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Anet.. can you make a DPS meter?


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Seriously, this whole 3rd party thing is for the birds, if someone can make a DPS meter in their home, on their spare time, for free, you all can make a great one for the game that everyone can enjoy. Since you all made it clear that DPS meters are allowed,m why not go ahead and just make one for Raids and Fractals, it's not like you don't already do this for PvP with top scores for Healing, Damage, Etc... so.. just lets just make this happen, maybe give rewards for Top DPS in Fractals or something as well.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Seriously, this whole 3rd party thing is for the birds, if someone can make a DPS meter in their home, on their spare time, for free, you all can make a great one for the game that everyone can enjoy. Since you all made it clear that DPS meters are allowed,m why not go ahead and just make one for Raids and Fractals, it's not like you don't already do this for PvP with top scores for Healing, Damage, Etc... so.. just lets just make this happen, maybe give rewards for Top DPS in Fractals or something as well.


Why? Anet would "share" "your" personal data even if they made a tool of their own. Why make a tool when the community is more than glad to do so?


Now sure anet could make one and i like the idea of rewarding good players ( which could use more refining). But they have already given the green light to ppl to make by abet's design so it would be any diff.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Seriously, this whole 3rd party thing is for the birds, if someone can make a DPS meter in their home, on their spare time, for free, you all can make a great one for the game that everyone can enjoy. Since you all made it clear that DPS meters are allowed,m why not go ahead and just make one for Raids and Fractals, it's not like you don't already do this for PvP with top scores for Healing, Damage, Etc... so.. just lets just make this happen, maybe give rewards for Top DPS in Fractals or something as well.


> Why? Anet would "share" "your" personal data even if they made a tool of their own. Why make a tool when the community is more than glad to do so?


> Now sure anet could make one and i like the idea of rewarding good players ( which could use more refining). But they have already given the green light to ppl to make by abet's design so it would be any diff.


Better Quality Product, More Accessible to the players, they get to control who sees what, and it would eliminates disagreement among the players, it's simply a feature as opposed to some invasive 3rd party spyware. There are many good reasons why Anet should do this.

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I actually think 3rd party is probably the smart way to do this. I'm an active raider, and I get why we would all love a 1st party meter. However, there is no doubt gw2 has a lot of casual players. Casual players with dps meters is not a good thing, they won't use them correctly, and won't be able to interpret them correctly. They will do stupid things like trash talk dps in open world pve, or complain about a players dps while ignoring boon uptime. But, casual players are a lot less likely to download a 3rd party tool.


Keeping dps meters as a 3rd party tool helps to keep them out of the wrong hands. Obviously sometimes players still get them who shouldn't have them, but on the whole, I think 3rd party is better.


Build templates on the other hand, that needs a 1st party solution imo.

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It is probably the same as templates. On the reddit discussion about arcdps housing templates it became clear that they would need a dedicated team to maintain,fix and update the templates after each new build so they dont bug and crash. A dps meter would be exactly the same.

Ofc arcdps already does it so anet dont think they need to bother creating one.


Lastly, an add-on meter is probably more flexible to changes and updates than a meter that is hardcoded into the game severely reducing the necessary workload.

For me BGDM was by far the best and i always used that but RIP.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Nahhh,,, if it's just a feature of raids, then, it kinda stays with raids, if they don't like it, they can avoid raids. Also., works great for casual groups that might not want to deal with 3rd party software, and yet still know at a glance if they have a chance.


You are in luck with ArcDPS you do not have to install a 3d party tool to see your stats. Only one person in the group needs it. The rest can play the game without making any changes and then see their charts that the one with the meter created.

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> @thrag.9740 said:

> I actually think 3rd party is probably the smart way to do this. I'm an active raider, and I get why we would all love a 1st party meter. However, there is no doubt gw2 has a lot of casual players. Casual players with dps meters is not a good thing, they won't use them correctly, and won't be able to interpret them correctly. They will do stupid things like trash talk dps in open world pve, or complain about a players dps while ignoring boon uptime. But, casual players are a lot less likely to download a 3rd party tool.


> Keeping dps meters as a 3rd party tool helps to keep them out of the wrong hands. Obviously sometimes players still get them who shouldn't have them, but on the whole, I think 3rd party is better.


> Build templates on the other hand, that needs a 1st party solution imo.


Since It would only be a feature activated in Raids and T4 Fractals, it would not even be an option in Open world, so that is not a problem. Also, I was thinking more a color coded meter, as opposed to just numbers, could also put in a gear score mechanic as well, to see who has optimal gear, or at least the quality of their gear (IE: Exotic, Ascended, Etc) if not how well their stats are laid out.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Nahhh,,, if it's just a feature of raids, then, it kinda stays with raids, if they don't like it, they can avoid raids. Also., works great for casual groups that might not want to deal with 3rd party software, and yet still know at a glance if they have a chance.


> You are in luck with ArcDPS you do not have to install a 3d party tool to see your stats. Only one person in the group needs it. The rest can play the game without making any changes and then see their charts that the one with the meter created.


Still reeks of being 3rd party spyware, which is what the real problem is. Much better to have Anet just tell me, then to have to depend on other players who may or may not be assholes about it.

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> @zoomborg.9462 said:

> It is probably the same as templates. On the reddit discussion about arcdps housing templates it became clear that they would need a dedicated team to maintain,fix and update the templates after each new build so they dont bug and crash. A dps meter would be exactly the same.


You all realize that Anet **already** has a stat meter/monitor installed in PvP that is better then some bland limited DPS meter. It not only charts your DPS, but also your healing, and other stats, and it even runs comparisons, and charts/gives rewards at the end of matches for top stats in various abilities, like Healing, Defense, Damage, Kills, etc. an it's been running fine build after build, expansion after expansion.


Moving that system to Raids (Another 10 player Instance based combat system) seems like a no-brainer.


There is really no reason for 3rd party programs when Anet already has a better system installed, running and being maintained in the game right now.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> **Better Quality Product**, More Accessible to the players, they get to control who sees what, **and it would eliminates disagreement among the players**, it's simply a feature as opposed to some invasive 3rd party spyware. There are many good reasons why Anet should do this.

Sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with the fat points. It's a common experience from other MMOs having full modding capacity for addons that interface solutions etc. from the devs themselves are rarely what players want/need. Given the choice, I've always had the impression that most halfway serious players will stick rather to a custom addon than to the devs' solution. So no, ANet making a dps meter would not be a guaranty for a high quality product - rather the opposite, in my experience. With regard to the QQ about dps meters - do you really believe that? To me, that's highly naive, nothing more. The whiners will continue whining either till they realise nothing will change or till dps meters are fully removed (which would be an incredibly bad decision).


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > The meter is the golem in the special forces training area.


> can I bring that golem into the raid, and wave it around showing off my DPS?


Yes. Just do a video of yourself doing leet deeps against the golem, and then say you're bringing the same build into raids.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> **CAN** they make it? Yes, absolutely. **WILL** they make it? Who knows.

> I think they won't implement one because there is not a big incentive for them to do so. It is not casual friendly and has potential to generate more segregation among players.


> @Kururu.8140 said:

> Ye, I agree. I know Anet made it legal to use DPS meters as long as it's only analysing the screen but I'm still reluctant to download one. I'd like it if they added their own personal DPS meter.


> @Belorn.2659 said:

> What would be an improvement is if anet would extend the API model so that the information that the DPS tool gather is derived from their API. It would not be a massive step from what we have now, but a small step to make everything easier for everyone.


> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> Is it not obvious enough? Anet does not want to spend resources on it which is why they let it be and likewise created API for certain things so the community can do it instead of them. It save resources aka money.


> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> I would welcome fully supported official DPS meter. Since ArenaNet decided to create and promote hardcore endgame content it is only natural consequence for them to provide proper tools for the kind of people they are inviting to the game.


The thing is, **They _already have the meters in place_ for their PvP arenas**, not only do they track DPS, but healing, kills, and defense, I would wager from their attempts at E-sports. so it makes no sense for them to not put the same kind of feature in their raids, if their player base wants it so badly they made it themselves. In fact if Anet put in the feature it could even be set up to give top stat awards like PvP, and support players could also get bonus rewards for healing, raising downed players, etc.


There is no real reason why Anet should not put this in, they already have it in the game, so it would not require any additional development.

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> @Kururu.8140 said:

> Ye, I agree. I know Anet made it legal to use DPS meters as long as it's only analysing the screen but I'm still reluctant to download one. I'd like it if they added their own personal DPS meter.


Same as I see it, if they are gonna let this be the direction of things, they should embrace that direction and have their own system, expecting players to depend on 3rd party software to provide what should be a game feature, is just not good policy.

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> @CptAurellian.9537 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > **Better Quality Product**, More Accessible to the players, they get to control who sees what, **and it would eliminates disagreement among the players**, it's simply a feature as opposed to some invasive 3rd party spyware. There are many good reasons why Anet should do this.

> Sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with the fat points. It's a common experience from other MMOs having full modding capacity for addons that interface solutions etc. from the devs themselves are rarely what players want/need. Given the choice, I've always had the impression that most halfway serious players will stick rather to a custom addon than to the devs' solution. So no, ANet making a dps meter would not be a guaranty for a high quality product - rather the opposite, in my experience. With regard to the QQ about dps meters - do you really believe that? To me, that's highly naive, nothing more. The whiners will continue whining either till they realise nothing will change or till dps meters are fully removed (which would be an incredibly bad decision).



You seem to be under the impression they would have to make it, it's already in the game and been so for years, Tracking DPS and other stats/actions, is not new stuff to Anet, they have been doing this for quite a few years in their PvP game mode, (not to mention their PvE, ever wonder how you get Achievements?) DPS meters are archaic childs-play stuff to them, why do you think all this info (and a whole lot more) is already there and so easy to track, did you think that it was unintentional?

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> @Kundry.1249 said:

> Even in WoW, where DPS meters are the norm and everyone has it, they are made by third parties (as are the boss mods, which are also mandatory for raiding). There's no need for Anet to make their own.


Oh come on.. of course there is.. After all, if they are such a needed part of raiding, they should be a mandatory requirement for any game with a raid. If anything, Anet is behind the times at this point, still letting players build something that should be a standard feature in Raiding. Player made DPS meters are cave-man stuff at this point in gaming development.


We all know this is true, it was cool back in the day, but now, its more a question of why are they still dragging their feet and expecting players to do their job, it's not like they didn't know DPS meters were going to become integral the second they made a raid, and if they sincerely didn't.. they need a better more in the know raid team.

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