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Last Hope for SAB


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Full map, art completed by me. (quoted from another post)


All the info you need about ALL the world names, ALL possibilities of item upgrades, Bosses and more are here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Kvothe go see by yourself if you are interested (spoilers). Here was the previous speculation: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/462431#Comment_462431


So, we had some new info since the last year, whereas w3 seems to continue like a Mario inspired world (underwater/underground), w4 seems to be more crash bandicoot 1 like. Think of level like slippery climb, lights out or the lab. We are currently able to access W1, W2 and W3-1. But well again, check the link before.




So, firstly, yeah we know that some hate SAB, no need to say it each time a SAB thread appear: Would you like to never see the end of your favorite TV show? What if you're watching Star Wars and that suddenly, just after that it looks like baddies win, the TV turns off? Yes, you will NEVER see the good ending. Here it's the same, why not saving the princess?

I decided to make this post by advance to allow the devs to think and work about it of course if they want to. I'm not speaking about adding whatever SAB thingies in open world, I'm speaking of adding the two other worlds within that mini-game.


Indeed, 2 worlds are missing, surely amazing worlds, last year, ANET proved to us that THEY ARE ABLE to add new item upgrades (mega bomb and boomerang) but also that they can edit worlds and add assets: the poisonous maze, the cannon, the new little area in world 1 forest, moto dispenser in world 2. The coin race!!!! You are able to add an adventure and coins assets why not a new world? I really think that everything is here to develop them apart TIME. Maybe also persons to work on it? This is pure hypothesis.

I've saw a big increase of productivity within Anet recently: Additions of awesome halloween and wintersday guild hall decos, you also said that you will add several rewards to lunar new year and a ls2 like mission/story, that's awesome.


I can only expect that those festivals upgrade/revamps will apply to SAB. (note you also added the festival cards teleport items). If in the worst case that you don't continue SAB (very sad) I can only implore you to bring back "back to school" features: Access to w3-1 and the genie, access to the code and Moto Lab in Rata Sum.

Everybody surely saw the mysterious bottle and strange glove symbol wood panes in the ninja level. (W2-Z2), so it's not a surprise that is planned to find another glove.

What's the issue? The fact that W3-2 is underwater? I think they are SAB lovers but they are less vocal. Maybe I'm just lucky, but each time I speak in chat about SAB, others simply answers "when world 3 and 4?" so I guess there is an interest, several also bought the SAB chair. (I've bought the infinite coin pack).


I think it's also important to state that SAB was released with ascended equipment so it's not really that SAB wasn't interesting but the fact it was released during a wrong period.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment: "Weapons were introduced with Super Adventure Box: Back to School (September 3, 2013)" So with World 2.

First world date from April 2013. So after release of Ascended accessories. It's logical that many players preferred to farm/craft Ascended stuffs.




Finally, I will never thanks enough Josh Foreman for SAB and all the others devs who added upgrades and coin races last year. (Thanks to the ones making/releasing gh decos, maybe more sab decos to expect? The stone faces were amazing) and well of course I want to give money to ANET, and I excuse myself if I've only given them some for expansions and few mount skins. Believe me that an expansion, even release of specializations can makes me pay. Can I look toward paying the missing SAB worlds? Surely, I know I would pay them if this is the only way. It has to end. Release of W3-4 and then, no SAB w3-4 posts will ever pop again here. And now that I perfectly know what those areas are, I want to see them even more.

PS: To moderators, if you see that some words/sentences sound like spoilers of non released content (did the best to avoid them) feels free to reedit them.




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Just to add a final thought. I am of the opinion they wont ever add to SAB, but I think using Josh leaving as an excuse is a disservice to the other devs. I’m quite sure there is enough talent to continue the project if they wanted to allocate the resources. It isn't as if he is the only developer who has the skills, understanding of source material and know how to make more areas.


If they could monetise it in a way that is appropriate and would worthwhile, they would do it - Josh or no Josh. Monetising SAB has always been one its biggest holdbacks.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Just to add a final thought. I am of the opinion they wont ever add to SAB, but I think using Josh leaving as an excuse is a disservice to the other devs. I’m quite sure there is enough talent to continue the project if they wanted to allocate the resources. It isn't as if he is the only developer who has the skills, understanding of source material and know how to make more areas.


> If they could monetise it in a way that is appropriate and would worthwhile, they would do it - Josh or no Josh. Monetising SAB has always been one its biggest holdbacks.


Randulf...are you sure there are many other Devs? I'm pretty sure it was just Josh and 1 or 2 others that made it in their spare time on their own initiative, that's it, from what I remember when they talked about making it, but I'm not going to guarantee that, and saying it won't be completed isn't a disservice to the other Devs more than it's a homage to just how much Josh meant to those that did make it. I'm pretty sure it was his idea and baby, not saying someone else couldn't take up the mantle, but it is something they would have to work on on their own, and not take away from any ArenaNet time.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Just to add a final thought. I am of the opinion they wont ever add to SAB, but I think using Josh leaving as an excuse is a disservice to the other devs. I’m quite sure there is enough talent to continue the project if they wanted to allocate the resources. It isn't as if he is the only developer who has the skills, understanding of source material and know how to make more areas.

> >

> > If they could monetise it in a way that is appropriate and would worthwhile, they would do it - Josh or no Josh. Monetising SAB has always been one its biggest holdbacks.


> Randulf...are you sure there are many other Devs? I'm pretty sure it was just Josh and 1 or 2 others that made it in their spare time on their own initiative, that's it, from what I remember when they talked about making it, but I'm not going to guarantee that, and saying it won't be completed isn't a disservice to the other Devs more than it's a homage to just how much Josh meant to those that did make it. I'm pretty sure it was his idea and baby, not saying someone else couldn't take up the mantle, but it is something they would have to work on on their own, and not take away from any ArenaNet time.


Yes it was just Josh plus a couple more he added to his team. That in no way means that no one else could do it. Josh does not hold exclusive skills. Many talented devs make indie games in homage to other franchises and I would guarantee that others within Anet could carry it on if given the greenlight to do so. In fact given how poorly World 2 was originally received, I could imagine they could even make it better. It all comes down to money at the end of the day. Would it gain them more money than working on other things? Only Anet can answer that and the answer so far appears to be no.

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If fact, I can understand why they don't continue. They have many things waiting to be made such as lunar new year and future ls episodes, and for them, yes let's say it, they can monetize them. Adding new mount skin, bl chest skins, goodies new glider and whatever. What about SAB?

Welp it's more a nostalgia to old game, what can they design around it? Glider, chair... next thing mount skins? I don't think SAB mount skins would be well received.

You have also that mini pack and infinite coin but well.....


As I said, this is a last hope. Originally the two worlds have been released in 1 year, if the cadence was kept, SAB could have been finished before september 2014. We are in 2020 soon... That wait is just too long, I can't see the festival coming back to live apart if those worlds are awesome. My negative feedback about world 2 is the length of the areas. Not in the line of W1. Ninja is too long, the snowy mountains kinda too. And well it will cost money....


Does SAB worths working on it? I will finally state that devs which love that festival can continue making pieces of worlds on their free time. If SAB was finished you could have added like lunar new year new rewards.... holographic armor, new coloured weapons, minis, dunno lord vanquish throne?

I have no idea how is the technology/code they haven't commented a lot about SAB.


But that's it. Will not make another thread. If it stays like this well it stays like this.

I will still enjoy the festival.

But pretty please bring back w3-1 and genie which aren't available since 2013.


And of course, thanks to all who commented, I think it's needed to pack all ideas and thought together.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Don't waste your time. Anet never goes back to complete things. They rather find new stuff and abandon what they begun. It's what they did the past 7 years...


The cost to make SAB never came out of ArenaNet's budget, it was always done on the devs PERSONAL time, it was literally a labor of love for those that made it.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Maybe a feedback thread on what you would like to see might be better in a couple of weeks when the devs are in the office. Ill be surprised if any read the forums over this period


I don't know about the forums but I can say for certain at least some devs are reading the subreddit. They are working from home so there isn't a reason to assume they won't be looking at the places they normally look.

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I think they should release a a "player content creation tool" and have contests and challenges to tap the collectives creative powers., Both for SAB and for regular guild wars2 expansions. . Sort of like that dead Landmark & Everquest next idea. Then their developers can pick and choose among the creations made by the community.There is after all a huge brain/resource potential that is untapped, thats unfufilled with the current crippled guildhall decortation system. Despite some Guild halls are wonderfully decorated.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > I'm curious to see tomorrow whether anything was added to SAB this year. :) Can't wait to play it again! <3


> What's happening tomorrow? Inside information on some announcement?

> As far as I can tell, SAB releases on the 31st.


It always started on the last Thursday before April 1, which is today now. Here's hoping!

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SAB was a project of an employee who is no longer working for Arenanet. Sicne then they have polished and updated the existing content, but it is a special niche and I doubt they have the creative skills in the house to create new content for SAB. This is also visable in the content added to world 1 and 2 last year. It lacks the creativity we are used to from the original SAB and is much more GW-like content.


I doubt wether or not world 3 or 4 are ever gonna happen and if so, I doubt it will be any good with the current team. This is nothing against the current team, just that they are very good at creating GW2, not at creating SAB.

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"It takes 6 to 8 Developers 4 to 6 months to create a world." -Josh Foreman

"Our developers created Super Adventure Box out of a desire to see how creative we could be with jumping puzzles and a dream to pay homage to video games of the classic era." -The Guild Wars 2 Team https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/video-the-origin-of-super-adventure-box/

"We got a team together..." -Josh Foreman


Although, Josh Fore was the Team Coordinator, and had the initial idea for Super Adventure Box, it was an entire team that created it.

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I guess, even if we don't have w3 pr w4, they will add new stuffs. Like a new coloured weapon set, or upgrades that were planned for w3/w4. I just ask them one thing if they can't manage to make the two other worlds, it's to bring back w3-1 with the genie to unlock moto's lab in Rata Sum.


Also, thanks to the infos of a well known charr shaman present on Reddit, Underwater in SAB is functional, it's just that the worlds aren't created.

The next patch is indeed expected for the 31st, dunno if it will be for SAB.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > SAB is abandoned content. ANet never looks back at things. As much as I'd like to see W3 and W4, it won't happen.


> Yes for example, we'll never see Season 1 instances again...oh wait...


Thanks; was about to quote that. It was always unlikely to happens: Expansions, mounts, revisiting LS1, even Anet themselves were saying it recently though AFCs: "We aren't planning to reuse the character of scarlet" see where we are now....


EDIT: FOUND it! woohoo https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/997026#Comment_997026

I miss those Q&A debates. Was really fun.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > SAB is abandoned content. ANet never looks back at things. As much as I'd like to see W3 and W4, it won't happen.

> >

> > Yes for example, we'll never see Season 1 instances again...oh wait...


> Thanks; was about to quote that. It was always unlikely to happens: Expansions, mounts, revisiting LS1, even Anet themselves were saying it recently though AFCs: "We aren't planning to reuse the character of scarlet" see where we are now....


> EDIT: FOUND it! woohoo https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/997026#Comment_997026

> I miss those Q&A debates. Was really fun.


That was about using the character in stories moving forward, not about adding her back with season 1 content...

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