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Possibly returning is it worth it?

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So I originally played since release and through Hot but eventually became bored as I really didn't seem to have anything to work towards. I enjoyed WvW but after leaving to ESO I found Cyrodil to be more alive then GW2 WvW and good pve with housing as well. I'm tempted to come back for Pof but am afraid just like with Hot once I get through the new stuff I'll be back to running the same dungeons, fractals, and meta events that caused me to leave in the first place.


I've also read on the forums about dps meters and I'm aware of what the warcraft community is like because of it very toxic. Is this now becoming an issue in GW2 as well?

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I quit for 2 1/2 years due to idk just lost intrest but returned in Nov '16 been at it since probably longest I've played without a break since the actual release of core gw2. Though i admit, I still have days of uninterest in the game, but anymore any game gives me that feeling. Just getting old, been a gamer for a long time, not just a casual gamer i hardcored it for like past 12 years in so many games, they've all started to feel the same, but I digress.


I came back here, now I just casual it few hours here few hours there, so far I'm still content and not feeling burned out with it. Gw2 is still gw2 for the most part HoT expansion i really loved it and now the new Path of fire expansion, been just casually going at it not gonna hard core it like i did hot, don't think enough here to actually do that really wasnt for hot either lol lesson learned.


Pick up the new expansion and or try out them new living worlds you missed out on for HoT side and I'm sure more will come with PoF.

I'd definitely say worth coming back to. Most of core was to easy and or boring for me, but ya know was round 2 years before HoT (3 if u count my away time) so makes sense I'm sure.

But I found new home in the expansion contents. You might aswell.

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> @tattyana.2356 said:

> So I originally played since release and through Hot but eventually became bored as I really didn't seem to have anything to work towards. I enjoyed WvW but after leaving to ESO I found Cyrodil to be more alive then GW2 WvW and good pve with housing as well. I'm tempted to come back for Pof but am afraid just like with Hot once I get through the new stuff I'll be back to running the same dungeons, fractals, and meta events that caused me to leave in the first place.


> I've also read on the forums about dps meters and I'm aware of what the warcraft community is like because of it very toxic. Is this now becoming an issue in GW2 as well?


truth be told honestly no it is not worth coming back to this game ever . your only going to find the same problems only more faster that made you leave the game in the first place !! .


yes dps meters have turned this game now into a WOW colon . support here is most useless as well as the staff given only half baked answers .as well right now if you need support it takes 15 days before they might even look at your ticket . maybe . and if you do not make happy posts here well that and given honest (they call ) bad feed back gets you banned out right here for just telling the truth about the game .

anet staff even made dps meters legal to use in this game . making it more like wow than before



I have not even bought the new pack for the game and I never will given all the past and current problems with this game and support or their lack of . at best I might play a half hour once a month these days . and if you read these forums and the official forums over on reddit guildwars2 you will see for your own self how much worse this game has gotten since you left in the first place


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* "Yes, absolutely worth it"

* "I hate PoF and asked for a refund"

* "Eh, PoF is prettier and easier than HoT, but I've run out of things to do."

* "Mounts alone are worth the cost of PoF." "Gliding or true auto-looting alone is worth the cost of HoT"


Some real (albeit paraphrased) opinions of real players.


Whenever I see someone ask this question, I always wonder: instead of asking, why not just come back? There's no additional cost (other than waiting for the game to update its code). None of us can answer the question accurately for anyone else because we don't know why you left or what you really dislike (in the OP's post, they mentioned concern about DPS meters, but didn't specify the sort of content they like... which affects how prevalent meter-usage is).


Most people who ask, "is it worth it" fall into two categories:

* They left because they disliked something about the game or

* They left because they ran out of things (they like) to do.


The first group is almost never going to be happy, since the game doesn't change all that much — new features and QoL improvements, but the core of the style decisions and aesthetics remains the same. If you didn't like open-ended goals or free-form combat, or lack of traditional Trinity, well, the game is never going to be your cup of tea. The only way it would be worth coming back is if you played other games and realized how good it was here, upon reflection.


The second group is likely to be happy for a short period of time. There are new things to do (some without even fronting the cost for the expacs), but you'll eventually run out again. If that seems okay to you, sure, come back.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > PoF didn't bring anything to the game that didn't already exist with HoT. If the game couldn't keep your attention after Hot, it's unlikely to draw it back now.


> Opinion is about all that statement is. definetly not a fact.


It added 5 physical zones, very very large zones. It added mounts. It added bounties in the zones. The bounties are the only content that continue after the story is over. Once the zones are fully explored and the mounts unlocked, can you honestly say that daily Bounties could be considered significant enough to keep someone's attention if HoT content and the content from the rest of the game couldn't? Be serious here. I'm not talking about someone who enjoys the game simply for the game. He left because this game didn't keep his attention. What exactly in PoF do you think would keep it?


This isn't a matter of subjective information. It objectively did not bring enough to the table to be likely to keep him long term.

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PoF didn't do enough at launch to keep me interested past the story. I log in and farm materials for my legendary and work on my map completion -- slowly. The maps are very large and the events are so spread apart that there is a lot of traversing the area. Sure, ArenaNet gave us mounts to get around quicker but I almost wish they didn't. I find myself running past bad guys rather than engaging them.


The PoF story was great and I have high hopes for the Living Story content. If the living story doesn't bring map-wide meta events to the existing maps I doubt I'll be engaged for long. There just isn't enough to hold my attention, and the biggest lure to the expansion [mounts] kinda ruined the experience for me. :\

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> @tattyana.2356 said:

> So I originally played since release and through Hot but eventually became bored as I really didn't seem to have anything to work towards. I enjoyed WvW but after leaving to ESO I found Cyrodil to be more alive then GW2 WvW and good pve with housing as well. I'm tempted to come back for Pof but am afraid just like with Hot once I get through the new stuff I'll be back to running the same dungeons, fractals, and meta events that caused me to leave in the first place.


> I've also read on the forums about dps meters and I'm aware of what the warcraft community is like because of it very toxic. Is this now becoming an issue in GW2 as well?


To answer your first question: PoF has a limited amount of content, so, as with any game or any expansion, after a while you end up on a repeat of what you already have done. However, PoF does not have drawn out meta events, it has small scale localized events, like core, so, you could in effect, wander around doing whatever you want for as long as you want, with no worry about the whole event failing or passing.


To Answer your second Question: Yes the GW2 community is slowly moving down that path, thankfully it seems to be contained to Fractals and Raids.

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Personally, if it weren't for some of the people I play with, I wouldn't be here. The gutting of the low-level zones, abandonment of dungeons, changes to the advancement system, etc. have taken all the fun out of anything except WvW for me. If you don't have friends you want to see and hang out with, I can't see playing the game if you lost interest before.

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> @tattyana.2356 said:

> Well guess I'll wait a bit and see how this damage meter and other things play out before taking the plunge back into the game.


DPS meters only exist in raids & fractals really, and only in some groups. They do not function at all in the open world or most other content. I haven't come across anyone mentioning them for months in game, just people on forums have an ideological hatred of them (these same people hate raids so try to use the DPS meter as a weapon to destroy anything that requires competent play as DPS meters measure competence).

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Something worth noting is that the devs have made an effort to introduce new releases within a shorter time frame than before. There (hopefully) will not be a year of content drought after this expansion. They said they were aiming for a release every 2-3 months (though I suspect it might take a bit longer because of the expansion's release just now). They've been on a really good schedule, even releasing Path of Fire in less than two months after it's official announcement on august 1st, which was I think a week after episode 6 was released, meaning that even the expansion was released within their 2-3 month goalposts. So hopefully the issues of running out of content to play will be less pronounced.


Also, mounts are totally worth it. However, if you don't feel like exploring old content with mounts, then that may not be a large enough draw.


I think it's worth it, but I play pretty casually so content usually lasts a lot longer for me than most.

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Games been pretty fun. Pof have been nice but the incentive to do the conent is been lacking. Hopefully doe anet aknowledges that the rewards are poor on the maps and they will further update them. So hopefully Quarter of an expansion Mike can go back to full expansion Mike. :tongue:

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I recently took a break from ESO and, after about a year and a half of relative dormancy in GW2, am finally back to check out Season Three and Path of Fire (though not necessarily in that order).


So far, I'm having a blast. I welcome the move away from long easy-to-fail meta event chains that I don't have the time or patience for. I LOVE the mounts (ArenaNet did an awesome job on them, in my opinion) and the new maps. The new elite specializations are a mixed bag with some teething pains and balance issues that need to be sorted out, but are overall an imaginative and welcome addition to the game.


That said, as other players have mentioned, it's still GW2. New content only goes so far, and repetition will become the norm as it does with any MMO. If the pattern of that repetition has been unsatisfying in the past, it probably still will be once the newness of PoF wears off.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > PoF didn't bring anything to the game that didn't already exist with HoT. If the game couldn't keep your attention after Hot, it's unlikely to draw it back now.

> >

> > Opinion is about all that statement is. definetly not a fact.


> It added 5 physical zones, very very large zones. It added mounts. It added bounties in the zones. The bounties are the only content that continue after the story is over. Once the zones are fully explored and the mounts unlocked, can you honestly say that daily Bounties could be considered significant enough to keep someone's attention if HoT content and the content from the rest of the game couldn't? Be serious here. I'm not talking about someone who enjoys the game simply for the game. He left because this game didn't keep his attention. What exactly in PoF do you think would keep it?


> This isn't a matter of subjective information. It objectively did not bring enough to the table to be likely to keep him long term.


You are listing a ton of game changing additions and even leaving out others like new elite specs, changes to HoT zones over HoT livecycle, changes and additions of legendary armor to WvW and spvp as well as changes to fractals and addition of an entire season of living world story.


What are you smoking exactly? I'd like some too.

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I think if you left because you got bored, you will leave again.

However, before getting bored you will surely get your money's worth in content with Path of Fire.

Sure it doesn't have good replayability value, but there is tons of content that will keep you busy for a long time.

Then you can come back again for every new episode release once S4 begins.


So it's worth coming back. You will get your money's worth with Path of Fire.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > > PoF didn't bring anything to the game that didn't already exist with HoT. If the game couldn't keep your attention after Hot, it's unlikely to draw it back now.

> > >

> > > Opinion is about all that statement is. definetly not a fact.

> >

> > It added 5 physical zones, very very large zones. It added mounts. It added bounties in the zones. The bounties are the only content that continue after the story is over. Once the zones are fully explored and the mounts unlocked, can you honestly say that daily Bounties could be considered significant enough to keep someone's attention if HoT content and the content from the rest of the game couldn't? Be serious here. I'm not talking about someone who enjoys the game simply for the game. He left because this game didn't keep his attention. What exactly in PoF do you think would keep it?

> >

> > This isn't a matter of subjective information. It objectively did not bring enough to the table to be likely to keep him long term.


> You are listing a ton of game changing additions and even leaving out others like new elite specs, changes to HoT zones over HoT livecycle, changes and additions of legendary armor to WvW and spvp as well as changes to fractals and addition of an entire season of living world story.


> What are you smoking exactly? I'd like some too.


Clearly you're the one that's high. These changes and additions are not going to hold this person's attention if what we had before it couldn't do it. I can't even imagine why you would think that. This isn't someone who is content doing the same basic content over and over, as described by his own experience after HoT. That's why he left in the first place. The other question is, would these changes, which clearly will not maintain his attention warrant spending the money necessary to acquire them in the first place? That seems unlikely also.


It's cool that you find all this more than enough to keep your attention indefinitely. It has always been enough to keep mine, I don't even need half the things going on in this game to come back. You clearly, though, are shortsighted and unable to look at something from someone else's perspective.

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I appreciate some of the constructive feedback given and appreciate the ability for most of you to be able to look at things from my perspective especially the poster above me. After long debating I've decided to buy POF as quite frankly I'm tired of paying $15.00 a month for ESO and the grinding is real in that game.


Not only that my playing sessions are getting shorter do to real life commitments and regardless of whether I run out of stuff to in this game I won't feel obligated to play since I wouldn't be paying $15.00 a month. Now I know some of you will say you don't have to pay to play ESO but you almost have to just for the crafting bag otherwise managing inventory is awful.


Here's to hoping damage meters don't turn this game into a full blown WoW community.

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