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[Suggestions] Conversation Skip Button. . . . . . .

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İ guess its really necessary. After u completed story once or twice conversation skip button should apper when any1 wanna skip whole conversation. Especially if u try to complete whole stories with ur all characters. Sometimes i am goin to Kitchen makin coffee coming back like 3-4 mins later they are still talkin :'(.

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I would rather prefer selectable checkpoint nodes at the beginning of long story instances, where you could choose which point to start playing at after you have completed the episode. It's really annoying to have to sit through long dialogues repeatedly for one or two achievements that are difficult to get on the first try. Definitely not a priority, but would be a nice QoL feature to have in the future.

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> @"seyhzade.3401" said:

> İ guess its really necessary. After u completed story once or twice conversation skip button should apper when any1 wanna skip whole conversation. Especially if u try to complete whole stories with ur all characters. Sometimes i am goin to Kitchen makin coffee coming back like 3-4 mins later they are still talkin :'(.


Try 16mins, Living story - World Summit. Those envoys walking in 1 at a time. I still have an achievement left incomplete in there :frown:.

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