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Ballance patch made this game boring


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> @"RangerThings.9810" said:

> I am thankful for this patch. It’s slowed down action, lowered skill requirements, and killed solo roaming, so I can finally delete this game.


> Had some fun duels, but fights last so long that you’ll always get adds and more adds. Booooring.


> ✌️


Yupp "awesome" patch :(

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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


15k single hit is definitely too op but ANet could have nerf that to 6k-8k? But no, ANet nerfed EVERYTHING, power, support and healings, by like 80% - 90%. It's like going from one end to the other. Where is middle ground? ANet has a history of being extreme when it comes to nerfs. Very high handled method of doing things without thinking of the adverse effect, just like my ex-bf, that's why I left him. And ANet : D

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> > What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> > Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


> 15k single hit is definitely too op but ANet could have nerf that to 6k-8k?

But they did nerf that to 6-8k (even on highly armored builds)?


I've been hit by that tonight through 3.5k AR, through DR stacks or through protection etc. In fact, some classes do still in this patch have quite high burst damage to their utility cooldown (eg., backstabbing and resetting with a Thief). Other classes (eg., Warrior builds that relied more on CC/damage combinations) were hit harder by the changes from a gameplay perspective, but hey, this isn't a class balance patch so it is not meant to balance classes. Had I run glass on some of the bigger crits I took tonight they would have been 20k backstabs and 10k fireballs even post-nerf.


I also brought base tanked classes (ie., around 2.8k AR), like typical Necro builds, down 90-100% of their health with bursts tonight and did alot of 6-8k bursts on tanky (3.3+ AR) classes, like Minstrel FB's, as well.



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Am glad that RDR2 is so much fun and so immersive. Guess I'll just keep doing dailies here until someone at Anet actually gets a clue as to how WvW should work.

Not complaining...it is what it is. Seen the same sorts of things in lots of other mmorpgs. Things change drastically, and you either adapt and/or move on. I'll probably be doing more of the latter. Check back on wvw in a few months and see what is going on. Not like I was anything close to hardcore out there, anyways. But it sure used to be a lot of fun out there when I did do wvw. Sad that roaming is getting even tougher to enjoy. Ah well, it's just a game.


Best of luck, all! :)

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> @"BoostedFC.6812" said:

> I find it hilarious the only people that are happy about this patch is the ones that complained about being 1 shot. In the many hours I have played i have very rarely been 1 shot.


Same here. I didn't do a ton of WvW, but I did play it a lot in brief spurts, and I can count the times on 2 hands that I have been one shot in all the years I played. It just never happened that often, so am not sure where this is coming from when people complain about being '1 shot'.

Maybe it comes from people who zerged a lot, and thought they were 1 shot killed when actually they were being hit at the same time by 4 or more players.


I roamed a lot, and did small havoc squads, and I seriously can't remember the last time I was '1 shot' killed.


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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


Hmm, I don't know. But I can tell you that while I could point to some things that could have been nerfed, overall the combat felt fast and enjoyable to me. Duels against skilled opponents typically lasted minutes rather than seconds, even if both are playing high damage builds. So I guess my question is what were we fixing? It seemed pretty great to me.


I guess I'll see how I like it now, but generally speaking if you liked something the way it was, "improving it" by tearing it all down and changing everything is unlikely to actually be an improvement. I'm going to give it a chance, though. I really hope we didn't just kill GW2 with this, though.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> > What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> > Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


> Hmm, I don't know. But I can tell you that while I could point to some things that could have been nerfed, overall the combat felt fast and enjoyable to me. Duels against skilled opponents typically lasted minutes rather than seconds, even if both are playing high damage builds. So I guess my question is what were we fixing? It seemed pretty great to me.


> I guess I'll see how I like it now, but generally speaking if you liked something the way it was, "improving it" by tearing it all down and changing everything is unlikely to actually be an improvement. I'm going to give it a chance, though. I really hope we didn't just kill GW2 with this, though.


I certainly don't think it will kill the game, but it will most certainly add to a lot of players exodus from wvw.

And maybe that is Anet's intent.



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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


Who does this in WvW exactly in any type of group or zerg? Rangers or thieves?? Yes zergs are infested with them...


You know how many videos people have posted over time that should small, medium, and large group clashes along with roaming videos? Far too many to count. How many large hits have we seen, or a 15K hit that weren't from one trick builds? Virtually 0. Reminds me of video someone posted a few months ago about how broke rangers were and their rapid fire hits weren't cracking 2500 and their auto-attacks wouldn't crack 1500. But apparently to some people on here the autos are hitting for 10K and Rapid fire 15-20K (someone even said 30K at one point).


Where exactly is the disconnect here? If you're looking at this from a roaming perspective or small group perspective, don't. The mode isn't built around it; it's one of those "nice to have" features available in it for players that want to do it and still be semi-effective and useful. The mode is built for large group play and thus any and all balance should be focused on that, not single 1 trick builds that have 0 use in large groups, or perma-evade classes that also have 0 use in large groups. Who cares if a class and hit you from 1500 range; it doesn't matter when their tiny amount of unblock is met with nearly 100% up-time of reflect. It doesn't matter if a class hit you from 15K from stealth when it will get no where even close to the group with being revealed and crushed. Who cares if you've got a perma-evade class that does no damage to anyone lingering in a group, just ignore and walk away.


So what's left? From what I see, the numbers are way down (maybe it's because it's a Tuesday, who knows, we'll see on the weekend). Maybe it's a case of damage wasn't as bad as people thought it was, and was blowing it out of proportion because they didn't like getting hit by 10K+ while roaming which should have no bearing on the balancing of large group play. The only thing Anet needed to address, change, and/or gut was Firebrand, no other classes needed to be touched.


If enough people walk away that leaves the mode almost unplayable, well I guess the whiners got their wish, can't get hit for 15K when there is nobody around to hit you in the first place.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> > What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> > Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


> Who does this in WvW exactly in any type of group or zerg? Rangers or thieves?? Yes zergs are infested with them...


> You know how many videos people have posted over time that should small, medium, and large group clashes along with roaming videos? Far too many to count. How many large hits have we seen, or a 15K hit that weren't from one trick builds? Virtually 0. Reminds me of video someone posted a few months ago about how broke rangers were and their rapid fire hits weren't cracking 2500 and their auto-attacks wouldn't crack 1500. But apparently to some people on here the autos are hitting for 10K and Rapid fire 15-20K (someone even said 30K at one point).


> Where exactly is the disconnect here? If you're looking at this from a roaming perspective or small group perspective, don't. The mode isn't built around it; it's one of those "nice to have" features available in it for players that want to do it and still be semi-effective and useful. The mode is built for large group play and thus any and all balance should be focused on that, not single 1 trick builds that have 0 use in large groups, or perma-evade classes that also have 0 use in large groups. Who cares if a class and hit you from 1500 range; it doesn't matter when their tiny amount of unblock is met with nearly 100% up-time of reflect. It doesn't matter if a class hit you from 15K from stealth when it will get no where even close to the group with being revealed and crushed. Who cares if you've got a perma-evade class that does no damage to anyone lingering in a group, just ignore and walk away.


> So what's left? From what I see, the numbers are way down (maybe it's because it's a Tuesday, who knows, we'll see on the weekend). Maybe it's a case of damage wasn't as bad as people thought it was, and was blowing it out of proportion because they didn't like getting hit by 10K+ while roaming which should have no bearing on the balancing of large group play. The only thing Anet needed to address, change, and/or gut was Firebrand, no other classes needed to be touched.


> If enough people walk away that leaves the mode almost unplayable, well I guess the whiners got their wish, can't get hit for 15K when there is nobody around to hit you in the first place.


FB is fine. Ty.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> How many large hits have we seen, or a 15K hit that weren't from one trick builds? Virtually 0.


uh... wat? lets recap all the one trick pony builds doing at least 15k (that were totally harmless cuz of rarity):


coalescence of ruin

meteor shower


arc divider

soul spiral


now multiply that by 5 for the number of roaming / meme builds.

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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> What was fun about getting hit for over 15k from a single skill from a single class while you had over 3k armor? What was fun about getting 20k hit from stealth? What was fun about perma boons and ability to disengage 24/7? What was fun about fighting near immortal classes? What was fun about fighting all-in-one classes? What was fun about fighting perma-evasion classes? What was fun about fighting classes that weren't punished for their mistakes?

> Was it fun to get a cookie without putting any effort at all? Looks like it was, one-trick-pony.


well you can buy that cookie at the store tho... we know that homemade ones are usually the best but....

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Players from 2012 complained how fights these day ended too quickly while back then it took 20 mins (im not pulling number out of my arse, someone said it) and i agree, in most fights one side will steamroll other in 5 secs then wait for other side to run back, and sometime there aren't any fights at all because other side is discouraged, so much fun.

Now people can have time to react especially those with high ping/potato pc.

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All you one shot criers seem to deny your lack of skills, reflexes, and understanding your opponents build or their play patterns. Always complaining about anyone who finishes you in a timely manner when you could have played better or simply tweak your build to counter them.

Do you know a fight between two skilled players goes on for minutes even with full glass gears on both sides? Because they don't waste dodges nor spamming skills while target has passive on or invulnerable and they know how to time and anticipate each others next burst combos.

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> @"Lalary.3561" said:

> All you one shot criers seem to deny your lack of skills, reflexes, and understanding your opponents build or their play patterns. Always complaining about anyone who finishes you in a timely manner when you could have played better or simply tweak your build to counter them.

> Do you know a fight between two skilled players goes on for minutes even with full glass gears on both sides? Because they don't waste dodges nor spamming skills while target has passive on or invulnerable and they know how to time and anticipate each others next burst combos.


This is spot on, dont think many is capable to see their own shortcoming in fights.

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> @"phreeak.1023" said:

> tbh this patch was for all the lower tier Commanders and Guild Raiders who were crying because they got face pushed over and over again cause they lack in strategy etc.. Now they are getting face pushed from 30 condi DMG builds and revs who still hitting hard..





Anet needs to start iterating the cc skills to find a suitable value, besides that condi and power builds are more streamlined and there’s fewest and shorter carry moments, i played burst low effort builds as well, people were being carried due how much some builds were overperformancing, now there’s more space for non metas builds wich is putting players that need overperformance builds in check how good they were.. if they were good they will be still good with the current patch.


Anet just obliterated gimmick builds that are pure based on damage output and spam, skill factor and team gameplay is now far more important.



Rev skills that hit hard... hammer 2 on a 10sec cd......

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