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Mounts in WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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I can't be the only one that feels going way too slow around Wvw. Do you think that it would be a good idea to add mounts in WvW?

Obviously the engage would be deactivated (it would be a joke to be able to engage with mounts). And just like glider you should be able to mount only in the areas your server owns.

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My reason for "No". Just hear me out.

I play on a server that outside of NA period is almost always outnumbered on all maps. (TC & CD)

To make matters worse, we often lose our keep/towers during this period.

Most of the time we get spawn camped when trying to get back to keep or towers.

So, you saying that you can use mounts in your areas...which in this case our keep is taken over by enemy. They can ride mounts, we can't.

Enemy will sit there on keep gate on their mount all night and ride into us when we get there or manage to get inside keep and press 1....so no i disagree about mounts in wvw (unless Anet comes up with a fix/rule for this).

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maps are to small to enjoy a mount... how fast can you cross a map like Metrica Province or Diessa Plateau on a mount? now imagine another player racing towards you from the opposite side at the same increased rate.


Yay bumper mounts and another broken WvW balance. No thank you.


Now if they build a map with a much larger scale, i'd be all for mounts on that map.

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I say no because the maps are way to small for them. The other thing is we already deal with lag hard core. Having a huge zerg rush in on raptors will only make the lag worse. I would rather the wvw crew focus on trying to get a semi balance class system going as well as fixing our server imbalance first.

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I'm not entirely fond of allowing opponents to move faster in their own territory - which is how I feel this mechanic would be implemented. If one server lost traction, it would be impossible to pick it up again. I think I would make this a "Yes" if it were implemented differently - like you could only mount up around a camp, and "Sentry’s" could lay traps to immediately dismount enemy units. This would make scouting all the more important, and be a lot more interesting IMO.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> How about mounts in the Desert Borderlands? Might make the place more played (cuts down the map size which people were upset about).


> Just allow raptor and remove its engage ability & masteries.


More played? Gliding already made more people play that map and change their mind about it. No need for mounts.

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One of the appeals of this game for me originally was the lack of mounts in the first place. They water down too much of a game for me in almost every way. Though I am a primarily a WvW player anyway, it has caused me to avoid PvE to the point that I probably only PvE 1% of the time I did before. Gliding ruined the game for me enough as it is, because they designed the game around it and I do not desire to have multiple levels of verticality that turn any trip to reach any point into a despicable jumping puzzle like most of the HoT maps and some of the annoying aspects of the desert BL.


The WvW maps are designed with travel time in mind. if you are upset about the time it takes you to get places, you either picked the wrong game mode or should stop playing poorly enough that you die and have to run back often enough to be annoyed to make the 5,286th poll on this topic just since the new forums released.

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I think it could work in a map as large as the desert bl but not the alpine. Though with how twisty and turn-y keeps and so forth are in desert, most likely glider is just as good as any mount when you know where your going and how to get there. If they did a new map made of it then maybe. Otherwise on our current maps I don't see it working out well and pretty pointless as the glider does a fine job and getting us around.

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