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1080ti low fps

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> @"Chungo.3169" said:

> With my i5 gen3 + rx580 I also downloaded more fps than I would like, I tried d912pxy and I was delighted, it looks more fluid and with more fps. Search your browser "DirectX9 to DirectX12 API proxy for Guild Wars 2" you can try it and comment if it improves :)


I used it, but I liked the vulkan ,

if you haven't tested it yet, test it because I thought it was better

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I know it's the processor and that's the problem, I wanted help to use the gpu more than the processor, we are in 2020, several companies are improving their games, remasters, new engine etc, I just wanted it here too, the arenanet it's an excellent company, i know d912pxy and vk, but i wanted something native, they work but don't change much, please

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> @"PORCO.8364" said:> > I know it's the processor and that's the problem, I wanted help to use the gpu more than the processor, we are in 2020, several companies are improving their games, remasters, new engine etc, I just wanted it here too, the arenanet it's an excellent company, i know d912pxy and vk, but i wanted something native, they work but don't change much, pleasetechnology dont work in that wayGPU is purely for rendering graphics of objects and physics like water ripples and bouncing of lights off surfaces, you cannot simply take a different type of computation and throw it onto a GPUCPU is for calculation player position, skills input and responses, tell GPU what objects it needs to draw on screen (hence why Player Model Limit setting plays such a big role in fps); fps gotten worsen over the years in large meta resulting from adding and tuning of skills to have quick/instant casts, lower cd, and the easy access to quickness, alacrity allowing for more skill inputs, thus more calculations per sec is requiredin short, CPU is a general all-purpose processor to be able to serve multiple types of calculations, hence it will never be as efficient and quick compared to single-purpose hardware like GPU designed from the architectural level, that is why people use GPU for bitcoin mining (with modified BIOS)

with DX12 and Vulkan, plenty of discussions already exists and there are public statement put out from Anet developer, the margin of gain is insignificant compared to the amount of time (=money) Anet need to invest, such investment would be better on GW3 with a fresh new engine

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  • 2 months later...

> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> They still use DirectX 9. It's kitten hilarious. Its' 18 years old.


yeah, hilarious such that the game is still on the high charts of epic games this year and they even have a f2p for a dx9 game in 2020.


and all the other noob games using dx12 don't last for 1/2-1 year.

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Often over time a company loses competence to modernize old code as staff leave without adequate handover, or the legal ownership of certain code is such that altering it becomes contractually impossible to change some of it. It would not surprise me if either or both these reasons lie behind the game's archaic performance. No question it is a kittening embarrassment compared with other top Western mmos but also a miracle that it works at all. Praise Joko.

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Why do people put so mush into FPS if your getting on average 30 FPS the game is playable I know people that play this game with less and enjoy tho game! Until recently I played on an old I5 system the only got 30 to 60 FPS and I played on this system since the beginning of this game on it and have fun doing so! Did you all know that until at least the last 20 years most all movies and TV shows were filmed at 24FPS and animation was filmed at less and is still filmed this way today but people still watch this stuff and no one complains about it! People play this game on older than dirt system and are having fun. The whole point are you having fun then stop worrying about your FPS and have fun!

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Why do people put so mush into FPS if your getting on average 30 FPS the game is playable I know people that play this game with less and enjoy tho game! Until recently I played on an old I5 system the only got 30 to 60 FPS and I played on this system since the beginning of this game on it and have fun doing so! Did you all know that until at least the last 20 years most all movies and TV shows were filmed at 24FPS and animation was filmed at less and is still filmed this way today but people still watch this stuff and no one complains about it! People play this game on older than dirt system and are having fun. The whole point are you having fun then stop worrying about your FPS and have fun!

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> @"Feirlista Xv.1425" said:

> Why do people put so mush into FPS if your getting on average 30 FPS the game is playable I know people that play this game with less and enjoy tho game! Until recently I played on an old I5 system the only got 30 to 60 FPS and I played on this system since the beginning of this game on it and have fun doing so! Did you all know that until at least the last 20 years most all movies and TV shows were filmed at 24FPS and animation was filmed at less and is still filmed this way today but people still watch this stuff and no one complains about it! People play this game on older than dirt system and are having fun. The whole point are you having fun then stop worrying about your FPS and have fun!


30 FPS for many people, including myself is unbearable. It has always been for me, as such, I have never enjoyed consoles, as most could only do 30 FPS. This is why I have always had highend gaming PCs. As for movies, yes, people know this, and there are many people again, including myself that don't like it and the big push back the industry has had from moving from the classic 24 FPS, some studios and many newer directors are starting to move away from 24 FPS, as this is not a hardware or technical limit anymore. Also prerecorded movies are not the same as rendered video games that have active interaction, while movies/videos are a passive viewing. As such input lag starts to become noticeable, big time as you get to 30 FPS, as the lower the FPS the longer it takes for that input to be displayed on the screen. On the extreme end, this is why most pro gamers run 144Hz screens.


You also TOTALLY ignore frame time, as frames per second are not the only factor, as a video or movie at 24 FPS has a frame time of about 42ms, being that this is a passive viewing with no interaction and frame time is consistent, to most people the viewing is smooth and enjoyable. While games that have player interaction are rendered in real time and as such frame time changes ALOT. You can have 30FPS and have 80-90% of those frames at frame times MUCH lower than a 24FPS movie, but the other 10% can have 100ms+ frame times, which results in the game feeling sluggish and not smooth at all, up to full stuttering. Another thing to understand about video, such as cinema 24FPS is that motion blur and other tricks are used to reduce flicker, because if movies were really played at 24FPS raw, you would have unbearable flicker. What projectors do is display the image, then displays a black screen (to reduce flicker) and then displays the same image again and then a black screen and then the next image, as such 24FPS movies actually display 48 images not including the blanks to smooth out flicker.


If you don't believe or understand this, use two monitors side by side, one 60Hz and another 144Hz, open a window on the desktop and just drag it around quickly, the 144Hz monitor will be smooth tracing, the 60Hz will look like many trailing windows following the movement, this is called ghosting. You can do this with just your mouse as well, where you will see many distinct cursors when moving it around fast, while on a 144Hz monitor this will be smooth. People got into the mindset that 24 FPS was some how a limit of the human eye, but it is not, it was hardware limitations of the time. Technically speaking the eye can pick up motion artifacts up to something like 500FPS, though most people can only tell a distinct change up to about 160Hz, though this changes with age.


Another example we have today is the introduction of VR, where people very quickly realized that even 60Hz was not enough and is why most headsets have 90Hz or greater refresh rates and why VR is so PC demanding. Early sets that could only do 60Hz or PCs that could not push the 90Hz+ headset experience motion sickness, because again, sitting and viewing a passive movie vs walking along and interacting with something are NOT the same thing.


Skip to 3:33 for a great example of camera movement in 24 vs 60 FPS.



LOTS more info on frame times:


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