scourge, firebrand, holosmith, deadeye, boonbeast, mirage, weaver **(so almost every spec PoF has to offer)** and mounts **(because avoiding fights and high five each other as you and the enemy pass by is an accepted norm nowadays)** happened to WvW.

> Nothing more really. Game mode is severely unfun now.


I see spellbreakers alot too

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