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Suggestion: item to purchase on the BLTP to unlock and master Oak Heart, Lava Tube, Leyline Gliding

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There should be an item to purchase on the BLTP to unlock and master Oak Heart, Lava Tube, Leyline Gliding, that is bought with gems. This item would not be cheap, but I have a feeling many would buy it. The item would unlock/master one of the skills I have mentioned. The benefit would be, more having access to such skills would also add more versatility to upcoming content. Just a thought. I lead a guild in a mobile game. You'd be amazed what people will buy. The item could also be a way to 0 - 80 the needed exp to speed up the process.

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If they do not achieve the revs they need, how long do you think the game will continue? Layoffs, game in dev cancelled. Do you think everything is good in the neighborhood? Todays gamers do not wish to live in game, when or if they can pay to finish things more quickly. The items I propose would not effect balance so their are no p2win worries. I see no down side. The only possible complaint is they would achieve quickly what others ground out. Imho, who cares. The game already operates this way. I can buy gems or grind gold and convert. The fast path or slow path, choice is the same.

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Pay to finish a game quicker?!


If someone feels that they need to pay to finish a game quicker, then they should just stop playing that game. Because that's a sign that a game has ceased to be fun and a game should only be played for as long as you have fun while playing it.


It doesn't take that long to level up in this game. It's a one time unlock across all characters.


This is coming from someone who has none of the mentioned masteries unlocked. My highest unlocked mastery is gliding 2. I've been playing since headstart in 2012 and was around when HoT, PoF, and all of the living story seasons started that had masteries. So this isn't coming from someone who has already grinded through it all and wants others to experience the same.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> Pay to finish a game quicker?!


> If someone feels that they need to pay to finish a game quicker, then they should just stop playing that game. Because that's a sign that a game has ceased to be fun and a game should only be played for as long as you have fun while playing it.


> It doesn't take that long to level up in this game. It's a one time unlock across all characters.


> This is coming from someone who has none of the mentioned masteries unlocked. My highest unlocked mastery is gliding 2. I've been playing since headstart in 2012 and was around when HoT, PoF, and all of the living story seasons started that had masteries. So this isn't coming from someone who has already grinded through it all and wants others to experience the same.


If people want to spend it keeps the game going. When did gamers become so entitled that not only should players not be willing to pay to advance but they also feel those willing to pay should not even play? Would you rather the living story cost to obtain? I get what you are saying but these games cost millions to make, and some act like they have no right to break even or Dwayna forbid show a profit? I honestly do not understand. Do you feel the same about the xp bumps we can use, and the 0 to 80 booster, etc? What I am proposing is pretty much the same thing.


And for the record, I have all mounts mastered except warclaw, and the masteries for oak etc :)

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I'm not one of those who think they shouldn't break even or show a profit.


The level 80 boost is a per character unlock, not a one time unlock. It's also something that players can already do for the most part on their own except for the free items that come with the boost. It just takes 80 tomes of knowledge (or some combination of other in game earned level boosting). There is no equivalent for mastery levels or obtaining the necessary mastery points in order to unlock the masteries.

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I think the biggest thing that hurts this idea is that the items/skills you want them to sell are the method by which you explore the episode maps and experience the stories in which they are introduced. They're integrated into the plot, and if they're automatically unlocked, you'll lose more than money along the way.


ArenaNet has started selling waypoint unlocks in the gem store. It's a similar idea; faster access to more of the world. It's different, however, because waypoints are unlocked per character and the mobility skills requested by the OP are unlocked a single time for the entire account. In short, this wouldn't be a convenience feature so much as a way to completely undercut the content these mobility skills come from and leave people feeling like they wasted their money in buying the episodes. You also wouldn't be able to sell them to anyone who hasn't bought the related content, because that too would undercut what the company is trying to sell.

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I wouldnt do this simply because its unhealthy in the long run. Starting to introduce these kind of monetization methods will slowly turn this game into a mobile-esque fest where literally everything will be monetized. Not only does it go against the way content is designed in the game but it will sell for sure (i have seen mobile analytics and also personally have friends who spend huge amounts weekly on mobile games just to be the best without effort and time spent).


Next we will have microtransactions to skip collection steps. Next will be payment to negate the time gate. Next will be dedicated button to pay gems for mats instead of gold in the black lion trading post. Etc. Etc.


Sure this will bring in huge money at the cost of the core established audience. I dont have hard data but gw2 is already quite casual in terms of mmo space from my observation and even still there is a disparity between the pvp-ers, high-end pve-ers and casuals who still complain about game difficulty. Now imagine bringing a totally new demographic in. Yeah there will be money at first. But man anet gnna have a headache.


I personally wouldnt want to see this game get aggressively monetized like an average mobile game, cause to me guild wars 2 is still a game at its core with monetization attached whereas mobile games are monetization machines disguised as games, and I dont want gw2 going that direction.


Regarding your point on level boosters etc. Its different because levels and masteries have been designed differently. Levels have always been character driven by design with exterior factors mostly being mobs and quests, whereas masteries take map and account wide progression design into consideration and thats how the devs can pace and control player behavior. That is why when u play core u can hit lvl 80 without even exploring all of core Tyria whereas with masteries you usually end up a. Exploring most of the map because masteries dictate so or b. You go back to old content with your new masteries to have new player experience.


In short. Here is gw2 experience. Come join. If you like, stay. If not, move on. Im really not trying to be unwelcoming but just to illustrate:


Monster Hunter but pay to 1 tap kill boss. That goes against the core design philosophy of the game, and at which the core audience was built upon.

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> @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

> If they do not achieve the revs they need, how long do you think the game will continue? Layoffs, game in dev cancelled. Do you think everything is good in the neighborhood? Todays gamers do not wish to live in game, when or if they can pay to finish things more quickly. The items I propose would not effect balance so their are no p2win worries. I see no down side. The only possible complaint is they would achieve quickly what others ground out. Imho, who cares. The game already operates this way. I can buy gems or grind gold and convert. The fast path or slow path, choice is the same.


My concern is actually the opposite: I'm not convinced many people would buy this because it's such a minor thing and the only benefit would be to trivialise content which you may well have just paid for. So I don't think it would make much profit and I think it could serve to drive away those players who are likely to buy it.


I'm also concerned that selling masteries would hurt the long-term health of the game, including profits, by giving players inclined to buy these things the impression they have to pay to unlock content, pay _again_ to be able to complete it and then they end up skipping the part of the story focused on unlocking masteries, finish the episode much more quickly than intended and may be left with the impression that they wasted their money, which is likely to put them off making similar purchases in future.


This is why the free-to-play mobile games you're drawing inspiration from tend to either rely on maximising profits over a short time period before players lose interest and move on to a new game, or limit monetization and try to strike a balance between pressuring players to spend money to progress and skipping all progress.

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Mobile games and how the operate are huge revenue streams. Studios with them have a constant flow of development cash to fund new projects. Love them or loathe them, there are enough players willing to spend to excell in them. It's a fact of gaming life. MMORPGS, Subs, are dying. That said games like Fortnite are raking in the revenue. I'm told it is heavily monetized. EA brings in 5 bil or so annually, from all their IPs. Fortnite did almost as much it's first year. FROM ONE GAME in a 40 bil industry. Something has to give. Micro transaction show no sign of dieing off. GW2 has been around for 7 years. If it is going to continue it needs to monetize better. Just relying on gem sales means it must broaden the scope of what is for sale. Take me for example. I bought gw2. All the expansions were gifts. So in 7 years they have not made a dime off me. I am old school, grinding out what I need is habit. New gamers won't live in game like we did. I think many here hate this idea because they had to work for these masteries, so everyone else has to. And some feel like they will get left behind, and not be as competitive as quickly as others. Lets face it, most finished the new LS content in 1 or 2 days and are gone again. There is no chance for any revs from them. Farming, ecto gambling, etc. Cause many to never spend a dime. So how can the game continue?


To clarify something. I am not suggesting those masteries are only achieveable by buying a token, you would have the choice. Grind it or buy the tokens. What if they added a boost to hot/pof packages? We need new blood in game, we need new players.

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> @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

> Mobile games and how the operate are huge revenue streams. Studios with them have a constant flow of development cash to fund new projects. Love them or loathe them, there are enough players willing to spend to excell in them. It's a fact of gaming life. MMORPGS, Subs, are dying. That said games like Fortnite are raking in the revenue. I'm told it is heavily monetized. EA brings in 5 bil or so annually, from all their IPs. Fortnite did almost as much it's first year. FROM ONE GAME in a 40 bil industry. Something has to give. Micro transaction show no sign of dieing off. GW2 has been around for 7 years. If it is going to continue it needs to monetize better. Just relying on gem sales means it must broaden the scope of what is for sale. Take me for example. I bought gw2. All the expansions were gifts. So in 7 years they have not made a dime off me. I am old school, grinding out what I need is habit. New gamers won't live in game like we did. I think many here hate this idea because they had to work for these masteries, so everyone else has to. And some feel like they will get left behind, and not be as competitive as quickly as others. Lets face it, most finished the new LS content in 1 or 2 days and are gone again. There is no chance for any revs from them. Farming, ecto gambling, etc. Cause many to never spend a dime. So how can the game continue?


> To clarify something. I am not suggesting those masteries are only achieveable by buying a token, you would have the choice. Grind it or buy the tokens. What if they added a boost to hot/pof packages? We need new blood in game, we need new players.


That only works if the increased monetization doesn't chase away the playerbase.


Your suggestion would likely do just that especially coming after the template monetization issue.


The players of this game have tended to be vocal when the game pushes too much monetization. Mobile games tend to start with high monetization and high monetization is the expectation for that genre. Going from where the game is now to mobile game level will drive the playerbase away. No players mean no gems bought which would put the game in a worse situation than it is now.


It's a one time unlock. It doesn't take long to do and forces players to do the maps and learn the combat for that area. And given the tendency for players to complain things are too difficult, giving an option to buy your way out of playing in theap for things that make bypassing the content easier this would be detrimental to the game in the long term as those who bypass by paying would be more likely to stop playing due to difficulty of the content than those who played through it.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> Why stop there? Just sell Mastery Points for 300 gems a pop, 2000 gems for a 7-pack!

> Think of the profits they can make there!


I was thinking this would be a viable choice. Sure, there are enough mastery points to unlock everything without paying a dime, yet some players just can't put in the effort to complete all masteries. I've been going for months at a time with a locked exp bar since I couldn't bother with the activities required (some of which are pretty much hidden in the achievements panel). Had I been a more impatient person and had it been possible, I would have bought the mastery points remaining to unlock my experience bar.


It's a non issue for veteran players, and it gives a choice for newer players to be able to complete their masteries. Not to mention that they require to fill the exp bar to spend said points, so it's not like they are skipping all content.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > Why stop there? Just sell Mastery Points for 300 gems a pop, 2000 gems for a 7-pack!

> > Think of the profits they can make there!


> I was thinking this would be a viable choice. Sure, there are enough mastery points to unlock everything without paying a dime, yet some players just can't put in the effort to complete all masteries. I've been going for months at a time with a locked exp bar since I couldn't bother with the activities required (some of which are pretty much hidden in the achievements panel). Had I been a more impatient person and had it been possible, I would have bought the mastery points remaining to unlock my experience bar.


> It's a non issue for veteran players, and it gives a choice for newer players to be able to complete their masteries. Not to mention that they require to fill the exp bar to spend said points, so it's not like they are skipping all content.


Horrible idea. Why dont we also make "newer players" buy all achievements, too? Its a non issue for veterans. While we are at it, throw in the gemstore fractal titles, raid titles and armorskins, wvw armorskins and Ultimate Dominator title (pack of 50 kills equal one gem!) ,pvp achievements, you name it! Why stop at masteries?

God forbid people actually achieve stuff (theyre called Masteries cause, you know, you kinda NEED to master them) by playing the game, eh

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Realistically, after hitting 80 and gearing up ascended, the only progression you have in this game is map completion and masteries.

To be honest gearing ascended can be 90% done by gold which can be bought.

Map completion can be a ton easier with the waypoint unlocks.

Now you want to be able to buy masteries?

Hey why not let us buy achievement points too?


We already have the benefit of skipping alot of content and work by buying gems . Let's not be silly with it now


I think more players will be angry than happy about being able to buy masteries


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