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Canthan Lore with Future elite specs


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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> He seems pretty Necromancer to me. And he's called a ritualist yet he uses necromancer like skills. Who could have predicted that?

So when they give a random Necromancer boss a Ritualist title it means something, but when the actual profession gets Ritualist title it's nothing?

> There are other ritualists in gw2, but the one that has notable skills is more elementalist than anything else. Doesn't help either point but I'll point it out regardless because I'm consistent with my information, unlike you have been.

It does help us to note that when it comes to NPCs they probaly used Ritualist title as a flavour, as Elementalists can technically have some kind of rites that are tied to elements. Doesn't mean he's connected to the Factions Ritualist profession.




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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > He seems pretty Necromancer to me. And he's called a ritualist yet he uses necromancer like skills. Who could have predicted that?

> So when they give a random Necromancer boss a Ritualist title it means something, but when the actual profession gets Ritualist title it's nothing?

> > There are other ritualists in gw2, but the one that has notable skills is more elementalist than anything else. Doesn't help either point but I'll point it out regardless because I'm consistent with my information, unlike you have been.

> It does help us to note that when it comes to NPCs they probaly used Ritualist title as a flavour, as Elementalists can technically have some kind of rites that are tied to elements. Doesn't mean he's connected to the Factions Ritualist profession.





Titles are nothing, yes. They're extremely flimsy as an argument point. If NPCs actually responded to your titles, MAYBE they would mean something. But all they are is homage to something in the past. You choose the point I made to show you what a flimsy argument looks like, I point out the flaws in it, and even with its flaws its still far more substantive than the PvP title to the lore and its not good enough for you and you think a Title is going to be even remotely close to being good enough evidence for anyone? We have an Actual Necromancer NPC who is a ritualist. An In cannon character who is a Ritualist! I don't think that's good enough evidence which is why I continued on with MUCH stronger points in favor of the Necromancer. And You're locked onto the weakest point of this and point to an even weaker point of the PvP title that are never referenced at all by anyone. Titles are for US! They're meaningless to the lore of the game. They give no hints to what's to come in the future. Why not try addressing my other points? The stronger meat of my argument? Hmm? Why focus on the one aspect that I myself say isn't good enough?

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Listen guys it's pretty simple. When it comes to ritualist, necro and revs the answers pretty clear, it's obvious that warrior should get a samurai spec with spear. Hope that helps ur quarrel.

> That is all.



> I'll see myself out lol.


Samurai short bow and they ride a combat mount.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Listen guys it's pretty simple. When it comes to ritualist, necro and revs the answers pretty clear, it's obvious that warrior should get a samurai spec with spear. Hope that helps ur quarrel.

> > That is all.

> >

> >

> > I'll see myself out lol.


> Samurai short bow and they ride a combat mount.


Oh hell yeah lol except I'd rather lb get reworked into something similar but different to rangers. Right now lb is lol.

Mounted archer tho is a great idea.

Warrior now can use long bow on mount and can use spear when unmounted to unmount opponents lol.

I'd be the wvw thief hunter pew pewing them from my mount lol

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Honestly, when you have ritualist titles associated with both necromancers and revenants, perhaps the logical conclusion, rather than arguing for either to be invalid, is that _both_ have such ties?


Back in GW1, there were no links between necromancer and ritualist magic beyond the superficial - they were entirely separate professions, and couldn't be combined apart from through secondary professions. But things have changed since then. Professions have broadened. We have several cases of necromancers having abilities that would have been more associated with ritualists in the past, both in terms of skills available to players, and in things that happen in the lore or are performed by necromancer NPCs.


There's even a bit of an explanation for how this happened - there were interviews in 2013 where the fate of the Canthan and Elonian professions in core Tyria was discussed. Basically, when Lion's Arch was wiped out and Orr rose, it not only cut off contact with the rest of the world, it was also where most of Kryta's adepts of those professions were, being the most cosmopolitan city in Kryta. It didn't manage to wipe out those professions _entirely,_ since not everyone with that knowledge was in Lion's Arch at the time, but it did put a significant enough dent in the knowledge base so that the teachings of these professions were no longer able to remain as cohesive traditions in their own right, and instead the dribs and drabs that remained got merged with other professions with a similar focus.


Guardian we know, but which other profession can we think of that have a close interest in learning what it can about the other side of death?


Let's not forget that one of the purposes of elite specialisations is as a kind of replacement for secondary professions. There was nothing preventing you from running N/Rt in GW1 (in fact, that was the initial setup of my Necromancer). Nor was there anything even indicating that this was a frowned-on combination. All you've got is a few comments from a couple of individual Ritualist NPCs.


And to shift the topic a bit... yeah, shortbow for warrior would be an interesting way to pull off a samurai-themed warrior elite spec. Swords are already available and I don't think we're ever getting polearms at this stage, so an archery style that's more mobility-focused might well be a fitting way to represent a samurai theme. I don't think we'll see a heavily armoured warrior jumping around like a ranger or thief, though.


There is an argument that the more spiritual side of samurai might fit guardian better, but there's no reason they can't have one based on samurai mythology while the other is based on actual samurai history. The main concern would be the "there is more to the Far East than Japan" issue - Cantha, if anything, seems more based on China than Japan, although there is an argument to be made that this really only applies to Kaineng, and the Kurzicks are actually a weird Germanic-Japanese cross (Zu, for instance, is a German nobility particle, although strictly speaking the Kurzick houses should possibly have been using von instead - depends on whether the locations or the family names came first).

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Elementalist: _Adept:_ Followers of the oracle of the mist, the adepts are elementalists that gained the ability to see the spirit of the dead and commune with the celestials. Their attunments are bound to the spiritual creatures allowing them to chose to summon one of these to support them in their fight. (The elementalist will keep the benefit of the summoned celestial creature's attunment even if he change it's own attunment)


Engineer: _Sapper:_ Previously turtle handler, the sappers slowly turned themself more and more toward technology. They are always followed by a strange slow golem with powerful firepower.


Guardian: _Abjurer:_ Member of an elite squad of the imperial army specialized in fixing the balance between the material world and the mist. They are known for their resistance toward curses and their ability to banish spirits of the dead.


Mesmer: _Beggar:_ The beggars are born in Kaineng's street and use their power to look weaker than they are so that they can make a living from begging. However, be careful to not anger them, because what they suffer from can very likely be what you will soon suffer from. They are specialized in self-ailment and do have the ability to both transfert those condition and/or convert them into boons to strengthen themselfs.


Necromancer: _Apostat:_ In the depth of the echovald forest lied a cult dedicating blood sacrifices to demons. The Apostat freed themselves in death from this cult and now use their teachings to fight against it. Apostats are known for their bloody figthing style, sacrificing their own blood to fuel their terrifying magic. (The necromancer gain the ability to redirect self inflicted and drawn condition's damage onto their life force pool but they lose the "shroud")


Ranger: _Stalker:_ Born from the enmity between the kurziks and the luxons, the Stalkers are proficient in using their environment in drawn out fights.


Revenant: _Nomad:_ The nomads are revenants bound to the legendary Nomad [insert tengu name]. They share it's wanderlust and seldom settle for long. This make them lonely wanderer whose ability look strangely close to the old dervish's.


Thief: _Shadow:_ Amongst the canthan's assassin existed a group that dedicated itself to wield the shadow more than hide in them. The shadow no longer hide in shadow, they cloack themself in shadow and weave them to their bidding. Elusive fighter they are often mistaken for mages.


Warrior: _Juggernaut:_ Resilients fighter of the Kurzick faction, their bodies show sign of a fusion with tough plants. They are specialized in taking damage all while benefiting their allies from their powerful aura.


NB.: Unfortunately I think I gave everything I had to the beggar...

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To be honest I'm finding it difficult to remember a lot of the lore/plot from Factions. I kind of feel like I need to go back and replay it. But in saying that, if the Kurzicks aren't represented, I will feel crushed. Their whole aesthetic was amazing, and it could be a great excuse to resurrect the bunny thumper ranger in the form of their wardens.


If I was to do this, I'd probably need to list the themes we have to play around with first.


Like with the celestial spirits idea above.

I love Dadnir's idea to tie it in to elementalist, but that theme could also be used to give rangers a sparkly spiritual/ethereal aoe buffing kind of pet, or revenants their new legend, or necromancers could cloak themselves in starlight and get divination kind of powers by communing with the celestial heavens, etc.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> For the engineer, I still think that a spec featuring chemical warfare would be the best.


> And I could even imagine a lore connection for them. One major point in the history of Cantha has been the existence of the plague. A magical disease that was spreading among the humans, forging their flesh in new grotesque ways. And after their death, every "afflicted" as they were called would detonate in a toxic cloud of poison and disease.


> While it has been a magical phenomenon, I could still imagine that there have been quite some scientists around back when all this happened. Looking for a scientific solution for the problem.

> Which could have lead the way to a new caste of scientists focusing on diseases, concoctions and diverse chemicals.


> And maybe, even if these scientists were not able to find a cure for the plague back then, they actually found some offensive uses for the things they studied.

> Especially with the high amount of organised crime in Cantha, I could imagine that this knowledge could grow more and more meaningful over time. Alchemy can be a powerful weapon and really terrifying, if used correctly.


> And so, a new class of experts have been born. The **Plaguedoctors**.


I openned this topic just to see a coment like this, and i thought the same


I always see western culture represented in games by mythicism involving either the divine, alchemy and medicine.


My guess is not a "Plaguedoctor" class, but an ALCHEMIST itself, a class focussed on both Chemical Warfare and Medicine, being both a viable Healer Class + Condition Damage.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Lily.1935" said:

> With each new expansion Arena net has expanded on the lore for what the professions provided and how they worked. For HoT there wasn't much lore beyond some loose connections with Herald to Rytlock and Druid since we were going into the Maguuma Jungle. The justification was minimal, but that was honestly okay since this was there first expansion and they where getting their feet wet. With PoF each elite spec had some more lore justification for what it is. Its themed to the desert with Scourge, Firebrand, spellbreaker having the strongest connections to the story of the region and even the weakest lore connection elite spec, renegade, still was rich with lore of some kind.


> So what I would like to do is look at the lore of Cantha and surmise what we can get from it. Cantha is rich with history and has been very isolated from the rest of tyria for a long time. And last we heard there was the rise of [Emperor Usoku](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emperor_Usoku) exiling non human races from Cantha. The [Ministry of Purity](http://https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ministry_of_Purity) which was formed in GW1 from the fall out of the epidemic that plagued Cantha during the return of [shiro Tagachi](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shiro_Tagachi). There goals are fairly clear in favor of aiding the people of Cantha, but in the early years they had schisms in the factions with Nationalistic ideas which had been spearheaded by [Minister Reiko Murakami](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Reiko) a powerful mesmer at the time. This point in history goes to show us just how much the future was impacted by plague and how much it left a scare on their nation. If we're going back to Cantha, it'll be very likely the Emperor, whomever that may be, and the Ministry of Purity will be the enemies we will be facing.


> With this in mind we can begin to piece together at least one and possibly two Elite specs we might see, or at least there themes. The Mesmer from what I can see will have magics that relate to the Ministry since the founder was a prolific Mesmer and She would likely be hailed as a hero in the story while the GW1 heroes would more likely have been forgotten or slandered for her death. Her magics in the fight mostly involved her clones, the precursor to GW2, but she was also able to manipulate conditions as well as being extremely disruptive with her attacks. What this will translate to is a bit hard to say given her skills in game. Possibly better clone control but we'll have to see. I'd like to see what everyone else comes up with in this regard. But I defiantly believe that mesmer will be tied to the Ministry.


> I also believe that the Guardian will be tied to the Ministry as a "Purifier" sounds right up their ally. What more it could do is difficult to say as we already have a burning elite spec, but an Anti condition type elite spec might be something we can look forward to.


> Going further into the lore we have the Assassin which is unrelated to the Ministry, or at least apparently so. This is long requested of the Thief players and there is a strong lore president for it in game, but its not something I'm personally too convinced by.


> The second profession of the lore was the Ritualist and honestly there are some serious conflicts it has with the necromancer. In the early game of GW1 the Ritualist would find the necromancer to be a nuisance as they seemed to find them to be unclean as they would reanimate corpses as opposed to their own form of death rituals. This could be a major point in the lore as Purity and Nationalism might either force necromancy underground or force them to conform with the Ritualist's means of summoning. Its hard to say, but this conflict is something to take note of and can be speculated on.


> Elementalist is next on my list. One of the rites during the Factions which was needed to see the spirits was the Mission "Closer to the stars". A ritual in which the players must defeat the celestial bodies to achieve Cantha's version of Ascension. There were four of them each with a tragic tale. And my suspect is the elementalist will attune to them, although this might be a loose connection as they're celestial creatures, not elemental creatures, I could see it as a means to give the elementalsit that 5th element we all have been salivating for for so long. I'll admit this is a very loose connection.


> Engineer has really nothing to go on unfortunately. The best we can possibly go with is ideas from real world history and real myths. Such as the real world history that the Chinese were the first recorded nation to use gunpowder. And the Chinese fireworks are quite famous. Beyond this the Super sentai warriors of Japanese pop culture could be a means of inspiration. Its super flimsy I know, but Engineer is all about looking forward and an isolationist and Nationalistic nation like Cantha just wouldn't be a nation that would look forward.


> Although both the Kurzicks and the Luxons have been absorbed into the Canthan Empire and likely much of their culture was either absorbed or lost I still feel some could have survived. This is where I see the likelihood of the Ranger to get its elite spec from. Kurzicks had some odd magics with Juggernauts which i could see the ranger latching onto. Although If the Kurzicks and Luxons do still exist I strongly suspect that they'll likely be gangs in which the Ministry will be trying to quell.


> Warrior is kinda a big question mark for me as I don't see them as much more than the bulk of the Canthan standing military force so its not something I would be able to really say what they could or would be like. Sorry warrior players.


> Last we have the Revenant. Unfortunately for the revenant there is no possible way for their mist magic practices to get to cantha without some rift shenanagans going on.If we are to see any Revenants in Cantha, they'll likely be foreigners to the land and seeking new magics, or possibly uncovering history of the past. Many have suggested Togo as a possible legend, but I'm not so convinced. In terms of Canthan history his history might be mixed or even destroyed as he aided a treaty with the Tengu which would have state propaganda hatred for so he might very well be demonized. While Emperor Usoku would be an extremely strong candidate as a potential legend. or perhaps a Tengu hero we haven't seen. The revenant is likely to be somewhat Ronin inspired given their class characteristics of being a brooding shonen protagonist.



> So lets discuss lore! Where could be go, what could be the inspiration. Lets have fun with this!


I don't have the lore to go with them, but I think we can create it. Here are my ideas for the new elites. I included the current ones just to help people get a sense of how they work. It'll also be nice if the Devs did make a strong lore to the existing ones.



1) Berserker with a Torch, Rage skills and Berserker mode which gives new Berserker Bursts abilities.

2) Spell Breaker with dual Daggers, Meditations, and Full Counters mechanic that absorbs and counter attacks surrounding foes.

*3) Warlord with Melee Staff, hired Recruits, and Marks to aid allies on the battlefield.

*4) Champion with a main hand Shield, Punishment abilities that weakens or leaves foes vulnerable, and Protection mechanic, gives a barrier and tethers to allies, to absorb damage.

*5) Ravager with dual Pistols, Traps, and Ravage Burst mechanic which provides more of an area effect damage.



1) Dragonhunter with Long Bows, Traps, and the ability turn their Virtues into Physical Constructs.

2) Firebrands with a main hand Axe, Mantras, and changes their Virtues in to Tomes of several spells.

*3) Archon with an off hand Sword, glyphs, and the ability to attune to a Virtue at a time.

*4) Summoner with a War Horn, Summon mythical creatures for aid, and convert Virtues into Virtuous Pets

*5) Mystic with main hand Focus, Arcane Spells, and Virtuous Burst abilities.



1) Hearld with a Shield, conjuring Dragon abilities, and able to tap into the Dragon Legend to buff them and their allies.

2) Renegade with Short Bow, able to summon spiritual combatants, and harness a Legendary Warrior's ability to command ancient forces and charging your allies for battle.

*3) Overlord with dual Scepters, able to summon minions from the mist, and Over Charge their connection to their attune legend.

*4) Mist Walker with dual Pistols, the ability to use the mist offensive and defensively, and Merge Legend abilities.

*5) Rift Slayer with a Great Sword, and able to cast dimensional spells, and the timely ability to open or close a dimensional gate.



1) Druid with a Staff, glyphs, and the ability to turn into a Celestial Avatar

2) Soulbeast with a main hand Dagger, combat stances, and the ability to take in the spirit of their pet granting them animalistic abilities.

*3) Shaman with a off hand Focus, summoning Totems that buff them and their allies, and having the ability to merge into their pet, having all of their pets' abilities.

*4) Warden with an off hand Shield, summoning herds and commanding nature to do their bidding, along with controlling 2 pets at the same time.

*5) Wanderer with a Hammer, having shouts to stifle their foes, and can summon random pets for a brief moment of time.



1) Scrapper with a Hammer, having mechanical Gyros that place wells at their destruction, and a personal gyro that revive an ally or finish a foe.

2) Holosmith with a main hand Sword, the ability to conjure hard light, and the ability to Exceed their normal light abilities before they overheat.

*3) Machinist- with a main hand Mace, they can create gear for them and their allies, and their new mechanic allows them to use their gears to assemble into a Battle Mech.

*4) Technomancer with a Great Sword, and Physical Cybrotronics abilities, and Mana that alters their Cybrotronics.

*5) Med Tech with an off hand Focus, Preparation skills, along with Biomatrix mechanic for buffing them and their allies.



1) Daredevil with a Melee Staff, Physical Skills for attacking foes, and offensive and defensive Dodge abilities.

2) Deadeye with a Rifle, cantrips for manipulating foes, and a Deadeye Mark and Malice mechanic to cause extra damage to marked targets.

*3) Inquisitor with a Torch, Survival Skills to allude foes or buff abilities, and an Intuition mechanic that uses the initiative as a bones to combat.

*4) Reaver with dual Maces, summoning their Thieves Guild to aid in combat, and their Steal abilities a Counter in combat.

*5) Shadow Mage with an off hand Focus, Arcane Shadow spells, and can summon a Shadow Thief to steal from a distance.



1) Tempest with a War Horn and Shouts to command the weather and elements, and the ability to Overcharge their attunements, cause mass devastation in their wake.

2) Weaver with a main hand sword, combat Stances to manipulate the elements, and the ability to control two separate elements at the same time.

*3) Magus with a main hand Focus, able to cast Consecration Spells, and the ability to Sub-attune, granting the benefits of other elements, while no longer able to swap attunements.

*4) Rune Master with a Long Bow, able to cast Elemental Wells, and Mark the ground with elemental symbols when they attune, buffing allies and damaging foes.

*5) Arcanist with an off hand Scepter, the ability use Mantras, and attune to a 5th Element "the Arcane"



1) Chronomancer with a Shield, Wells to control time, and a new mechanic Continuum Split, so they can go back in time.

2) Mirage with a main hand Axe, Deception spells, and a Mirage Cloak that allows them to evade attacks without even moving.

*3) Enchanter with a Short Bow, enchanting Shouts, with their Shatter Skills having new abilities, making their clones Enchantments, buffing the allies close by instead of damaging foes.

*4) Psionic with a main hand Pistol, Sabotage skills work like Cantrips, and they have only have one Clone at a time but can be treated as 3 clones in 1.

*5) Conjurer with dual Daggers, that can Summon illusionary beasts that later turns to clones, and conjure 5 clones instead of 3, but the shatter ability only effects foes around the caster.



1) Reaper with Great Sword, Shouts that frighten their opponents, and a Reaper Shroud for close combat.

2) Scourge with a Torch, Punishment abilities that torment and corrupt, and summons Shades to damaging foes close by.

*3) Diabolist with a Hammer, able to cast Tricks that damage foes, and can transform into a Demon Shroud.

*4) Death Stalker with a Rifle, Traps, and Stalking Spirits mechanics that can revive an ally or finish a foe.

*5) Warlock with a off hand Shield, Glyphs, and a new mechanic that turns their life force into a Burst depending on their main hand weapon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

> for engineer i could see a mad scientist using inventions as "posture" like jetpacks to glide above ground at superspeed or drones to enhance weapons next ability.

> something more condi oriented as a weapon with deadly posions and elixir.


Too much mixed into one.


Drones are thematically already covered with scrapper, we don't need another elite spec which utilises drones.

I ahree that deadly poisons and elixirs as thematics would be awesome, tho. The chemical and biological aspects of engineering are not yet used in any elite spec, so I would enjoy something that focuses on that thematic.


So please more chemical warfare, devices to spread deadly fumes and such and less "mechanical" inventions like jetpacks and drones....

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> * Warrior will probably get monk, a melee staff and will be more about healing. (The warriors version of firebrand is what im guessing.) With protection spells, smiting and maybe some form of moral boost that makes you a frontline support. (Support is one of the roles warrior can't fill, the tactics change is giving a hint that they want to change that.)


THIS! I don't care about the other classes, they can have whatever they like. Just give warriors a healer/support spec! I want to be punching and kicking my allies back to full health!



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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > > Interesting Canthan specializations might go as follows:

> > >

> > > Gladiator (Warrior) - uses Warrior styled survival skills to reflect and spike damage. Weapon Melee Trident

> > > Kirin (Guardian) - creates wells and ramps up tanking ability but deals very little damage. Weapon Main Hand Focus

> > > Ritualist (Revenant) - creates urns and other summoned objects. Weapon Greatsword

> > >

> > > Chu Ko Nu (Engineer) - focuses on creating moving mechanical constructs (minions basically). Weapon Crossbow (why not)

> > > Sea Dog (Ranger) - basically an aquatic themed class with aquatic styled skills. Weapon Melee Harpoon Gun/Rifle

> > > Oni (Thief) - focuses on punishment magics; perhaps rework the concept of hexes. Weapon Off Hand Sword

> > >

> > > Outcast (Mesmer) - The influences of Kanaxai drives their magics to new levels of unpredictability, perhaps even true mimicry. Weapon Double Daggers

> > > Saltspray (Elementalist) - Kuunavang has instructed Canthan Elementalist in the raw power of the Jade Sea. Weapon Off Hand Torch

> > > Oracle (Necromancer) - As shepherds of the dead Oracles are able to teleport both themselves and their enemies. Weapon Off Hand Axe

> > >

> > > Just some general thoughts off the top of my head. Either way I am excited to see what the developers bring us. :-)

> >

> > Can we PLS stop trying to give engineer another minion type?

> >

> > Engineer already has turrets, they tried to give us another minion type with gyros which failed until they finally reworked them into wells like people suggested for years.

> > Engi doesn't need more minions, give us other elite specs. Preferably something that focuses on chemicals, since that thematic could use a bit more love.


> I personally do want Minions on Engineer eventually, but for this expansion I've seen some great arguments for a chemist spec and the prospect of using a Shortbow or Longbow on Engineer with Unique arrows sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the idea of Engineers in Cantha being a part of the Ministry of Purity and fumigating places just makes a lot of lore sense to me.


> So yeah, Chemist.


Interesting idea.


What if Engineer gets Shortbow and Preperations as Utility skills based on different elements.

Healing preperation - Water Element.

Earth preperation - Earth Element.

Poison Preperation - Poison Element.

Flame Preperation - Fire Element.

Lightning Preperation - Lightning Element.

Elite Dragon Magic Preperation - Dragon Corruption Element.


Each equipped Preperation gives you elemental arrow skills for your F1-5 skills

When these F skill are activated your Shortbow skills get enhanced by the element of your active arrow.

Basically Engineers would be able to swap arrows and conditions on the fly so long as they had preperations equipped.



Activate Water Arrows and your Shortbow attacks inflict vulnerability and a little slow.

Swap to Flame Arrows and your Shortbow attacks travel slower and inflict burning damage.

Swap to Lightning Arrows and your Shortbow attacks can trigger lightning to jump to additional targets in a short range around your target (upto 3 times)

Swap to Poison arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply poison and a little confusion

Swap to Earth arrows and your shotbow attacks now apply bleeding and enhance cripple duration.

Swap to Dragon arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply Torment and have a small chance to inflict Fear, Immobilize or Taunt.


The Arrow F skills will have an ammunition mechanic as well say for example.. 30 arrows and only 20 on Elite.

So when you activate them, every shortbow attack you use will reduce your arrow count for that type until you run out of arrows or swap to another arrow type.


The only way to replenish your arrow supply would be to activate your preperation skills and pick up the colour themed Medkit like Quivers that spawn from them giving some counterplay for other characters who could attempt to limit or stop you from collecting them with CC and AoE.


Your Shortbow skills will also have ammo cost too but only for elemental arrows.

So say we have a similar skill to Rangers Poison Volley, this one fire's 3 arrows in a cone in front of you, that would use up 3 elemental arrows instead of just 1.

Or a Rapid Fire like skill that fires 5 arrows in a quick burst, that would use up 5 elemental arrows.


I'd like one skill to be a ground targeted cluster shot too

Without elemental arrows you would fire a cluster of arrows into the air similar to Ranger Barrage but only a one shot animation.

Enemies in the target area would then get hit by a short multi hit mini Barrage like effect.

With Elemental Arrows this skill would change function to elemental bomb arrows.

Water bomb arrows would explode at the target location, cleansing allies of conditions and leaving a small healing field.

Fire bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a burning AoE

Poison bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a poison cloud AoE that poisons and weakens foes

Earth bomb arrows would explode at the target locations bleeding foes and leaving a jagged rocks AoE that cripples and bleeds enemies who move inside it.

Lightning bomb arrows would explode at the target location teleporting you to the target location and dazing foes

Dragon bomb arrows would explode at the target location and create a Dragon corruption field that torments foes and inflicts either fear, taunt or immob on them depending on the Dragon corruption field that appears (they would each have the same 1/3 chance of appearing)

Zhaitan Death field = Fear.

Modremoth Plant field = Immob.

Kralkatorrik Fury field = Taunt.


I think something like this could be a fun spec for Engineer to play around with.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > > > Interesting Canthan specializations might go as follows:

> > > >

> > > > Gladiator (Warrior) - uses Warrior styled survival skills to reflect and spike damage. Weapon Melee Trident

> > > > Kirin (Guardian) - creates wells and ramps up tanking ability but deals very little damage. Weapon Main Hand Focus

> > > > Ritualist (Revenant) - creates urns and other summoned objects. Weapon Greatsword

> > > >

> > > > Chu Ko Nu (Engineer) - focuses on creating moving mechanical constructs (minions basically). Weapon Crossbow (why not)

> > > > Sea Dog (Ranger) - basically an aquatic themed class with aquatic styled skills. Weapon Melee Harpoon Gun/Rifle

> > > > Oni (Thief) - focuses on punishment magics; perhaps rework the concept of hexes. Weapon Off Hand Sword

> > > >

> > > > Outcast (Mesmer) - The influences of Kanaxai drives their magics to new levels of unpredictability, perhaps even true mimicry. Weapon Double Daggers

> > > > Saltspray (Elementalist) - Kuunavang has instructed Canthan Elementalist in the raw power of the Jade Sea. Weapon Off Hand Torch

> > > > Oracle (Necromancer) - As shepherds of the dead Oracles are able to teleport both themselves and their enemies. Weapon Off Hand Axe

> > > >

> > > > Just some general thoughts off the top of my head. Either way I am excited to see what the developers bring us. :-)

> > >

> > > Can we PLS stop trying to give engineer another minion type?

> > >

> > > Engineer already has turrets, they tried to give us another minion type with gyros which failed until they finally reworked them into wells like people suggested for years.

> > > Engi doesn't need more minions, give us other elite specs. Preferably something that focuses on chemicals, since that thematic could use a bit more love.

> >

> > I personally do want Minions on Engineer eventually, but for this expansion I've seen some great arguments for a chemist spec and the prospect of using a Shortbow or Longbow on Engineer with Unique arrows sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the idea of Engineers in Cantha being a part of the Ministry of Purity and fumigating places just makes a lot of lore sense to me.

> >

> > So yeah, Chemist.


> Interesting idea.


> What if Engineer gets Shortbow and Preperations as Utility skills based on different elements.

> Healing preperation - Water Element.

> Earth preperation - Earth Element.

> Poison Preperation - Poison Element.

> Flame Preperation - Fire Element.

> Lightning Preperation - Lightning Element.

> Elite Dragon Magic Preperation - Dragon Corruption Element.


> Each equipped Preperation gives you elemental arrow skills for your F1-5 skills

> When these F skill are activated your Shortbow skills get enhanced by the element of your active arrow.

> Basically Engineers would be able to swap arrows and conditions on the fly so long as they had preperations equipped.


> Example:

> Activate Water Arrows and your Shortbow attacks inflict vulnerability and a little slow.

> Swap to Flame Arrows and your Shortbow attacks travel slower and inflict burning damage.

> Swap to Lightning Arrows and your Shortbow attacks can trigger lightning to jump to additional targets in a short range around your target (upto 3 times)

> Swap to Poison arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply poison and a little confusion

> Swap to Earth arrows and your shotbow attacks now apply bleeding and enhance cripple duration.

> Swap to Dragon arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply Torment and have a small chance to inflict Fear, Immobilize or Taunt.


> The Arrow F skills will have an ammunition mechanic as well say for example.. 30 arrows and only 20 on Elite.

> So when you activate them, every shortbow attack you use will reduce your arrow count for that type until you run out of arrows or swap to another arrow type.


> The only way to replenish your arrow supply would be to activate your preperation skills and pick up the colour themed Medkit like Quivers that spawn from them giving some counterplay for other characters who could attempt to limit or stop you from collecting them with CC and AoE.


> Your Shortbow skills will also have ammo cost too but only for elemental arrows.

> So say we have a similar skill to Rangers Poison Volley, this one fire's 3 arrows in a cone in front of you, that would use up 3 elemental arrows instead of just 1.

> Or a Rapid Fire like skill that fires 5 arrows in a quick burst, that would use up 5 elemental arrows.


> I'd like one skill to be a ground targeted cluster shot too

> Without elemental arrows you would fire a cluster of arrows into the air similar to Ranger Barrage but only a one shot animation.

> Enemies in the target area would then get hit by a short multi hit mini Barrage like effect.

> With Elemental Arrows this skill would change function to elemental bomb arrows.

> Water bomb arrows would explode at the target location, cleansing allies of conditions and leaving a small healing field.

> Fire bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a burning AoE

> Poison bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a poison cloud AoE that poisons and weakens foes

> Earth bomb arrows would explode at the target locations bleeding foes and leaving a jagged rocks AoE that cripples and bleeds enemies who move inside it.

> Lightning bomb arrows would explode at the target location teleporting you to the target location and dazing foes

> Dragon bomb arrows would explode at the target location and create a Dragon corruption field that torments foes and inflicts either fear, taunt or immob on them depending on the Dragon corruption field that appears (they would each have the same 1/3 chance of appearing)

> Zhaitan Death field = Fear.

> Modremoth Plant field = Immob.

> Kralkatorrik Fury field = Taunt.


> I think something like this could be a fun spec for Engineer to play around with.


I want to be honest: That sounds way more like an elite spec for elementalist than for engineer. Way too much focus on "elemental arrows".

And the new elite spec weapon shouldn't be so tied with the utility skills. Holosmith's sword gets enhanced by the photonforge heat mechanic, but this makes sense since the photonforge is not optional, every holosmith automatically has access to the photonforge.


Utility skills on the other hand ARE optional, therefore they shouldn't have such a deep impact on the elite spec weapon, in my opinion. The utility skills and weapons should work independant from each other.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > > @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > > > > Interesting Canthan specializations might go as follows:

> > > > >

> > > > > Gladiator (Warrior) - uses Warrior styled survival skills to reflect and spike damage. Weapon Melee Trident

> > > > > Kirin (Guardian) - creates wells and ramps up tanking ability but deals very little damage. Weapon Main Hand Focus

> > > > > Ritualist (Revenant) - creates urns and other summoned objects. Weapon Greatsword

> > > > >

> > > > > Chu Ko Nu (Engineer) - focuses on creating moving mechanical constructs (minions basically). Weapon Crossbow (why not)

> > > > > Sea Dog (Ranger) - basically an aquatic themed class with aquatic styled skills. Weapon Melee Harpoon Gun/Rifle

> > > > > Oni (Thief) - focuses on punishment magics; perhaps rework the concept of hexes. Weapon Off Hand Sword

> > > > >

> > > > > Outcast (Mesmer) - The influences of Kanaxai drives their magics to new levels of unpredictability, perhaps even true mimicry. Weapon Double Daggers

> > > > > Saltspray (Elementalist) - Kuunavang has instructed Canthan Elementalist in the raw power of the Jade Sea. Weapon Off Hand Torch

> > > > > Oracle (Necromancer) - As shepherds of the dead Oracles are able to teleport both themselves and their enemies. Weapon Off Hand Axe

> > > > >

> > > > > Just some general thoughts off the top of my head. Either way I am excited to see what the developers bring us. :-)

> > > >

> > > > Can we PLS stop trying to give engineer another minion type?

> > > >

> > > > Engineer already has turrets, they tried to give us another minion type with gyros which failed until they finally reworked them into wells like people suggested for years.

> > > > Engi doesn't need more minions, give us other elite specs. Preferably something that focuses on chemicals, since that thematic could use a bit more love.

> > >

> > > I personally do want Minions on Engineer eventually, but for this expansion I've seen some great arguments for a chemist spec and the prospect of using a Shortbow or Longbow on Engineer with Unique arrows sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the idea of Engineers in Cantha being a part of the Ministry of Purity and fumigating places just makes a lot of lore sense to me.

> > >

> > > So yeah, Chemist.

> >

> > Interesting idea.

> >

> > What if Engineer gets Shortbow and Preperations as Utility skills based on different elements.

> > Healing preperation - Water Element.

> > Earth preperation - Earth Element.

> > Poison Preperation - Poison Element.

> > Flame Preperation - Fire Element.

> > Lightning Preperation - Lightning Element.

> > Elite Dragon Magic Preperation - Dragon Corruption Element.

> >

> > Each equipped Preperation gives you elemental arrow skills for your F1-5 skills

> > When these F skill are activated your Shortbow skills get enhanced by the element of your active arrow.

> > Basically Engineers would be able to swap arrows and conditions on the fly so long as they had preperations equipped.

> >

> > Example:

> > Activate Water Arrows and your Shortbow attacks inflict vulnerability and a little slow.

> > Swap to Flame Arrows and your Shortbow attacks travel slower and inflict burning damage.

> > Swap to Lightning Arrows and your Shortbow attacks can trigger lightning to jump to additional targets in a short range around your target (upto 3 times)

> > Swap to Poison arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply poison and a little confusion

> > Swap to Earth arrows and your shotbow attacks now apply bleeding and enhance cripple duration.

> > Swap to Dragon arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply Torment and have a small chance to inflict Fear, Immobilize or Taunt.

> >

> > The Arrow F skills will have an ammunition mechanic as well say for example.. 30 arrows and only 20 on Elite.

> > So when you activate them, every shortbow attack you use will reduce your arrow count for that type until you run out of arrows or swap to another arrow type.

> >

> > The only way to replenish your arrow supply would be to activate your preperation skills and pick up the colour themed Medkit like Quivers that spawn from them giving some counterplay for other characters who could attempt to limit or stop you from collecting them with CC and AoE.

> >

> > Your Shortbow skills will also have ammo cost too but only for elemental arrows.

> > So say we have a similar skill to Rangers Poison Volley, this one fire's 3 arrows in a cone in front of you, that would use up 3 elemental arrows instead of just 1.

> > Or a Rapid Fire like skill that fires 5 arrows in a quick burst, that would use up 5 elemental arrows.

> >

> > I'd like one skill to be a ground targeted cluster shot too

> > Without elemental arrows you would fire a cluster of arrows into the air similar to Ranger Barrage but only a one shot animation.

> > Enemies in the target area would then get hit by a short multi hit mini Barrage like effect.

> > With Elemental Arrows this skill would change function to elemental bomb arrows.

> > Water bomb arrows would explode at the target location, cleansing allies of conditions and leaving a small healing field.

> > Fire bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a burning AoE

> > Poison bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a poison cloud AoE that poisons and weakens foes

> > Earth bomb arrows would explode at the target locations bleeding foes and leaving a jagged rocks AoE that cripples and bleeds enemies who move inside it.

> > Lightning bomb arrows would explode at the target location teleporting you to the target location and dazing foes

> > Dragon bomb arrows would explode at the target location and create a Dragon corruption field that torments foes and inflicts either fear, taunt or immob on them depending on the Dragon corruption field that appears (they would each have the same 1/3 chance of appearing)

> > Zhaitan Death field = Fear.

> > Modremoth Plant field = Immob.

> > Kralkatorrik Fury field = Taunt.

> >

> > I think something like this could be a fun spec for Engineer to play around with.


> I want to be honest: That sounds way more like an elite spec for elementalist than for engineer. Way too much focus on "elemental arrows".

> And the new elite spec weapon shouldn't be so tied with the utility skills. Holosmith's sword gets enhanced by the photonforge heat mechanic, but this makes sense since the photonforge is not optional, every holosmith automatically has access to the photonforge.


> Utility skills on the other hand ARE optional, therefore they shouldn't have such a deep impact on the elite spec weapon, in my opinion. The utility skills and weapons should work independant from each other.


I get where you're coming from.

I was thinking that myself while writing it but decided to keep going anyway because I was enjoying the idea XD


It could definitely work for a magic archer Ele spec too, probably better that way.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > > > @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > > > > > Interesting Canthan specializations might go as follows:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Gladiator (Warrior) - uses Warrior styled survival skills to reflect and spike damage. Weapon Melee Trident

> > > > > > Kirin (Guardian) - creates wells and ramps up tanking ability but deals very little damage. Weapon Main Hand Focus

> > > > > > Ritualist (Revenant) - creates urns and other summoned objects. Weapon Greatsword

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Chu Ko Nu (Engineer) - focuses on creating moving mechanical constructs (minions basically). Weapon Crossbow (why not)

> > > > > > Sea Dog (Ranger) - basically an aquatic themed class with aquatic styled skills. Weapon Melee Harpoon Gun/Rifle

> > > > > > Oni (Thief) - focuses on punishment magics; perhaps rework the concept of hexes. Weapon Off Hand Sword

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Outcast (Mesmer) - The influences of Kanaxai drives their magics to new levels of unpredictability, perhaps even true mimicry. Weapon Double Daggers

> > > > > > Saltspray (Elementalist) - Kuunavang has instructed Canthan Elementalist in the raw power of the Jade Sea. Weapon Off Hand Torch

> > > > > > Oracle (Necromancer) - As shepherds of the dead Oracles are able to teleport both themselves and their enemies. Weapon Off Hand Axe

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just some general thoughts off the top of my head. Either way I am excited to see what the developers bring us. :-)

> > > > >

> > > > > Can we PLS stop trying to give engineer another minion type?

> > > > >

> > > > > Engineer already has turrets, they tried to give us another minion type with gyros which failed until they finally reworked them into wells like people suggested for years.

> > > > > Engi doesn't need more minions, give us other elite specs. Preferably something that focuses on chemicals, since that thematic could use a bit more love.

> > > >

> > > > I personally do want Minions on Engineer eventually, but for this expansion I've seen some great arguments for a chemist spec and the prospect of using a Shortbow or Longbow on Engineer with Unique arrows sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the idea of Engineers in Cantha being a part of the Ministry of Purity and fumigating places just makes a lot of lore sense to me.

> > > >

> > > > So yeah, Chemist.

> > >

> > > Interesting idea.

> > >

> > > What if Engineer gets Shortbow and Preperations as Utility skills based on different elements.

> > > Healing preperation - Water Element.

> > > Earth preperation - Earth Element.

> > > Poison Preperation - Poison Element.

> > > Flame Preperation - Fire Element.

> > > Lightning Preperation - Lightning Element.

> > > Elite Dragon Magic Preperation - Dragon Corruption Element.

> > >

> > > Each equipped Preperation gives you elemental arrow skills for your F1-5 skills

> > > When these F skill are activated your Shortbow skills get enhanced by the element of your active arrow.

> > > Basically Engineers would be able to swap arrows and conditions on the fly so long as they had preperations equipped.

> > >

> > > Example:

> > > Activate Water Arrows and your Shortbow attacks inflict vulnerability and a little slow.

> > > Swap to Flame Arrows and your Shortbow attacks travel slower and inflict burning damage.

> > > Swap to Lightning Arrows and your Shortbow attacks can trigger lightning to jump to additional targets in a short range around your target (upto 3 times)

> > > Swap to Poison arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply poison and a little confusion

> > > Swap to Earth arrows and your shotbow attacks now apply bleeding and enhance cripple duration.

> > > Swap to Dragon arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply Torment and have a small chance to inflict Fear, Immobilize or Taunt.

> > >

> > > The Arrow F skills will have an ammunition mechanic as well say for example.. 30 arrows and only 20 on Elite.

> > > So when you activate them, every shortbow attack you use will reduce your arrow count for that type until you run out of arrows or swap to another arrow type.

> > >

> > > The only way to replenish your arrow supply would be to activate your preperation skills and pick up the colour themed Medkit like Quivers that spawn from them giving some counterplay for other characters who could attempt to limit or stop you from collecting them with CC and AoE.

> > >

> > > Your Shortbow skills will also have ammo cost too but only for elemental arrows.

> > > So say we have a similar skill to Rangers Poison Volley, this one fire's 3 arrows in a cone in front of you, that would use up 3 elemental arrows instead of just 1.

> > > Or a Rapid Fire like skill that fires 5 arrows in a quick burst, that would use up 5 elemental arrows.

> > >

> > > I'd like one skill to be a ground targeted cluster shot too

> > > Without elemental arrows you would fire a cluster of arrows into the air similar to Ranger Barrage but only a one shot animation.

> > > Enemies in the target area would then get hit by a short multi hit mini Barrage like effect.

> > > With Elemental Arrows this skill would change function to elemental bomb arrows.

> > > Water bomb arrows would explode at the target location, cleansing allies of conditions and leaving a small healing field.

> > > Fire bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a burning AoE

> > > Poison bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a poison cloud AoE that poisons and weakens foes

> > > Earth bomb arrows would explode at the target locations bleeding foes and leaving a jagged rocks AoE that cripples and bleeds enemies who move inside it.

> > > Lightning bomb arrows would explode at the target location teleporting you to the target location and dazing foes

> > > Dragon bomb arrows would explode at the target location and create a Dragon corruption field that torments foes and inflicts either fear, taunt or immob on them depending on the Dragon corruption field that appears (they would each have the same 1/3 chance of appearing)

> > > Zhaitan Death field = Fear.

> > > Modremoth Plant field = Immob.

> > > Kralkatorrik Fury field = Taunt.

> > >

> > > I think something like this could be a fun spec for Engineer to play around with.

> >

> > I want to be honest: That sounds way more like an elite spec for elementalist than for engineer. Way too much focus on "elemental arrows".

> > And the new elite spec weapon shouldn't be so tied with the utility skills. Holosmith's sword gets enhanced by the photonforge heat mechanic, but this makes sense since the photonforge is not optional, every holosmith automatically has access to the photonforge.

> >

> > Utility skills on the other hand ARE optional, therefore they shouldn't have such a deep impact on the elite spec weapon, in my opinion. The utility skills and weapons should work independant from each other.


> I get where you're coming from.

> I was thinking that myself while writing it but decided to keep going anyway because I was enjoying the idea XD


> It could definitely work for a magic archer Ele spec too, probably better that way.


I agree with them. But what about fireworks? A bow that shoots fireworks sounds amazing in my opinion. Makes the whistling sound and pops into different colors. The first documented use of gunpowder was in China and fireworks are quite popular there too as well as being their place of origin. So it would be cool. A pyrotechnic could work well for an engineer. Not sure on the utility skills though. I'm not sure about preparations. They could work since it makes sense with a pyrotechnic. But I don't think their mechanical design would compete very well with some existing skills on a build. Although they don't have to.


More explosion synergy is always nice though! And shooting a different colored firework arrow each shot sounds amazing!

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > > > > @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > > > > > > Interesting Canthan specializations might go as follows:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Gladiator (Warrior) - uses Warrior styled survival skills to reflect and spike damage. Weapon Melee Trident

> > > > > > > Kirin (Guardian) - creates wells and ramps up tanking ability but deals very little damage. Weapon Main Hand Focus

> > > > > > > Ritualist (Revenant) - creates urns and other summoned objects. Weapon Greatsword

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Chu Ko Nu (Engineer) - focuses on creating moving mechanical constructs (minions basically). Weapon Crossbow (why not)

> > > > > > > Sea Dog (Ranger) - basically an aquatic themed class with aquatic styled skills. Weapon Melee Harpoon Gun/Rifle

> > > > > > > Oni (Thief) - focuses on punishment magics; perhaps rework the concept of hexes. Weapon Off Hand Sword

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Outcast (Mesmer) - The influences of Kanaxai drives their magics to new levels of unpredictability, perhaps even true mimicry. Weapon Double Daggers

> > > > > > > Saltspray (Elementalist) - Kuunavang has instructed Canthan Elementalist in the raw power of the Jade Sea. Weapon Off Hand Torch

> > > > > > > Oracle (Necromancer) - As shepherds of the dead Oracles are able to teleport both themselves and their enemies. Weapon Off Hand Axe

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Just some general thoughts off the top of my head. Either way I am excited to see what the developers bring us. :-)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Can we PLS stop trying to give engineer another minion type?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Engineer already has turrets, they tried to give us another minion type with gyros which failed until they finally reworked them into wells like people suggested for years.

> > > > > > Engi doesn't need more minions, give us other elite specs. Preferably something that focuses on chemicals, since that thematic could use a bit more love.

> > > > >

> > > > > I personally do want Minions on Engineer eventually, but for this expansion I've seen some great arguments for a chemist spec and the prospect of using a Shortbow or Longbow on Engineer with Unique arrows sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the idea of Engineers in Cantha being a part of the Ministry of Purity and fumigating places just makes a lot of lore sense to me.

> > > > >

> > > > > So yeah, Chemist.

> > > >

> > > > Interesting idea.

> > > >

> > > > What if Engineer gets Shortbow and Preperations as Utility skills based on different elements.

> > > > Healing preperation - Water Element.

> > > > Earth preperation - Earth Element.

> > > > Poison Preperation - Poison Element.

> > > > Flame Preperation - Fire Element.

> > > > Lightning Preperation - Lightning Element.

> > > > Elite Dragon Magic Preperation - Dragon Corruption Element.

> > > >

> > > > Each equipped Preperation gives you elemental arrow skills for your F1-5 skills

> > > > When these F skill are activated your Shortbow skills get enhanced by the element of your active arrow.

> > > > Basically Engineers would be able to swap arrows and conditions on the fly so long as they had preperations equipped.

> > > >

> > > > Example:

> > > > Activate Water Arrows and your Shortbow attacks inflict vulnerability and a little slow.

> > > > Swap to Flame Arrows and your Shortbow attacks travel slower and inflict burning damage.

> > > > Swap to Lightning Arrows and your Shortbow attacks can trigger lightning to jump to additional targets in a short range around your target (upto 3 times)

> > > > Swap to Poison arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply poison and a little confusion

> > > > Swap to Earth arrows and your shotbow attacks now apply bleeding and enhance cripple duration.

> > > > Swap to Dragon arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply Torment and have a small chance to inflict Fear, Immobilize or Taunt.

> > > >

> > > > The Arrow F skills will have an ammunition mechanic as well say for example.. 30 arrows and only 20 on Elite.

> > > > So when you activate them, every shortbow attack you use will reduce your arrow count for that type until you run out of arrows or swap to another arrow type.

> > > >

> > > > The only way to replenish your arrow supply would be to activate your preperation skills and pick up the colour themed Medkit like Quivers that spawn from them giving some counterplay for other characters who could attempt to limit or stop you from collecting them with CC and AoE.

> > > >

> > > > Your Shortbow skills will also have ammo cost too but only for elemental arrows.

> > > > So say we have a similar skill to Rangers Poison Volley, this one fire's 3 arrows in a cone in front of you, that would use up 3 elemental arrows instead of just 1.

> > > > Or a Rapid Fire like skill that fires 5 arrows in a quick burst, that would use up 5 elemental arrows.

> > > >

> > > > I'd like one skill to be a ground targeted cluster shot too

> > > > Without elemental arrows you would fire a cluster of arrows into the air similar to Ranger Barrage but only a one shot animation.

> > > > Enemies in the target area would then get hit by a short multi hit mini Barrage like effect.

> > > > With Elemental Arrows this skill would change function to elemental bomb arrows.

> > > > Water bomb arrows would explode at the target location, cleansing allies of conditions and leaving a small healing field.

> > > > Fire bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a burning AoE

> > > > Poison bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a poison cloud AoE that poisons and weakens foes

> > > > Earth bomb arrows would explode at the target locations bleeding foes and leaving a jagged rocks AoE that cripples and bleeds enemies who move inside it.

> > > > Lightning bomb arrows would explode at the target location teleporting you to the target location and dazing foes

> > > > Dragon bomb arrows would explode at the target location and create a Dragon corruption field that torments foes and inflicts either fear, taunt or immob on them depending on the Dragon corruption field that appears (they would each have the same 1/3 chance of appearing)

> > > > Zhaitan Death field = Fear.

> > > > Modremoth Plant field = Immob.

> > > > Kralkatorrik Fury field = Taunt.

> > > >

> > > > I think something like this could be a fun spec for Engineer to play around with.

> > >

> > > I want to be honest: That sounds way more like an elite spec for elementalist than for engineer. Way too much focus on "elemental arrows".

> > > And the new elite spec weapon shouldn't be so tied with the utility skills. Holosmith's sword gets enhanced by the photonforge heat mechanic, but this makes sense since the photonforge is not optional, every holosmith automatically has access to the photonforge.

> > >

> > > Utility skills on the other hand ARE optional, therefore they shouldn't have such a deep impact on the elite spec weapon, in my opinion. The utility skills and weapons should work independant from each other.

> >

> > I get where you're coming from.

> > I was thinking that myself while writing it but decided to keep going anyway because I was enjoying the idea XD

> >

> > It could definitely work for a magic archer Ele spec too, probably better that way.


> I agree with them. But what about fireworks? A bow that shoots fireworks sounds amazing in my opinion. Makes the whistling sound and pops into different colors. The first documented use of gunpowder was in China and fireworks are quite popular there too as well as being their place of origin. So it would be cool. A pyrotechnic could work well for an engineer. Not sure on the utility skills though. I'm not sure about preparations. They could work since it makes sense with a pyrotechnic. But I don't think their mechanical design would compete very well with some existing skills on a build. Although they don't have to.


> More explosion synergy is always nice though! And shooting a different colored firework arrow each shot sounds amazing!


Funny enough I had the same thought about fireworks first too before I went with the element arrows instead ^^


I don't have a clue how they could do a elite spec around fireworks but it definitely fits into the Canthan theme and it really works with the Engineer class too.


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > > > > > > > Interesting Canthan specializations might go as follows:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Gladiator (Warrior) - uses Warrior styled survival skills to reflect and spike damage. Weapon Melee Trident

> > > > > > > > Kirin (Guardian) - creates wells and ramps up tanking ability but deals very little damage. Weapon Main Hand Focus

> > > > > > > > Ritualist (Revenant) - creates urns and other summoned objects. Weapon Greatsword

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Chu Ko Nu (Engineer) - focuses on creating moving mechanical constructs (minions basically). Weapon Crossbow (why not)

> > > > > > > > Sea Dog (Ranger) - basically an aquatic themed class with aquatic styled skills. Weapon Melee Harpoon Gun/Rifle

> > > > > > > > Oni (Thief) - focuses on punishment magics; perhaps rework the concept of hexes. Weapon Off Hand Sword

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Outcast (Mesmer) - The influences of Kanaxai drives their magics to new levels of unpredictability, perhaps even true mimicry. Weapon Double Daggers

> > > > > > > > Saltspray (Elementalist) - Kuunavang has instructed Canthan Elementalist in the raw power of the Jade Sea. Weapon Off Hand Torch

> > > > > > > > Oracle (Necromancer) - As shepherds of the dead Oracles are able to teleport both themselves and their enemies. Weapon Off Hand Axe

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Just some general thoughts off the top of my head. Either way I am excited to see what the developers bring us. :-)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Can we PLS stop trying to give engineer another minion type?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Engineer already has turrets, they tried to give us another minion type with gyros which failed until they finally reworked them into wells like people suggested for years.

> > > > > > > Engi doesn't need more minions, give us other elite specs. Preferably something that focuses on chemicals, since that thematic could use a bit more love.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I personally do want Minions on Engineer eventually, but for this expansion I've seen some great arguments for a chemist spec and the prospect of using a Shortbow or Longbow on Engineer with Unique arrows sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the idea of Engineers in Cantha being a part of the Ministry of Purity and fumigating places just makes a lot of lore sense to me.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So yeah, Chemist.

> > > > >

> > > > > Interesting idea.

> > > > >

> > > > > What if Engineer gets Shortbow and Preperations as Utility skills based on different elements.

> > > > > Healing preperation - Water Element.

> > > > > Earth preperation - Earth Element.

> > > > > Poison Preperation - Poison Element.

> > > > > Flame Preperation - Fire Element.

> > > > > Lightning Preperation - Lightning Element.

> > > > > Elite Dragon Magic Preperation - Dragon Corruption Element.

> > > > >

> > > > > Each equipped Preperation gives you elemental arrow skills for your F1-5 skills

> > > > > When these F skill are activated your Shortbow skills get enhanced by the element of your active arrow.

> > > > > Basically Engineers would be able to swap arrows and conditions on the fly so long as they had preperations equipped.

> > > > >

> > > > > Example:

> > > > > Activate Water Arrows and your Shortbow attacks inflict vulnerability and a little slow.

> > > > > Swap to Flame Arrows and your Shortbow attacks travel slower and inflict burning damage.

> > > > > Swap to Lightning Arrows and your Shortbow attacks can trigger lightning to jump to additional targets in a short range around your target (upto 3 times)

> > > > > Swap to Poison arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply poison and a little confusion

> > > > > Swap to Earth arrows and your shotbow attacks now apply bleeding and enhance cripple duration.

> > > > > Swap to Dragon arrows and your shortbow attacks now apply Torment and have a small chance to inflict Fear, Immobilize or Taunt.

> > > > >

> > > > > The Arrow F skills will have an ammunition mechanic as well say for example.. 30 arrows and only 20 on Elite.

> > > > > So when you activate them, every shortbow attack you use will reduce your arrow count for that type until you run out of arrows or swap to another arrow type.

> > > > >

> > > > > The only way to replenish your arrow supply would be to activate your preperation skills and pick up the colour themed Medkit like Quivers that spawn from them giving some counterplay for other characters who could attempt to limit or stop you from collecting them with CC and AoE.

> > > > >

> > > > > Your Shortbow skills will also have ammo cost too but only for elemental arrows.

> > > > > So say we have a similar skill to Rangers Poison Volley, this one fire's 3 arrows in a cone in front of you, that would use up 3 elemental arrows instead of just 1.

> > > > > Or a Rapid Fire like skill that fires 5 arrows in a quick burst, that would use up 5 elemental arrows.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd like one skill to be a ground targeted cluster shot too

> > > > > Without elemental arrows you would fire a cluster of arrows into the air similar to Ranger Barrage but only a one shot animation.

> > > > > Enemies in the target area would then get hit by a short multi hit mini Barrage like effect.

> > > > > With Elemental Arrows this skill would change function to elemental bomb arrows.

> > > > > Water bomb arrows would explode at the target location, cleansing allies of conditions and leaving a small healing field.

> > > > > Fire bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a burning AoE

> > > > > Poison bomb arrows would explode at the target location and leave a poison cloud AoE that poisons and weakens foes

> > > > > Earth bomb arrows would explode at the target locations bleeding foes and leaving a jagged rocks AoE that cripples and bleeds enemies who move inside it.

> > > > > Lightning bomb arrows would explode at the target location teleporting you to the target location and dazing foes

> > > > > Dragon bomb arrows would explode at the target location and create a Dragon corruption field that torments foes and inflicts either fear, taunt or immob on them depending on the Dragon corruption field that appears (they would each have the same 1/3 chance of appearing)

> > > > > Zhaitan Death field = Fear.

> > > > > Modremoth Plant field = Immob.

> > > > > Kralkatorrik Fury field = Taunt.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think something like this could be a fun spec for Engineer to play around with.

> > > >

> > > > I want to be honest: That sounds way more like an elite spec for elementalist than for engineer. Way too much focus on "elemental arrows".

> > > > And the new elite spec weapon shouldn't be so tied with the utility skills. Holosmith's sword gets enhanced by the photonforge heat mechanic, but this makes sense since the photonforge is not optional, every holosmith automatically has access to the photonforge.

> > > >

> > > > Utility skills on the other hand ARE optional, therefore they shouldn't have such a deep impact on the elite spec weapon, in my opinion. The utility skills and weapons should work independant from each other.

> > >

> > > I get where you're coming from.

> > > I was thinking that myself while writing it but decided to keep going anyway because I was enjoying the idea XD

> > >

> > > It could definitely work for a magic archer Ele spec too, probably better that way.

> >

> > I agree with them. But what about fireworks? A bow that shoots fireworks sounds amazing in my opinion. Makes the whistling sound and pops into different colors. The first documented use of gunpowder was in China and fireworks are quite popular there too as well as being their place of origin. So it would be cool. A pyrotechnic could work well for an engineer. Not sure on the utility skills though. I'm not sure about preparations. They could work since it makes sense with a pyrotechnic. But I don't think their mechanical design would compete very well with some existing skills on a build. Although they don't have to.

> >

> > More explosion synergy is always nice though! And shooting a different colored firework arrow each shot sounds amazing!


> Funny enough I had the same thought about fireworks first too before I went with the element arrows instead ^^


> I don't have a clue how they could do a elite spec around fireworks but it definitely fits into the Canthan theme and it really works with the Engineer class too.



not sure. I mean, Preparations and traps both could work. I personally don't like either of them which makes it more likely for me to just run kits engineer for another 5 years, but they make sense. A new skill type could work and I'd be good with that. Of course engineer keeps getting new skill types which reduces rune synergy which GW2 is already extremely lacking in. But then again that isn't to say that the new skill type they gain couldn't be shared with another elite spec released in the same expansion.


There are some odd choices like Banners or signets which could also work. Signets would be absolutely insane Flavor wise as well as mechanically since their utility would be off the charts. Both a toolbelt skill signets and utility signets could be amazing. And Engineers aren't allergic to magic either. So crystal infused signets which have some sort of mechanical function could be interesting for sure.


But I'm mostly spit balling at this point. There is also the aspect of the mechanic to think about which could change the utility bar completely so we can't rule out that possibility.


As for elemental arrows. That is an elementalist thing. We should leave that to the ele. Chemical arrows or Pyrotechnics are more Engineer's speed. I'd say trick arrows as well but Thief already has that.

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I posted my ideas for elite specs on another thread, but I will say this; On one hand, I agree that the elite specs in HoT do feel a little random, but on the other hand, I kinda prefer them to not be so tied to a specific region so that they can feel more accessible, lore-wise, so that it can seem plausible for toons not from said region are able to learn (ex. My headcanon forvmy norn firebrand is that he's channeling the history of his ppl instead of Elona). That said, just to completely contradict myself, an idea I support for the ranger elite spec involves them learning how to fight like the warden creatures from Echovald Forest

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