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Will there be a expansion pack after path of fire for gw2


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From what we've gathered over the last couple of years, it seems that ArenaNet doesn't actually want to do full-fledged expansions and since living story wasn't enough to keep people playing long enough, they are now trying the Saga format which is sort of a Living Story + concept.


It seems to me that ArenaNet is trying everything they can to avoid making expansions and even the existing expansions have more to do with NcSoft telling them to do it rather than they themselves wanting to. It's a shame that they have this attitude because it's what the game probably needs most of all. It's odd because on the one hand they don't seem to prioritize the share holders or the customers but what they want themselves and try to convince everybody that this is what they want. It failed with NcSoft as we saw last year and I think that a lot of players still would like to see expansions every couple of years to keep the game fresh.


All they currently do generally is more of the same, just packaged in new colors. So I can log in for a week or two every new Saga and leave again. Or I can save a few up and play a little longer, but then the community already moved on from the older stuff. And it really is just more of the same. I will say I haven't seen these strike missions yet so can't comment on that. I really wonder if it's something that people were really waiting for though.


Anyways, at the moment we are in the Saga phase which ArenaNet hopes will be successful enough to turn the downtrend in revenue around. I doubt it will but it does mean that we won't see another expansion for a while if at all, unless NcSoft gets upset again and tells them to do it.


It's annoying cause they stuck us with LS content for a while because they were secretly working on other projects until NcSoft had enough and told them to cancel those and cut their staff by more than a third. Think of what they could've done with those resources they took away from the game.


Mind you, I get that they wanted to do something else too cause you can't live on just one game forever but I do feel they've taken the player base for granted and haven't recovered from that... maybe a little but not really.

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Honestly without new elite specs or meaningful masteries (not extremely zone prohibited masteries like "raven lock") then they've 100% failed at delivering "expansion-like" content in this "saga."


HoT added gliding along with masteries that are useful in almost every single zone in the game. Gliding can be utilized almost anywhere. PoF added mounts which again are fun and can be used in almost every single zone in the game. So far the masteries released in this saga can be used in.... the latest map and ONLY the latest map.


Elite specs were an amazing addition to the game to add onto our current characters and mix up some build diversity without having to roll completely new characters just to play a new "class". If elite specs are being abandoned now, that leaves almost nothing to look forward to in the future for something new an exciting to change up our current characters.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I thought that what was being released now was supposed to be "expansion-like" content? To me, that meant that all of the things that we would expect to see in an expansion would be released over time so that at the end of the LS chapter, we would have that expansion content.

You always have to be careful with marketing slogans. As ArenaNet explained they are putting things in Sagas that is content that they would normally only did as part of an expansion. It doesn't mean that the scale of any of it is expansion size but just a type of content that normally they would reserve for expansions.


I guess these new strike missions or whatever are expansion-like or rather expansion-type content but it really is just another excuse not to do a proper expansion. The funny thing is that it also gives them a cop-out for doing things that people expect from an expansion but now not have to do, like new classes or specializations or new regions like Cantha. To be fair, the game is already too big and they really misjudged the whole zone thing from the start but overall my guess is that two years worth of Saga content is still not going to deliver the same as an expansion + LS chapters did.


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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> Honestly without new elite specs or meaningful masteries (not extremely zone prohibited masteries like "raven lock") then they've 100% failed at delivering "expansion-like" content in this "saga."


> HoT added gliding along with masteries that are useful in almost every single zone in the game. Gliding can be utilized almost anywhere. PoF added mounts which again are fun and can be used in almost every single zone in the game. So far the masteries released in this saga can be used in.... the latest map and ONLY the latest map.


> Elite specs were an amazing addition to the game to add onto our current characters and mix up some build diversity without having to roll completely new characters just to play a new "class". If elite specs are being abandoned now, that leaves almost nothing to look forward to in the future for something new an exciting to change up our current characters.


Yeah they couldn't even be bothered to update the character login screen. This game's leadership and delivery structure has always been problematic, but it really seems to be over the hill at this point.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I thought that what was being released now was supposed to be "expansion-like" content? To me, that meant that all of the things that we would expect to see in an expansion would be released over time so that at the end of the LS chapter, we would have that expansion content.

To you. Remember, though, that, according to Anet, LS2 was also an expansion-like content.


If they really could (or wanted to) give us a real equivalent of an expansion, why not release an expansion and avoid the whole PR debacle completely? Let's be honest, the reason why they changed the model definitely wasn't because they wanted to give us exactly the same things as in the previous model. And i'm quite certain it wasn't done in order to give us more stuff either. As i see it, the only reason for making those changes is because they intend to give us _less_.


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well i wanna talk in 2 different perspectives: mine and the most of the players.

MINE: I prefer the LWS way to deliver content. That way we always have something new every month and you have time to do them and adapt. Expansions feels like a big chunk of content that is thrown to you and then sleep mode until the next expansion. I dont like them


MOST OF THE PLAYERS: Its clear that the majority want expansion-like content to be delivered all by once. That fails in my opinion because after everything is delivered at hte same time, the same players will say bla bla bla not enough content now


Delivering episodic content means that you'll never run out of content, something new every couple months is great! Dont forget that we need new blood on the game, and for the new bloods, there are just SO MUCH CONTENT. Like so so so much, and elitists and egotic players sometimes forgets about that.


That doesnt mean that im completely fine with what is currently being delivered to us. It could be better, but im happy that they aren't releasing any new elite specs. I very much prefer balancing what we have, than giving new ways to break the entire already frail class balance in the game.

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Okay boys and girls, **this** is the answer you're looking for; the end to this question once and for all.


**Use your imagination.** Think about everything that has happened over the past two years to the employees behind this game. Without them, the game wouldn't even exist. Also, think about how the game has changed over that timespan.

A few years ago, new content releases were aplenty, but we were ignored by staff and mocked by forum users about the concept of build templates and capes.

And now, the situation is the opposite -- new releases are slow, but staff are much more vocal, and we finally have the two things that players asked for the most.


To elucidate... expansions take a very under-appreciated amount of teamwork to fulfil, of which the current team is lacking in terms of headcount.

_Does that mean we won't get new especs?_ Not necessarily, but if you'd take a look at the PvP and WvW scene right now, you'd probably understand why that's not such a good idea at this moment in time. Yes, the current team is absolutely capable of making new especs, but it would throw a HUGE curveball at the team that are still trying to tone down the power creep from previous expansions.


Put simply, the answer is "it's unlikely, but wait and see".

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I thought that what was being released now was supposed to be "expansion-like" content? To me, that meant that all of the things that we would expect to see in an expansion would be released over time so that at the end of the LS chapter, we would have that expansion content.


And you are thinking right! The new LS is exactly that... or is supposed to be. If the Icebrood-Saga is matching an expansion contentwise can only be judged once the whole thing is released. Sooooo... what's left to do than to fetch a big cup of warm tea and wait for the release of the next episodes, because right now, what can we really do other than speculate about how things will develop?


Speaking of speculation...


> [...]even the existing expansions have more to do with NcSoft telling them to do it rather than they themselves wanting to.

Now where did you take that information from? Any evidence to support your claim?

> It's odd because on the one hand they don't seem to prioritize the share holders or the customers but what they want themselves and try to convince everybody that this is what they want. It failed with NcSoft as we saw last year [...]

I assume you're hinting at the layoffs? If so, how is that connected to Anet not making expansions?

Anet: "We don't want expansion, we want LW!"

NcSoft: "Ok, as a punishment we cut your company down!" ...that's not how business is done, cub^^

> And it really is just more of the same. I will say I haven't seen these strike missions yet so can't comment on that. I really wonder if it's something that people were really waiting for though.

It is wise of you to not comment on Strikes, if you haven't played them. But is it wise to claim that LS is just more of the same old LW, if you haven't played the one thing (so far) that makes the LS more than a standard LW-episode? Don't get me wrong, asking if Strikes are what people have been waiting or if they really make LS expansionlike are legitimate questions, but that's a whole different cup of tea... and again: We can only judge the Icebroode-Saga fairly, once all episodes are released.

> It's annoying cause they stuck us with LS content for a while because they were secretly working on other projects until NcSoft had enough and told them to cancel those and cut their staff by more than a third. Think of what they could've done with those resources they took away from the game.

While the general statement might be true i can't help myself but smile over the"..._secretly_ working on other projects...". I don't even ask for evidence, because... cub, NcSoft is their publisher. You can be sure they are perfectly aware of what Anet is/was doing.


...and as far as i'm concerned the topic can be closed, since the original question has been answered here(...and multiple times in the past) and there might be a better place to discuss this

-> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96377/wp-guild-wars-2s-biggest-problems-as-i-see-them

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> To you. Remember, though, that, according to Anet, LS2 was also an expansion-like content.


> If they really could (or wanted to) give us a real equivalent of an expansion, why not release an expansion and avoid the whole PR debacle completely? Let's be honest, the reason why they changed the model definitely wasn't because they wanted to give us exactly the same things as in the previous model. And i'm quite certain it wasn't done in order to give us more stuff either. As i see it, the only reason for making those changes is because they intend to give us _less_.


I think that the change was due to the complaints of the players. Expansion comes out, and everyone complains that there isn't enough content because they've burned through it all in 8 hours or less. Then, there are the complaints about no new content. By changing the method of their releases, ANet is able to string out content over a longer period of time while providing the same amount of content that would be rapidly consumed by a stand-alone expansion.


I'm not arguing that it's the right decision. Just that this is my take on why the decision was made.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > To you. Remember, though, that, according to Anet, LS2 was also an expansion-like content.

> Agreed

> > If they really could (or wanted to) give us a real equivalent of an expansion, why not release an expansion and avoid the whole PR debacle completely? Let's be honest, the reason why they changed the model definitely wasn't because they wanted to give us exactly the same things as in the previous model. And i'm quite certain it wasn't done in order to give us more stuff either. As i see it, the only reason for making those changes is because they intend to give us _less_.

> >

> I think that the change was due to the complaints of the players. Expansion comes out, and everyone complains that there isn't enough content because they've burned through it all in 8 hours or less. Then, there are the complaints about no new content. By changing the method of their releases, ANet is able to string out content over a longer period of time while providing the same amount of content that would be rapidly consumed by a stand-alone expansion.


> I'm not arguing that it's the right decision. Just that this is my take on why the decision was made.


My take on it is that they've siphoned off all the resources they had for the 3rd expac towards those unnamed "other projects", hoping they will have them done before the delay becomes a problem. And when those projects _didn't_ pay off, and NCSoft came with axe swinging, they suddenly realized that, at the moment where an expansion could have saved the situation, they simply neither have one, nor resources to make it. And thus they had to continue with the less resource-intensive (read: cheaper) plan, hoping it will be enough.


I don;t think the no expansion plan now is because they genuinely think expansions were bad for business and the current plan will be better. I think it is because they simply _can't_ make an expansion. Not and keep the game afloat for the next 2 years needed to make it at the same time.


> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> What would be awesome is if Icebrood Saga is actually a prelude to the next Xpack and that everyting is kept hush hush until the surprise reveal in the final cinematic. Just wishful thinking but it would be a fantastic way to get the hype train rev'd up.

That would be terminally stupid. I mean, by the time they revealed it, they would have already lost way too many players due to keeping silent to make that secrecy and hype worth anything.


We're at the point where many people are afraid and uncertain about the game's future. Waiting a year or two to tell them that they don't need to worry, instead of making it known now simply doesn't strike me as a really good idea.


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