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@"Dawdler.8521" 100%? we barely have bigger queues than 30 - i expect 50-60ish queues across several borders for at least one week, since everybody wants to farm the new fashion wars stuff.


besides, ofc will the meta change. it cannot stay the same when stats, abilities gets changed and cooldowns etc tuned up.

@"EremiteAngel.9765" idk how clouds will become more efficient when u cannot kill stuff with the same speed as before likely. sustain got nerfed, but did it get nerfed harder than dps is the question



what may really be problematic: how do the changes work out for number inequality? it may benefit larger groups even more, before we often managed to somehow destroy bigger groups (no stealth shenanigans, talking just about pushing), but if everything takes longer, they will have long enough to regroup in most cases


the last relink filled up some servers immensely, this week was just not very funny after all. big positive kill counts, but also many silly ganks.

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Hard/soft CC will become king in zerg fights along with a light increase of condi spam.

Group composition won't really change. But people will likely "bunker up" a bit, maybe change a marauders piece for celestial here and there.

Smart groups will utilize "yolo" CC classes that can easily escape after their CC burst to engage first, that's your Warriors, CC bunker soulbeasts/druids and Holos.

Meaning, those classes/builds will push in in numbers of 3/4 to trigger stun breaks, cleanses and stability application from inexperianced players who will then get covered by light condi spam from necros and eventually get pushed over along with the rest of their remaining zerg. I expect deep pushes to be more common.

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> @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

> Hard/soft CC will become king in zerg fights along with a light increase of condi spam.

> Group composition won't really change. But people will likely "bunker up" a bit, maybe change a marauders piece for celestial here and there.

> Smart groups will utilize "yolo" CC classes that can easily escape after their CC burst to engage first, that's your Warriors, CC bunker soulbeasts/druids and Holos.

> Meaning, those classes/builds will push in in numbers of 3/4 to trigger stun breaks, cleanses and stability application from inexperianced players who will then get covered by light condi spam from necros and eventually get pushed over along with the rest of their remaining zerg. I expect deep pushes to be more common.


I don't think fightmanders will consider taking soulbeasts, or druids. but, everything else feels spot on.

I predict more gorilla tactics. (stealth bombing with rat-wells/bubble) I haven't … to my knowledge seen any fight groups running condi. maybe a few random PUGs who enjoy it more than burst. I doubt very much anything will change outside of less burst(1shot builds) and, I think has already been covered in this thread.


so there you go, northing will change, only more thieves in zerg composition.

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