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Loading times after patch


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My loading times increased by roughly 150% with this patch. Nvidia asus 1060 gaming card. Up-to-date drivers, windows7, windowed fullscreen, medium graphics settings. Nothing changed except the game was patched. Doesnt matter which zone. The maploadinfo shows that models are slower being loaded then Im used to, so Im guessing its related to that.

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same experience here with nvidia 1080, spending so much more time on models, and loading into any map is taking up 5x longer than it used to in my case. even with all the graphics settings at their lowest, its the same situation.


on a different computer with just intel gfx, everything still loads in the same amount of time as before the patch

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1. Logging into the game in Divinities -> 92sec loading screen

2. Porting to Aerodrome -> 67sec loading screen

3. Loading into raid instance -> 52sec loading screen

4. Porting to endboss -> <10sec loading screen


Before patch that whole "port journey" would take me less than 60 seconds, considering DR is full atm due to festival, thats an increase of > 200%. The more models that have to be loaded, the worse the loading screen.

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Yeah, using a GTX 1080 too, I just looked at a loading screen to some unpopulated map for 90 seconds, which used to take about 10 to 15? I don't even know, it was so fast I never had a reason to check but now I'm sitting there watching the models counter go up extremely slowly while the map load info says assets are 100% loaded for most of the time. This is pretty awful.



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I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue, now I can even say that its now slightly faster than it was before the patch, where my loading times were 15 to 20 seconds, now are 10 to 15 seconds. If you want to try it, search google how to find your appdata folder (windows), then find the GW2 folder inside the \roaming folder.

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> @"Umbramagna.9268" said:

> I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue, now I can even say that its now slightly faster than it was before the patch, where my loading times were 15 to 20 seconds, now are 10 to 15 seconds. If you want to try it, search google how to find your appdata folder (windows), then find the GW2 folder inside the \roaming folder.


Dag nabbit! I had completely spaced on deleting the local.dat file as a possible fix--especially as I know it works wonders for other wonky performance issues.


I deleted the local.cat file just now and loading times are slightly better than before the patch. So this is a GOOD THING!


Thank you for your post, it helped resolve this post patch issue! <3




UPDATE: AT FIRST this seems to resolve the issue, but the more I play, the longer the load times become. Ugg! :angry:


ANOTHER UPDATE: Following fusioncon.3269's advice to remove the "mapLoadInfo" command line argument has resolve the issue for me: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1136690/#Comment_1136690 ?

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> @"Umbramagna.9268" said:

> I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue, now I can even say that its now slightly faster than it was before the patch, where my loading times were 15 to 20 seconds, now are 10 to 15 seconds. If you want to try it, search google how to find your appdata folder (windows), then find the GW2 folder inside the \roaming folder.


This worked for me also, DR loading time went from 30 sec back down to 10. Cheers


edit: Doesn't seem to be a stable fix, loading times are high again after restarting the game.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> My loading times increased by roughly 150% with this patch.


Mine, too. I was really irritated by that last night. At first, I thought it was a temporary local issue, but it's not. The loading times persist to be extremely slow.


> @"Umbramagna.9268" said:

> I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue


Thanks, will do the same.

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> @"Umbramagna.9268" said:

> I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue, now I can even say that its now slightly faster than it was before the patch, where my loading times were 15 to 20 seconds, now are 10 to 15 seconds. If you want to try it, search google how to find your appdata folder (windows), then find the GW2 folder inside the \roaming folder.


deleting local.dat did not improve the situation in my case. the very first load-in, with the graphics setting at default due to the local.dat being recreated, was better, but after putting all the graphics settings back to where they were, it's back to being horrible again.


and just to quantify "horrible" for my case:

- prior to this patch most zones/instances loaded in less than 10 seconds, some as quickly as 5 seconds (like Guild Hall). Only Mistlock Sanctuary, or DR during a festival, took longer, but still usually loaded under 20 seconds.

- after the patch most zones take up to 30 seconds to load, guild hall takes over 20 seconds, DR (festival) and Mistlock take up to 60 seconds

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after troubleshooting this by clearing local.dat and running client repairs with no improvement, it looks like the -mapLoadInfo argument is the actual problem (at least in my case):


- after removing that argument from my computer with an nvidia gpu that was taking up to 5x longer to load maps, and load times are back to where they were pre-patch.


- adding that argument to various other computers who were not using it prior, and whose load times seemed to be unaffected by this patch, those computer's load times become 2x to 5x longer (this is across a range of hardware configurations that all performed differently prior). removing the argument from those computers reverts the load times back to whatever they were for that particular computer.


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