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Legendary trinket : PVP tournaments


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Everyone's complaining about playing at's, trust me, it's not that bad. Other than the time issue, it's much easier than you think, trust me. Even sometimes when I'm not playing with the top players there's only been one time I haven't ended up in finals or winning the at. A lot of teams are just people multiclienting anyway, so it's a free win every other at. Lastly, the whole point of making pvp items is to reward you for being good, if you suck, then maybe you shouldn't have those items. That's like a pvper saying "I can't get legendary armor because raids are too hard, ANet please lower the difficulty."

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> @"Koto.1824" said:

> Everyone's complaining about playing at's, trust me, it's not that bad. Other than the time issue, it's much easier than you think, trust me. Even sometimes when I'm not playing with the top players there's only been one time I haven't ended up in finals or winning the at. A lot of teams are just people multiclienting anyway, so it's a free win every other at. Lastly, the whole point of making pvp items is to reward you for being good, if you suck, then maybe you shouldn't have those items. That's like a pvper saying "I can't get legendary armor because raids are too hard, ANet please lower the difficulty."


Dont get me wrong friend i dont mind "get gut" or doing it, but waiting , ppl RQ, and just now like we passed without match so no point on that , its just meh.

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> @"Crusartas.9502" said:

> The pvp trinket is way too hard to get.

Why it should be very very very easy ?

Also keep vision that you NOT need any tournament for legendary amulet. Tournament you need only for additional animation on that legendary item.


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> @"Koto.1824" said:

> Everyone's complaining about playing at's, trust me, it's not that bad. Other than the time issue, it's much easier than you think, trust me. Even sometimes when I'm not playing with the top players there's only been one time I haven't ended up in finals or winning the at. A lot of teams are just people multiclienting anyway, so it's a free win every other at. Lastly, the whole point of making pvp items is to reward you for being good, if you suck, then maybe you shouldn't have those items. That's like a pvper saying "I can't get legendary armor because raids are too hard, ANet please lower the difficulty."


Did anyone ask if you "play with top players"? Do we care if you "end up in finals or winning at"? NO!


You are bloating your ego in a game that offers extremely casual pvp. Bragging about winning AT's in gw2 is like saying you beat your mom in street fighter.

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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> > @"Koto.1824" said:

> > Everyone's complaining about playing at's, trust me, it's not that bad. Other than the time issue, it's much easier than you think, trust me. Even sometimes when I'm not playing with the top players there's only been one time I haven't ended up in finals or winning the at. A lot of teams are just people multiclienting anyway, so it's a free win every other at. Lastly, the whole point of making pvp items is to reward you for being good, if you suck, then maybe you shouldn't have those items. That's like a pvper saying "I can't get legendary armor because raids are too hard, ANet please lower the difficulty."


> Did anyone ask if you "play with top players"? Do we care if you "end up in finals or winning at"? NO!


> You are bloating your ego in a game that offers extremely casual pvp. Bragging about winning AT's in gw2 is like saying you beat your mom in street fighter.


Most of these ppl playing with “top tier players” are absolutely dreadful at the game. Try playing with a group of decent plat players and Beating these group of “top tier players”.

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I think the requirement to win 20 tournement match is fine. But it doesn`t change my personal expierence with this tournements system. Right now i have played 6 tournements with random teams and in 4 tournements poeple ragequit after some matches and so i get no reward + no chance to win the possible easier matches number 3 and 4. So i most wait 45-60 min for 30 silver reward + sometimes the experience to fight against platin players or higher. Sometimes your team get a free win, but it didnt count for the achivement + more downtime and a question does a free win increase the difficult of the next enemy team(that would be bad)? After i finish this achivement, i will probably never touch tournements again. You can easy avoid this issue if you have any kind of rankingsystem in the tournements, so every league has her own tournement. Maybe there wouldnt be enough player, so maybe only do tournements like this on primetime. Its not funny to get farmt from platin+. Punish people who ragequit harder. There is a reason why every competetive game has a rankingsystem and you normally dont play against much higher ranked player. It gives the lower player a bad game experience and for the better player too, it will not be challenge in 50% of her games. For both sides its a bad game experience. The result lots of people dont want to play tournements/ the game mode.

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ATs literally aren't bad lmao. I haven't played pvp for well over 2 years, I'm a wvw player and don't care for conquest. And yet my team of fellow wvwers is getting 3 wins per AT, losing only to the teams we should lose to- e.g. the people who are winning the entire tournament, and are all plat 3 players with a ton of conquest experience.


It's 20 match wins. It's not that bad.

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> @"Turtle Dragon.9241" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > There is a reason we made both the T1 and T2 versions legendary. The T1 version (slumbering) doesn't require tournament wins. But if you want the version that provides some fancy effects, it's going to take a bit of effort to find a team (maybe put one together yourself!) or brave lfg. T2 is purely a cosmetic reward, so I personally don't feel it's out of line to make it require a bit more leg work and team coordination. GW2 PvP is essentially a team mode and at least some of the higher tier rewards should reflect the effort it takes to build and maintain a team.


> This effect does not combine into a new effect with the other Legendary trinkets from PvE.

> Are we getting a 5-trinket-effect for the Aurora+Vision+Coalescence+2more from PvE in the future? Or is the jumping black poo effect the final form?

> Are you going to include more PvP Legendary trinkets that combine with this one in the future?



An answer to that question will be glady appreciate ! @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Thank !


And if this answer is netagive, please make the two last one for PVE players, we need to finish this beautiful evolutive set.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > There is a reason we made both the T1 and T2 versions legendary. The T1 version (slumbering) doesn't require tournament wins. But if you want the version that provides some fancy effects, it's going to take a bit of effort to find a team (maybe put one together yourself!) or brave lfg. T2 is purely a cosmetic reward, so I personally don't feel it's out of line to make it require a bit more leg work and team coordination. GW2 PvP is essentially a team mode and at least some of the higher tier rewards should reflect the effort it takes to build and maintain a team.

> >

> > Problem i see is that no one likes to do tournaments. Finding team is hell and so far almost 90% cases went to players getting upset quit and leave. Matches you get as "pug" group match with premade plat groups and have 0 chance to win. And add to that waiting for hours literally to be smacked by those few teams who constantly run it is a bit of a issue. How you compare it to wvw ring for example that went other way , too easy and almost no actual skill/effort ?

> > I was trying for few days now asking on map for guild, team, to play tournaments and i asure you answers i got went from "gt*o" to no one does that kitten. Not single person responded positive. And im player who does pvp on some "regular" base.

> > I wish to play the mode to achieve item, but it feels really really bad as it is atm.

> >

> > I would say , if we would have waiting fixed, better matchups to similar skill level teams, this could work better but right now , at least to me its really mess.


> It's match wins, not winning the whole tournament. During the swiss rounds, the system does its best to match you against a team with the same record. So, assuming you lose the first 2 rounds, by the 3rd swiss round, you are not against any team that could likely be considered good. Your chances of winning should go up every round, assuming you're trying at all.


I think you need to recheck what you just said.

From what I've seen, the 1st two are for placement, and the 3rd match is when the tournament actually starts, if you lost twice means you probably last seed and your going to face the 1st seed.


The **live matchs and standing UI is broken**, and usually starts working until after 2nd game or 3rd game. You'll see your seed number. And baddies dont play baddies, baddies play #1 seed #2 seed.


**If you dont win the 1st 2 matches, AT is going to put you into NFL NBA style tournament where the worst plays the best** that way the 2nd best team doesnt get knocked out early.


As for 20 wins in tournament? Its doable. WvW should have made theirs 20 matchup wins (the 40 minute matchups). Too late now, someone already has it. WvW to be honest, they too easy or too hard. 100 kills? thats way to easy takes less than an hour, compared to 120 match wins which probably going to take you a month.


This --->**The real problem is, you made WvW too easy, it should have been on par with PvP**, not the other way around. It's a legendary you know.

PvP good job, WvW you need to play it and realize how easy 100 kills is.

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Currently have had 5 games where I gotten a Bye, not because of a odd number of teams, but because my opponent either declined or failed to ready up because they disbanded after the first round. These "victories" do not count for the achievement. Now I don't want to force players to do matches they don't want to do, but if you recieve a bye because of this, the achievement should be progressed because in essence my opponent has forfeited the match.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> Currently have had 5 games where I gotten a Bye, not because of a odd number of teams, but because my opponent either declined or failed to ready up because they disbanded after the first round. These "victories" do not count for the achievement. Now I don't want to force players to do matches they don't want to do, but if you recieve a bye because of this, the achievement should be progressed because in essence my opponent has forfeited the match.


We had that i think every match for past 2 weeks. Not single match passes without insta win. Its really disheartening.

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > Currently have had 5 games where I gotten a Bye, not because of a odd number of teams, but because my opponent either declined or failed to ready up because they disbanded after the first round. These "victories" do not count for the achievement. Now I don't want to force players to do matches they don't want to do, but if you recieve a bye because of this, the achievement should be progressed because in essence my opponent has forfeited the match.


> We had that i think every match for past 2 weeks. Not single match passes without insta win. Its really disheartening.


Yeah the rewards are SO LOW for the time you put into it, the risk of quitters meaning you get no reward, the long 1.5 hour waits often times... I'd rather just monkey around in ranked and hear people tell me I shouldn't play the game because I'm bad than play low-reward Swiss ATs.

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So I enjoy playing in tournaments, what i don't enjoy is waiting around for 20 minutes to have my team all ready up and the enemy team not so yeah we win the watch they get disqualified and I look to my achievement panel and no progress.. then i wait another 20 minutes and the same thing happens again, So we get two wins in the swiss round and for our last one our gold/plat team gets places against a legendary team there's our last round and we're out of the tournament without any progress to my achievement. Now I have to wait three hours get another pug together and hope it doesn't happen again, oh wait it did.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's match wins, not winning the whole tournament. During the swiss rounds, the system does its best to match you against a team with the same record. So, assuming you lose the first 2 rounds, by the 3rd swiss round, you are not against any team that could likely be considered good. Your chances of winning should go up every round, assuming you're trying at all.


Assuming you also are not just bad at competitive game. You can try for it for thousands of hours and never get a legendary amulet. So when are we getting a PvE amulet?

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