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Role Players getting trolled :c

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Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.


I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

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Great idea


And a survey every month that gives you 5% karma for your favorites parts of the game you play (3 areas) , but the people who has chosen the RP section has more chances to be thrown in the same Overworld to interact.

If you are in a Rp guild as far i know , you increased the chances too


Edit: Or an UI list of options in the login screen , with some days cd

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I do like the idea of completely hiding disruptive players and their actions when they're blocked in non-competitive game modes. The only concern I have is how odd that's going to look if they happen to attack enemy mobs in your presence, but I can't think of any way that would outweigh the benefits.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.



Trolls don't need to be bored to troll. And I've been bored in games and have never done it.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> > That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.

> >


> Trolls don't need to be bored to troll. And I've been bored in games and have never done it.

Don't take it to be so black and white, I did say a lot of the time after all. There are always exceptions but it's simply true that boredom often does lead to negative behavior. Not for everybody and not all the time, but often enough.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.



Seems to be waiting for PvP queues to pop sometimes. It's just annoying as all hell and I wish I didn't have to deal with them.

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I found a zerg of quaggans following their lord poodaboo around once, so I cycled guild bountys til he came up.

The mess of quaggans scattering, running circles, begging poodaboo's forgiveness, and being slaughtered mercilessly was the best laugh I've had in a very long time.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> > That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.

> >


> Seems to be waiting for PvP queues to pop sometimes. It's just annoying as all hell and I wish I didn't have to deal with them.

I agree. As Vayne underlined not everybody is like that but there are enough people who either enjoy trolling just for the sake of it or who are just bored for whatever reason and then chat becomes their activity. It's typical that people pick on something they think is weird or doesn't make sense to them and I guess that's why RP'ers get a lot of it.

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Completely agree re: Anet giving RP some love, especially to protect the RP community from abuse.


IMHO, if Anet recognised it as a play style in itself, maybe added some achievements that encouraged people to RP in less popular maps - eg maybe achievements for getting groups of a certain mumber to have an RP party in a low-populated area, or maybe Guild achievements for RP activity. Maybe provide some RP stuff in the Gem Store, RP props we can craft etc. There's a myriad of potential to draw the RPers into the game, and plenty of ops for Anet to make a few quid in the process.


Maybe if the Devs etc gave it a bit of more 'official' respect/recognition, other players might too.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case.


Just wanted to address this point: firstly you can report people who speak in any chat channel, it doesn't have to be /say. Secondly you can report someone you can see even if they're not speaking by clicking on them then right-clicking their target bar (if you have target hidden using the new UI options you'll need to hold down alt then right click it) and picking report from the menu.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> > > That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.

> > >

> >

> > Seems to be waiting for PvP queues to pop sometimes. It's just annoying as all hell and I wish I didn't have to deal with them.

> I agree. As Vayne underlined not everybody is like that but there are enough people who either enjoy trolling just for the sake of it or who are just bored for whatever reason and then chat becomes their activity. It's typical that people pick on something they think is weird or doesn't make sense to them and I guess that's why RP'ers get a lot of it.


I think the thought process is backwards. It's not that people who are bored grief. It's people who are the types of people who grief are people who are bored easily. I mean I'm guessing most griefers are teenagers and from my experience, teenagers get bored faster than I do. Certainly I was more likely to grief as a teenager than I would be now. Same with my kids. They were basically kittens as teenagers, but they grew out of it. They were also always saying they were bored back then.


Does the boredom cause the will to grief or is the same factors that cause someone to grief cause them to be bored. It's an interesting question. Not sure it's particularly helpful to the OP though.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > > > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> > > > That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Seems to be waiting for PvP queues to pop sometimes. It's just annoying as all hell and I wish I didn't have to deal with them.

> > I agree. As Vayne underlined not everybody is like that but there are enough people who either enjoy trolling just for the sake of it or who are just bored for whatever reason and then chat becomes their activity. It's typical that people pick on something they think is weird or doesn't make sense to them and I guess that's why RP'ers get a lot of it.


> I think the thought process is backwards. It's not that people who are bored grief. It's people who are the types of people who grief are people who are bored easily. I mean I'm guessing most griefers are teenagers and from my experience, teenagers get bored faster than I do. Certainly I was more likely to grief as a teenager than I would be now. Same with my kids. They were basically kittens as teenagers, but they grew out of it. They were also always saying they were bored back then.

Try not to argue against arguments I didn't make. You seem to read absolutes in my comments that aren't there and then try to counter them, so essentially you're arguing with yourself of the topic. It's kinda funny really.


I just empathize with the OP because I get his frustration and people being bored does contribute to the amount of occurences of this and RP'ers seem to be prime targets as it is. Beyond that it's all you.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Role playing chat... problem fixed.


Man, I wish. A vast amount of roleplayers are already hiding in their guild halls, in instances, in distant corners of low-population maps, or crossing their fingers and roleplaying publically in what they hope is an abandoned area.


Most of the RP trolling I've seen has happened to completely silent groups using party and squad chat - people just see groups, assume they're RPing, and swoop in for the kill.


I run public community events every other month, and maps and locations that would have been perfect for the scenery I've had to avoid due to the traffic of bad actors who can/have/will come in with instruments or spam out the chat with attacks and dance emotes. Some of them will purposefully log out and come back with a character whose name is made of complicated text that is not easily typed for a block and then use mounts to hide where they cannot be clicked.


OP's solution to make blocked people invisible and silent in PvE is something I've requested for a long time, and giving attention to RPers is a good idea for the company because we're some of the most fashion and alt character-obsessed players in the game. Never underestimate the amount of money we're willing to spend to get that perfect look.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Role playing chat... problem fixed.

> >

> > 5k gems :D


> Still doesn't hide particle effects spammed in groups. People like to spam bright skills or constantly buff a group to get everyone to pull their weapons out. After an hour of that, it gets really old.


Yes, part of the game is about that... blind users...

I use sunglasses when playing wvw as well :D



Joking asside game is pretty pale/bad also towards RP due it’s very limited theme park, Anet removed several funn elements that would improve RP, besides spam stuff...they to that cause game does nothing in that genra.

Look at arc games mmo neverwinter for example...


Besides theybadded chairs on gems where they could make models to sit on any chair ingame...


It’s pretty sad for both sides....actually.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > > > > > I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

> > > > > That usually happens when people are bored, just like in real life. I guess people get bored in this game enough to have time to troll RP'ers. I don't get it either, but that's what seems to be the issue a lot of the time.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Seems to be waiting for PvP queues to pop sometimes. It's just annoying as all hell and I wish I didn't have to deal with them.

> > > I agree. As Vayne underlined not everybody is like that but there are enough people who either enjoy trolling just for the sake of it or who are just bored for whatever reason and then chat becomes their activity. It's typical that people pick on something they think is weird or doesn't make sense to them and I guess that's why RP'ers get a lot of it.

> >

> > I think the thought process is backwards. It's not that people who are bored grief. It's people who are the types of people who grief are people who are bored easily. I mean I'm guessing most griefers are teenagers and from my experience, teenagers get bored faster than I do. Certainly I was more likely to grief as a teenager than I would be now. Same with my kids. They were basically kittens as teenagers, but they grew out of it. They were also always saying they were bored back then.

> Try not to argue against arguments I didn't make. You seem to read absolutes in my comments that aren't there and then try to counter them, so essentially you're arguing with yourself of the topic. It's kinda funny really.


> I just empathize with the OP because I get his frustration and people being bored does contribute to the amount of occurences of this and RP'ers seem to be prime targets as it is. Beyond that it's all you.


Again I'm disagreeing with you. That's all. I also empathize with the OP. I just don't think that boredom is necessarily a major reason or even a minor reason this sort of thing happens. It's always happened a bit and probably happens more now because the game is free to play. You're saying boredom is some how causitive and I'm saying I don't agree. I do agree it shouldn't happen. I'm just commenting on the cause you're attributing to, even partially. Where you're seeing cause and effect I'm seeing symptoms. Bordeom is a symptom and to some degree griefing is also a symptom. The problem is elsewhere. In a lot of cases it's younger people not seeing the person on the other side of the monitor as a real human being. I think giving anyone any kind of excuse for this behavior negates the fact that other steps have to be taken.


WHen I was young if kids did something wrong someone would always say well they were bored. They had nothing to do. We had plenty to do, even we wanted to. We got into trouble to seek attention or to be deliberately obnoxious. There were a ton of things to do in my room, in my neighborhood but boredom didn't cause me to act out. It almost feels like giving someone a pass. Well sure he's doing this. He's bored. This kind of behavior is unaccepted, even if you're bored. That's just how I feel about it.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Role playing chat... problem fixed.

> >

> > 5k gems :D


> Still doesn't hide particle effects spammed in groups. People like to spam bright skills or constantly buff a group to get everyone to pull their weapons out. After an hour of that, it gets really old.


I wish people would come buff me for an hour in fractals, I like them big deeps.

Banners/might/furry/quackness/and on occasion some alacrity we could have much loot.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> I know that some of you will hate me for this but I think that Anet should focus on adding new content and fixing the many bugs and and issues the game has instead of wasting its time and recources on the small minority of RPers.


Having a block feature that works doesn't just benefit the RP community, though. It's a quality of life thing that anyone can take advantage of if they're being harassed or bothered by any member of the community. Aside from chairs KINDA working sometimes in like... a couple locations, A Net hasn't really done anything for the RP community at all. Been an active member for 7 years now and the chair patch is the closest thing I've seen to a nod at the RP community.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > I know that some of you will hate me for this but I think that Anet should focus on adding new content and fixing the many bugs and and issues the game has instead of wasting its time and recources on the small minority of RPers.


> Having a block feature that works doesn't just benefit the RP community, though. It's a quality of life thing that anyone can take advantage of if they're being harassed or bothered by any member of the community. Aside from chairs KINDA working sometimes in like... a couple locations, A Net hasn't really done anything for the RP community at all. Been an active member for 7 years now and the chair patch is the closest thing I've seen to a nod at the RP community.


Blocking people's messages already exists in the game but making them invisible is a bit too much to ask for in an mmorpg like GW2.


This wouldn't allow player who play the game normally to understand what's going on with invisible visuals, buffs, lost hp when doing events and killing world bosses. Just imagine that you are playing the game and you start seeing mobs die without knowing what really happened.

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Just to mention, Aion had an option to not draw other players models. For the most part it worked pretty well in PVE at least, never got to try the PVP and the Invasions so no comment on that. There was a couple of times I jumped out of my chair as I tried to click a node, and randomly clicked another player mining that node, and they appear in front of me like a ghost. (Yes it also allowed you to disable nametags separately, so I had to try both!)


But in general I think it's something that would go against ANet's philosophy "that you should always be happy to see other players" that htye've built so much of the game around, that I don't think they will do something as drastic as remove player models.


Unfortunately the problem is human, and I don't think it's something that can fixed to any proper extent other than removing humans from the situation (single player game or invite only multiplayer). Humans will always be the most creative when doing something bad.

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