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YO meta guess bois.


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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Thief and Daredevil look poised to be really strong. Right now SP Daredevil and DP Core Thief are really bad. DP Core Thief is particularly degenerate. And while SP got some nerfs that'll cull some of their numbers, what makes DP Shadow Arts good didn't get touched at all, and if SP dies there's always SD. Larcenous strike, SD's bread and butter, didn't get touched.

> >

> > Necromancer and maybe Reaper look poised to be really strong. I think in a world where all damage goes does, shroud becomes massively more useful as a tool.

> >

> > Warrior and Spellbreaker still look poised to be really strong. Just don't even think about equipping a hammer.

> >

> > Power Mesmer will still be strong but I think it'll loathe how strong thieves will be. I think most mesmers will move to power core if the Mirage change goes through.

> >

> >

> >

> > I think Fire Weaver is dead. Just taken out back behind a shed and put down. It's remaining parts butchered and fed to unsuspecting school children at the school cafeteria who greedily devoured Friday "Sloppy Joe". And to be honest, I don't know what'll replace it.

> >

> > Had condition mirage not gotten the 50 endurance trade off, I think it would be one of the strongest builds still. Like I think there might be some potential for it to be workable? But I think condi mirage is probably dead.

> >

> > Still digesting the changes for Guardian, Rev, Engineer, and Ranger. But those first five I definitely stood out to me.

> >


> How core power mes with worse mobility, no stun, less shatter dmg, no mantra of pain spike, and with über thief in other team?


In terms of the nerfs directly to Power Mesmer, it gets of pretty light compared to other really good builds like Glint Shiro and Fire Weaver IMO. And Mesmer being good while thief being as good, better, and also the hard counter is just mesmer way of life at this point.

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