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"Obsidian Flesh: This skill now locks the player's skill bar while invulnerable."


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> @"toxic.3648" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"toxic.3648" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > But they are not that what you seem to not understand only mist form is like mist form well soon obsidian flesh. Most invulns are something you can stop mid way only mist form is a lock and its not a good way to balance a skill. If any thing they should let you stop mist form mid way if you want. I do not see how making more things lock you out of game play helps the game.

> > >

> > > elixir S on engineer is exactly like mist form too, u cant escape midthrough. and as ive said numerous times now i feel like **_every invulnerbility_** should be like mistform/ elixir S . its not only obsidian flesh im singling out here. i want even playing field for all invuln skills

> > > i highly dislike gameplay were u do damage while being invulnerable or evading. rev iframe spam / mirage / war, ranger to some extent since those abilities gives u less counterplay to an attack u see comming = u cant counterpressure when they pressure you.

> > >

> > > this argument is more of opposite mindsets of what we want the game to be than the technical knowhow of the game

> >

> > I though they changed both version i guess not Elixir S is not good for the game as is too. There more invulnerability in the game then the 2 i am all for making Renewed Focus into something you cant stop mid way but that would be un-fun and effectually nerf the skill. Its not good to the game to lock ppl out of skills for so long. Mist form elixir s and obsidian flesh now should be something you can stop when you want and not be a lock out for its full duration. Its not like anet has made it so your locked out of your skill during invuln of your roll as that what going on during it not a true dodge but an i frame yet you can use your skills and effects during the roll if they have 0 cast time. That why ele had obsidian flesh work the way it dose because of the high up time of the effect and the channel way of casting as a class.

> >

> > I am all for disable all effect during all i frames in the game but it will make the game less fun. Right now your view is letting some invulnerability be ok and others not making the argument a bit 2 faces. To say obsidian flesh update is just fine as is and given your reason of game play and counter game play is simply forgetting that there a lot of other invuln effects such as dodging that dose not lock out of many skills and effects and there room to control the timing on some level.


> the only invuln i see as okay is mirage cloak since thats a class mechanic, ambush skills etc. anything else that grants invulnerbility should be like mistform or elixir S. thats my only point on invuln as a whole.

> iframes + evade's while attacking and dodging is not invulnerbility . the first 2 i would like to see a steep decrease in but dodgeroll as a whole is a great mechanic (mind u u cant use skills while dodging either)


> edit: another thing i want to point out is that ive never seen a guard cancelling his invuln before it ran out. if u can go invulnerable wouldnt u want more time to be invuln instead ? only reason i can see u would want to cancel it is because the enemy know the timing for when u leave invuln state and thus u can cancel it early to throw off his timing. other than that i see no reason to leave invuln early. but thats just my 2 cents


Obsidian flesh is very much a class mechanic for ele it has been for years as well as mist form they are very much part of eles "give time to cast big spells" tricks. Why invuln is ok for mirage who already has means of blocking and evasion as well as fast casting spells is beyond me. I am fine with obsidian flesh being a type of lock out but it needs to be a channel locked out where you can end it BUT mist form and it seems elixir S need to be the same way. Invuln should not be a set time only there needs to be real control from that player to end it when they want to. It gives room for more counter play and over all interaction. Lock out invulns are the least version of invulns in gw2 atm i frames type skills are all over and to keep things fair they need to be looked at as well.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> I think we should rename obsidian flesh to mist form since now the two skills are identical in usage and effects (can't attack with either now). Only seems logical to me.


Stone form would be more appropriate. Incidentally, it could be a new class mechanic. Fire Form, Lighting form...

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I legit don't know why they took any of the ele defenses.

It's not like they are overly represented anywhere its not exactly like they are easy to play either.


I have no idea how FB can be left virtually untouched and they can pull the same kinda dps in healing gear, i don't play an ele but everytime an ele has pop that invul skill i've never been like man thats OP even if i blew a huge CD on it.


Anet should really take in consideration the difference it takes to play a warrior or a thief vs an ele and balance interms of class complexity and balance cause this is stupid legitimately anet you shouldnt give people credence to balance other classes especially if they come from classes VASTLY EASIER TO PLAY yeah i said it its harder to play and ELE then a warrior or a ranger or a thief so ANET SHOULD IGNORE YOU as you don't understand how you got beaten.


Legit i feel for you i have no idea why they nerfed it.


Edited for clarity!

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> I legit don't know why they took any of the ele defenses.

> It's not like they are overly represented anywhere its not exactly like they are easy to play either.


> I have no idea how FB can me left virtually untouched and they can pull the same kinda dps in healing gear, i don't play an ele but everytime an ele has pop that invul skill i've never been like man thats OP even if i blew a huge CD on it.


> Anet should really take in consideration the difference it takes to play a warrior or a thief vs an ele and balance interms of class complexity and balance cause this is stupid legitimately anet you shouldnt give people credence to balance other classes especially if they come from classes VASTLY EASIER TO PLAY yeah i said it its harder to play and ELE then a warrior or a ranger or a thief so ANET SHOULD IGNORE YOU as you don't understand how you got beaten.


> Legit i feel for you i have no idea why they nerfed it.


becouse people made whine posts against ele so ele gets the axe.

almost nobody made anti FB posts so it will remain utterly broken in every gamemode untill the end of times.

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> Please make this skill a pvp split. There is no point in making this change in pve, condi weaver only had 1 defensive skill to ignore a mechanic or prevent getting 1 shot which also has a 50s CD. Being a squishy class and quite hard to play compared to others makes this change really bad as it was our only emergency button. Why would you ever use a skill that locks all your skills for 4 seconds just to avoid a mechanic or a big hit? I think most condi weavers will agree on this.

> Thank you.


Guards invuln, engi invuln and mistform all work like that, no skills for you. You can still stomp and rezz.


Why should obsidian flesh be different?

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> @"RedShark.9548" do you read properly? I said it should be a change for PVP AND WVW ONLY. Who am I gonna stomp in PvE, world bosses!?!?!?!? Read carefully before you comment...


I read that, but it makes no difference, other invuln skills behave like that in pve aswell.


Rly... you want those invuln frames for world bosses? Oof. Guess you have to choose now, survive that pve mechanic with an invuln, or survive it by other means, or deal all the deeps while tanking it. Just popping invuln and keep dpsing sounds lazy to me.


Btw, there are mobs that have to be stomped, even in pve :)

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Alyster.9470" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" do you read properly? I said it should be a change for PVP AND WVW ONLY. Who am I gonna stomp in PvE, world bosses!?!?!?!? Read carefully before you comment...


> I read that, but it makes no difference, other invuln skills behave like that in pve aswell.


> Rly... you want those invuln frames for world bosses? Oof. Guess you have to choose now, survive that pve mechanic with an invuln, or survive it by other means, or deal all the deeps while tanking it. Just popping invuln and keep dpsing sounds lazy to me.


> Btw, there are mobs that have to be stomped, even in pve :)


What about Endure Pain then? Yeah, you can still be damaged by conditions but let's be honnest, it's almost like invincibility in pve.

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Alyster.9470" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" do you read properly? I said it should be a change for PVP AND WVW ONLY. Who am I gonna stomp in PvE, world bosses!?!?!?!? Read carefully before you comment...

> >

> > I read that, but it makes no difference, other invuln skills behave like that in pve aswell.

> >

> > Rly... you want those invuln frames for world bosses? Oof. Guess you have to choose now, survive that pve mechanic with an invuln, or survive it by other means, or deal all the deeps while tanking it. Just popping invuln and keep dpsing sounds lazy to me.

> >

> > Btw, there are mobs that have to be stomped, even in pve :)


> What about Endure Pain then? Yeah, you can still be damaged by conditions but let's be honnest, it's almost like invincibility in pve.


Cc still works, condis still work, lifesteal effects still work.

Yea id say stone sig and endure pain work quite differently to the invincible effect.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Alyster.9470" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" do you read properly? I said it should be a change for PVP AND WVW ONLY. Who am I gonna stomp in PvE, world bosses!?!?!?!? Read carefully before you comment...


> I read that, but it makes no difference, other invuln skills behave like that in pve aswell.


> Rly... you want those invuln frames for world bosses? Oof. Guess you have to choose now, survive that pve mechanic with an invuln, or survive it by other means, or deal all the deeps while tanking it. Just popping invuln and keep dpsing sounds lazy to me.


> Btw, there are mobs that have to be stomped, even in pve :)


Having the option to use the skill offensively or defensively seems more interesting to me. See? You think it's "lazy" and I think it's "interesting". And that's about how well the decisions being made in this patch have been explained. The way it was before was "bad", and we hope this shot in the dark will be "good".

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@"RedShark.9548" guardian invul resets their virtues, engineer elixir s has additional skill to give stealth to 5 players. What extra effect does obsidian flesh have other than invul? You were able to attack, now thats also gone and there is no point in using this skill anymore. Also to mention it has an elite skill long CD

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It should just root the player in place, maybe also disable attunement swap for the duration. You're so one with earth you can't move until that invulnerability wears off. Utility skills still permitted. Mist Form has increased movement speed and invulnerability at the cost of all skills. Its a "get out of a sticky situation" card focusing on nothing but escape. Obsidian Flesh should be different somewhat.

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> @"RedShark.9548" guardian invul resets their virtues, engineer elixir s has additional skill to give stealth to 5 players. What extra effect does obsidian flesh have other than invul? You were able to attack, now thats also gone and there is no point in using this skill anymore. Also to mention it has an elite skill long CD


Obsidian flesh is still a skill attached to a weapon, guardians IS an elite and engis is a utility.


Imo utilityskills should be better than weaponskills, because there are fewer utility slots than weapon slots.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > This change was unnecessary in PvP.


> Being untouchable while being able to deal damage for free with no restrictions for a few seconds against some one who does not have the same ability....... yeah it was an unnecessary change alright...


Warrior can do that can't they? What about thf and pistol wipe. That's kinda an invuln but with evades, what about Gaurdain blocks that's kinda an invuln as well. I don not see your point. Ele has so little to begin with. Yes sword skills are op, imo any skills that has evade frames is op and shouldn't exist.


Obsidian flesh offers nothing to a team fight as a burst dps except self survival. And on a 50 second cool down for 3 seconds if u u cant play around that then you lack proper skills your self, and obviously been out played.

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It is a huge problem for every build in pvp.

Everyone here ist trying to compare obsidian to skills like Elixir s or mistform which is complete nonsense in my opinion. You swap Out of earth you lose your "oh shit" button and the ability to actually avoide incoming dmg activly. You can only activate the skill once you already ate all the dmg. In its former form you could at least use it to cover a bit of your burst with the short invuln frame. Imagine playing any sort of weaver and you want to mitigate incoming damage with obsidian: you swap to earth have 4 secs cd on your attunement swap, eat all the damage, then swap to any other attunement or earth to double attune and can then use your invuln, just to be able to not heal or do anything (:

Imo the skill hast always been there to cover some of your abilities like ist is with f4 in mesmer. Which was not nerfed btw

I havent tested yet but being unable to use overload earth while invul and while not wearing super tanky gear will basically make you a free kill. You are caught in an animation that takes forever and cant use your invuln while channeling it or dodge without losing the benefit of overloading

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > This change was unnecessary in PvP.

> >

> > Being untouchable while being able to deal damage for free with no restrictions for a few seconds against some one who does not have the same ability....... yeah it was an unnecessary change alright...


> Warrior can do that can't they? What about thf and pistol wipe. That's kinda an invuln but with evades, what about Gaurdain blocks that's kinda an invuln as well. I don not see your point. Ele has so little to begin with. Yes sword skills are op, imo any skills that has evade frames is op and shouldn't exist.


No warrior cannot do it no.

Lets be clear invunerablity means you cannot have any interactions take place with you from other players no matter what they do.

No boon strip

No cc

No Condition application (means you cant blind / slow/ cripple)

No condi damage

No strike damage

No effects from ward skills like Spectral ring/ Ring of Warding (which will even stop evades)


You literally cannot be stopped by any means

If you are going to have this power you should not be able to interact with others either as a result


Now lets compare that to warrior skills

**Endure Pain** Has interaction

Boon strip still works

CC still works

Conditions can still be applied

Condition damage still works

No strike damage

Effects from wards still work


**Defiant stance** Your damage does not work but you can still interact with them via cc

Boon strip still works

CC still works

Conditions can still be applied (you can still blind them for example)

Both power and condition damage do not work

Effects from wards still work


Pistol whip is an evade and have you tried shocking aura? Shuts it down like instantly


Lets be clear here

invulns are not the same as evades

invulns are not the same as damage negations that dont stop cc and condition application etc


Being invulnerable is in a league of its own and should be balanced as such if you cant see this then thats a bit of a problem. One has counter-play the other does not.



> Obsidian flesh offers nothing to a team fight as a burst dps except self survival. And on a 50 second cool down for 3 seconds if u u cant play around that then you lack proper skills your self, and obviously been out played.


Correction if you need a skill that makes you invuln to everything in the game while braindead running at a target and pulsing fire aoes for 90% of your damage then you lack proper skills. Fixed that for you.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > This change was unnecessary in PvP.

> > >

> > > Being untouchable while being able to deal damage for free with no restrictions for a few seconds against some one who does not have the same ability....... yeah it was an unnecessary change alright...

> >

> > Warrior can do that can't they? What about thf and pistol wipe. That's kinda an invuln but with evades, what about Gaurdain blocks that's kinda an invuln as well. I don not see your point. Ele has so little to begin with. Yes sword skills are op, imo any skills that has evade frames is op and shouldn't exist.


> No warrior cannot do it no.

> Lets be clear invunerablity means you cannot have any interactions take place with you from other players no matter what they do.

> No boon strip

> No cc

> No Condition application (means you cant blind / slow/ cripple)

> No condi damage

> No strike damage

> No effects from ward skills like Spectral ring/ Ring of Warding (which will even stop evades)


> You literally cannot be stopped by any means

> If you are going to have this power you should not be able to interact with others either as a result


> Now lets compare that to warrior skills

> **Endure Pain** Has interaction

> Boon strip still works

> CC still works

> Conditions can still be applied

> Condition damage still works

> No strike damage

> Effects from wards still work


> **Defiant stance** Your damage does not work but you can still interact with them via cc

> Boon strip still works

> CC still works

> Conditions can still be applied (you can still blind them for example)

> Both power and condition damage do not work

> Effects from wards still work


> Pistol whip is an evade and have you tried shocking aura? Shuts it down like instantly


> Lets be clear here

> invulns are not the same as evades

> invulns are not the same as damage negations that dont stop cc and condition application etc


> Being invulnerable is in a league of its own and should be balanced as such if you cant see this then thats a bit of a problem. One has counter-play the other does not.


> >

> > Obsidian flesh offers nothing to a team fight as a burst dps except self survival. And on a 50 second cool down for 3 seconds if u u cant play around that then you lack proper skills your self, and obviously been out played.


> Correction if you need a skill that makes you invuln to everything in the game while braindead running at a target and pulsing fire aoes for 90% of your damage then you lack proper skills. Fixed that for you.




U didn't fix anything. How can u say shocking aura is a counter to pistol wipe/evade frames. Not every class has it and well only specific builds has and can utilize shocking aura effectivity and well the amount that pistol wipe can be used vs the access to shocking aura is heavily out balanced. Ur like unable to see two sides to a coin.



If u cant dodge the 3 seconds that class is invuln for ur lacking skill ur self. No argument will change anyone's mind on that

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