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Whatever happened to Magdaer?

Rockin Twilight Sparkle.26

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It was most likely taken to Beigarth.


We know that in 2012-2013 he was busy designing a set of Ascended weapons using Deldrimor Steel, while also being busy with the Zhaitan campaign during Personal Story and likely during LS1. After this he traveled to the Heart of Maguuma and assisted with the Mordremoth campaign, and presumably he has remained with the Pact designing weapons ever since, although we haven't seen him in a long time.


No mention of Magdaer being repaired was made during LS2 when we tried to cleanse the Foefire. However, its never actually stated that Logan didn't receive the sword, as we haven't seen him fight much since Personal Story.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> No mention of Magdaer being repaired was made during LS2 when we tried to cleanse the Foefire. However, its never actually stated that Logan didn't receive the sword, as we haven't seen him fight much since Personal Story.


Logan fought a bit in S3, and quite a lot in the last two episodes of S4. No Magdaer. He also talks to Rytlock about Sohothin during the Requiem short story - no mention of Magdaer.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> It's sitting in the closet with Zojja and Malyk.


> More seriously, the last we heard of it was that Eir was taking it to a good blacksmith she knew and trusted. Many people suspect this blacksmith to be Beigarth.


This. Magdaer was last seen going with Eir to an unnamed blacksmith, and of course Eir is now dead. Presumably (but not certainly) the smith Eir took Magdaer to was a Norn. Beigarth is a good idea, but we rescued Beigarth from the Mordrem early in HoT and he hasn't been seen in game since. Which brings up a scary idea for later on in the saga; imagine having to retrieve Magdaer from the icy hands of a Svanir-ized Beigarth...

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