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Stuck between crafting levels

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> One of my toons is working on Armorsmith. She's currently caught between level 124 and 125. Literally every available recipe is either white ( no crafting experience ) or red (unable to craft.)


> Suggestions?


Use discovery to find something new that you don't have available it will give you crafting experience

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Cant belive you got all the 100 recipes of scale armor already.


For example

Strong Scale Pauldrons

Armorsmith 100

1 Iron Pauldron Casin

1 Iron Pauldron Lining

1 Strong Wool Insignia


Already got strong well switch it out for Rejuvenating, hearty or honed insignia


You can do that on any of the armor parts like helm, chest, legs, hands and boots aswell.



If you are leveling up armor craft by doing the same item over and over and over.

Stop it your doing it wrong just wasteing resources.

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Some tips:


1. Spend almost all of your craft leveling time in Discovery. You get new insignia recipes as you hit various levels, and the idea is to use the other components you can make to discover each piece of armor (head, shoulders, chest, etc) with each insignia. When you first level up to a new insignia, you get about 5 levels for each, and as you reach the top of the band, you get less. Actually making the item repeatedly will only get you a fraction of that.

2. Trade in laurels for the potion that causes 50% crits on crafting. (I forget its name.) That speeds things up a lot -- if you have enough gold to buy what you need and do a bunch of leveling in a single session.

3. Do some scouting of the Trade Post to see what items sell for the most gold, and if you have a crafting/discovery choice prefer that.

4. Some things are better choices to discover/make if you already happen to have a bunch of the ingredients.

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