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QOL suggestions


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Please note, these are suggestions, not demands, but I would pay for some of these..


1. Helmet toggling, a new setting that hides the helmet when out of combat, prompting it to appear in combat.

2. Change compact to reorganize in the inventory, not only compressing contents of the normal bags, but also sorting items into gear/crafts/no-tag bags.

3. Remove runes and sigils from the "crafting" bags, since they are most obviously not crafting materials.. OR! make a material tab for runes and sigils.

4. Remove the 15 minute timer off of combat tonics, there is zero reason for it to be there and only ads to the annoyance of its use.

5. Decrease the passive gains of transmutation charges in pvp, increase them in pve. I havent git a single one in pve after months of playing, while in pvp i generate more than I can consume. That means pve players have to play pvp to get them. Its not a problem for me, but fashion wars is most relevant in pve.

6. Addition of personal map markers. Place a PoI with a 50 character description. 5 per character on default, or 10 accountwide, with the option to buy (gemstore) more. Handy for when you're exploring and you run into juvenile animals you want to tame, or find events/locations you want to interact with later.

7. An underwater mount, with a dash ability underwater. (Thinking of a tigershark, with bioluminescent stripes)

8. Dont have repeatable hearts interfere with the content guide from functioning properly.

9. Toggle auto-targetting with a key. Sometimes you use skills for mobility, like the warrior's rush, and it'd be annoying if you instead charge at a passive moa at the side


If you have more ideas, post them below.

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Regarding helmets:

1) Show helmets on character select

2) Allow us to show our armor helmets when using an outfit with the helmet part disabled


as a follow up to 1)

3) Show weapons on character select, maybe with a toggle like when you preview a weapon, idle and in-combat versions


as a follow up to 2)

4) Show gloves, boots, shoulders of regular armor when they are disabled in an outfit!


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I think the reason that outfits can't be mixed with armor pieces is the same reason different weights' armors can't be mixed. I believe there's a system of armor pieces that are actually 4 weights, Light, Medium, Heavy, and Null, and Null pieces are used as outfits. I am not certain, but I honestly think if it was possible to mix outfits with real armor pieces they would've done it long ago. Since Light, Medium, and Heavy pieces can't be mixed due to technical restrictions, it would require anet to make 3 identical outfits for each weight. I'm assuming it's _possible_ but the workload might not be doable. Again, that's my speculation, I'd love to hear a dev confirm why outfits can't be mixed and matched

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_**Build. Templates.**_


9 base classes. 2 specs per class. 1 build per class per spec. 27 different builds. Add in pve, wvw, and pvp. Assuming the base builds are pve....this brings the number up to 81 different builds. After that it's countless due to the combinations of armor/your play style. example - support, condi, dps, or hybrid. Just think the number only increases when another expansion is added. I understand most people are not like me. I have about 17 chars. Play about 6 or 7 of them regularly. Had to get more slots to play with different builds. Due to the fact I can't hardly remember builds. Had to known this subject was gonna be brought up. Only QoL this games needs imo.

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1) Build Templates. New players can store templates and experiment. Veterans can quickly change for different play styles.


2) Move/Hide UI Elements. Being able to move the targets hp bar, hide the top left micro menu.


3) Remove speed reduction from falling damage when out of combat. Seriously annoying, serves zero purpose.

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On the subject of helmets, it would be nice if there were two different helmet slots, one being a strictly cosmetic slot. Currently head pieces and eye wear are both treated as "helmets" and as a result you can not use one of each. Having one slot being the helmet slot for all head gear and a slot somewhere else for eye wear would be nice. This could go well with the toggle helmet suggestion too, in combat your helmet is put on and out of combat you can choose to have it off with eye wear in place.


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> @"Alaia Skyhawk.5064" said:

> Make it so all wiggly chests can be auto-looted with a r-click please!


> After getting used to auto-loot r-clicking event boxes, having to click an accept button for dailies of all types just to pick up a single box gets a tad annoying ^_^;


You can right click wiggly chests to accept contentsninstantly. Only dailies dont work, but events and other forms of popup chests can be rightclicked already

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> @AtlasSi.9130 said:

> _**Build. Templates.**_


> 9 base classes. 2 specs per class. 1 build per class per spec. 27 different builds. Add in pve, wvw, and pvp. Assuming the base builds are pve....this brings the number up to 81 different builds. After that it's countless due to the combinations of armor/your play style. example - support, condi, dps, or hybrid. Just think the number only increases when another expansion is added. I understand most people are not like me. I have about 17 chars. Play about 6 or 7 of them regularly. Had to get more slots to play with different builds. Due to the fact I can't hardly remember builds. Had to known this subject was gonna be brought up. Only QoL this games needs imo.


ArcDPS has been updated to support build templates. ArenaNet hasn't made any movement on this issue in years so some in the community provided a solution. With the community stepping in ArenaNet can continue working on other things. Now it's up to you to use what's available rather than asking for something that not everyone needs. (For what it's worth, I want templates, too, but I know not everyone in the community wants them or realizes the need for them. You have to think, "What's the return on the effort?")


That link is the announcement of the plugin and ArenaNet's blessing of it. Since an ArenaNet developer was communicating with the plugin developer, I suspect there isn't much hope for an official UI in the near future.


![](https://i.imgur.com/2hEIs2i.png "")


**More important links:**

Installing ArcDPS: https://www.vialofsalt.com/threads/installing-arcdps-tutorial-personal-dps-meter.8031/

BuildTemplate Readme: https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/buildtemplates/README.txt

BuildTemplate DLL for ArcDPS: https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/buildtemplates/d3d9_arcdps_buildtemplates.dll


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Is there any way we could check our materials without having to be at the actual bank or crafting table? (Or wasting a bank access.) So frustrating when you're trying to accumulate a certain amount of something, and have to go to a town just to see how much we've got.


Sorry if this has already been answered. If you are in a guild, you can open up the guild tab and go to your guild hall. Use the scribing station in your Guildhall to check your bank. Then, you can use the guild tab to travel back right where you left from.

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While I appreciate what ARCDPS has done with regards to templates, I personally do not want to use a third -party solution which has the potential to crash my client with no support from ANet. I get the point, but I believe that the game should provide templates which I understand is a fairly common feature of MMOs. It is true that not everybody needs templates, but then again those posting on the forums only represent a small percentage of the player-base as a whole. It is my opinion that if ANet were to provide templates, it would be well received.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @"Alaia Skyhawk.5064" said:

> > Make it so all wiggly chests can be auto-looted with a r-click please!

> >

> > After getting used to auto-loot r-clicking event boxes, having to click an accept button for dailies of all types just to pick up a single box gets a tad annoying ^_^;


> You can right click wiggly chests to accept contentsninstantly. Only dailies dont work, but events and other forms of popup chests can be rightclicked already


Um, I believe I already said in my post that the annoying thing was accepting the daily chests with multiple clicks after being able to r-click the event boxes for auto loot. All you did was repeat me lol


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> @"Alaia Skyhawk.5064" said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > @"Alaia Skyhawk.5064" said:

> > > Make it so all wiggly chests can be auto-looted with a r-click please!

> > >

> > > After getting used to auto-loot r-clicking event boxes, having to click an accept button for dailies of all types just to pick up a single box gets a tad annoying ^_^;

> >

> > You can right click wiggly chests to accept contentsninstantly. Only dailies dont work, but events and other forms of popup chests can be rightclicked already


> Um, I believe I already said in my post that the annoying thing was accepting the daily chests with multiple clicks after being able to r-click the event boxes for auto loot. All you did was repeat me lol



oh, that's what you meant by r-click, nevermind, I thought you were annoyed with the popup-screen in which you had to click accept again

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will ask for what I asked for 5 years ago.

Particle effect slider.

Configurable UI.

I would also like to see an option to hide all backpacks and wings, for both performance and aesthetics.


Under the category of "I can dream, can't I?" a toggle to turn off all cosmetic player and gear effects. Auras, footsteps, glows, fire effects on gear, other effects on gear, etc etc. Same for persistant buff or skill effects. I know I have Rage sig on, I don't need a constant shower of chicken fat globules to remind me. It's a mystery to me that my Ranger being on fire somehow enhances stability. In a game that expects us to react to visual "tells" it is not helping that the psychedelic light show of cosmetic junk effects is steadily making it harder to do.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> Removing the armor type restriction. All armor is cosmetic and any class can equip any armor type.


I'm afraid that doesn't work. Anet put themselves in a difficult position by using a different skeleton per weight class. The seams are different per weight, so in order to mix n match all weight classes they'd have to remake every piece and fix the seams

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