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Is "1-shotting" acceptable in a PvP enviornment?


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I think personally no, with how ANET makes GW2 its too easy to set up a burst from stealth or just from a million miles away with no tells and just one shot people.


Get rid of it and instead of cheese, make fun builds for both sides that take effort and reward instead of stupid noob stomp builds that are op and toxic and make people not want to play the game.


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > Healthy Competitive Gaming Experience Games, does not tolerate +1 shotting

> > >

> > > **NOT EVER!!**

> >

> > So how would you class LoL since it has 1shot mechanics under certain circumstances.


> **-Toxicity-**


> **Consequences**- Inevitable


> 'Why Did This Happen?'


> **Problems With Riot**


> 'While Riot was never the most beloved among the community, they seemed to be responsive, and they continued to make improvements and additions to the game. In the past year, however, their reputation has taken a hit. Patch 8.11 introduced a new meta, one focused almost exclusively on damage and bruisers. Games became less about strategy and more about speed, and it was almost impossible to stage a comeback. Players took to the forums to complain, and pros began to leave the scene – spelling disaster for the world’s most popular MOBA.'


> **Redemption**- ??


> -What’s next for League of Legends?-


> 'Is this decline just a result of time or of true issues with Riot and their game? The future is uncertain. Simply put, Riot needs to get their game back on track. If they want to keep League of Legends as a major powerhouse in the gaming world, they need to regain the support of their players, and they need to bring back the game that fans once knew.'


What are you on about, everyone that played lol back in the day LOVED lol devs.

Shit hit the fan and they always tried to communicate. Servers down? have RP and apology from all of us, we fucked up!

Champion is broken? OUR BAD! gonna get fixed soon.

IT went to shit when it became a big game, where akali is released, and made broken for YEARS becouse skins sell.

Where they NEW client is more buggy then the old one and they dont care cuz it doesnt give them money to fix.

1shots? pleaaaasssee. you havent played against old annie have you? or kassadin on some of his " fun " patches.

Game was constant 1shot almost since release and its been fine. Its just kids here that complain about them.

In lol if you get 1shot constantly, you drop low ranks where people cant 1shot you lol.



We miss you morrello

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> You ignore the point and post something to push your agenda. League has had one shot builds well before the point of whatever you have posted. The whole assassin category of champions is designed to do this.

> And despite your paragraph league continues to be one of the most competitive games out where despite having and continuing to have one shot mechanics.


I'd advise against arguing with Burnfall, he's been doing the same song and dance for years now. Just appreciate his consistency.


> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> I think we may disagree on the standpoint of visibility in regards to health of the game. But the biggest difference (that you even pointed out) between this game and that game, is when a Hero whiffs; you get to punish him. GW2 whiffs are way to safe.


That's fair. We don't have to agree on everything, but whiffs being punishable is usually acceptable to me, and as long as it is system wide I will likely agree to balancing in that direction. That's a thing that can't be lopsided though. You can't punish some classes hard for missing/failure to dodge, then handhold other classes, and then give them the same damage output (even more egregious, giving the handheld class more damage than the one punished for whiffing). Classes should output damage relative to how vulnerable they will be if they miss.





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If 1 shotting is going to exist then it should only be after a person has burned their defenses in the fighting style of gw2's combat the answer is generally no especially if the person was not stunned in place to set it up. (at least as it exist right now)


In blade n soul 1 shot 100-0 builds and combos do exists but you wont ever get them to work on another player till after you bait their break or force them to use their breaks leaving them vulnerable should they get cc'ed into a combo after the fact. But no build in any game generally should ever come out and just 1 shot someone from full hp unless there is a massive difference in level between the two combatants or something of that nature which in gw2 pvp wont be the case.


Gw2's combat is so fast action that 1shots feel overly punishing and give a player a sense of not having a turn to do anything thus making them unhealthy and frowned upon if you get hit with them often enough. Especially if you have invested in defensive stats like toughness and are still getting 1shot or your hp dropped to less than 10%.


Ideally in order to do one shots there should be more things like bloodlust runes or traits similar to this that should have to be built up to max stacks before hand, at least that way no one starts a match with the power to one shot but rather you gain it over time with kills and assist and should you die you lose that advantage for a bit until you can rebuild it.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> single skills should not do over 10k dmg. anything more is just absurd & lowers the skill required


> one skill one kill is bad design


> killing in a combo is ok. splatting people for half HP is ok, but like 32k dmg crit on one skill- especially something with AoE- nope. thats far too much damage


I dont even agree with a combo of skills being used to achieve that level of damage depending on how many skills were used and the time frame in which they were used if 4 skills ended in a result of 7-10 hits of damage totaling to 20k+ damage in less than a second thats not ok either.

Even less ok if its done from stealth.

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