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( new player ) i don't really get it about excessive cash-shop


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> @"omarxz.5837" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > So, no constructive criticism? Only complaining?

> >

> > You don't have to purchase anything from the gem store to play the game. Or, you could play the game and convert gold to gems to buy things from the gem store.

> >

> > I don't understand the point of the thread.


> my issue is not understanding why buy expansion while you put most of your visual progression behind cash-shop otherwise just make the game f2p same how blade and soul do the same thing but its 100% free and there is alot of legit and cool costumes from ingame content in blade and soul and not just cashshop , but compare to guild wars 2 armor of game ingame armor i mean is so bad looking and bad effort put into it compare to cash-shop one


> "You don't have to purchase anything from the gem store to play the game" did i mention p2w or something ?? no so i don't understand??


To be honest most people dont use a ton of things from the gem shop to make their characters look good. Depending on your race and if you have x packs or not base game armor skins can look really really good and if you want some glow you can always work your way up to owning legendaries. There are also some craftable exotics you cant get with common drops which are also nice.


Most players use like between 1 and 3 gem store items for fashion at most

Things like

Style kit (to get exotic hair styles and or eye colors / faces)

A weapon skin or two. (Which can be bought on the tp from other players for gold) just keep any eye on the ones you want as prices tend to jump up and down on different weapon skins.


Most players dont use outfits unless its just like a base brand new character or the just personally really like that outfit. Because most outfits cant be combined with base armors in the game any more you have to chose between using only the outfit or using mostly just base game armor skins.


There is a gw2 website for fashion where you can see all kinds of fashion for different races and ideas people come up with and it list the exact items and dyes they use. Some times base game armor is more impressive than you think. It might look like crap till you see someone make really good use of it. Then your mind explodes and you spend 7-8 hours of game time trying to make your own thing around one armor..... dont judge me!!!! lol


Blade and soul (being something ive played a good bit in the past) has some nice looking armor but there were very few armors i liked personally and the combat was heavily polished while the rest of the game was not. I think gw2 meets a nice overall ground of polish.




This might help your fashion cravings a bit you can even search by armor weight or race etc. You might get some inspiration without things leaning too heavy into the gem store. Hope you can find something that works for you.


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is a matter of taste or design..


im many mmos i play the over-shiny stuff is cash shop... armours/weapons from non-cash are more "sober", is probably to avoid too much immersion break.


but some sets would fit more in pve rewards ........, for example [war god weapons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/War_God%27s_weapon_skins), when i see the Pof leaks, i imagined the balthazar greatsword will be the "big reward" after final battle, then it comes as gem store stuff..


Even heavy Pay-to-win like neverwinter put effort into good look armours/weapons as reward..., not only that, but they make a visually coeherent set, like avatar of war armour+avatar of war weapons, and so on,...., also titles. In GW2 is extremy hard to find this... get the revenant for exemple, u have armor, a title(mistwarden), but dont have the weapons or backpiece, they re "lost", and only 1~2 years later they released [3 revenant weapons skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_weapons). Its a old complaint of mine why Anet hate so much make a complete gear/theme.

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When a game offers you nothing else but endless chores, then there is a problem, specially if they later remove rewards and lock them behind a price tag, i wouldn't mind paying if the game is doing fine, but fine would be an overstatment right now.

IMO the quality overall is sinking further on each new release, they abandoned every single game mode except single players story mode and the cash shop, they put way more effort they should on that, and even charge us for stuff thats badly implemented like templates, if grinding for gold to buy shiny crap would be at least somewhat enjoyable or fun that wouldn't be a problem neither but no, it's the most tedious, boring and repetitive thing you can do. Yet it's all what anet cares right now, we are beeing milked, with a few carrots to keep us hooked thinking the game has some future, yet they aren't even working on setting up this future, they are just focusing on selling more and more crap.

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