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[Edit] Exchange Spirit Shards for Tomes of knowledge

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I understand that GW2 is not one of the hardest games to level up characters.

However, when you have over 20 characters or more, like me, it begins to be a bit of a tedious process to level them up.


I just recently started 4 new characters, and to be honest, I'm finding leveling them up a very repetitive process.



I'm suggesting placing a trade to obtain tomes of knowledge for spirit shards.


I am considering getting even more characters in the near future, but...

I'm honestly out of steam for leveling up characters.


Please consider my suggestion.


Thanks for your time.

Yours sincerely.

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**Note: This post is in response to an entirely different suggest the OP made. The first post was edited after the below was posted. It is not a response to the suggestion of trading spirit shards for tomes.**


They already do something similar to this, but it's based on the length of time you're playing rather than the number of characters you have. Firstly the login rewards give you 10 Tomes of Knowledge per month, with the option of another 6 from the final chest, which means every 5-8 months you can instantly level a character to 80. Secondly every characters gets a birthday gift each year on the date they were created and one of the things in there is a scroll of knowledge which lets you instantly level a character to 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 (depending on the birthday).


You can also get more tomes of knowledge from playing PvP and WvW.


I'm aware that's more limited than what you're proposing because you can only instantly level a limited number of characters per year, rather than every single character you make being able to start at level 80, but I doubt that's a coincidence. I can't imagine Anet just failed to notice that they were limiting how many character could be instantly levelled up when they decided the numbers for birthday gifts and login rewards and I think it's unlikely they're going to start giving everyone with 20 or more characters an infinite supply of level 80 boosters.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> They already do something similar to this, but it's based on the length of time you're playing rather than the number of characters you have. Firstly the login rewards give you 10 Tomes of Knowledge per month, with the option of another 6 from the final chest, which means every 5-8 months you can instantly level a character to 80. Secondly every characters gets a birthday gift each year on the date they were created and one of the things in there is a scroll of knowledge which lets you instantly level a character to 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 (depending on the birthday).


> You can also get more tomes of knowledge from playing PvP and WvW.


> I'm aware that's more limited than what you're proposing because you can only instantly level a limited number of characters per year, rather than every single character you make being able to start at level 80, but I doubt that's a coincidence. I can't imagine Anet just failed to notice that they were limiting how many character could be instantly levelled up when they decided the numbers for birthday gifts and login rewards and I think it's unlikely they're going to start giving everyone with 20 or more characters an infinite supply of level 80 boosters.


That’s great, if you buy 1 character per year.

But I buy new characters very often...

Or occasionally delete one that I got bored with or for some other reason.

5-6 months is a long time to wait to level a character to 80, relying only on tomes.


WvW only dishes out one tome every so many points, so it works out about the same as leveling up the traditional way.


I had a few birthday level 20s. But I've used them all up, and have to wait another year for them.


Also, I mentioned only after 20 characters.

Which would probably increase the purchase of characters.

This is just me, but imo buying characters is worth more than lvl 80.

I have no clue how often people buy them from gem store, but at 2k gems, I wouldn't think that's a big winner.

But people do buy character slots often.

And the faster you level up to 80 the quicker you'll buy more character slots.


My point is dani, if people get bored of leveling up, they won't buy anymore character slots... or nowhere near as often as they would otherwise.


When you do, you'll have to buy a lot more stuff after that, in order to costumize it and make it unique... which may include skins from GS, etc...



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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> That’s great, if you buy 1 character per year.

> But I buy new characters very often...

> Or occasionally delete one that I got bored with or for some other reason.

> 5-6 months is a long time to wait to level a character to 80, relying only on tomes.


> WvW only dishes out one tome every so many points, so it works out about the same as leveling up the traditional way.

You don't have to wait 5-6 months for a level 80. You can still go part of the way via traditional leveling (which can be pretty quick if you just throw a bit of gold at crafting materials and craft your way up, or profitable if you send the character out to gather valuable mid-level wood and ore for selling while also gaining leveling experience at the same time) and use the tomes as boosts to speed up the leveling process. It's called "playing the game" ;) .


From your posts I'm still unclear about why you feel the need to delete and remake characters so often, and what you do with them to want them all at 80 straight out of the box. I could understand it if you were a mainly wvw player, but if that were the case you should be drowning in tomes of knowledge anyway. You also do get birthday scrolls for every character birthday up to and including year six, so if you have 24 character slots that means up to 24 scrolls per year (unless you keep deleting all of them before they reach their first birthday). From year 3 onward the scroll even increases by 10 levels per year to a max of a level-to-60 scroll at year 6. Just running around the world unlocking some major waypoints should give you enough experience to get a character from level 60 to level 80 without even trying.


For the record, I love playing different characters, have 30+ character slots unlocked (across two accounts) and buy new ones occasionally as well as sometimes delete characters that don't "click" with me, but I've still got dozends of leveling scrolls of all sizes as well as several stacks of tomes of knowledge (even though I only dabble in wvw occasionally and haven't been to pvp in years). Don't get me wrong, but I'm having a really hard time to understand why leveling is such a problem for you that the tools we already have to shortcut it don't work.

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I'm not sure about this. It feels such a niche "problem" that, quite frankly, I don't think ANet should think twice about it.


Play the game as it was meant to be played. The problem you have is one that you created for yourself and it just feels like you want to get rewarded for being able to buy so many character slots. There are ways to get your characters to level 80 without going through the intended way. If you have that many characters, you should get a steady supply of level up items, and you can also get the level 80 booster the same way you get your slots.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> I'm not sure about this. It feels such a niche "problem" that, quite frankly, I don't think ANet should think twice about it.


> Play the game as it was meant to be played. The problem you have is one that you created for yourself and it just feels like you want to get rewarded for being able to buy so many character slots. There are ways to get your characters to level 80 without going through the intended way. If you have that many characters, you should get a steady supply of level up items, and you can also get the level 80 booster the same way you get your slots.


That's not what I said.

I clearly explained in op, that the issue is that after leveling up so many characters, one eventually gets bored with it.


So you're saying that people buying character slots from GS is a problem, and they shouldn’t?

So you're advice is don't buy character slots if you find it boring to level them up? ...rather than giving people an incentive to do so...

Great advice. Sarcasm*


You can argue all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that I am at a point now that I don't find it fun to level up characters.

But I love playing this game, and starting/buying new characters... and that's a good thing, don't you think?

Means that we are contributing by making purchases.


Some people like buying skins from gs, I prefer to buy characters.


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**Note: This post is in response to an entirely different suggest the OP made. The first post was edited after the below was posted. It is not a response to the suggestion of trading spirit shards for tomes.**


If you're just doing it because you like making new characters why do you need them all to be level 80 immediately?


I make new tempoary characters a lot, but most of them never get to level 80. I have 11 permanent characters and between them I've covered all the professions, race/gender combinations and all 3 Orders so pretty much everything I want to do at level 80 I can do with those. I don't have all the elite specs unlocked, but if I wanted them it would be easier to unlock them on my existing characters than make new ones. Admittedly some of the elite specs wouldn't suit my characters themes, but I'd only need another 7 to cover all the options. (Considering I already have 2 eles and 2 engis for exactly that reason, it wouldn't surprise me if I end up doing that.)


My tempoary characters are mainly for replaying the personal story, so they need to end up anywhere from level 10-80 and since the story gives some XP I can space out levelling them by other methods. I use a mix of tomes, scrolls (with 11 characters I get a lot of birthday scrolls) and playing normally, or with XP boosters if I remember to use them. (I'm not even sure where those came from but somehow I've got a lot of those as well.) If I just want to try out a new theme or look for a character I might not level them at all, just buy the missing armour pieces and the right weapons and use the wardrobe to reskin them.


The problem with your suggestion is it would essentially make levelling up irrelevant for anyone with enough characters (and since GW2 is already a very alt-friendly game most people have multiple characters, at least a few have 70). You complain about getting bored, but if everyone is able to skip a huge chunk of the game each time they make a character a lot more people will get bored very quickly. Or frustrated that they thought they were skipping playing open-world maps but now they have to go around them anyway to get hero points for an elite spec and aren't even benefiting from the experience points. It would also compound the existing problem of newer players feeling lost and overwhelmed because at level 80 there is a lot of choice in what you do and how you do it but without that prior experience there's no way to know what the options are or what you want to do, or even how to play a new profession when you're suddenly presented with all their skills and traits at once.


I just think wanting lots of characters who are immediately level 80 is a very niche problem and your proposed solution is excessive compared to the existing (time-gated) availability of level up items. It would cause more issues than it solves and make a lot of the game irrelevant for a lot of people.


Ultimately if the issue is that you're bored with levelling up lots of alts the solution is to stop doing that. Do something else for a while, either in GW2 or something else entirely, and only make a new alt when you actually feel like playing them.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > I'm not sure about this. It feels such a niche "problem" that, quite frankly, I don't think ANet should think twice about it.

> >

> > Play the game as it was meant to be played. The problem you have is one that you created for yourself and it just feels like you want to get rewarded for being able to buy so many character slots. There are ways to get your characters to level 80 without going through the intended way. If you have that many characters, you should get a steady supply of level up items, and you can also get the level 80 booster the same way you get your slots.


> That's not what I said.

> I clearly explained in op, that the issue is that after leveling up so many characters, one eventually gets bored with it.

That's your problem, not the game's fault.

> So you're saying that people buying character slots from GS is a problem, and they shouldn’t?

I'm not and they should if they can and want to.

> So you're advice is don't buy character slots if you find it boring to level them up? ...rather than giving people an incentive to do so...

Again, I didn't say you shouldn't buy slots. Though, if you are bored with levelling, that's an incentive to buy the booster, not the slot. At least, that's what I think...

> Great advice. Sarcasm*

You didn't have to point out the sarcasm.

> You can argue all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that I am at a point now that I don't find it fun to level up characters.

Then don't do it. Or buy the boosters. It's up to you.

> But I love playing this game, and starting/buying new characters... and that's a good thing, don't you think?

It is. Well done, you.

> Means that we are contributing by making purchases.

How is giving you free levelling items constitute as making a purchase?


> Some people like buying skins from gs, I prefer to buy characters.

Again, well done. You do you.



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That’s all fine and dandy, my good friend.

We all have an opinion, and are entitled to it.

To me was just an idea that could help both sides.

To you may sound ridiculous.

To the devs could go either way. I don't know.

But from my economical situation, 2k for an ilvl80 is a bit pricey, if you ask me.

I just don't feel it justifies the price.


I'm not questioning their decision on why a ilvl80 costs that much.

But also your reply to me by saying, well, don't buy anymore character slots, buy boosters instead, still didn't help, and wasn't very constructive.


The fact is that I'm not prepared to pay €30 real money for an item that merely saves me a few hours of gameplay.


Putting it in a way that you may understand my point more clearly.

I think it's a decent concept idea, and ANet could even make a profit, by incentivating people to buy more character slots.


Whether you agree or not, that's fine, it's your opinion too.

But with all due respect, Imo a ilvl80 should be 800 gems at most.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> @"MikeG.6389"

> That’s all fine and dandy, my good friend.

> We all have an opinion, and are entitled to it.

> To me was just an idea that could help both sides.

> To you may sound ridiculous.

> To the devs could go either way. I don't know.

> But from my economical situation, 2k for an ilvl80 is a bit pricey, if you ask me.

> I just don't feel it justifies the price.


> I'm not questioning their decision on why a ilvl80 costs that much.

> But also your reply to me by saying, well, don't buy anymore character slots, buy boosters instead, still didn't help, and wasn't very constructive.


> The fact is that I'm not prepared to pay €30 real money for an item that merely saves me a few hours of gameplay.


> Putting it in a way that you may understand my point more clearly.

> I think it's a decent concept idea, and ANet could even make a profit, by incentivating people to buy more character slots.


> Whether you agree or not, that's fine, it's your opinion too.

> But with all due respect, Imo a ilvl80 should be 800 gems at most.


Again, you are trying to make it look like I said that you shouldn't buy slots. I did not say that. Buy all the slots you can.


What I am saying is that you seem to expect to be rewarded with something that "merely saves [you] a few hours of gameplay" based on nothing more than that you are bored to do it, all the while you already have the means to circumvent it.


It's fine that you have this opinion. Mine is that it's not gonna happen: there is enough "free" level up items in the game, and for the excessive "altoholics", there is the gem store.

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Wait.., you are unemployed, and are buying new character slots... but don’t have enough for the level boosts...


Ok... lemme unpack this:


Money’s a problem yet you are buying more spots..


It’s so much of a problem that you want the game to cater to your needs and make leveling much easier


Yet, if you are unemployed, you must have enough time to level them..


So..... lots of choices there that just scream something that I wouldn’t want to say on an open forum.


Gl to you. Hopefully you will be employed soon so the game will not be an issue any more.

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@"Strider Pj.2193"

What is so hard to understand that after you leveled up so many characters, so many times, it becomes a bit tedious?

Nothing to do with how much time you have.

Also, just because I'm unemployed at the moment, doesn't mean that I have all the time in the world.


Also I already mentioned a few times that a iLVL80 is quite pricey for me yes.

It works out around €30

It is something I'm not prepared to just dish out.


Last but not least.

Who said that I bought the character slots recently?

I did buy them yes, not just very recently.

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Sorry but this is the biggest first world problem I've ever seen.

How are you not swimming in Tomes of Knowledge? Birthday gifts & level up scrolls kicking in eventually? The occasional exp booster coming from login rewards? Buying boosters with Laurels? Not trying to level every character simultaneously?


What even is the point of that many characters with a need to level them? I think I have 19, each with their own build or a different class or simply storage. I am glad I didn't level half of them manually.

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It isn’t hard to understand. It appears, (and mind you I said appears) that you want something to be easier for you and that Anet should effectively change the game because you do not wish to dish out the amount of money necessary to complete the task you want to do.


I would like three more accounts, but I do not wish to spend the time to level all of the toons nor get all of the APs done that I want... so.. should I just be able to get the accounts for a 75% discount and be able to have all of the achievement points I have now?


Oh, and be able to have all of the slots unlocked?


Now.. those things are ‘tedious’ and expensive. Why wouldn’t that be the next logical step?


Where is the line drawn?

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@"Strider Pj.2193"


Same here.

I was considering getting a second account for charr characters and players only.

My idea was to create a warband and guild for charr only.

But I'm not sulking about it.

Maybe you misinterpreted me.

I, by nature, aren't a very patience individual.

That might contribute a bit to it.

But the thing is also that I'm not that keen on too much grinding.

It has nothing to do with wanting ANet to cater to any special entitlement.

They're a business, who need to make profit.

However, I believe that there are better ways to make profit, and again, with all due respect, not by charging 2k on an ilvl80.


I hardly ever make comments or critique anything about the game's economy.

I couldn't possibly know why a ilvl costs more than a character slot, etc...

But I honestly think it's too pricey for what it is.

My logic was... not to repeat myself too many times.

The faster a player gets to level 80 and to where they want, for whatever reason, one of them being able to go to xpac areas where you have to be level 80, the quicker you spend money on other things and buy more character slots.


Sorry if I came across as a selfish individual, but I was actually thinking... or trying to look at the bigger picture.

I'm sorry too if some people rather just raise the sjw flag without even the slightest effort for reasoning.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> @"Strider Pj.2193"


> Same here.

> I was considering getting a second account for charr characters and players only.

> My idea was to create a warband and guild for charr only.

> But I'm not sulking about it.

> Maybe you misinterpreted me.

> I, by nature, aren't a very patience individual.

> That might contribute a bit to it.

> But the thing is also that I'm not that keen on too much grinding.

> It has nothing to do with wanting ANet to cater to any special entitlement.

> They're a business, who need to make profit.

> However, I believe that there are better ways to make profit, and again, with all due respect, not by charging 2k on an ilvl80.


> I hardly ever make comments or critique anything about the game's economy.

> I couldn't possibly know why a ilvl costs more than a character slot, etc...

> But I honestly think it's too pricey for what it is.


Fair enough.


> My logic was... not to repeat myself too many times.

> The faster a player gets to level 80 and to where they want, for whatever reason, one of them being able to go to xpac areas where you have to be level 80, the quicker you spend money on other things and buy more character slots.


I think this highlights maybe some of the reason why Anet may not want people to ‘level too fast’. By taking longer, people are more likely to spend some time in the starter zones which helps the game not to look abandoned for new players. Also, those of us that have leveled many, tend to offer advice. Even if it’s only to one or two people. By placing some fee on it, people may be more likely to be in the starter zones more often.



> Sorry if I came across as a selfish individual, but I was actually thinking... or trying to look at the bigger picture.


I try not to judge people... (Though I am still working on this) It only leads to miscommunication.


> I'm sorry too if some people rather just raise the kitten flag without even the slightest effort for reasoning.



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I can only suggest to make use of the tools available in the game already.


* Play PvP or WvW with a character that is level 80, and collect all the Tomes of Knowledge, and save them for your new characters.

* Do all the daily pve tasks to gather up writs and exchange for Tomes

* Obviously the daily logons gives Tomes as well

* Combine with the b-day scrolls, if you have 10+ characters you should have some fairly regularly?


This way you won't have to play a character you're leveling, and can gather up and keep enough tomes in reserve for later, so when making new character you have have enough tomes ready. (This is what my entire wvw guild does, I don't think any of them have leved a character normal way since near launch or whenever they joined).


It requires some planning and thinking ahead, but it's fully doable. And is why most veteran players doesn't have an issue with this, because they already have a couple of 250 stacks of Tomes from having done this. (Personally I'm too lazy for this, and don't mind leveling anyways since it goes so quick anyways, and I like it as a way to learn to learn a build to level it up. But that's my personal taste).

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You completely changed the purpose of your original post without leaving any reference to the original idea and doing so invalidated most, if not all of the responses up to this point. This is a prime example of what one should not do on a forum and, in my opinion, such actions should warrant at least a warning. At least.

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