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Please make WvW more manual for more player involvement and purpose (less automation)


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Anyway, the premise of "manual involvement" and those examples is just... wrong. What many of them describe is creating menial tasks and busy work just for the sake of creating menial tasks and busy work that doesnt really involve players. That's *not* what I would say is "more manual player involvement". It should have a definite purpose or allow you to enhance the game in addition to it's base function, or at least let the players think that they need to do a certain action (like say escort a dolly) in order to achieve a momentary goal (like say the keep was attacked and now need supplies), not just drag it on and on and on and on with just I need to run next to every single dolly on the map or they wont move and I have to do it *forever*.


I think that is something I could get behind, compared to what EremiteAngel has posted as his initial ideas.

We could need activities with player agency or "player aided automation".

This could also be a job for those PvE players that don't want to "fight" and what has been a thought in the initial creation of WvW, back when Anet told us their concept of WvW.

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For everyone voting yes,

I have found way too much siege under 5 minutes in the past 7 years and even more so now t3 objectives with zero siege. So let's work on that before we go and make WvW a chore.


Can't tell you how many times I've seen multiple people run past siege 600 range away with seconds left on it. They are probably the same people that cry in map chat when someone puts siege on the nodes, the guy placing them there might have been onto something...

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> The yes answer should also include focus on fights. It is counterintuitive, but automation kills fights because automation allows upgrades to happen without anyone logging in. Automation rewards players who don't fight for their upgrades. Then you get players complaining about no one fighting because of their T3 structures.


> (Yaks not moving unless escorted seems a bit too extreme though. Just require manual approval of upgrades.)


You and justice bring up good points. I didn’t think about this from a fight oriented perspective.

But I would agree that manual activities can be designed in a way to generate conflicts.

Personally I like the yak not moving unless escorted idea though haha.

That’s a great way to generate fights and conflict.

Keeps and towers won’t upgrade or get supplies now unless players are actively defending camps and yaks.

This would force players to split up into small groups to watch over these camps and yaks and generate more small scale fights around the maps. Less blobbing too.

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wvw is dying without explicit and recognized competition with unique rewards. so no. not until we get something only the best of the best can get.


also bully on ppl who just want fights. all are but zergers. and the few of us who do it, has no enemies once we wipe them after 2 hours. never to be seen in the week.


unique rewards is the carrot. give us unique rewards


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