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Fractal Armor


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Personally, I think some fractal armor would be pretty cool. We already have fractal weapons, so why not add armor to that? Also, it would be nice to be able to buy the weapons and armor (if armor were added) with fractal relics.


**EDIT:** If you have any ideas for what you would like a set of fractal armor to look like, please share.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > They didn't even mention fractals at all.

> > They did it.


> Yes, in one statement: "Fractals & Raids are not off the table."

> No official comment about a fractal armor. At least I found nothing that supports this idea with emphasis.



Agree with Vinceman here @lare.5129 source or it dident happen.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > No official comment about a fractal armor. At least I found nothing that supports this idea with emphasis.

> ofc not, but I am sure that will be common silver and gold collection. This is based on logical way.



Sry but "more fractals" != new armor. We got several fractals over the years and all the time the armor was desired heavily and never realized.

So, just assumptions from your side. That has nothing to do with logic because otherwise we would have had 3-4 fractal armor sets already.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > easy

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features#cite_note-German_interview.E2.80.9D-3

> > More fractals. [3]

> That was over 2 months ago. Last month we've got something else though




> We're now in the "not off the table but not actively working on them" stage, i am afraid.




That's good to know, but we can still talk about what we would like to see when they start making more again. And maybe if we can show there is enough interest, they may bring them back again sooner than expected or give a little more attention to them when they do bring them back. Even though they're not planning on working on them right now, there is still plenty of value in talking about what we would like to see in the game.

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> @"Bron.9647" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"lare.5129" said:

> > > easy

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features#cite_note-German_interview.E2.80.9D-3

> > > More fractals. [3]

> > That was over 2 months ago. Last month we've got something else though

> >

> >

> >

> > We're now in the "not off the table but not actively working on them" stage, i am afraid.

> >

> >


> That's good to know, but we can still talk about what we would like to see when they start making more again. And maybe if we can show there is enough interest, they may bring them back again sooner than expected or give a little more attention to them when they do bring them back. Even though they're not planning on working on them right now, there is still plenty of value in talking about what we would like to see in the game.


Your mindset is right but don't forget that this community has asked for dungeons **over years** - no joke. I was one of them. Great power of endurance to you but almost all the people from back then are gone or just gave up.

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i wonder what kind ugliness they will come, the fractal legendary back is the only one i didnt farmed due to horrible look, also for weapons.


Fractal is a content with difficult above open-world, so the armor/weapons/stuff should had better "look".


Same for PVP in most games the "pvp armor" is kinda distinct and look cool, but our pvp armor make u look more like a clown than some sort of "pvp fearsome champion", the heavy legs is the most attrocious.


i will do justice for the new mistforged weapons, is a good starting point. also i like the wvw armor.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Your mindset is right but don't forget that this community has asked for dungeons **over years** - no joke. I was one of them. Great power of endurance to you but almost all the people from back then are gone or just gave up.

This is big difference. Dungeons a perfect and don't need any changes, and each dungion have his own collection . The fractal collecton cuurently have onyl 2 weapons collection, so we can be sure waht will have soon, as I say on mid 2020, or in 2021 the armor collection . To check is my assumption is wrong or true we can't say now.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > Your mindset is right but don't forget that this community has asked for dungeons **over years** - no joke. I was one of them. Great power of endurance to you but almost all the people from back then are gone or just gave up.

> This is big difference. Dungeons a perfect and don't need any changes, and each dungion have his own collection . The fractal collecton cuurently have onyl 2 weapons collection, so we can be sure waht will have soon, as I say on mid 2020, or in 2021 the armor collection . To check is my assumption is wrong or true we can't say now.


I didn't write anything about existent content. I talked about new ones. Please don't cite me in the future. It is really annoying to discuss with you as you don't understand many things neither. Ty in advance.

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Keep in mind that new armor is the most expensive item they can to the game, in terms of development resources, which is why we don't get armor sets outside of expansions. And since Fractals cannot be monetized properly (if at all) it's highly unlikely that a new armor set for Fractals will be created. Maybe if they added requirements to craft it in the living world zones, like how legendary armor requires heart of thorns it could work better

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