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Do you like to see new elite specs or a new class in the new expansion?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> As far as elite specs go, it depends on what they are. I don’t want elite specs for the sake of having elite specs just because the last two expansions had them.


Of course it depends on what they are. I really want new elite specs but not because it's "normal" for an expansion but because I really enjoyed so many elite specs (Daredevil, Deadeye, Tempest, Druid and Firebrand being my favorite) in the past and I think I'd really enjoy the new ones as well.

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> @"Lurana.7506" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > As far as elite specs go, it depends on what they are. I don’t want elite specs for the sake of having elite specs just because the last two expansions had them.


> Of course it depends on what they are. I really want new elite specs but not because it's "normal" for an expansion but because I really enjoyed so many elite specs (Daredevil, Deadeye, Tempest, Druid and Firebrand being my favorite) in the past and I think I'd really enjoy the new ones as well.


As long as they close the gaps from what other elite specs offer, then sure.

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new classes would be more exciting and more hyped. one for each armor class. they'd need core and elite traits. so equivalent to 9 new elites.


but old classes still need some love. so each class gets a new core weapon. still requires a good amount of work (especially for some classes like Weaver and Thief), but not as much as new elites.

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New class - Spiritualist - derived off eastern monastic traditions and tropes.


Core skills would be based around short-lived summons, defensive wards, symbols, martial arts, and mantras. Elite spec stuff would be some kind of martial arts master who buffs themselves to the gills allowing for devastating power (but vulnerability to boon corruption) and of course, the return of the beloved Ritualist.

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The issue I’m seeing with people that request new classes, or even those from GW1, is that they’re duplicating what existing classes already provide. They’re just trying to repackage them in a different way and pass it off as a new class.


It’s like each class represents a specific action figure. What you’re requesting is the equivalent of ripping off the limbs and head of the action figures and reassembling a “new” action figure from a combination of those parts. I’m sure, as a kid, you wouldn’t accept that as a new toy so why accept the same thing as a new class?


That’s just my preference. If a new class were added, I’d prefer it to be something new which I don’t think is possible at the point. Even Rev was technically a rehash of several professions.

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New class would be nice, but at this point not practical. And if there is a choice between 1 class or 9 elites, surely not 9 elites is way more content.


An expansion without elites or new class is worth $0. It is basically LWS6 with expansion tagged on it for no reason.

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New ES.

It's easier imo to just hand out new abilities to already existing classes, rather than trying to come up with an entire new class and 3 specs + 2 new E specs for it.

Besides, 9 is the magic number, and one more would be the odd one out... considering the way the system is set.

Not my thoughts, just stating facts.


Furthermore, it is also easier to focus in what possibilities for ES can be used on each class, knowing the templates are already there.

For instance, when you think what else a mesmer could do without straying too far off its theme, you can come up with various ideas, if you brainstorm it right.





Focus mainly on mesmerising and enchanting foes through the power of suggestion, using sound and dance moves, in order to command foes to obbey their will.


Even though there are a lot more ideas out there for new classes, it is hard to try make them unique and be able to differentiate them from eachother.


I would prefer they replaced the GS elite skill from elementalists and make it a permanent usable weapon with the next ES in the next xpac.


I would also much rather finally have a land spear for guardians; even if they have to make a reason to briefly revisit elona, than to create a new class called wizard, with a ES called harry potter that gives you the ability to defeat all undead in orr with one single spell of light.


Either way, I can't wait.

Cause the IBS really isn't doing much for me tbh... saddly... it has been the least played part of the entire game for me.

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The problem with adding a new class is just that; adding A new class.


What would it fall under? heavy? Medium or light class? 10 Classes would be great, and I'm all for a monk like or a ritualist like class, but in order to even things out there would need to be 3 new professions to avoid the " UGH it's another (insert amour class) profession. Not to mention, it would need to have an elite spec, but then it would be behind ALL other classes because every other class has 3 elite specs. So it would be worse from the start.


Having 9 new elite specs while being more work, is less work than making 1-3 new classes with 1-3 new elite specs/ weapon skills, utility skills/elite skills , traits and balance those into the current existing game.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> I really want Elite Specs but I do hope that ANET do proper beta testing with them before release. The usual “bait and switch” powercreep model has been going on since gw1 and its a cheap way to lure players. Then people get frustrated when they get nerfed to ground.


I mean, it's only natural to not be able to see the same things thousands of other players and theorycrafters can see so it will be very hard to balance that stuff beforehand. The recent balance patch addressed many of the issues, I think it is safe to assume their approach to what damage a skill should do at the very least would take over this time around.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> The issue I’m seeing with people that request new classes, or even those from GW1, is that they’re duplicating what existing classes already provide. They’re just trying to repackage them in a different way and pass it off as a new class.


> It’s like each class represents a specific action figure. What you’re requesting is the equivalent of ripping off the limbs and head of the action figures and reassembling a “new” action figure from a combination of those parts. I’m sure, as a kid, you wouldn’t accept that as a new toy so why accept the same thing as a new class?


> That’s just my preference. If a new class were added, I’d prefer it to be something new which I don’t think is possible at the point. Even Rev was technically a rehash of several professions.

Thematics and aestethics are also very important. Engineer may be a ritualist reskin, but to me it's something completely different. Even though i do not like engi and only rarely play that class, I'd very much like to play ritualist.


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I personally prefer new e-specs, because I actually just play the engineer and a new e-spec would allow me to play that class in a new exciting way.

Additionally, I think that there isn't really much room left thematically for a new class. Every class that someone might come up with could easily get implemented as an elite spec for an existing class.

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