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Interesting (and crazy match) with bots + throwers? Other bots?


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I saw something really strange in the match I played sometime around 2 am PST last night. On the first mid fight, we rofl stomped them, but lost home. I started noticing that we were often beating the opposing side, but some members of my team seemed to be throwing it: If I was on point capping, one of them would come and cap too, once I start moving to another objective, the would leave too (leaving point uncapped). I also noticed them not capping even after they won in an area, like WTF? I also noticed that the enemy team somehow seemed to be be everywhere: our points would get capped almost immediately after we finished capping. We were down by quite a large margin and I thought the match was pretty hopeless. But I decided to cap one of the points my team had left uncapped and defend it, what happened next was interesting: two theifs, one by one came after the point, they were obviously bots. Was running a flamethrower engi and they would literally stand on the firewall AOE and didn't dodge anything. I think at least ONE of my team mates was trying not to throw because someone went and capped the other points for us. I did get some help defending the point at one point and somehow we ended up winning by a large margin. But I was also very incredulous as members of the enemy team were complaining about bots. I'm like "really? your bots were keeping everything capped for you until I wrecked them, and members of my team were trying to throw" I didn't say this in chat, but I was thinking it and couldn't roll my eyes any harder at a victory I didn't think we'd have & smirking at an obvious cheater. But something occurred to me:


What if a member of the other team queued with a bunch of bots, and swapped the bots on their team to thief with a capping AI and bots on the other team to an AI for fighting off point? Is that how some cheaters rig matches? I'm glad we were able to counter, but the AIs of the thieves seemed to synergize too well with some of my teams' behavior for me to think the throw was by agreement. If you have seen this and believe it's bots, maybe that's another AI pattern Anet can isolate to prevent cheaters from doing this to clean up the game mode.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I honestly feel sry for people who actually put the effort into putting a bot into a game lmao like how important in life does a game have to be to reach that state? And of all games gw2. I say let them have the bots if it means that much to them cuz they probably dont have much else going on irl so. Kinda sad.


Often times the people who make things like this do it just to see if they can. They don't actually care about the game so much. It's the act of making the bot and seeing it function they find enjoyable. As both a enthusiast and professional in software/tech I can relate.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I honestly feel sry for people who actually put the effort into putting a bot into a game lmao like how important in life does a game have to be to reach that state? And of all games gw2. I say let them have the bots if it means that much to them cuz they probably dont have much else going on irl so. Kinda sad.


> Often times the people who make things like this do it just to see if they can. They don't actually care about the game so much. It's the act of making the bot and seeing it function they find enjoyable. As both a enthusiast and professional in software/tech I can relate.


Hmmm finding it enjoyable to negatively impact a bunch of other gamers, lol yup about in line with people today.


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I honestly feel sry for people who actually put the effort into putting a bot into a game lmao like how important in life does a game have to be to reach that state? And of all games gw2. I say let them have the bots if it means that much to them cuz they probably dont have much else going on irl so. Kinda sad.


> Often times the people who make things like this do it just to see if they can. They don't actually care about the game so much. It's the act of making the bot and seeing it function they find enjoyable. As both a enthusiast and professional in software/tech I can relate.


yep, for example in PoE I have friends that dont even play the "game"

their game is earning currency, trading items, and making items to sell them for profit.

I bet there are people that just "play" gw2 to use musical instruments. People do things for the sake of doing things.

in CSGO there is community that sets bots against other bots to see who has better bots lol

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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> What if a member of the other team queued with a bunch of bots, and swapped the bots on their team to thief with a capping AI and bots on the other team to an AI for fighting off point? Is that how some cheaters rig matches?


I don't have any actual proof, but I don't doubt for a second that people probably try this in Ranked. With how committed some top players are to metagaming, and getting the easiest games possible; it just seems like something they might try, probably at the end of Ranked seasons if at all.

If this did happen, I imagine it would only be in Ranked too because that's where all the metagaming cheese is.


If anything the bots/alts would probably only be used to farm pips in the background. If they actually got into the same game as the account they're tied to, they would probably just throw in a way that would either grant the main free rating or ensure they lose none.


Highly doubt that the person would actually try and use the bots/alts for an actual in-game advantage. Just play Minionmancer or Ranger instead.


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Bots exist in this game because we wanted them. In 2016 people voted for only SoloQ, in a game designed for teams, because players feel more comfortable playing alone. For this reason Anet tried to improve their matchmaking, but exploiters also tried to improve by creating better bots. We love farming just like bot designers do, and we want to farm PvP for some legendary back skin just like bot designers do.


Back in the days before 2016, when PvP was played with teams, one would rarely come across botting, because bots were getting demolished fast by teams. In facts, such matches were super-easy wins for teams. Now, it's hard to avoid having them in your group, because you can't decide for the rest of your team (that's 80%).


This is the game, this is what we want, and botting is just a side effect of a single-player game style we love. We have to deal with it and move on with our dailies.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > I honestly feel sry for people who actually put the effort into putting a bot into a game lmao like how important in life does a game have to be to reach that state? And of all games gw2. I say let them have the bots if it means that much to them cuz they probably dont have much else going on irl so. Kinda sad.

> >

> > Often times the people who make things like this do it just to see if they can. They don't actually care about the game so much. It's the act of making the bot and seeing it function they find enjoyable. As both a enthusiast and professional in software/tech I can relate.


> Hmmm finding it enjoyable to negatively impact a bunch of other gamers, lol yup about in line with people today.



There was not one mention of them enjoying the negative impact on other players in this post. All that was said was that they enjoy seeing their bot perform as expected in a game. No different than writing a ton of code and having it compile the first try.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > I honestly feel sry for people who actually put the effort into putting a bot into a game lmao like how important in life does a game have to be to reach that state? And of all games gw2. I say let them have the bots if it means that much to them cuz they probably dont have much else going on irl so. Kinda sad.

> > >

> > > Often times the people who make things like this do it just to see if they can. They don't actually care about the game so much. It's the act of making the bot and seeing it function they find enjoyable. As both a enthusiast and professional in software/tech I can relate.

> >

> > Hmmm finding it enjoyable to negatively impact a bunch of other gamers, lol yup about in line with people today.

> >


> There was not one mention of them enjoying the negative impact on other players in this post. All that was said was that they enjoy seeing their bot perform as expected in a game. No different than writing a ton of code and having it compile the first try.


They are not soposed to be there. No wonder this games pvp is garbage cuz players like these who find excuses as to why it's ok. Oh I feel so good my bot a created behaved relatively decent in a match but still over all poorly and contributed wrecking a groups rating. It's ok though cuz I'm happy it got its pathing right. With player mentality like this anet has a upward battle if the want to try and bring this game back cuz it's it's very own players whine about its state but contribute to the problems. Unreal how stupid people are. I'm sure people who make hacks and cheats that work how they planned feel good or those pos people that rip people off through hacking devices as I'm sure they feel great about their programs success as well.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"kratan.4619" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > I honestly feel sry for people who actually put the effort into putting a bot into a game lmao like how important in life does a game have to be to reach that state? And of all games gw2. I say let them have the bots if it means that much to them cuz they probably dont have much else going on irl so. Kinda sad.

> > > >

> > > > Often times the people who make things like this do it just to see if they can. They don't actually care about the game so much. It's the act of making the bot and seeing it function they find enjoyable. As both a enthusiast and professional in software/tech I can relate.

> > >

> > > Hmmm finding it enjoyable to negatively impact a bunch of other gamers, lol yup about in line with people today.

> > >

> >

> > There was not one mention of them enjoying the negative impact on other players in this post. All that was said was that they enjoy seeing their bot perform as expected in a game. No different than writing a ton of code and having it compile the first try.


> They are not soposed to be there. No wonder this games pvp is garbage cuz players like these who find excuses as to why it's ok. Oh I feel so good my bot a created behaved relatively decent in a match but still over all poorly and contributed wrecking a groups rating. It's ok though cuz I'm happy it got its pathing right. With player mentality like this anet has a upward battle if the want to try and bring this game back cuz it's it's very own players whine about its state but contribute to the problems. Unreal how stupid people are. I'm sure people who make hacks and cheats that work how they planned feel good or those pos people that rip people off through hacking devices as I'm sure they feel great about their programs success as well.


Both you and the poster above you are completely wrong. I did not author the bots. I was pointing out a botting strategy so hopefully Anet will try to fix it (and enjoying some Schadenfreude at the botters' expense). Ranked PVP in this game is garbage because the matches are usually decided before you jump in: either by the people who choose not to queue to avoid losing ranking, Anet's matchmaker doing nothing to balance duo queue, people who are good at figuring out the other team to last minute switch to hard counter and the bots. I actually hate it. I actually enjoy normal PVP way more because there's far less garbage and feels more balanced, but i rarely play it because I want to at least build 1 legendary PVP armor set (and will likely stop there, forever). It's just not worth it with the one-sided match making in ranked and the normal PVP is only worth it for dailies, so I may touch that, but really, if you know what meta to chase, mats/gold is much more efficient elsewhere. In fact ranked PVP really isn't competitive until you hit the highest pip chests, especially if you're on a restricted time interval.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Guys, it's just a way to win trade without involving other people into the win trading, so there is no risk in gossip.


> Multi Accounts, Multi Windows = Set your bot to try hard if on your team. Set your bot to throw if lands on other team. DC your bot if on your team and it looks like you're going to lose rating. EZPZ




sad Truth

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