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Balance Patch Preview - PvP

Cal Cohen.2358

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The nerf affects ratio of stat into damage, so people running bunker builds got less overall nerf than people using zerk/viper or actually trying to place skill into the game.

The problem with balance before the patch, was invulnerability/evade spam glass cannon builds, invulnerability could've been made channel skills like guardian, evades not on dodge roll could've been replaced with aegis, as the game is about counter play.

As of now sPvP is a boring bunker meta fest, only real question is who will alt+F4 first, WvW I'm running around as a zerk, swapping weapons 3-4 times before 15-25 people kill me, I have no sustain, just mindlessly dropping random skills, random dodge because now it doesn't matter what you dodge.

I'm glad they are finally attempting to balance, but this patch should be rolled back, it's a big step in the wrong direction.

Just not worth playing without good wholesome murrdurr.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> @Cal don't forget shiro f2 facet of nature procc that one defo needs shaving


needs shaving ? All classess needs boosting, a proper set of skills and traits that make the class unique and important pick for the players, ability wise ! The only thing that we get in the last 3 years is shaving! This game became so unenjoyable as a whole, unfunny and unplayable in ranked due to the bots which btw are not getting banned regardless of how hard and often I report them in every game I play, what happened to the magical god-tier unpenetrateable anti-cheat protection that your "top guy" loved to brag about, how Guild Wars 2 is uber secured and cannot be hacked and how bots cant work in this game? Bots on 12 'o clock, Lucy, and they are spreading like motherf*****rs. You dont believe me ? Come to Drakkar Lake [DE], make 10 ranked matches, I guarantee you that in 8 out of 10 of those games you will have atleast 1 bot per team in each of those games.


And to be even worse, the mode moved from 5vs5 to 2vs2, which is beyond unfun to play and the main reason I will move from this game for good. Theres so much content to be fixed or boosted because it works so bad that put players (like me) that loved this game into nerd rage and the thing we get after MONTHS or even YEARS of waiting is another shave of the barely good working traits/skills we have left. What is this, contest of how fast you can ruin your own game ??? It definately seems like it.


The Dev guys really need to start playing their own game as a dedicated players, so they can understand how stupid and primitive those changes actually are. Shiro nerf, completely unwanted, needs better master traits, but receives gutting, and in the end to be even more irritating, removing the Viper Amulet so we have no options left to play with for top damage in ranked, for real ?! What we are supposed to play now, double healers ?! Yeah, lets spam change weapon ability because this is the only thing that actually works to its full potential atm. Lets play the game of who can change his weapons faster and solve the matches that way.


AND each time I see a nerf in the changelog, the so called "balance patches", Im remembering with nostalgia and a sorrow throat how when I was a new player to the game, I was walking in a straight line to kill few mobs and I felt down under the textures because I was...walking... Yeah, atleast then we had a good balance in the forcess. Why dont you "balance patch" that chunk of Terrain, that infuriated probably more players than you can count ? Oh, yeah, im sure, breaking classess and sending them into the abyss of unwantedness (sadness) and making their players feel miserable for investing like two-three or more years for that class is better thing to do than fixing 6 or 7 years old Central Tyria human starting zone terrain bugs, no problem, but ya know, just saying. I hope atleast you guys are happy.

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Let’s all call this patch a loss and hit the restore to previous build button. Fix a few things there and move on in a positive way. At this point I keep playing to try and like it and always end up fairly disgusted. I played this MMO because the other offerings were slow and way less involved. Instead we had an action packed and face paced game and it hit every part of what I ever wanted. I want to boycott this game right now but that will not change anything for Anet. My only hope is they will come to their senses and go back to a more enjoyable broken then this product we have now.

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Feedback from higher level player in pvp:


- Return Mirage 2 dodges, but make its Infitinite Horizon trait if picked up to give mirage just 50 endurance or 1 dodge.

- Rework Chrono(it is viable in pve) but it is terrible in pvp/wvw, give it clones more health because clones dies very fast which unables you to use shaters...

- Nerf necros Lich form elite, its duration to 33% of current duration.

- Nerf rampage warrior elite, its duration to 66% of current duration.

- Revisit scourge and its barriers, currently reaper and core necro dominates in tanking while scourge dies quickly without being able to apply its real damage.

- Revisit firebrand mashing buttons without brain, removing power dmg on CC but letting 10 conditions on CC is toxic, fix that please. Either reduce duration from these condis by half or remove some.

- Nerf stealth and durations for stealth stacking.

- Reduce amount of condi clenses but also reduce one class to be able to apply 10 condis like firebrand, necro etc


Some fights last for ages, it feels like it doesn't matter if you CC your target or not. Please add casting time bar above/below enemy player health bar to see are they casting spells too much but also add icon of spell that they cast so we will know when to interupt their healing spell or any other very important spell. Make all healing skills casting time duration increased by 200% so if some healing spells have 1 sec cast time currently, make it 3 seconds so player will need to hide, use stability etc to use heal than just randomly quickly using it and going for it whenever it comes back from cooldowns.

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> @"Svez Poizon XD.5268" said:

> Feedback from higher level player in pvp:


> - Return Mirage 2 dodges, but make its Infitinite Horizon trait if picked up to give mirage just 50 endurance or 1 dodge.

> - Rework Chrono(it is viable in pve) but it is terrible in pvp/wvw, give it clones more health because clones dies very fast which unables you to use shaters...

> - Nerf necros Lich form elite, its duration to 33% of current duration.

> - Nerf rampage warrior elite, its duration to 66% of current duration.

> - Revisit scourge and its barriers, currently reaper and core necro dominates in tanking while scourge dies quickly without being able to apply its real damage.

> - Revisit firebrand mashing buttons without brain, removing power dmg on CC but letting 10 conditions on CC is toxic, fix that please. Either reduce duration from these condis by half or remove some.

> - Nerf stealth and durations for stealth stacking.

> - Reduce amount of condi clenses but also reduce one class to be able to apply 10 condis like firebrand, necro etc


> Some fights last for ages, it feels like it doesn't matter if you CC your target or not. Please add casting time bar above/below enemy player health bar to see are they casting spells too much but also add icon of spell that they cast so we will know when to interupt their healing spell or any other very important spell. Make all healing skills casting time duration increased by 200% so if some healing spells have 1 sec cast time currently, make it 3 seconds so player will need to hide, use stability etc to use heal than just randomly quickly using it and going for it whenever it comes back from cooldowns.


> @"Svez Poizon XD.5268" said:

> Feedback from higher level player in pvp:


> - Return Mirage 2 dodges, but make its Infitinite Horizon trait if picked up to give mirage just 50 endurance or 1 dodge.

> - Rework Chrono(it is viable in pve) but it is terrible in pvp/wvw, give it clones more health because clones dies very fast which unables you to use shaters...

> - Nerf necros Lich form elite, its duration to 33% of current duration.

> - Nerf rampage warrior elite, its duration to 66% of current duration.

> - Revisit scourge and its barriers, currently reaper and core necro dominates in tanking while scourge dies quickly without being able to apply its real damage.

> - Revisit firebrand mashing buttons without brain, removing power dmg on CC but letting 10 conditions on CC is toxic, fix that please. Either reduce duration from these condis by half or remove some.

> - Nerf stealth and durations for stealth stacking.

> - Reduce amount of condi clenses but also reduce one class to be able to apply 10 condis like firebrand, necro etc


> Some fights last for ages, it feels like it doesn't matter if you CC your target or not. Please add casting time bar above/below enemy player health bar to see are they casting spells too much but also add icon of spell that they cast so we will know when to interupt their healing spell or any other very important spell. Make all healing skills casting time duration increased by 200% so if some healing spells have 1 sec cast time currently, make it 3 seconds so player will need to hide, use stability etc to use heal than just randomly quickly using it and going for it whenever it comes back from cooldowns.


Are you serious right now ? This game looks like it looks now exactly because of senseless nerfs. BOOOST THE WAY IN! Back in the days every classess had its damage ways, almost everybody was happy about it, the only thing that was making players mad was that they are not quick enough to score the kill first. Nothing good comes from senseless nerfs. Current state of renegade and core power revenant is the sole proof for that.

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arena net does not learn

the problem of pvp are the opportunistic players and the bad pairings

Why do we always have to have repeated professions in pvp games?

Why should there be groups in pvp games when we use the pairing queue individually?

they must remove the repeated professions and that the players do not change professions.

the groups must be removed, for that there are custom arenas and tournaments.

the problem is the inequality of the pairings

they will never get a balanced pvp while these problems always exist, and players always take advantage of the OP professions.

they throw a patch and what is the first thing players do? They look for the profession that has been more broken or has more endurance and damage, it is always the same, and it is extremely annoying for those who play individually. They change their profession when they feel like it according to what they think is best for their group and what they see of the opposite group.

I am going to give a frustrating example: I usually do not play fortress mode in pvp, but I wanted to vary and see how it was after the patch, I was almost 30 minutes waiting for the game, when we played, because we lost it, when I see the end, it turns out that they were the 5 group together, there were 3 ranger, 2 necros and a guardian, is that equality? that kind of thing is often seen in pvp and what causes is frustration and desire not to play pvp anymore, I have 4 years playing pvp, but imagine the new players that were in my group if there were any, in case of any Be sure I don't feel like playing anymore.

because they believe that anet never gets anything after each patch, 4 years and it's always the same.

It is my point of view and I think this is one of the main problems of pvp. apart from playing with new players because of the low comedy that exists today, but how does the pvp grow like this? always the same.

I remember when pof came out, everyone used necro and the pvp was an unplayable hell, then recently they left the OP scrap metal and they were annoying that they all used them.

they leave broken classes and apart from this having to bear them multiplied by a thousand in each pvp game.

The idea of ​​the pvp is that each profession fulfills its role as much as possible, not having professions that play the role of all and incidentally having to endure them repeatedly.

that a class withstand more than 3 players alone I do not see it well. unless it is very good and the opposites are very new.

Recently I played a game where we could not take the bases, there was an elementary at home that could not be killed quickly, there were two broken necros that could not be killed quickly, one stayed in far and another annoying at home, apart a thief and A mesmer who went from one place to another. These kinds of things are the ones that frustrate, far from the thousands of patches they have released for years.

and by the way the disconnected, those who get upset and stay afk because of this and not have an option to leave the game without being penalized, and have to wait for your valuable time to be spent while the bad match is over.

many will say, is that it is unrank, because both in the free and in the rank there must be a good match, I like to play the free ones and not precisely to test builds, and when I make changes in my build they are small adjustments or some weapon I want to try, but I always play to win and it is not fair to have to endure this kind of thing just because they are free. As I said before, whoever wants to go to the group are the custom arenas and tournaments, now there is a 2v2 mode. players should get used to playing and learning individually without being carred and unless they take advantage of using classes that are broken. whoever wants to go with his friend to go to 2v2 and put a 3v3 too, and make a free mode for this. I haven't played 2v2 and I'm not interested in doing it because I don't see any sense. I like more the conquest mode that I have played for years, but as a player I want it to be as fair as possible, both free and rank, and not this usual disaster.

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If I wanted just a time waster, I'd play angry birds, but that's all sPvP has become, nothing competitive left.

Enjoyed my build so I worked to get better at it, and looked for new ways to use it, just to have it gutted.

Can learn a new game easier than learning a new build.

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i just wanna to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thx for killing the mesmer. il was playing mesmer from 5 year and thx to you, listen the crybaby losers who complain about mesmer, both elite are dead now !! congrats !!!! no i nterest now in this game ! instead of really balancing and listen the ones who play you patching and patching. Now its useless as hell gg !!!!!!!! no more condi, damages, specialization, dodge shatter and clones ...... at the same time you boost necro guard war ranger angaiiiinnnnnnnnnnn.

Honestly i just dont know what you thinking ........

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Just a thought. Maybe you enjoy playing Mesmer because it was a strong class. Honestly, if Mesmer was the weakest class, will you play it that much ? Maybe, that prove this class needed a bit of change.


I’m a casual player that play for the fun. For me PvP, it is more about team, strategy, leadership and not about how fast 1 player can kill another (that is deadmatch)


From a team we don’t pick how will we manage to get the win, that it is the challenge I see on PvP. Knowing my team could be bots, players very skillful, players not skillful at all, players with bad Internet, a player that receive a very important phone call during the fight, players with no idea what to do, players wanted to try a new class, players without strategy, players just wanted to kill, etc. If players don't want that, only on choice : create their own team (they can event ask for a CV and do an interview).


It is a game and I have a lot to fun playing it event if my Internet is very bad.


Enjoy ! Have fun !

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no i dont think so ! it was a balance clash just hate by other player cause they are cry baby who can kill it. we can talk about elem and dodge for 10 sec or being unvunarable and keep taking the point end heavy damages. war who can stun for 4 sec necro who can fear for 5 secondes. thief as 15 sec stealth and one shot. ranger who has dodge stealth and hih damages to.

MIRAGE IS BASE ON DODGE they nerf dodge with 1 for mesmer........ MIRAGE AS MIRAGE CLOAK who is nerf to

this patch turn ridiculous ..... Bullet as 7 DAMAGES !!! 7 !!!!!

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> @"NemesisRequiem.4295" said:

> you know you can say " we are sorry we kitten up" its ok when you made a mistake to say im sorry and undo what you did to mirage and mesmer ........ hope you take advice from the ones who play mesmers !



its ok, i felt the same way when I started too. after couple months of constant nerfs you will get used to it. Its part of the class identity at this point :D

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> @"gabo.6130" said:

> arena net does not learn

> the problem of pvp are the opportunistic players and the bad pairings

> Why do we always have to have repeated professions in pvp games?

> Why should there be groups in pvp games when we use the pairing queue individually?

> they must remove the repeated professions and that the players do not change professions.

> the groups must be removed, for that there are custom arenas and tournaments.

> the problem is the inequality of the pairings

> they will never get a balanced pvp while these problems always exist, and players always take advantage of the OP professions.

> they throw a patch and what is the first thing players do? They look for the profession that has been more broken or has more endurance and damage, it is always the same, and it is extremely annoying for those who play individually. They change their profession when they feel like it according to what they think is best for their group and what they see of the opposite group.

> I am going to give a frustrating example: I usually do not play fortress mode in pvp, but I wanted to vary and see how it was after the patch, I was almost 30 minutes waiting for the game, when we played, because we lost it, when I see the end, it turns out that they were the 5 group together, there were 3 ranger, 2 necros and a guardian, is that equality? that kind of thing is often seen in pvp and what causes is frustration and desire not to play pvp anymore, I have 4 years playing pvp, but imagine the new players that were in my group if there were any, in case of any Be sure I don't feel like playing anymore.

> because they believe that anet never gets anything after each patch, 4 years and it's always the same.

> It is my point of view and I think this is one of the main problems of pvp. apart from playing with new players because of the low comedy that exists today, but how does the pvp grow like this? always the same.

> I remember when pof came out, everyone used necro and the pvp was an unplayable hell, then recently they left the OP scrap metal and they were annoying that they all used them.

> they leave broken classes and apart from this having to bear them multiplied by a thousand in each pvp game.

> The idea of ​​the pvp is that each profession fulfills its role as much as possible, not having professions that play the role of all and incidentally having to endure them repeatedly.

> that a class withstand more than 3 players alone I do not see it well. unless it is very good and the opposites are very new.

> Recently I played a game where we could not take the bases, there was an elementary at home that could not be killed quickly, there were two broken necros that could not be killed quickly, one stayed in far and another annoying at home, apart a thief and A mesmer who went from one place to another. These kinds of things are the ones that frustrate, far from the thousands of patches they have released for years.

> and by the way the disconnected, those who get upset and stay afk because of this and not have an option to leave the game without being penalized, and have to wait for your valuable time to be spent while the bad match is over.

> many will say, is that it is unrank, because both in the free and in the rank there must be a good match, I like to play the free ones and not precisely to test builds, and when I make changes in my build they are small adjustments or some weapon I want to try, but I always play to win and it is not fair to have to endure this kind of thing just because they are free. As I said before, whoever wants to go to the group are the custom arenas and tournaments, now there is a 2v2 mode. players should get used to playing and learning individually without being carred and unless they take advantage of using classes that are broken. whoever wants to go with his friend to go to 2v2 and put a 3v3 too, and make a free mode for this. I haven't played 2v2 and I'm not interested in doing it because I don't see any sense. I like more the conquest mode that I have played for years, but as a player I want it to be as fair as possible, both free and rank, and not this usual disaster.




'History shows that both those who do not learn history and those who do learn history....'


very well said

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Its the best balance patch since release, too happy low tier player leave pvp because not carry by powercreep.


Just need to nerf necro in priority and adjust a bit some skill after.


Its a nice work Anet, check rank of ppl complaining before reading their post.


Again, thanks Anet and continu to this way.

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> @"Malsheem.1794" said:

> I really liked their "power-creep reset", but i hope they soon put out a more overall patch adressing each class/spec again. Instead of just all the "hotfix" nerfs.


The latest patch was missing a "condi-creep reset", "CC-creep reset" and a "bunker-creep rest", thus making parts of PvP that already were bad even worse.

And there are changes that straight out ruined skills like _Surge of the Mists_ and _Deflecting Shot_ .

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