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> @"DesiRe.1348" said:


> No one is saying Anet earns money directly from _your_ transaction. I was just arguing that, even if you pay for gemstore stuff with gems you bought with your gold, you still support Anet's gemstore policy, you still support them. Because as long as you keep buying gems with gold, other people keep buying gems with IRL money to sell them for gold, and therefore Anet makes profit. So, by extension, you still support Anet financially by buying gems with gold. Since, if you and everyone else stopped buying gems with ingame gold, no one would be buying gems with cash anymore to sell said gems for ingame gold. And thus, Anet would earn less money.

Saying that I financially support them by extension is a bit of a stretch. I don't agree that other players purchase gems with IRL cash just to sell them for gold. I would rather believe that players who purchase gems with IRL cash use the gems to purchase items from the gem store. Those gems, when spent, go in to the collective pool of gems which then affects the gold -> gem conversion rate (supply and demand). Selling gems for gold is a losing proposition -- the market seems more one-way than that.


The gold farms have dramatically influenced this market. Before Istan, gems were selling between 70-85 gold (give or take) whereas now they're over twice that amount (somewhere around 150g). This is due to more people purchasing gems with gold rather than IRL cash that reduces the amount of gems available which drives up the demand price. When players stop buying gems with IRL cash (because gold is so terribly easy to acquire), the gem prices shoot higher.



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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > **Anet is never getting another dime of my money**, not unless they release a PvP expac. That said, the gem store cape was good enough that **I used some of my gold to get 500 gems and purchased it**.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You _do_ realize how hypocritical that is, right? In the end, they still got their money. Because people like you, who buy gems with gold, exist, there is also people who buy gems from ArenaNet to convert them into gold themselves. So while you yourself didn't spend the money on Anet, someone else did _for_ you. In the end, they still got another dime of your money.

> > > > > > If you want to protest against their gemstore policy you are not allowed to purchase anything from it - not with money, not with gold. Because in the end, they still get the money. And they don't care whether they get it from Person A buying _and_ spending the gems or from Person B buying the gems, selling them for gold to Person A and then Person A is spending them on the gemstore.

> > > > >

> > > > > I understand this -- somewhat. There's already an abundance of gems on the marketplace. My converting gold for a few gems to buy the cape isn't making an impact on it, in my opinion.

> > > > >

> > > > To be honest if anything there's an abundance of gold on the marketplace. With the introduction of build templates the gem price has heavily gone up and you get a lot more gold per gem (or rather less gems you need to spent per gold) than you used to. And it's not about your impact on the market, it's about hypocrisy. Same thing if a person decided to protest against mass animal farming and they still keep on eating meat 7 times a week, since they alone have "no impact on the market".

> > > > > It does make an impact that I no longer spend $20-40 per month on gems like I used to when I was more happy with the game directionally.

> > > > >

> > > > > A sidenote is I'm not protesting the gemstore policy. I used to appreciate certain things being attainable via the gemstore, and I didn't even really mind RNG lootboxing. I just am not happy with the direction of the game, the support for PvP (none?) or WvW (less than none?), so I choose not to give any more of my money.

> > > > >

> > > > Okay good to know! But tbh the reason why is very arbitrary.

> > > >

> > > > > By my calculation, they've already lost about $300-$500 in what I normally would have spent since I adopted this outlook. Not enough to make an impact, but certainly a statement on my end.

> > > >

> > > > Yes, and thats good! But my point is, it doesn't matter if you - instead of the usual 20-40 bucks a month - now trade lets say gold for 400 gems each month, you could just as well still buy the 400 gems each month with money. There's no difference between buying them with money or with cash. What does make a difference is, if you generally tone down the amount of gems you buy each month; what method you do it with, doesn't matter at all.

> > > > $20-40 a month for gems is like what, 3.2k gems? If you bought 3.2k gems with gold now instead each month, it's still the same thing to ArenaNet. Literally.

> > > > If you only buy lets say 800 gems a month for X gold anymore? Good! If you buy only 800 gems a month for 10 bucks? Good, same thing!

> > > >

> > >

> > > It does make a difference, though. I'm not giving them further dollars. It doesn't matter to me if somebody else does — I am not, and neither is anybody in my circle of former PvPers. **I can't control other people**, I can only control myself. Gems already on the marketplace are dollars already in Anet's pocket, so it very clearly isn't the same as creating new never-before-in-existence gems, putting new dollars in their pocket.

> >

> > But by buying the gems with gold you give other players incentive to buy more gems so they can sell them for your gold.... So you still support Anet's gem sales, and support them financially. It's like arguing it's okay for the environment to buy a new car every month through a middleman. You know, they are already built, and you don't pay the manufacturing company, so you don't support the environmental pollution.. Come on, can you think one step further than that please?

> > If more people decide to not spent cash on gems, but buy them with gold, more _other_ people will buy more gems with cash because they can sell them well. So it does create "new never-before-in-existance gems", because the demand for gems via gold exchange goes up, so the supply goes up, so more people buy more gems and voila, there you go. New dollars in their pocket. So if that's what you want, not give Anet more money, you shouldn't buy gems with gold either, thats all I'm saying. Because over a corner or two, you still increase their gem sales.

> >

> > Edit: You _can_ control people though, that is the point. By buying gems with gold you incentivize other people to buy more gems, because they can convert them to gold. If everyone stops buying gems with gold, people with stop buying gems, because they can't convert them to gold anymore. _That's_ how you control people, because that's how basic money economics work.


> What would you prefer in this totally unrelated scenario?


> A customer buying a hamburger from you right now.

> OR

> A customer buying half of an old hamburger that you sold days/months/years ago from somebody who took it out in a doggie bag?


Wha..? Are you act..? Seriously? I'm not even gonna bother explaining how half of an old hamburger vs. a new hamburger is not at all comparable to old money (gems) vs. new money (gems). Like, what the f?

> My point is...

> $10 new dollars is more attractive than no new dollars.


Yes. I know. But - as I've explained countless of times by now - by buying gems with gold you incentivize more players to buy gems to sell for gold. Which is another new 10 bucks. Sooo, whats your point? I feel like you are all operating under the assumption that buying gems with gold has no effect on anything whatsoever. That's wrong, that's not how markets work. That's not how gem conversion works. That's not how any of this works. If I spent 10 billion dollars on gems and flooded the market with gems to exchange for gold, what do you thinks gonna happen? Right, prices drop. Drastically.

And if now all the high rollers in Gw2 decided to buy all the gems with their gold, guess whats gonna happen. Prices skyrocket. Drastically. The result, you ask? Every jack is gonna buy some gems for 10 bucks and sell them for like 10000 gold. And thus, you have new gems bought, massively. Just by buying gems with ingame gold, who would've thought.

> But also, get off it — I have a stance. I keep my stance. I'm not giving them any more of my dollars, and I'm fine with that even if you aren't lol.

> Good day!

Yes you can do whatever you want, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy that you should be aware of. If you _are_ aware of that, and still don't care, thats up to you. I was merely informing you, that by not spending cash on gems anymore, since you don't want to support Anet anymore, you also shouldn't buy gems with gold. Since, well, you're still supporting Anet indirectly after all. If you don't mind, go ahead. If you _really_ care about not supporting Anet anymore, you should not buy gems with gold anymore, period. Good day :)


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"DesiRe.1348" said:


> > No one is saying Anet earns money directly from _your_ transaction. I was just arguing that, even if you pay for gemstore stuff with gems you bought with your gold, you still support Anet's gemstore policy, you still support them. Because as long as you keep buying gems with gold, other people keep buying gems with IRL money to sell them for gold, and therefore Anet makes profit. So, by extension, you still support Anet financially by buying gems with gold. Since, if you and everyone else stopped buying gems with ingame gold, no one would be buying gems with cash anymore to sell said gems for ingame gold. And thus, Anet would earn less money.

> Saying that I financially support them by extension is a bit of a stretch. I don't agree that other players purchase gems with IRL cash just to sell them for gold. I would rather believe that players who purchase gems with IRL cash use the gems to purchase items from the gem store. Those gems, when spent, go in to the collective pool of gems which then affects the gold -> gem conversion rate (supply and demand). Selling gems for gold is a losing proposition -- the market seems more one-way than that.


Wha...? You don't really think once people spent their gems on items from the gemstore, the same gems afterwards end up in the "gem pool" for gold conversion, right? Because that's what you're saying here. Maybe I didn't understand you correctly.

Well, the thing is, it doesn't really matter what you _believe_. Reality looks different, players buy gems to trade for gold, more people doing it means more people buying gems, since it gives them more value (ingame gold).

> The gold farms have dramatically influenced this market. Before Istan, gems were selling between 70-85 gold (give or take) whereas now they're over twice that amount (somewhere around 150g). This is due to more people purchasing gems with gold rather than IRL cash that reduces the amount of gems available which drives up the demand price. When players stop buying gems with IRL cash (because gold is so terribly easy to acquire), the gem prices shoot higher.


Stating the obvious, yes. The point is..? And the gold values you state, how many gems is that? I can't do anything with raw numbers like this.

And yea, what happens next, if the gem prices shoot higher? Right, other people start buying gems with IRL cash to sell for A LOT of gold, and there you have it. More gems bought by people _only_ buying gems with gold.



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> @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > > **Anet is never getting another dime of my money**, not unless they release a PvP expac. That said, the gem store cape was good enough that **I used some of my gold to get 500 gems and purchased it**.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You _do_ realize how hypocritical that is, right? In the end, they still got their money. Because people like you, who buy gems with gold, exist, there is also people who buy gems from ArenaNet to convert them into gold themselves. So while you yourself didn't spend the money on Anet, someone else did _for_ you. In the end, they still got another dime of your money.

> > > > > > > If you want to protest against their gemstore policy you are not allowed to purchase anything from it - not with money, not with gold. Because in the end, they still get the money. And they don't care whether they get it from Person A buying _and_ spending the gems or from Person B buying the gems, selling them for gold to Person A and then Person A is spending them on the gemstore.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I understand this -- somewhat. There's already an abundance of gems on the marketplace. My converting gold for a few gems to buy the cape isn't making an impact on it, in my opinion.

> > > > > >

> > > > > To be honest if anything there's an abundance of gold on the marketplace. With the introduction of build templates the gem price has heavily gone up and you get a lot more gold per gem (or rather less gems you need to spent per gold) than you used to. And it's not about your impact on the market, it's about hypocrisy. Same thing if a person decided to protest against mass animal farming and they still keep on eating meat 7 times a week, since they alone have "no impact on the market".

> > > > > > It does make an impact that I no longer spend $20-40 per month on gems like I used to when I was more happy with the game directionally.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A sidenote is I'm not protesting the gemstore policy. I used to appreciate certain things being attainable via the gemstore, and I didn't even really mind RNG lootboxing. I just am not happy with the direction of the game, the support for PvP (none?) or WvW (less than none?), so I choose not to give any more of my money.

> > > > > >

> > > > > Okay good to know! But tbh the reason why is very arbitrary.

> > > > >

> > > > > > By my calculation, they've already lost about $300-$500 in what I normally would have spent since I adopted this outlook. Not enough to make an impact, but certainly a statement on my end.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes, and thats good! But my point is, it doesn't matter if you - instead of the usual 20-40 bucks a month - now trade lets say gold for 400 gems each month, you could just as well still buy the 400 gems each month with money. There's no difference between buying them with money or with cash. What does make a difference is, if you generally tone down the amount of gems you buy each month; what method you do it with, doesn't matter at all.

> > > > > $20-40 a month for gems is like what, 3.2k gems? If you bought 3.2k gems with gold now instead each month, it's still the same thing to ArenaNet. Literally.

> > > > > If you only buy lets say 800 gems a month for X gold anymore? Good! If you buy only 800 gems a month for 10 bucks? Good, same thing!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > It does make a difference, though. I'm not giving them further dollars. It doesn't matter to me if somebody else does — I am not, and neither is anybody in my circle of former PvPers. **I can't control other people**, I can only control myself. Gems already on the marketplace are dollars already in Anet's pocket, so it very clearly isn't the same as creating new never-before-in-existence gems, putting new dollars in their pocket.

> > >

> > > But by buying the gems with gold you give other players incentive to buy more gems so they can sell them for your gold.... So you still support Anet's gem sales, and support them financially. It's like arguing it's okay for the environment to buy a new car every month through a middleman. You know, they are already built, and you don't pay the manufacturing company, so you don't support the environmental pollution.. Come on, can you think one step further than that please?

> > > If more people decide to not spent cash on gems, but buy them with gold, more _other_ people will buy more gems with cash because they can sell them well. So it does create "new never-before-in-existance gems", because the demand for gems via gold exchange goes up, so the supply goes up, so more people buy more gems and voila, there you go. New dollars in their pocket. So if that's what you want, not give Anet more money, you shouldn't buy gems with gold either, thats all I'm saying. Because over a corner or two, you still increase their gem sales.

> > >

> > > Edit: You _can_ control people though, that is the point. By buying gems with gold you incentivize other people to buy more gems, because they can convert them to gold. If everyone stops buying gems with gold, people with stop buying gems, because they can't convert them to gold anymore. _That's_ how you control people, because that's how basic money economics work.

> >

> > What would you prefer in this totally unrelated scenario?

> >

> > A customer buying a hamburger from you right now.

> > OR

> > A customer buying half of an old hamburger that you sold days/months/years ago from somebody who took it out in a doggie bag?

> >

> Wha..? Are you act..? Seriously? I'm not even gonna bother explaining how half of an old hamburger vs. a new hamburger is not at all comparable to old money (gems) vs. new money (gems). Like, what the f?

> > My point is...

> > $10 new dollars is more attractive than no new dollars.

> >

> Yes. I know. But - as I've explained countless of times by now - by buying gems with gold you incentivize more players to buy gems to sell for gold. Which is another new 10 bucks. Sooo, whats your point? I feel like you are all operating under the assumption that buying gems with gold has no effect on anything whatsoever. That's wrong, that's not how markets work. That's not how gem conversion works. That's not how any of this works. If I spent 10 billion dollars on gems and flooded the market with gems to exchange for gold, what do you thinks gonna happen? Right, prices drop. Drastically.

> And if now all the high rollers in Gw2 decided to buy all the gems with their gold, guess whats gonna happen. Prices skyrocket. Drastically. The result, you ask? Every jack is gonna buy some gems for 10 bucks and sell them for like 10000 gold. And thus, you have new gems bought, massively. Just by buying gems with ingame gold, who would've thought.

> > But also, get off it — I have a stance. I keep my stance. I'm not giving them any more of my dollars, and I'm fine with that even if you aren't lol.

> > Good day!

> Yes you can do whatever you want, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy that you should be aware of. If you _are_ aware of that, and still don't care, thats up to you. I was merely informing you, that by not spending cash on gems anymore, since you don't want to support Anet anymore, you also shouldn't buy gems with gold. Since, well, you're still supporting Anet indirectly after all. If you don't mind, go ahead. If you _really_ care about not supporting Anet anymore, you should not buy gems with gold anymore, period. Good day :)



Your opinions on whether or not I'm being hypocritical don't override my opinions that I'm not being hypocritical lol.


I have thousands of gold to spend. I could quite literally pour every last gold my account is worth: Nearly 100k, and not make a dent in the price of gems. If there was any profitability to "high rollers" for doing what you just said, they would have done it long ago. It just doesn't work like that.


My 100g to get a few gems to purchase something from the gem store is NOT equal to me giving anet $10. Because I. Am. Literally. Not. Giving. Them. Money.


Nor is it a guarantee that they are going to get $10 because I purchased a few gems on the conversion market. It doesn't guarantee that. You're assuming it's a guaranteed vacuum and any time gems are taken out of it, somebody 100% is putting them back in, and that's just not true lol. That's not how markets work, Mr. I Know How Markets Work.


God some people are just annoying lol.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > > > **Anet is never getting another dime of my money**, not unless they release a PvP expac. That said, the gem store cape was good enough that **I used some of my gold to get 500 gems and purchased it**.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > You _do_ realize how hypocritical that is, right? In the end, they still got their money. Because people like you, who buy gems with gold, exist, there is also people who buy gems from ArenaNet to convert them into gold themselves. So while you yourself didn't spend the money on Anet, someone else did _for_ you. In the end, they still got another dime of your money.

> > > > > > > > If you want to protest against their gemstore policy you are not allowed to purchase anything from it - not with money, not with gold. Because in the end, they still get the money. And they don't care whether they get it from Person A buying _and_ spending the gems or from Person B buying the gems, selling them for gold to Person A and then Person A is spending them on the gemstore.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I understand this -- somewhat. There's already an abundance of gems on the marketplace. My converting gold for a few gems to buy the cape isn't making an impact on it, in my opinion.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > To be honest if anything there's an abundance of gold on the marketplace. With the introduction of build templates the gem price has heavily gone up and you get a lot more gold per gem (or rather less gems you need to spent per gold) than you used to. And it's not about your impact on the market, it's about hypocrisy. Same thing if a person decided to protest against mass animal farming and they still keep on eating meat 7 times a week, since they alone have "no impact on the market".

> > > > > > > It does make an impact that I no longer spend $20-40 per month on gems like I used to when I was more happy with the game directionally.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > A sidenote is I'm not protesting the gemstore policy. I used to appreciate certain things being attainable via the gemstore, and I didn't even really mind RNG lootboxing. I just am not happy with the direction of the game, the support for PvP (none?) or WvW (less than none?), so I choose not to give any more of my money.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > Okay good to know! But tbh the reason why is very arbitrary.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > By my calculation, they've already lost about $300-$500 in what I normally would have spent since I adopted this outlook. Not enough to make an impact, but certainly a statement on my end.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes, and thats good! But my point is, it doesn't matter if you - instead of the usual 20-40 bucks a month - now trade lets say gold for 400 gems each month, you could just as well still buy the 400 gems each month with money. There's no difference between buying them with money or with cash. What does make a difference is, if you generally tone down the amount of gems you buy each month; what method you do it with, doesn't matter at all.

> > > > > > $20-40 a month for gems is like what, 3.2k gems? If you bought 3.2k gems with gold now instead each month, it's still the same thing to ArenaNet. Literally.

> > > > > > If you only buy lets say 800 gems a month for X gold anymore? Good! If you buy only 800 gems a month for 10 bucks? Good, same thing!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > It does make a difference, though. I'm not giving them further dollars. It doesn't matter to me if somebody else does — I am not, and neither is anybody in my circle of former PvPers. **I can't control other people**, I can only control myself. Gems already on the marketplace are dollars already in Anet's pocket, so it very clearly isn't the same as creating new never-before-in-existence gems, putting new dollars in their pocket.

> > > >

> > > > But by buying the gems with gold you give other players incentive to buy more gems so they can sell them for your gold.... So you still support Anet's gem sales, and support them financially. It's like arguing it's okay for the environment to buy a new car every month through a middleman. You know, they are already built, and you don't pay the manufacturing company, so you don't support the environmental pollution.. Come on, can you think one step further than that please?

> > > > If more people decide to not spent cash on gems, but buy them with gold, more _other_ people will buy more gems with cash because they can sell them well. So it does create "new never-before-in-existance gems", because the demand for gems via gold exchange goes up, so the supply goes up, so more people buy more gems and voila, there you go. New dollars in their pocket. So if that's what you want, not give Anet more money, you shouldn't buy gems with gold either, thats all I'm saying. Because over a corner or two, you still increase their gem sales.

> > > >

> > > > Edit: You _can_ control people though, that is the point. By buying gems with gold you incentivize other people to buy more gems, because they can convert them to gold. If everyone stops buying gems with gold, people with stop buying gems, because they can't convert them to gold anymore. _That's_ how you control people, because that's how basic money economics work.

> > >

> > > What would you prefer in this totally unrelated scenario?

> > >

> > > A customer buying a hamburger from you right now.

> > > OR

> > > A customer buying half of an old hamburger that you sold days/months/years ago from somebody who took it out in a doggie bag?

> > >

> > Wha..? Are you act..? Seriously? I'm not even gonna bother explaining how half of an old hamburger vs. a new hamburger is not at all comparable to old money (gems) vs. new money (gems). Like, what the f?

> > > My point is...

> > > $10 new dollars is more attractive than no new dollars.

> > >

> > Yes. I know. But - as I've explained countless of times by now - by buying gems with gold you incentivize more players to buy gems to sell for gold. Which is another new 10 bucks. Sooo, whats your point? I feel like you are all operating under the assumption that buying gems with gold has no effect on anything whatsoever. That's wrong, that's not how markets work. That's not how gem conversion works. That's not how any of this works. If I spent 10 billion dollars on gems and flooded the market with gems to exchange for gold, what do you thinks gonna happen? Right, prices drop. Drastically.

> > And if now all the high rollers in Gw2 decided to buy all the gems with their gold, guess whats gonna happen. Prices skyrocket. Drastically. The result, you ask? Every jack is gonna buy some gems for 10 bucks and sell them for like 10000 gold. And thus, you have new gems bought, massively. Just by buying gems with ingame gold, who would've thought.

> > > But also, get off it — I have a stance. I keep my stance. I'm not giving them any more of my dollars, and I'm fine with that even if you aren't lol.

> > > Good day!

> > Yes you can do whatever you want, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy that you should be aware of. If you _are_ aware of that, and still don't care, thats up to you. I was merely informing you, that by not spending cash on gems anymore, since you don't want to support Anet anymore, you also shouldn't buy gems with gold. Since, well, you're still supporting Anet indirectly after all. If you don't mind, go ahead. If you _really_ care about not supporting Anet anymore, you should not buy gems with gold anymore, period. Good day :)

> >


> Your opinions on whether or not I'm being hypocritical don't override my opinions that I'm not being hypocritical lol.


Hypocrisy is not a matter of subjectivity though :D You can, quite objectively, say if one is being hypocritical. E.g. you not wanting to support Anet, yet still supporting Anet.

> I have thousands of gold to spend. I could quite literally pour every last gold my account is worth: Nearly 100k, and not make a dent in the price of gems. If there was any profitability to "high rollers" for doing what you just said, they would have done it long ago. It just doesn't work like that.


Well, first of all I'm talking about millions and millions of gold, not 100k. Second of all, where exactly did I state it would be profitable for them? Of course it wouldn't. What would they do with all the gems? Convert them back? Of course you make big losses then, lol. It's just a thought experiment with extreme conditions to show the general direction of a model when subject to various outer influences.

> My 100g to get a few gems to purchase something from the gem store is NOT equal to me giving anet $10. Because I. Am. Literally. Not. Giving. Them. Money.


I know. I never proposed you would. You are merely incentivizing other people to buy gems and give Anet $10 and then buy the gems off their hands.

> Nor is it a guarantee that they are going to get $10 because I purchased a few gems on the conversion market. It doesn't guarantee that. You're assuming it's a guaranteed vacuum and any time gems are taken out of it, somebody 100% is putting them back in, and that's just not true lol. That's not how markets work, Mr. I Know How Markets Work.


Well, generally, except small variances that is the case though. People take gems out of the pool, prices rise, people put gems back into the pool because prices are high. The only reason why gem prices tend to keep on rising is because generally people get more gold in the game, the average player spending gold on gems is richer compared to 2-3 years ago.

> God some people are just annoying lol.

Yup, and some people are just deliberately slow. You know, in terms of thinking. Thats life.


But since the people partaking in this discussion seem to not care about what I say anyways and stick to their short-sighted way of thinking, I'll stop trying to convince anyone.

If you wanna stop buying gems with cash because you don't want to support ArenaNet, go ahead. But you can be damn sure that you're not "off the hook" when buying gems with ingame gold instead. At the end of the day, Anet gets their money for the gems you use. From you, from someone else.. they don't care. And neither do I anymore, good night.


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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > Since there are a lot of cape threads in the discussion forum and a lot of good ideas being shared, we've created one central thread and merged some of the other threads to keep the conversation going in one place.

> >

> > Reminder that we welcome all forms of feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is respectful and constructive. You can check this post about providing good feedback: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/317/how-to-give-good-feedback


> I think it would be best to start a new sub-forum under Guild Wars 2 Discussion called Cosmetics and Toys...everything about Capes, chairs, toys, tonics, home instance decorations, etc. goes in there.


I agree.


Also Anet I would like to request a larger cape with one of those big collars that cloaks have that you see sometimes on Black Panther character in Marvel comics. Would love something like that.



Also a cape with some kind of visual effects would be awesome. Imagine a fire cape or a water cape, or even a shadow cape. A glowing cape would be cool as well.

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> @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> Wha...? You don't really think once people spent their gems on items from the gemstore, the same gems afterwards end up in the "gem pool" for gold conversion, right? Because that's what you're saying here. Maybe I didn't understand you correctly.

Yes, that is exactly what happens. Where else do you believe the gems come from? Why does the price of gold -> gem conversion fluctuate?

> Well, the thing is, it doesn't really matter what you _believe_. Reality looks different, players buy gems to trade for gold, more people doing it means more people buying gems, since it gives them more value (ingame gold).

No one I know buys gems and then converts to gold. The conversion rate in that direction is self-defeating. What then would players do with gold? Other than purchasing gems for items in the gem store, gold has no intrinsic value. Buying gems with IRL cash, converting to gold and then buying gems again is a net loss.




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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > Wha...? You don't really think once people spent their gems on items from the gemstore, the same gems afterwards end up in the "gem pool" for gold conversion, right? Because that's what you're saying here. Maybe I didn't understand you correctly.

> Yes, that is exactly what happens. Where else do you believe the gems come from? Why does the price of gold -> gem conversion fluctuate?


Actually @"DesiRe.1348" is right. The Gem/Gold exchange is self-contained, there are two pools, one of gems and one of gold and they are separate from the rest of the game. When someone buys something with gems, those gems disappear completely, gems are added to the exchange only when someone buys them with cash (or gets them through other sources like achievements and ultimate editions) and then trades them for gold.


Not gonna post details, to avoid derailing the cape thread any longer, but you can read all of John Smith's responses here:



Edit: If purchases from the gem store forced those gems to enter the exchange then the exchange rate would always go down, as every gem bought with gold, would then go back to the exchange. Imagine the exchange having 1000 gems, someone uses 10 gold to buy 200 gems, when they spend the 200 gems to buy something, those gems will go back to the exchange making them 1000 again, meaning no matter how many gems you buy with gold, the exchange rate would stay the same. Then those spending cash to buy gems, would force their gems to enter the exchange as well, leading to an ever increasing pool of gems. Only those hoarding gems would force the gem pool to get lower, which is unrealistic.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> Not gonna post details, to avoid derailing the cape thread any longer, but you can read all of John Smith's responses here:

> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/bltc/Merged-How-is-gem-exchange-rate-determined

John Smith.4610:


There seems to be some confusion:

The currency exchange has a supply of Gems and Gold.


If players are converting Gold to Gems, then the Amount of Gold player will receive for their gems goes up.

If players are converting Gems to Gold, then the amount of Gems players receive for Gold goes up.


The exchange rate changes based on the scarcity of each supply. You cannot inflate it, it’s an exchange rate. As players purchase in one direction, it entices purchases in the other direction.



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> > Not gonna post details, to avoid derailing the cape thread any longer, but you can read all of John Smith's responses here:

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/bltc/Merged-How-is-gem-exchange-rate-determined

> John Smith.4610:


> There seems to be some confusion:

> The currency exchange has a supply of Gems and Gold.


> If players are converting Gold to Gems, then the Amount of Gold player will receive for their gems goes up.

> If players are converting Gems to Gold, then the amount of Gems players receive for Gold goes up.


> The exchange rate changes based on the scarcity of each supply. You cannot inflate it, it’s an exchange rate. As players purchase in one direction, it entices purchases in the other direction.


The exchange rate depends on the scarcity of each supply (of the two exchange pools)

There are two directions in the exchange: Convert Gems to Gold or Convert Gold to Gems

As players use one, it entices the other. Purchase in one direction means using one of the two directions of the exchange, not buying gems with cash and then spending them on the store.



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> > Wha...? You don't really think once people spent their gems on items from the gemstore, the same gems afterwards end up in the "gem pool" for gold conversion, right? Because that's what you're saying here. Maybe I didn't understand you correctly.

> Yes, that is exactly what happens. Where else do you believe the gems come from? Why does the price of gold -> gem conversion fluctuate?

> > Well, the thing is, it doesn't really matter what you _believe_. Reality looks different, players buy gems to trade for gold, more people doing it means more people buying gems, since it gives them more value (ingame gold).

> No one I know buys gems and then converts to gold. The conversion rate in that direction is self-defeating. What then would players do with gold? Other than purchasing gems for items in the gem store, gold has no intrinsic value. Buying gems with IRL cash, converting to gold and then buying gems again is a net loss.


No one I know plays Fortnite, so the game must be unpopular? What would players do with gold? Uh, buy everything they want, from mats for ascended equipment to legendaries to raid bosses? You can do almost everything with gold. Of course, the only thing they won't do, is trade back to gems. Since that would be.. well, just a loss for nothing, really. I know plenty of people buying gems to convert to gold, including me. Why should I spent thousands of hours in tideous farms to get the items I want, when I can just go work for 2 extra hours and have 500 gold more, and then play the content I _want_ to play, not the one that is most efficient.



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I have a dream, that our capped brothers and sisters won't be relegated to in-game only. That when you log into the game, you see your cape in all it's majesty...


Let's add back items to the character select screen, and never have to go another day seeing our characters violated; their normally strange backs revealed, instead of

the beauty that is the cape... Thank you.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> And let us jump candy canes and dodge snowballs with capes cavorting whimsically behind us


I think they disabled back pieces in that Jump puzzle.


Christmas wish: A Cape glider!! Common Anet You make fancy gliders why not cape glider!! I guess you would have to remodel your gliding animation with the hands... PLEASE make it happen Anet!

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