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Balance Patch: What about the downstate?


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Considering damage is going to be nerfed across the board i wonder how this patch is going to affect scenarios with downstates in (smaller) team fights. As far as I know resurrection is not touched in terms of capability which should make it harder to finish downed opponents - especially in 1v2 scenarios. I am pretty sure stomps are going to be much more important than they are now.


On the other hand some downstate abilities are already pretty 'annoying' - both Ranger 3 and Guardian 3 can turn entire fights if a team is not able to finish in time and the dmg of Necromancer is already way too high imo. Any thoughts?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> imo there should only be a weak auto attack and the self heal skill. remove rally from both wvw and pvp.


Nah. People are already complaining about how the reduction of damage is going to make the game boring. Lets not strip volatility because its volatile if we don't need to. Struggling in downstate is well built for the most part, as long as the damage also fits this design shift.

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I am absolutely fine with the idea of the downstate as it adds complexity to the game but it shouldn't carry bad gameplay. I would like to think of it as a security net after a fall and not a trampoline where situation is better than before because your opponent burned his cooldowns.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > imo there should only be a weak auto attack and the self heal skill. remove rally from both wvw and pvp.


> Nah. People are already complaining about how the reduction of damage is going to make the game boring. Lets not strip volatility because its volatile if we don't need to. Struggling in downstate is well built for the most part, as long as the damage also fits this design shift.


people may make the argument that rally adds another dynamic to the game, but I don't think it does. its dps, the only true overarching factor in this game. people should have to make a decision to either res or press the attack, not both. actions and skills doing too many things at once is what is making this game so convoluted and bland imo. in a way with the cc damage nerfs removing rally follows in this direction but I wouldn't get my hopes up, especially since I don't think they have the authority to make such a big change.

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