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scourge nerf wvw


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What if Anet make barrier affect 10 players but won’t stack with players that gain barrier initially from others?


About the aoe spam from scourge it’s just plain bad design from who ever made it... but give aoe circle spam it’s more simple effort to code... slackers.


Class could had really cool mechanics.

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> @"smithkt.8062" said:

> > @"Potatoface.1287" said:

> > Specsavers > topic title

> >


> I honestly have no idea what this means. I also have to admit after reading the OP again, I really have no idea what they are asking either. It's a jumbed mess of thoughts.


Just like scourge was designed and implemented.



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Basically what I feel is being asked is that when anet was adjusting the scourge they took to much away. While before the scourges had to much and now they have to little.


So basically its the old Goldy locks and the three bears story. While I fundamentally agree with this I don't have a solution to offer up to correct it. All I know is that playing scourge does not feel like playing scourge if that makes sense.

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y u hate scourge? is fun is love.


my post is more on the idea that scourge has 2 traits that can be removed. sand savant and harbinger shroud.


i u fight slayers xd for past few days xcept yesterday, u may notice i lead on warrior x scourge x dps guard and i am sure ar or bg small group felt our 4 man 6 man presence with scourge lead.


i will share vid soon as i am travelling so no good internet. point is, as scourge is gutted, there is very strong build that is not broken but requires fb like thinking.


although back to sand savant. its like normal f1 but longer cd wider range and 1 bullet. is pretty much a useless skill.



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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > Just play **revenant** or ele. Anet still hasnt comprehended their 1 shot abilities in blob fights and it will prolly take another 2 years before any nerf hits them.


> Keep up on the times.


That coalescence of ruin nerf wasnt much of a nerf at all. You still get easy 12k crits from that skill from revenants, even when playing full minstrel FB.


Remember when some patches ago anet "nerfed" necro shade to what was suppose to be what we see nowadays? Well guess what they slapped a 10 player cap onto their shades and that made them even stronger.


With the above sentence as an example, put that into perspective of revenants coalescence of ruin "nerf".

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To be fair, the problem with Cor is that it no longer works on elevated areas. :/ Of course everything else is still fine. If ppl chose to do action cam, it would still be great.


Any ele worth his salt can do decent scourge because the idea is the same. Range move, hide behind ur pocket fb alacrity rev. But the issue here is, you become weaker of you choose sand savant and that shouldn't be the case.


Slower skill CD. One bullet. Only plus is wide range of which a tight team can somple do by stacking for heal barrier scourge

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> sand savant needs something to make it not a self nerf. I dunno man seems like half of these pof specs are just designed horribly.


Well fb and spellb is perfect.


Renegade alacrity is nice. Pain absorp deals with condis

Barrier scourge is good damage mitigator.

And you got Holo smoke field apparently.



But sand savant is a self Nerf trait. ;/




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I don't see many scourges anymore. About 2 days ago, we had a party of 35 with 8 scourges but not one of them threw a shade (not sure why). It's not like they were dying, we were winning all the fights. But what's the point of even playing the class if you don't bother to use it's main mechanic (even if it's pretty underwhelming at the moment).

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I don't see many scourges anymore. About 2 days ago, we had a party of 35 with 8 scourges but not one of them threw a shade (not sure why). It's not like they were dying, we were winning all the fights. But what's the point of even playing the class if you don't bother to use it's main mechanic (even if it's pretty underwhelming at the moment).


It's because they got sand savant on. Take it out and they can spam Abit. Still hits 5 targets. Faster CD too.


Also on master trate they can take trait 2. Self shade gives barriers (ok and. Jig is up. I'm ready to be nerfed)


F1 plus alacrity is good barriers.


Healing scourge can rotate F1 with 6 f3 f5 ala perma aegis.


It is op man. I hope to see more of this in fights

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I don't see many scourges anymore. About 2 days ago, we had a party of 35 with 8 scourges...

Heh, I guess that is a question of definition. There are 9 classes in the game so those 8 scourges still made up more than their fair share of a squad of 50 as 8x9 far exceeds 50. Also, Scourge is only one spec within that class and your story does not reveal whether the squad had eg., Reapers.


All in all, no more than 8 Scourges sounds like better balance to me.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > Just play **revenant** or ele. Anet still hasnt comprehended their 1 shot abilities in blob fights and it will prolly take another 2 years before any nerf hits them.

> >

> > Keep up on the times.


> That coalescence of ruin nerf wasnt much of a nerf at all. You still get easy 12k crits from that skill from revenants, even when playing full minstrel FB.


> Remember when some patches ago anet "nerfed" necro shade to what was suppose to be what we see nowadays? Well guess what they slapped a 10 player cap onto their shades and that made them even stronger.


> With the above sentence as an example, put that into perspective of revenants coalescence of ruin "nerf".


Nobody cares about the damage nerf on cor, it isn't the reason hammer rev died.

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I don't know why they think that it's good idea give class barriers and almost spammable aoe skills that cover half of map. You know that you can't balance it. It's not that usefull in normal gameplay, but totally broken when zerg is full of those. These elitespecs are lame anyways. Everything is just spam spam spam nowadays.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > Just play **revenant** or ele. Anet still hasnt comprehended their 1 shot abilities in blob fights and it will prolly take another 2 years before any nerf hits them.

> > >

> > > Keep up on the times.

> >

> > That coalescence of ruin nerf wasnt much of a nerf at all. You still get easy 12k crits from that skill from revenants, even when playing full minstrel FB.

> >

> > Remember when some patches ago anet "nerfed" necro shade to what was suppose to be what we see nowadays? Well guess what they slapped a 10 player cap onto their shades and that made them even stronger.

> >

> > With the above sentence as an example, put that into perspective of revenants coalescence of ruin "nerf".


> Nobody cares about the damage nerf on cor, it isn't the reason hammer rev died.


Wait what? Hammer rev died? What dead server are you playing on as the revenant is the most played class in blobs. Heck even NA in EU not long ago steamrolled through my 50 man blob with 15 revs spiking everyone down in an instant 1-2 seconds.


In fact today i got even crited for 19,000 damage by 1 rev while playing on full marauder. FeelsBalancedMan

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > > Just play **revenant** or ele. Anet still hasnt comprehended their 1 shot abilities in blob fights and it will prolly take another 2 years before any nerf hits them.

> > > >

> > > > Keep up on the times.

> > >

> > > That coalescence of ruin nerf wasnt much of a nerf at all. You still get easy 12k crits from that skill from revenants, even when playing full minstrel FB.

> > >

> > > Remember when some patches ago anet "nerfed" necro shade to what was suppose to be what we see nowadays? Well guess what they slapped a 10 player cap onto their shades and that made them even stronger.

> > >

> > > With the above sentence as an example, put that into perspective of revenants coalescence of ruin "nerf".

> >

> > Nobody cares about the damage nerf on cor, it isn't the reason hammer rev died.


> Wait what? Hammer rev died? What dead server are you playing on as the revenant is the most played class in blobs. Heck even NA in EU not long ago steamrolled through my 50 man blob with 15 revs spiking everyone down in an instant 1-2 seconds.


> In fact today i got even crited for 19,000 damage by 1 rev while playing on full marauder. FeelsBalancedMan


If you got hit for 19k by a hammer rev I'd like to see the moments leading up to that...coughoutofpositiondownedstate25stacksofvulnerabilitycough...But yeah hammer rev op. And yeah...every time I join a zerg there is like 1 or 2 hammer revs and I am usually one of those 2... Then count scourges and firebrands...Then check arcdps and count how many fights hammer rev is even top 3 dps, you know, losing to lolglass scourges...


Play a hammer rev and count how many of your "big attacks" even do anything meaningful in the barrier/block fest that zerging has been for the past 2 years, or just how many times your cor fails its cascade. You can replace hammer revs and staff eles with scourges and nothing changes, and thats just whats happened, aka the full zerker scourge. Maybe things have changed in the past month after the scourge nerfs, I doubt it though. Right now its karma trains killing karma trains. Kind of hard to even say what needs balance from a pvp perspective when its really just pve.


>! CoR has been nerfed in damage multiple times in the past couple years. If we take your "19k" hit after last nerf and an old CoR before the damage nerfs it would be doing like what today? 40k? rofl yeah ok...

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