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selecting sand savant in wvw is now a self nerf with little benefit. what should be done with it?

Stand The Wall.6987

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Sand Savant was an inherently toxic trait ever since its conception that should have never even made it into beta weekend. Instead of nipping the bud early on, they decided to butcher the entire e-spec along the way. Not that I miss this e-spec having more of a presence, but my heart goes out to all you Necro players that have this sad husk of an e-spec.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Sand Savant should have been a PvE end-game support trait but it was OP in WvW, which is a perpetual Arenanet problem, so they busted it for all game modes. This is the normal approach.


Also a perpetual ANet problem: they nerfed everything *around the clear problem* first, then when they finally nerf the problem (in a bad way) they don't revert anything else they did.

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A double post, I'm aware, but I had a thought regarding replacing Sand Savant. What about replacing it with the following:


Desiccating Preservation

Whenever a Barrier your Scourge traits or skills applies is depleted through damage, gain 1% life force.


This would likely become the go-to support GM, as when your applied barriers are used to their fullest extent, you are rewarded, helping you to continue to support your allies. Support Scourge in raids could put a barrier up on the squad before a hit and get 10% life force back, which should be more than enough to use F3. It would not be very effective in solo scenarios, giving plenty of use for the other two Grandmasters. It also rewards proper barrier timing, rather than loading everything up to max before a push in WvW.


Downside? I don't know if the game actually tracks who applied a barrier after initial application.

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