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Some Mythology classes would be cool


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Werewolves and Vampires are cliche, but only because of how they're expressed in most forms of media. If done correctly, they can either be awesome or horrifying. I would love to see a Vamp or Lycan class make its way into GW2, properly fleshed out with some impact on the lore at the very least. Thoughts?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > About the Lycan, you can do that now. Pick a Norn and use the Norn Racial skill, ‘Become the Wolf.’

> >

> > [Norn in the Wolf form](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/0d/Become_the_Wolf.jpg)

> >

> > That’s in game and fully fleshed out in the lore.

> Thats really just a Norn with more hair though.



I thought that would be a charr.

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I must say that vampires and lycans weren't what I have in mind when I saw the word "mythology".


That said you could probably pull it off for revenants because they can probably make a deal with an ancient wolf (they are common in tyria so that's possible) or vampyre (I'm sure I've seen some in HoT) to channel a set of skills and traits that can give the illusion of a passable vampire or lycan.

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You mean like a Rusalka, Brownie, Bogel, Selkie, Sytr, Nymph, Wendigo, Goblin, Leviathan, Golem, Sphynx, Chupacabra, Yeti, titan, demon, imp, sprite, banshee, dryad, Kami, Oni, or Baba Yaga? Mythical creatures like that? No?


I don't know how well they'd really work, honestly. Dryad for ranger might be cool. Or Wendigo for necromancer.

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Vampirism is heavily covered by Necromancer (mechanically). Lycanthrophy - norn and their werewolf form. And then there's the werebear, wereleopard, wereraven, not to mention some possessed/psycho warriors talking to themselves (they say it's spirits) and pretending they're dragons, centaurs, dwarves and even demons. Last case is not considered metal illness if they're tax collectors or lawyers - that's just declaration of self awareness.


First diagnosed case: Rytlock Brimstone and numbers are growing. Could be a malicious infection affecting the nervous system, especially the brain. Or some unknown drug. Whatever it is, it got fair amount of Tyrians high as kite..

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