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Long bow range needs to be NERF.


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > If you have problems against pewpew ranger ask for counter play instead of crying for a nerf.

> > Longbow is easy counter playable by baiting rapid fires and unblockables. Dodging, reflects, hiding behind objects or blocking.

> > The range isn't the issue it's that it is a noob filter and prevents accessability for new roamers.

> > Learn to play against rangers and see when it is favorable and when it is not.


> oh that helps you so much when the pew pew ranger stands on a wall and there is no way to break line of sight or hide behind anything.


> Ranger is one of three utterly broken classes. Just admit it. It is ok you want to keep your OP pet class. Must be fun to rapid fire, long-range-shot-barrage. But for everyone else they are a pest at best, destroying FUN.


Well rangers have a great advantage at range. Fighting them at range is pretty much a dumb idea. As I said: Try to counter play them. Thieves are very mobile and you can use that to your advantage.

Rangers that mostly focus on glass cannon builds lack stability so CC is a good choice.

Additionally you can easily close the gap if needed.

And tbh: i wouldn't want to fight any enemy that is on a wall you cannot climb that attacks me at range. Just gtfo and look for other opponents.

The LB is a good roaming weapon but it isn't the strongest part of ranger. It's not even the point I would nerf first, not that I would advocate for random nerfs without any reliable bias free data.

And the pets aren't really their strong suit either.


The probably strongest part if ranger is soulbeast and it's great versatility and the lack of an elite spec trade off.

But that's another topic.


Please before you ask for nerfs against rangers, ask how to play against them and you will often find ranger main players that actually admit that the class was to strong at certain points in the game.

But I wouldn't consider it OP atm. It's in a good spot in regards to the meta but it's neither all present nor oppressive.

Its an all time noob filter, that forces a learning curve for non ranger players.

Its not really something good but nothing OP.



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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> The ranger Long Bow range needs to be nerfed. This is because No other class even has range on a ranger


Let's nerf thief SB5 mobility because no other class has more mobility.

Let's nerf ele range aoe because no other class has that much ranger aoe.

Let's nerf every single class by just deleting them and adding only one class because this way nothing exists to have anything better.


Every class something better than others and in this case ranger has high range weapon that's slow, has no mobility skills, no team support like boons or healing, line of sight gets broken by a pebble and its useless if someone has a bubble.





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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> No matter if people point out its broken people who play them will still say and defend that they are not broken, and don't need to be nerved.



Ppl say it's not broken because they actually played it.

I honestly don't like longbow due to the lack of mobility, versatility and damage drop off when enemies close in.

Its bad against warriors, guardians, mesmer and holos.

Its decent against thieves and damn effective against necros.


Overall it has just a huge ass range that a lot of ppl don't know how to handle. And demand nerfs instead of asking for counter play.


Rangers don't benefit the most from longbow. It's other aspects that make ranger formidable to play against.

Like stacking sic'em buffs on yourself as a soulbeast etc.

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For fighting, yea, sure go ahead and cap it flat at 1500. Idc.


In 90% of fights, you're not utilizing more than 1000-1100 range anyway. And in the other 10%, you utilize 1200-1400. Unless you're a tower camper. yea, they are annoying. But they aren't OP at all. Not even close. After soulbeast lost unblockable by trait, it's really easy to avoid their burst.


Again I don't want to advocate for something that would make my life harder... But.. get some blocks/reflects, perhaps?

I don't see people , who run 0 condi cleansing in their build, complain condi builds are OP. Nah bruh, just get condi cleanse. Bothered by soulbeast LB? Get a block or reflect. A lot of classes have it.


Also, when it comes to siege(wvw), I feel like ranger deserves the extra range, as they are basically completely useless in group fights bigger than 5. Especially if you run longbow...



which is what this thread is about.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> > Only the thief is able to compare but at a disadvantage because he is forced to sit and is immobile.

> And that should cause everyone to completely disregard this thread because its utterly nonsensical.




I think he meant DE but I'm guessing he missed the memo of the longbow nerfs in recent patches...

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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> The ranger Long Bow range needs to be nerfed. This is because No other class even has range on a ranger which is a major disadvantaged being able to destroy siege in WvW at far range is totally unbalanced. Only the thief is able to compare but at a disadvantage because he is forced to sit and is immobile.


> Devs. this is an unbalanced mechanic.


Imagine thief being immobile xD.


It kinda is yes. You cannot shoot while walking. But it can teleport away, and away and away, and away,... While being stealthed.


Pretty op as well.


Even though I just want to see 3 major nerfs for thief:

1. Nerf to permastealth as it's super unfun to play against

2. Nerf of vault dmg or remove the evade frame (hitting 18k on tanky enemies, while also evading is not ok)

3. Nerf to that portal, as it makes defending structures completely pointless, if a thief got in and placed it's portal. -> no counterplay available, as the thief can just wait outside of the structure to Port (others) back in.

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Was in discord last night, and had to listen to the commander disparage ranger's once again. Thought it was pretty much done with when the majority of our wvw guilds left our server...but there it was again last night, with me getting an earful. I hit elementalist that wear armor that has a bonus to cause CHILL if their struck...allowing them to run away and get out of range of my bow. Or get pulled in by a dragonhunter, and get burned into a crisp at close range. Or attempt to keep my distance from a scourge who wants me to get within his field to suck my soul dry....seriously....longbow is the only thing I got to help keep me alive at distance. You want a piece of me, you have to get up and close, or be able to maneuver fast like a thief and get outside of spitting distance of my bow. You have evades, use them. Between Runes, sigils, several skills on all classes, you have any number of options to make my longbow completely useless. Condi/tanks.....eat my longbow up like they were nothing more than flowers being flung down onto Caesar upon his victorious return to Rome. So no, don't touch my longbow.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> Was in discord last night, and had to listen to the commander disparage ranger's once again. Thought it was pretty much done with when the majority of our wvw guilds left our server...but there it was again last night, with me getting an earful. I hit elementalist that wear armor that has a bonus to cause CHILL if their struck...allowing them to run away and get out of range of my bow. Or get pulled in by a dragonhunter, and get burned into a crisp at close range. Or attempt to keep my distance from a scourge who wants me to get within his field to suck my soul dry....seriously....longbow is the only thing I got to help keep me alive at distance. You want a piece of me, you have to get up and close, or be able to maneuver fast like a thief and get outside of spitting distance of my bow. You have evades, use them. Between Runes, sigils, several skills on all classes, you have any number of options to make my longbow completely useless. Condi/tanks.....eat my longbow up like they were nothing more than flowers being flung down onto Caesar upon his victorious return to Rome. So no, don't touch my longbow.


well you are the only ranger i know that has trouble running away.


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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> well you are the only ranger i know that has trouble running away.


I love how your answer to that whole wall of text was argument that work in favor of LB having it's range.

Ranger can run away only if they have range between them and the target and:

-enemy has no mobility to match their 2 dashes

-they get behind something to buy time for mount up(works only when enemy has no spear)

-they're close to a building they can hide in

-enemy is not mounted

So without LB range ranger will just get caught and obliterated because you sit without merge boons and GS in hand after trying to escape.

Also after nerfs the whole combo only works well on terrible players because good player can just evade/block/heal and run away or run at you depending on class.



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Didn't LB get nerfed like 3+ times already in the last few patches, -scaling with distance a ~10%dps nerf, sick em nerf, less unblock acces and adding -10damage reduc food for everyone to use.


Going full glass hardly justifies the damage on LB these days, adding even more nerfs would mean it's gonna have to change to a condi weapon at this rate to still do some damage.

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> @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.


Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

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> @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.


> Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.


You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.


So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> >

> > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.


> You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.


> So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.


Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.

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> @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> > >

> > > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

> >

> > You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.

> >

> > So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.


> Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.


Yea so I don't get what the point of the previous post was lol

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> > > >

> > > > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

> > >

> > > You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.

> > >

> > > So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.

> >

> > Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.


> Yea so I don't get what the point of the previous post was lol


“Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.”


This one?


Basically having range is fairly useless due to reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers and warclaw, having more range will only lead to other classes whinging more about our range, despite having an abundance of ways to nullify our range.

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> @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > > > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> > > > >

> > > > > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

> > > >

> > > > You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.

> > > >

> > > > So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.

> > >

> > > Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.

> >

> > Yea so I don't get what the point of the previous post was lol


> “Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.”


> This one?


> Basically having range is fairly useless due to reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers and warclaw, having more range will only lead to other classes whinging more about our range, despite having an abundance of ways to nullify our range.


Ah. Yea. I agree. I'm assuming most of these complaints come from wvw where there is more flat terrain and towers to hide in. But even in wvw the range usually isn't a problem. Unless you're playing an melee only build with no gap closers lol

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > > > > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

> > > > >

> > > > > You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.

> > > > >

> > > > > So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.

> > > >

> > > > Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.

> > >

> > > Yea so I don't get what the point of the previous post was lol

> >

> > “Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.”

> >

> > This one?

> >

> > Basically having range is fairly useless due to reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers and warclaw, having more range will only lead to other classes whinging more about our range, despite having an abundance of ways to nullify our range.


> Ah. Yea. I agree. I'm assuming most of these complaints come from wvw where there is more flat terrain and towers to hide in. But even in wvw the range usually isn't a problem. Unless you're playing an melee only build with no gap closers lol


Yeah, they do come from wvw more so then pvp for that very reason haha

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> @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > > > > > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.

> > > >

> > > > Yea so I don't get what the point of the previous post was lol

> > >

> > > “Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.”

> > >

> > > This one?

> > >

> > > Basically having range is fairly useless due to reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers and warclaw, having more range will only lead to other classes whinging more about our range, despite having an abundance of ways to nullify our range.

> >

> > Ah. Yea. I agree. I'm assuming most of these complaints come from wvw where there is more flat terrain and towers to hide in. But even in wvw the range usually isn't a problem. Unless you're playing an melee only build with no gap closers lol


> Yeah, they do come from wvw more so then pvp for that very reason haha


Yea. And if you play melee-600 range build with no gap closers, you're just being countered, doesn't mean the range is "OP"

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> > > > > > > > > Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You don't need the range. The only thing it's really good for is destroying siege. I can't even remember the last fight I was in, which wasn't chasing down a thief trying to get away on shortbow, where I utilized anything more than 1400-1500. 90% of the time you'll be at most 1200 range.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So unless you're running a bird build where you continuously keep ""kiting"" away and spam longbow and nothing else, I don't see why you would care that range got flat capped at 1500.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nah, I don’t care if range is capped as most of the fighting I do is a lot closer than 1000 range.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yea so I don't get what the point of the previous post was lol

> > > >

> > > > “Increasing range will never happen, too many other classes complain about our range as is, while sporting more than enough reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers as well as warclaw in wvw to make our current range useless.”

> > > >

> > > > This one?

> > > >

> > > > Basically having range is fairly useless due to reflects, blocks, stealth, gap closers and warclaw, having more range will only lead to other classes whinging more about our range, despite having an abundance of ways to nullify our range.

> > >

> > > Ah. Yea. I agree. I'm assuming most of these complaints come from wvw where there is more flat terrain and towers to hide in. But even in wvw the range usually isn't a problem. Unless you're playing an melee only build with no gap closers lol

> >

> > Yeah, they do come from wvw more so then pvp for that very reason haha


> Yea. And if you play melee-600 range build with no gap closers, you're just being countered, doesn't mean the range is "OP"


Nope, it doesn’t. But it also doesn’t stop other classes from complaining about it being OPed. As my girl Taytay once said “haters gonna hate, hate, hate” ahha

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If only ranger was vulnerable when you got to close range. Right now rangers a pew pew big damage from 1500 range safe mode. You got to blow a bunch of skills to make into combat radius just to have him disappear or turn invulnerable or use their insane mobility to get back into 1500 pew pew safe mode. That is why everyone hates pew pew rangers, it's too powerful for such a low skill.

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