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tired of spammy wars


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I was loggin on pvp just to to dailes and on weekends some matches.


Last one is really my last, getting CCed in some way evey every 2 seconds, anytime i click on enemy i can see always 5+ boons. Even the ranger pet has boons like a shout guardian! Ofc CCed til one shoted by some combo like Dead Eye + anything else damage spammer like a reaper, or reaper + one shot dragonhunter.


I wanst never worried about losses, but theres not fun even in losing every more.


This game will be never balanced while everyone can be everything, just all mechanics are simply spammed now, the only way to have a minimal fun is moving to some bunker build, but hey, if they nerf everything theres will be a bunker spam too because near all classes have a bunker build.


The meta now is a mix of one-shooter builds + evades/gimmicks spammers, and a bit off CC. Boons become a thing that rain from heaven, i wonder which class cant grant a least have 2~3 active boons.


The only class i feel is on right place is warrior, at least when fighting warrior, i can see where damage come from, and where i should hit, warriors are a pain in the neck, but are by far the most fair fighters even using CC.

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What gets me is the sheer amount of imobilizes,daze,stun,chill,slow etc etc etc constantly being thrown around on top of the hard cc's. It's no wonder gw2 never gets new players to play pvp more than a few matches. I can imagine new players trying to get into gw2 pvp scene lol match starts and first fight dazed and chilled,skills are on forced cd or can't use skills,second later immobilized can't move, all while condi circles are all around them on top of the condis on them than downstate in a matter of seconds. Rinse and repeat and handful of matches never returns lol. Honestly the gw2 skill design team failed hard differentiating skills that would be suitable for pve and that would be suitable for pvp as the are vastly different dynamics.

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In some games (sadly when my teammates are bad) I can get CCed 50-60 times. There is no fucking way this is working as intended. Then of course it is not only CC spam, it is also boon spam, RiP spam and condi spam. Will there be a change? Probably not in a useful fashion.

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There needs to be a cooldown on how often the player can be CC'd. There are no legitimate gameplay elements which would be damaged by it existing, it would exclusively serve to stop stunlocking which is a completely real part of the game now. Even in a 1v1, classes like warrior or even thief can stunlock the player and that's warriors entire gimmick is turning off the enemy player while constantly unloading absurd burst. The moment you get into a teamfight at any point though you are just immediately dead if the enemy team decides to unlock CC all at once as they can completely lock you down. There's no way to stop it from happening, since it would require you to be able to just completely avoid the entire enemy team while still being in combat.


It makes playing as a bunker so pointless since having a bunch of sustain means nothing when players can just disallow you from playing the game by stacking constant CC so you physically can't do anything. Even playing as a bunker with lots of stability generation it barely defends against CC spam at all because there's so much of it versus stability generation or stunbreaks.


But then again if they were going to fix CC spam they'd also need to fix all the one-shot burst builds, the condition builds that can stack more condition than it's physically possible to cleanse, the perma evade builds, the perma stealth builds, so on.

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Another thread about CC? Get used to get CCed till you die when some classes get together. Was allways like this from start.

Is funny to see that skill you really really need refreshing and refreshing again and again. Anet ownes some keyboard keys already after all this years XD ......

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> make a thread complaining about cc and boon spam

> -> say warriors are ok

> the kings of cc and boon spam

> warrior player found


Warrior does have high cc but it's one of the few specs that need a lot by design. Imagine warrior didnt have a daze on shield or knockdown on bullscharge lol thier kit would be hilariously garbage. Ud have to use politely ask ur opponent to stand there while u complete gs2 on them, both gs3,gs4 and gs5 are skills that are very easily dodge able especially when started from more than 300 range from its opponent. It's a class designed around aving to cc first then burst, anyone who's fought or played warrior learns its tell quicker than the can on others by far. Where as say thief,mirage,ranger etc etc can set up different forms of burst without the need to hard cc do to their kits having more ways to give them opportunities to land them without cc.

Other than meme one shot rifle crap ofcourse but every class has that garbage to.

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