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how often do you experience severe lag?

Stand The Wall.6987

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It's mostly on reset during heavy zoneblob fights, but here's the secret sauce that makes the answer truly impossible to answer in a general sense:


*The impact of the lag depends on your class.*


Some classes - or rather, weapons and skills associated with those classes - are just downright abyssmal when it start to lag.


To give an example, engineer pistols. Skills like blowtorch is unreliable without lag, but with lag everything simply stop working. Pistol shots visibly go through targets, presumably because they are so slow with such high internal cd that the shots dont fire where the enemy is by the time they visibly fire. Forget about tossing AoE too, such as moa elixir - the skill delay means you're tossing it long after the enemy has moved. It basicly becomes unplayable, while seemingly other projectile weapons with faster speeds such as bows have less problems.

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Since the change over to the amazon servers my connection from Canada has never been better. Which sounds odd because many people I play with are closer to Texas than I am are experiencing terrible Lag. I suggested that they check to see if maybe their provider is throttling them during prime time. Also check to see if your hardware drivers is updated . Another problem I encountered is windows 10 and it's persistent updating which includes peer to peer updating . Basically what that means is that your computer is updating other computers on the net. You can't really disable windows update in windows 10 completely without doing surgery on the registry. But you should be able to stop the peer to peer and slow the bandwidth that windows uses to do updates. By default peer to peer is on and windows update uses 80% bandwidth.Unfortunately that is all reset ,or at least it used to be, every time an update occurred . That's why I dumped Windows 10 and installed 7 instead. When windows 7 gets to old I'm buying a dedicated off the shelf Linux computer which have become available recently.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> That's why I dumped Windows 10 and installed 7 instead. When windows 7 gets to old I'm buying a dedicated off the shelf Linux computer which have become available recently.


Mate, Windows 7 is "getting old" next month. To be precise on Jan 14th 2020.


Now, I find it hard to believe you not having a lag at all. It would be great if you could record for us you playing melee class in the center of the 3 way fight in SM.

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Severe lag usually happens to me in fully queued maps.

However, I did notice that my ping has been increasing and fluctuating a lot after the Christmas patch.

My ping is usually at avg of 270 before the Xmas patch (still able to react mostly to enemy skills and stuff).

It has rose to 370-400+ average after the Xmas patch and fluctuates wildly even in largely empty maps, sometimes spiking at 1000+.

Oddly, the increased ping is mostly in Armistice Bastion and the borderlands.

I actually still have avg 270 ping in EBG...

So I just find it all weird.

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I do have lag often as I am in South Africa linking through undersea cable into EU, but I have managed to work around the issues by porting to another BL, or roaming capping camps and harassing enemy solo. This last week HOWEVER, has been the worst and laggiest I have experienced in 7 years, and after resetting router, pc refreshing, and all the tricks to speed up everything, nothing has changed. My ping is high, and so it seems since winter patch I have had these issues of severe lag, rubber banding and skill loss. I have taken my PC to another location with optic fibre, and still having lag issues. I also tried to log on one morning and it started doing a repair to files before giving me the loading screen, not sure what is going on, but lot of people start playing then logout due to the frustration of lag, I am not alone in this

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pretty much all the time now for the past week maybe 2. i have no issues on any other game and there are no issues with the internet from my PC or locally. iv ran tests and the packet loss all originates from the amazon server's. so yea. iv gone from an average of 30-40 ping to a average of 90-250 with nothing happening and 2k-4k in fights.


game become unplayable for pretty much the majority of the day. playable times seem to be 12pm to early morning. unacceptable server performance getting close to 2013 territory.

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