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Achievement Daily Cap


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> @AtlasSi.9130 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.

> >

> > But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )


> This was December 10, 2014. GW2 base release date August 28, 2012. This was put in 2 years after. Fast forward to today. 10 ap a day. 4 years to hit cap. 3 years after this has been in place. Time for a raise, removal, or something like HnRkLnXqZ's idea(see up above)...for those of us who like to get our AP. Hm...I'm gonna have to do some searching and see where the "new players catching up" came from. It's just what I've always been told/seen since the release of this.




> [https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-new-daily-achievement-system/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-new-daily-achievement-system/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-new-daily-achievement-system/")



> Wow it's been a long time since I've read this. Interesting few lines in this though. "We want the rewards to help drive players to the content, not general rewards for all achievements." Rewards? That's kinda meaningless...since there are far better things to do with your time to be more efficient.

> "So now players concentrating on achievement points only need to ensure they finish three daily achievements." So now that the AP hunter has hit the cap the content you want to push us to becomes meaningless. As said before....other things are a better time/efficient thing to do.


In addition:


"Players will earn rewards other than achievement points if they complete additional achievements; you can do more achievements if you’re excited about the additional rewards, but you don’t have to feel pressured to do all of them every day to reach your achievement point max."


The cap was created because players who are obsessive about AP don't want to have to exercise self control. I'll admit to feeling conflicted about this. Low self control can be a problem, and I believe a lot of people play video games for more hours than is probably good for them. On the other hand, removing an incentive, no matter how small, for people to log in and play just a little, even if they don't have time to play more, may not be best for the overall health of the game.

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The rewards go up to 44k, not 60k, because at 45k they need to add a brand new skin reward similar to the Hellfire/Radiant sets.

The faster we reach 44k, the faster they'd need to make new skins for it, and same with anything above that. It was a very good thing that they did not introduce rewards for 45k+ and it was a mistake to make rewards available for preview when it's impossible to reach them (backpacks)

To be even more precise the rewards go up to 42k, that's where you get the final Radiant/Hellfire piece, and above 57k you even stop getting Pinnacle weapon skins (you got them all) so saying that they have all rewards planned until 60k is false

In addition, the achievement reward system goes to infinity, why do you think it will stop at 60k? When we reach ~50k in some years they'd need to add new rewards, there is no cap to achievement points, therefore, the faster you get AP, the more work for the developers to introduce new rewards.

Meaning there is a good reason NOT to increase the AP rewards

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I actually like the cap. I'm not at it quite yet but I look forward to the day when I no longer get an itch to do boring dailies just so I can grab an extra 10 AP.


I do the boring dailies for the goooold. :3


Wouldn't mind a push on the AP cap, but only as a gradual thing. Like, loosen it by 100 / month just to get some progress. But I've also long since reconciled with being at cap, so.. eh. Not gonna fuss. :P

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> It would be nice to change the hard cap of 15,000 to a system without cap but diminishing returns.


> Like:

> 10Ap/day for the first 15,000

> 5Ap/day for 15,000 - 25,000

> 3Ap/day for 25,000 - 35,000

> 2Ap/day for 35,000 - 45,000

> 1Ap/day for 45,000+


> Numbers can be changed and are just to indicate the principle.


It's certainly possible to add an achievement that opens up after the cap.

At 15,000AP, Achievement Capper opens. This is, apropos or ironically, also worth AP. :P

Then a different daily award opens up: Daily Cap Daily Achiever. (Yes, I'm deliberately naming it something awful.) It gives a reduced amount of AP. Like, 3AP. And just let that coast ad infinitum (no, not the back piece). Boom, repeatable progress.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.


> But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )


ANet has never stated ANY reason on their official forums, not in official information releases. Well, not so far as I have checked.


I think I'm right in the above statements, because none of the supporters of the cap have ever quoted ANet in support of it.


The biggest problem is that they seem to think this is a good thing (lack of communication).

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.

> >

> > But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )


> ANet has never stated ANY reason on their official forums, not in official information releases. Well, not so far as I have checked.


> I think I'm right in the above statements, because none of the supporters of the cap have ever quoted ANet in support of it.


> The biggest problem is that they seem to think this is a good thing (lack of communication).


This was wrong. As posts after the one I quoted show, one (very lame) reason was given: to force me to play WvW and PvP.


So, I'll rephrase: no GOOD reason has ever been given.


(But, I'll stand pat on my assessment that they simply don't care enough to discuss it.)

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  • 7 months later...

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Why do new players need to catch up? Catch up with what? The leaders of the Leaderboard? Never, ever going to happen. Not with a cap in place. A cap doesn't only limit 'Veterans', it limits new players, as well. Do new players even _know_ there is a Leaderboard? Do they care? Does any player but the top, I don't know, 50? 100? 10? even look at the Leaderboard?


If a newer player wants to put in the effort if not more than older players to catch up and surpass, they should be given the option too. Otherwise there shouldn't be a leader board in any sense.

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The prob with the daily cap is that it stops the only guaranteed path to increasing a player's progress along the ap reward track each time they play. If anet continues to regularly introduce content like the sunken chests which allows for progress at a slower but consistent rate, I'm fine with that as a solution . . .

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The problem is thinking of it as a track that absolutely must progress by a minimum amount every day, like other *real* reward tracks.

Another problem is thinking that the daily AP is the only thing keeping you log in, if that’s all you log in for, do you even enjoy playing? Why do the higher rewards bother you so much, if you only play to get them rather than enjoy the game?


It was a **bad** idea adding skins as an AP reward in the first place, Anet should have stuck with Laurels/Gold/Titles/Gems/account boost, then these threads wouldn’t exist.

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A time ago I made [a suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/202581/#Comment_202581 "a suggestion") to change the current daily AP cap to a system of diminishing returns over the 15k cap we have in place now:


> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> It would be nice to change the hard cap of 15,000 to a system without cap but diminishing returns.


> Like:

> 10Ap/day for the first 15,000

> 5Ap/day for 15,000 - 25,000

> 3Ap/day for 25,000 - 35,000

> 2Ap/day for 35,000 - 45,000

> 1Ap/day for 45,000+


> Numbers can be changed and are just to indicate the principle.


I still would love to see this change.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Why do new players need to catch up? Catch up with what? The leaders of the Leaderboard? Never, ever going to happen. Not with a cap in place. A cap doesn't only limit 'Veterans', it limits new players, as well. Do new players even _know_ there is a Leaderboard? Do they care? Does any player but the top, I don't know, 50? 100? 10? even look at the Leaderboard?


> If a newer player wants to put in the effort if not more than older players to catch up and surpass, they should be given the option too. Otherwise there shouldn't be a leader board in any sense.


That option has been taken from new players by retired achievements, seasonal achievements, achievement of old story chapters that are no longer in the game. New players will never catch up, unless the entire leaderboard just stops farming AP.


And as someone else said, they might have done it to impose some control over players and how much time they spend in game: the original GW has a message system that told you how long you were playing, with the advice to take a break. GW2 never had that. If ANet finds it so important that people don't spend too much time in game, they would've carried that over to GW2. At the very least made it obvious. If this was truly a reason for capping daily AP, they made it quite an oblique way of pointing it out. Besides, I don't need someone to impose a control measure over me. I'll decide what I do and for how long I do it. That also means I won't be "forced" into PvP or WvW to get more AP. I like farming it (am only 34 points away from 30k) but it still won't make me play gamemodes I find boring. I've farmed 14 Gifts of Battle, but still don't feel any desire to play WvW for any other reason. I like the WvW legendary back item, but it still doesn't coax me into WvW. The same applies to the PvP legendary back item. I farm my AP in PvE, as much as that's possible with the general stinginess of current achievements, and will keep on doing so.


And if people feel forced to do dailies because it still provides AP, they have a problem that is not going to be fixed by ANet putting a cap on it. People who can't limit and control themselves won't learn to overcome that from a gaming company, especially if it's not spelled out for them.

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