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The Shatterer Needs Some Tweak


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The Core Tyria Shatterer Needs Some Tweaks

Its almost impossible to get the "No Fly Zone" & "Smash That Dragon" Achivement.


The Reasons :

1. Not enough people doing it because no special loot like (Tequatl the Sunless or Claw of Jormag)

2. Not enough people doing it in prime playing time of EU (4PM and 7PM) Server time as it collides with the timing of (Tequatl the Sunless)

3. Those who are doing this boss most of them are doing the flying achievement full time no incentive for them

4. CC window is very low timed and bar is very strong (OT: There are a lot of mobs in open world that I found its easier to just kill them with auto attack rather breaking their bar)


By tweaking one or two reason this can be solved.


I have to agree I see a lot less player that before in open world content as I saw a year or two ago. Most of the elite players now just log in during a new LS update. And the new players are having bad experience trying to get these bosses killed and get the achievement. The core Tyria can get more polish in many places so the new players have better experience ultimately sticking with the game. I am not saying make them easy just sensible when 25-30 people trying it the bar should be broken by 10-15 people pressing 1CC.

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I think the issue is also players don't understand that the cc bar needs breaking with the bombs being dropped from above rather than just cc skills which are not enough on their own and that requires knowing the timing. It works fine during the boss weeks - I finally got my last one done during the last boss week completely by surprise. I am unsurprised it isn't focused on during normal meta groups though.

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> ...seriously? Try LFG dude. Join a guild. Make some friends. Get an irl group together. Embrace the "multiplayer" part of "MMORPG".


Trying LFG for 2 month now even bought commander tag, of my 4 guild none of them does this, they run hot & pof meta but not these :)

also those who have done this already have no incentive to help new players and will post salty comment :)

looks like I have to wait for next boss event when all the dead people rise again :)


Screenshot Today 4PM Server Time, Same thing will happen in 7PM and 10PM



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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> Have you guys, even Anet ever played in unpopulated instance and time zone? Not only Shatterer, but most of meta contents are already unplayable. GW2 meta contents are not designed to play such circumstances, so this issue will get worse and worse with time passing.


All metas are still playable

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"arielwind.8921" said:

> > Have you guys, even Anet ever played in unpopulated instance and time zone? Not only Shatterer, but most of meta contents are already unplayable. GW2 meta contents are not designed to play such circumstances, so this issue will get worse and worse with time passing.


> All metas are still playable


I think their point was they arent during certain time periods for certain time zones which is 100% true.


Ive gone into world boss areas quite a bit in the mornings when i can play and the maps are empty, nobody doing bosses etc, no LFGs up for those bosses either.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"arielwind.8921" said:

> > > Have you guys, even Anet ever played in unpopulated instance and time zone? Not only Shatterer, but most of meta contents are already unplayable. GW2 meta contents are not designed to play such circumstances, so this issue will get worse and worse with time passing.

> >

> > All metas are still playable


> I think their point was they arent during certain time periods for certain time zones which is 100% true.


> Ive gone into world boss areas quite a bit in the mornings when i can play and the maps are empty, nobody doing bosses etc, no LFGs up for those bosses either.


Maybe, maybe not. Their screenshot wasn't really much evidence as they weren't even on the map. It's also entirely possible that there is an active map instance but it's full enough for the system to create a new one leaving the impression that the map is empty.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"arielwind.8921" said:

> > > > Have you guys, even Anet ever played in unpopulated instance and time zone? Not only Shatterer, but most of meta contents are already unplayable. GW2 meta contents are not designed to play such circumstances, so this issue will get worse and worse with time passing.

> > >

> > > All metas are still playable

> >

> > I think their point was they arent during certain time periods for certain time zones which is 100% true.

> >

> > Ive gone into world boss areas quite a bit in the mornings when i can play and the maps are empty, nobody doing bosses etc, no LFGs up for those bosses either.


> Maybe, maybe not. Their screenshot wasn't really much evidence as they weren't even on the map. It's also entirely possible that there is an active map instance but it's full enough for the system to create a new one leaving the impression that the map is empty.


Could be true enough, sometimes i doubt though when i arrive an hour before the pre events and the map never fills, nor do i get the empty map message.


Its really annoying to see events like that when its the only time you can catch that boss.

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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> Have you guys, even Anet ever played in unpopulated instance and time zone? Not only Shatterer, but most of meta contents are already unplayable. GW2 meta contents are not designed to play such circumstances, so this issue will get worse and worse with time passing.


I've only been able to get one of the three Triple Trouble wurms due to the timing. Not just when it pops not matching my play time. I've also been on the map when it goes off and there are only a handful of players so it goes undone.


I had the same problem with the Awakened Invasion achievements. Plains of Ashford defense took about three months to pin down. And don't even get me started on Palawadan and Warden Amala!

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> @"GHOST.8609" said:

> > ...seriously? Try LFG dude. Join a guild. Make some friends. Get an irl group together. Embrace the "multiplayer" part of "MMORPG".


> Trying LFG for 2 month now even bought commander tag, of my 4 guild none of them does this, they run hot & pof meta but not these :)

> also those who have done this already have no incentive to help new players and will post salty comment :)

> looks like I have to wait for next boss event when all the dead people rise again :)


> Screenshot Today 4PM Server Time, Same thing will happen in 7PM and 10PM

> https://imgur.com/a/xdp22kB



Maybe try _after_ reset, rather than 2 minutes before?

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> Maybe try _after_ reset, rather than 2 minutes before?


I took this screenshot just to show that all 3 EU Prime time (4PM,7PM,10PM) the timer collides with Tequatl the Sunless. So there are 3 filled map of Tequatl and one person with mentor tag trying to form shatterer map. You can go and kill the boosses there will be 10-15 people but not do the achievement which is my point. Also as I said before I bought commander tag just for this and I posted groups on prime times for 3-4 days straight only 5-10 people join my event and if I am lucky 20-25 but no one wants to do the achievement.


So the points are again >

* People like Tequatl more than this because of the loot

* People hardly comes to kill shatterer

* And even by luck you form or enter a big group no one is willing to do the achi as its hard and not worth the try and just auto attack the mighty legs


Even if Anent dose not want to change the fight they can add a re skin of "Sohothin" like Claw of Jormag on the loot or add the "infusion" that drops from death branded shatterer. When more people comes to kill the boss the easier it is to find willing people participating in that achievement.


Another thing I want to point out that no matter what the time is you will see HOT maps are active , because even after the boss loot there are plenty of containers to open :) or the Matriarch or Pitana which is easy and fast meta that gives you hero chest and gemstone

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You need a pre made group in which everyone knows what to do for this. Extra pugs won't really help. I'm not 100 % sure if the break bar scales but if it does they are even detrimental.

You need everyone to get away from the boss on to the platforms at the exact timings and drop the bombs. Good commander is a must. I've seen very well organised groups fail the timings here.

Basically you will never do this with randoms. And it is perfectly fine that there are achivs in the game that require organised groups.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> You're right. ArenaNet! add more people to the event!


> ...seriously? Try LFG dude. Join a guild. Make some friends. Get an irl group together. Embrace the "multiplayer" part of "MMORPG".


You do realize that multiplayer just means there are multiple people playing the same game as you at the same time on the same world, don't you?

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> Basically you will never do this with randoms. And it is perfectly fine that there are achivs in the game that require organised groups.


As I said multiple time in the post I have no problem how it is now and also with content that require proper squad but making that proper squad is hard when 300-400 people are on Tequatl at the same time when most of the EU people play. There is a group that organise Triple Trouble and the map gets filled an hour before because people know they will be successful at completing the achievement and also timing does not conflict with other popular bosses. And there are many achievements that I can think of that require team play and participation form people for example "Siren Reef" achievement in t4 , however those can be done again and again and a skin is not hidden behind that achievement.


I have seen multiple post in this forum and in Reddit that jump timing is messy , its alright i will try my luck next world boss or talk to my guild leaders to organize this one. But please stop telling me its easy , get friends and use lfg :)



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I really despise the patronizing people who managed to do this event in the game's prime time or randomly during some world boss event =)

And now they simply don't care about the new players, the buggy/difficult achievements or lack of people in old maps.

Yet they can still spout things like "just organize X amount of people to do something unpopular with little to no reward for them".

I wonder why they don't offer **their help** instead of useless advice until opener gets achievement, and see how they like attempting one ach for weeks ;)


But yes, I do agree with the opener that achievements that can't be attempted often and/or need large groups of people to complete should be slowly revised. Seems counterproductive to frustrate your new players...

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EU prime time does not equate to server prime time, which is right after daily server reset


I totally agree with the problem with Anet not implementing tiered based reward mechanic, which was something i suggested ages ago, players should be rewarded for doing the mechanics rather than ignoring it; but i can see the problem with my suggestion, as it can introduce player blaming if failing to do a mechanic


in regards to the breakbar, this is a lack of understanding of players, Shatterer's breakbar cannot be broken with class skill CCs, it is impossible; this was deliberately done so players should do the mechanics


which is an inherit problem with Anet's design decision, they do not force players to do the mechanics like most MMOs, which i see is a problem because it creates a split in player attitudes, on one side you got the "I'm lazy and just want to stand around spamming 1" and the other side you got the "dude, do the freaken mechanics you bloody leechers and trolls" - myself was the latter, but seeing more and more of lazy people myself got fed up and caught on the lazy bug too, why so serious?! - yeap, I'm ashamed of myself, lol


This post i wrote ages ago on how to get the SMASH achieve


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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> You're right. ArenaNet! add more people to the event!


> ...seriously? Try LFG dude. Join a guild. Make some friends. Get an irl group together. Embrace the "multiplayer" part of "MMORPG".

It will most likely still fail. It's not lack of people that is the real problem here, but the breakbar itself. You need a very organized run for that achi, because the breakbar cannot realistically be broken by using nomal cc skills - you need coordinated aerial attack with bombs at the right moment for it to work. And the breakbar window is so narrow that anyone that will jump in the air after the breakbar appears will _not_ get there in time - you need to already be in the air, ready to throw.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"GHOST.8609" said: I am not saying make them easy just sensible when 25-30 people trying it the bar should be broken by 10-15 people pressing 1CC.


> I believe it can already be broken by around that many if they do it from the glider.

Yes, you need around 1/3 to 1/2 of the whole group on gliders. It's just, like i said, this requires _very_ precise coordination and timing. I have never seen it done outside of cases of some organized group on voice comm helping out. Normal non-voice coordinated pug groups might be lucky to break bar once, if they are very lucky and a lot of players in it know well what's going on, but getting the achi for breaking _all_ bars is just beyond reach of such groups.


Notice, by the way, that it's not easy to predict when you should be up in the air. The first breakbar is on a timer, so it can be predicted (although that timer _can_ be off in some cases, for unknown reasons), but the crystals phase messes up all the future timers, making breaking of those breakbars more of a lottery.

Shatterer itself does _not_ have any visual indication that might tell you the breakbar phase might be incoming - and once you see it starting, it is too late to react.


IMO either the breakbar needs to be adjusted to the point where players might be able to break it without having to depend on gliders, or the breakbar phase needs to be make longer, so that people will have time to react and use those gliders, or there should be some indication that might allow players to realize the breakbar phase will happen, with enough time given to let them prepare for it.

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There used to be a guild that organised this for NA, not sure if they still do, last runs i attended of theirs had too few ppl doing bombs after the first phase so smash the dragon failed. :/ And by guild i mean like 4 people from a larger guild.


Honestly, smash the dragon is THE hardest achievement to get in the entire game (shy of ones no longer obtainable, ofc), and gives no extra reward for getting it on an already very unrewarding boss that competes with a boss that gives at minimum 2g and if lucky exclusive weapon skins.


If it no longer competed with tequatl, it will be more popular, but it will get no closer to smash the dragon. From a commander of various events - half of ppl in open world don't listen to anything u say no matter whether you /d /p /s /m squad announcement it, nor how short and simple you word the explanation, or how clearly you lay out things, people do not listen. Relying on randoms to do the mechanics is terrible, and long explanation people need to understand why/when/where/what makes it even harder to have peoople do the thing. And GL finding 20+ people who all agree to meet in the same place at the same time all already knowledgeable on the mechanics. And then even if you actually get gliders who also glide for the second breakbar+, the timer on the breakbar is so obscure to figure out whenever anything off sets it that it can fail anyway because eg people dps too fast, honestly i don't know how anyone ever figured out it's timing in the first place.


You can have shatterer in a diferent time slot, but they'd need to fix the encounter itself if you want smash the dragon. A strict timer that does not budge no matter what happens, or strict adherence to health % only, keep its random timing but give a signal before it starts so ppl have time to run, have the breakbar up for way longer (this would mean that the storm attack has a longer duration also).

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Notice, by the way, that it's not easy to predict when you should be up in the air. The first breakbar is on a timer, so it can be predicted (although that timer _can_ be off in some cases, for unknown reasons), but the crystals phase messes up all the future timers, making breaking of those breakbars more of a lottery.

> Shatterer itself does _not_ have any visual indication that might tell you the breakbar phase might be incoming - and once you see it starting, it is too late to react.


> IMO either the breakbar needs to be adjusted to the point where players might be able to break it without having to depend on gliders, or the breakbar phase needs to be make longer, so that people will have time to react and use those gliders, or there should be some indication that might allow players to realize the breakbar phase will happen, with enough time given to let them prepare for it.


Agreeing with this. Either change the length of time the breakbar is available or don't make the timers randomize. I've been aiming for this achieve many times and usualy with properly organized commanders/groups but with either the lack of people or the changing breakbar appearance times, I've never seen it succeed in my year of playing. When we had real good comms and groups, we couldn't get the achieve because the breakbar timing changing. I feel like if the breakbar timing stayed on specific times (instead of changing), this achieve is way more possible to complete.


All I'm doing now is praying we either get another major boss rush event (for the possibility of more people) or for the breakbar timings to change to be consistent. The Shatterer's backpiece is one of the few that I actually want and will use cosmetically too :(


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Some how I think the Shatterer is the hardest world boss in the game (more like the most unfair). His attack pattern have no clear warning and hit very hard , He also spawn endless minion and fill entire field with ton of some sort of invisible AOE attack that away instantly appear right on my position... specialize at domain of Kourna.

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I'm going to repeat myself here because I feel it is an important point.

This achiev you will never get with pugs, it requires well organised group. Time slot doesn't matter because pugs don't help.

It is completely fine that there are achievs that require organised groups. Not everything needs to be obtainable solo or with randoms. It is a mmo, we have guilds, it is even called guild wars, there should be content for guilds, organised groups. There is plenty of casual content in the game, let that little that require some effort as it is.

I got the achiev and it is one of the few that I actually remember getting (including the fails) and am proud of it because it was a team effort. If this is nerfed it is going to be just another of thousands others that I will not care in about t minus 5 seconds.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> I'm going to repeat myself here because I feel it is an important point.

> This achiev you will never get with pugs, it requires well organised group. Time slot doesn't matter because pugs don't help.

> It is completely fine that there are achievs that require organised groups. Not everything needs to be obtainable solo or with randoms. It is a mmo, we have guilds, it is even called guild wars, there should be content for guilds, organised groups. There is plenty of casual content in the game, let that little that require some effort as it is.

> I got the achiev and it is one of the few that I actually remember getting (including the fails) and am proud of it because it was a team effort. If this is nerfed it is going to be just another of thousands others that I will not care in about t minus 5 seconds.


Help opener then, make it a memorable achievement for him too.

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