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Why does the match quality seem so poor in ranked this season?


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The system needs a certain amount of people for it to fully work like it should

Players still join ranked when they don't know how to pvp instead of learning in unranked - but that's because unranked doesn't give you anything for new players.

Balance is a complete mess right now - hard CC multiple times and burst with mesmer being a clone duck feast lol

I bet the communication in the team is mininum.

Time of day i find is a factor as well

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It's just the problem of low population with the matchmaker.

Your scenario is just you being the "top player" on your team, duelling or 1vxing the enemies "low players", and the enemies "top player/s" are pummeling the rest of your team. Either their high rated are just better/faster than you, or your lower rated are slower/more squishy than theirs.

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> The system needs a certain amount of people for it to fully work like it should

> Players still join ranked when they don't know how to pvp instead of learning in unranked - but that's because unranked doesn't give you anything for new players.

> Balance is a complete mess right now - hard CC multiple times and burst with mesmer being a clone duck feast lol

> I bet the communication in the team is mininum.

> Time of day i find is a factor as well


Perhaps thats it, i need to switch to a more offensive build and secure the kills quicker. Its just odd ive been having alot more fun in unranked against comps

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> @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> It's just the problem of low population with the matchmaker.

> Your scenario is just you being the "top player" on your team, duelling or 1vxing the enemies "low players", and the enemies "top player/s" are pummeling the rest of your team. Either their high rated are just better/faster than you, or your lower rated are slower/more squishy than theirs.


So what would be better then? Switching to a higher mob/offense build or seeking team engagements more in order to try to negate the "better" players. This season just seems really hard to influence a match.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> > It's just the problem of low population with the matchmaker.

> > Your scenario is just you being the "top player" on your team, duelling or 1vxing the enemies "low players", and the enemies "top player/s" are pummeling the rest of your team. Either their high rated are just better/faster than you, or your lower rated are slower/more squishy than theirs.


> So what would be better then? Switching to a higher mob/offense build or seeking team engagements more in order to try to negate the "better" players. This season just seems really hard to influence a match.


I think high burst/mob is always better for solo q.


If you're below gold 2 tankness can the way to go as they tunnel vision you and if you kite well enough you'll have 3 ppl trying to kill you the whole game

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> > It's just the problem of low population with the matchmaker.

> > Your scenario is just you being the "top player" on your team, duelling or 1vxing the enemies "low players", and the enemies "top player/s" are pummeling the rest of your team. Either their high rated are just better/faster than you, or your lower rated are slower/more squishy than theirs.


> So what would be better then? Switching to a higher mob/offense build or seeking team engagements more in order to try to negate the "better" players. This season just seems really hard to influence a match.


I think both can be good. I prefer the team engagements option personally as at lower levels (thus with lower players) they tend to like to big zerg run around the map fights, so if you can ensure fast, hard team fight wins (plus help negate their higher players, unless they are roaming) you can usually kind of steam roll the map.


Obviously mobility is king if your team can at least hold a while in team fights as you can just secure the map and then + into team fights etc. But in your example, your team is just not surviving long enough to capitalize on side nodes.

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If you trapped in low elo try support. Decent elo u can play team fighter maybe some side node can help carry you. Top tier elo you definitely want a duo which should almost always have a roamer, roamers are busted rn but shine the brightest in matches that are at least close which is why it’s best with a duo

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> Im wimning side node 1v1s, tying down 1vxs, yet I just see 1 or two teammates could constantly comming off of spawn. Legit matches are starting to feel like when you get a dc or afker. Its only a problem in ranked.


you dont win games by sitting on the sides, you can sit on a side and chain kill your oponent 15 times back to back to back and it wont matter becouse FB stomps your entire team into dust mid becouse he keeps the necro alive.

If you wanna actually carry games play roaming, fast moving specs. Glass cannon ranger, 1shot core mes, thief, rev.

You can carry with those.

You will 100% have unwinnable games.

you will 100% have games where you get trashed on due to glass cannon nature.

But if you are good, and if you are consistent and if you make right decisions, go to right places and focus the right targets you will hard carry MUCH better then farting on a node as autowin weaver or some other sidenoding bunker crap.



problem of sidenoders, no matter how terrible the player can be, he can tie you down.

he can run down to a node and chain feed, and you HAVE to defend against him.

expecially a thief, no matter how poorly he can play, if his team is winning 4v4 he will force you to do nothing but watch as your team loses, just becouse he moves faster.

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I think with thiefs spamming dodge for a long period of time and mesmer having a huge uptime of being invulnerable then weavers dodging and bursting with fire condi most random casual players really have no chance of winning which makes the matchmaking not too enjoyable for non duo Q people

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> > It's just the problem of low population with the matchmaker.

> > Your scenario is just you being the "top player" on your team, duelling or 1vxing the enemies "low players", and the enemies "top player/s" are pummeling the rest of your team. Either their high rated are just better/faster than you, or your lower rated are slower/more squishy than theirs.


> So what would be better then? Switching to a higher mob/offense build or seeking team engagements more in order to try to negate the "better" players. This season just seems really hard to influence a match.


That is very situational. Some matches it may be best if you ran a thief for peel decap +, but other matches it may be better if you logged in as a FB to support a team fight presence.


Really the best thing you can do is learn to play at least two different job roles. This way you can swap to what your team could benefit from the most from at the time.


But truth be told, I would say that 75% of the time, if you had to bank on one type of build only for the best chance at carrying a match, it would be high mobility high dps.

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1) Game has really snowbally mechanics, like rally. Even if the underdog team does manage to get a down theres almost no chance the enemy team is gonna let them stomp


2) Classes are really snowbally with huge amounts of burst, etc.


2a) Classes are rockpaperscissor-y. Which isnt bad in of itself, but really forced team interdependence. Think necro vs most thief builds. Unless the necro's ally thief is on their game, there probably isnt much the necro can do.


Ultimately, gw2 is a game with tons of things that rewards momentum but very few (if any) that help the team lacking momentum to check it.


Snowbally mechanics combined with a class and team design where struggling players can not only harm your team just because they dont contribute very much, but can actually help the other team and fully undo your good play/enemy mistakes, results in...what we currently have.

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The matchmaking in this game is take it or leave it. If there's less people playing, you will get whatever it can find for you. Whatever it can find for you is usually trash; metagamers, bots, and pip-farmers. Actual players encounter these types of 'players' all the time, and they quit because of them.


People quitting is a self-perpetuating problem because it only leads to more people quitting. It's why after 7 seasons match quality can still get noticeably worse.


And it's true what people are saying, just get a DuoQ and you won't notice. It doesn't actually solve anything, and you might get bored of being matched with the same people over and over, but at least you won't be losing as much.

Let's hope that there's always some gullible chumps willing not to DuoQ though, because without at least 2 SoloQ players, nobody would even get to play at all. ?



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I don't know exactly the answer, but my educated guess is just reiterating what most ppl have already stated.


I will say this...with no hesitation. PvP talent, lopsided teams, and wintrading, is the worst I have ever seen in any of the seasons, since season 1.


I play unranked now.

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