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Portal buff?


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Glamors need buffs in general. I don't know what's with the hate for aoes on mesmer.


Edit nobody will see:

Portal keeps decappers and sidenoders in check, and forces the opposite team to act accordingly. This is obviously strong but not overpowered.

However, 30 seconds only work (somewhat) in a coordinated team. Taking portal to ranked is like playing with only two utilities.

Change it back to 60 seconds.

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I'm fine with leaving it. This is what the community wanted for years:

Most punishable burst.

Mediocre team utility and team fight support (because this is what mes was historically taken for)

and now dodge less than any other class, even though it already did this compared to any medium as well as a couple others.


Just leave it as it is and let's see if anyone calls mes OP after all this... Who am I kidding, probably will since condi can passively damage. Not like that wasn't the **ONLY** major issue since season 9-12ish other than chaos shenanigans- an issue of their own making- but whatever; PSO2 coming to the west.

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Portal was cool and required intelligence to use in a team setting until Mesmer was able to stand on its own in most/all 1v1's. Then it got way too much mileage out of just leaving portal on a capped point, being able to roam almost freely and near instantly return to stop any decap attempts. So only bring back portal if mes doesn't have strong duelist builds or the duelist builds absolutely require 3 combat utilities post patch.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Portal was cool and required intelligence to use in a team setting until Mesmer was able to stand on its own in most/all 1v1's. Then it got way too much mileage out of just leaving portal on a capped point, being able to roam almost freely and near instantly return to stop any decap attempts. So only bring back portal if mes doesn't have strong duelist builds or the duelist builds absolutely require 3 combat utilities post patch.

Mesmer is a duelist and should be good at duels. Even when mesmer is good at duels (and using 3 utilities) everyone are still mad. (as long as it exists).

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > Portal was cool and required intelligence to use in a team setting until Mesmer was able to stand on its own in most/all 1v1's. Then it got way too much mileage out of just leaving portal on a capped point, being able to roam almost freely and near instantly return to stop any decap attempts. So only bring back portal if mes doesn't have strong duelist builds or the duelist builds absolutely require 3 combat utilities post patch.

> Mesmer is a duelist and should be good at duels. Even when mesmer is good at duels (and using 3 utilities) everyone are still mad. (as long as it exists).


Then leave portal as is, ez pz.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > Portal was cool and required intelligence to use in a team setting until Mesmer was able to stand on its own in most/all 1v1's. Then it got way too much mileage out of just leaving portal on a capped point, being able to roam almost freely and near instantly return to stop any decap attempts. So only bring back portal if mes doesn't have strong duelist builds or the duelist builds absolutely require 3 combat utilities post patch.

> > Mesmer is a duelist and should be good at duels. Even when mesmer is good at duels (and using 3 utilities) everyone are still mad. (as long as it exists).


> Then leave portal as is, ez pz.

My point is people are always mad regardless of mesmer performance.

But I agree, buff mesmer and auto-ban everyone who whine about it, I'm with you bro !

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They already destroyed chrono, no class deserves that treatment, and now are balancing mirage.

I don't see a problem with restoring portal to it's previous duration, they gotta have something to excel at, if portal is to be that in which they excel I don't see why not. Besides.... portal always had a pretty good skill ceiling, it would be nice to see the old portal plays in the game, it made the game a lot more dynamic than just thief spamming sb 5 to out-rotate everyone.

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Yeah, unnerf portal.


Honestly people underestimate how serious sacrificing a direct combat utility for portal is. It means you're losing either Arcane Thievery, so you lose your boon steal and condition transfer, or you're losing Signet of Midnight/Illusory Ambush/Mantra of Resolve/Null Field ect. ect. Anyway you look at it, taking portal opens up a new area and opportunity for players to break through your capacity to 1v1 them as you always have serious new holes opened in your defense no matter what you're sacrificing.


There's a reason outrage against condition mirage hit a fever pitch when portal was nerfed and no longer worth taking. In many ways Portal is a power limiter and when condition mirages weren't taking it anymore their capacity to 1v1 skyrocketed just because of how much better they were able to shore up their defenses and their capacity to respond to certain situations like being loaded with conditions or an enemy ramping up boons or being +1'd against.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> There's a reason outrage against condition mirage hit a fever pitch when portal was nerfed and no longer worth taking. In many ways Portal is a power limiter and when condition mirages weren't taking it anymore their capacity to 1v1 skyrocketed just because of how much better they were able to shore up their defenses and their capacity to respond to certain situations like being loaded with conditions or an enemy ramping up boons or being +1'd against.


Another nerf suggested by the "knowledgeable community" that did nothing to fix the real problem as usual. Still ANerf listens to them...



> @"Halikus.1406" said:

> and now are balancing mirage.


"balancing", you forgot the " ".



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