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Request Blackgate Gets A Link


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Dear Anet,


With fewer players playing now on Blackgate, BG I do think its time that BG got a linked server and if at all possible could I request Stormbluff Isle, SBI?


I have good friends and a guild on SBI and I'd love to be able to WvW with them again without transferring off BG.


Thank you.

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> @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> Dear Anet,


> With fewer players playing now on Blackgate, BG I do think its time that BG got a linked server and if at all possible could I request Stormbluff Isle, SBI?


> I have good friends and a guild on SBI and I'd love to be able to WvW with them again without transferring off BG.


> Thank you.


Move to SBI. Easiest fix.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Just play your BP alt hoping to game the system and no you will get ioj or ebay or a dead link when/if you get one again not like a sbi or fc or hod type thing.


You can't actually think that right?


As for the topic at hand, don't know a lot of people that actually want a link on BG, but I'm sure because this person said we do everyone will take it as gospel.

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> @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> Dear Anet,


> With fewer players playing now on Blackgate, BG I do think its time that BG got a linked server and if at all possible could I request Stormbluff Isle, SBI?


> I have good friends and a guild on SBI and I'd love to be able to WvW with them again without transferring off BG.


> Thank you.


We were against em not too long ago (2 linkings ago) and they had a lot of numbers to contend with. Dunno if anything changed since then.


If servers have 100 peeps and BG has 500...losing 100 peeps still makes you a giant. (exaggerated example ofc but gets the point across)

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Most of you don't know what you're talking about. BG lost a lot of players like I said, doesn't have 500 it has closer to 275 and no sign of a troll here from me. So yes needs a link attached to BG, lacking one has dropped BG down to a T3/4 server. Maguuma, Mag for instance has a lot more players on it than BG as does Borlis Pass, BP too.

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> @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> Most of you don't know what you're talking about. BG lost a lot of players like I said, doesn't have 500 it has closer to 275 and no sign of a troll here from me. So yes needs a link attached to BG, lacking one has dropped BG down to a T3/4 server. Maguuma, Mag for instance has a lot more players on it than BG as does Borlis Pass, BP too.


If ‘lost’ means playing alts on BP.....

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> > @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> > Most of you don't know what you're talking about. BG lost a lot of players like I said, doesn't have 500 it has closer to 275 and no sign of a troll here from me. So yes needs a link attached to BG, lacking one has dropped BG down to a T3/4 server. Maguuma, Mag for instance has a lot more players on it than BG as does Borlis Pass, BP too.


> If ‘lost’ means playing alts on BP.....


No lost as in left

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> @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> Most of you don't know what you're talking about. BG lost a lot of players like I said, doesn't have 500 it has closer to 275 and no sign of a troll here from me. So yes needs a link attached to BG, lacking one has dropped BG down to a T3/4 server. Maguuma, Mag for instance has a lot more players on it than BG as does Borlis Pass, BP too.


I would suggest stopping...


Regardless of whether your numbers are accurate or not (and they are not) you will not see any agreement in here about it.


BG is back in T2 and competing.


I would suggest just playing the game.

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Dear ANet,


*This is not a permanent fix, but a "band-aid" solution to this post.*


There's a better posted solution that fixes the real problem & not just the symptoms that this post brings up.


Observation - WvW Black Hole - Players Enter But Don't Come Out.


Re-Design Fix - Enter & Exit - Keep Active & Purge In-Active




Please enable an Automatic Monthly Purge of players OFF their chosen Home Server that "statistically" stopped playing WvW while maintaining a strict Maximum Server Capacity.


Automatic & Monthly Purges like this will allow All Servers to Refresh their Seats that are supposedly filled by "Dead" WvW players.


This will also allow players to reform their dead or dying "Community" on a New Server after 1 month of inactivity.


This policy would apply Equally to All Servers.


Then let the chips fall where they may.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> > Most of you don't know what you're talking about. BG lost a lot of players like I said, doesn't have 500 it has closer to 275 and no sign of a troll here from me. So yes needs a link attached to BG, lacking one has dropped BG down to a T3/4 server. Maguuma, Mag for instance has a lot more players on it than BG as does Borlis Pass, BP too.


> I would suggest stopping...


> Regardless of whether your numbers are accurate or not (and they are not) you will not see any agreement in here about it.


> BG is back in T2 and competing.


> I would suggest just playing the game.


Agreed, this topic is too toxic to have even bothered in the first place.

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Umm, I'll try to be nice as possible, since you may not be aware of the wvw politics and memes (it's really nothing worth learning), but historically speaking Blackgate has been known to reduce its activity to achieve its goal of getting a link.


While your intention of wanting to play with us is nice, our guild doesn't really wvw outside of guild missions anymore-- it's basically 10 minutes a week? You can't really expect anyone to show concern about that when half the servers are empty. I think it would be better if you asked if one of the tiers be deleted, and thus increasing the chance of getting your request indirectly. Also, nobody actually wants SBI as a link (Honestly, if someone doesn't fall over in the first 3 seconds in a fight, I assume they're not SBI); I'm just going to leave it at that.


You are always welcome to transfer back though though given the current state of WvW, I would recommend just saving your gold and waiting for alliances where you could probably play with us anyways. Well, whoever's left in 2030.

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> > @"Arbriel.4397" said:

> > Most of you don't know what you're talking about. BG lost a lot of players like I said, doesn't have 500 it has closer to 275 and no sign of a troll here from me. So yes needs a link attached to BG, lacking one has dropped BG down to a T3/4 server. Maguuma, Mag for instance has a lot more players on it than BG as does Borlis Pass, BP too.


> If ‘lost’ means playing alts on BP.....


What is it with forum dwellers thinking this is the case? I can count on 1 hand the number of people from BG that have alts on BP unless they're absolutely complete random pugs and mean nothing. There's no BG guilds on BP. Y'all got some conspiracy theory. It did get bandwagonned a bit by randoms + having FC as a link is pretty big. But there's no conspiracy of BG alts on BP, this is pretty stupid. (My account has been on BP since I transfered to play with Wavy monnnnths ago)


I'm not saying BP isn't fat stacked but I see a lot of people on other servers that have the numbers and guild groups but whine bs at BP just because they're losing so I take that stuff with a grain of salt.

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