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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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I figure inventory bags aren't part of the same item code the way weapons/armor/trinkets are, so it might be harder for them to code Legendary Inventory Bags, but it's actually a nice idea and doesn't drain any income from Shared Inventory/Additional Bag slots as those will still generate some revenue from Gem Store.


We probably won't hear more about this until after the next Icebrood Saga episode which will probably be closer to June/July (SAB ends May 13th, PvP Season ends May 18th). After the IBS episode, there will probably be a balance update which may include template functionality.

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> @"Spielero.6507" said:

> What about legendaries that are bound to your account through the mystic forge (e.g. twilight and sunrise combined to eternity)? Do I have both of the swords - which are now only skins in my wardrobe, bc I sold eternity - as legys in the armory? Or how exactly will that work out?


When you put Twilight and Sunrise into the forge they weren't "bound to your account" they were destroyed.


If you sold Eternity then you have no Legendary greatswords.


If you have no Legendary greatswords you won't have any Legendary greatswords to put in the Legendary Armory.

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ANet has no obligation to "refund" people for making multiple sets of legendary armor/weapons. These items were intentionally designed to be easily transferable between characters and YOU made the conscious decision to pursue extra, unnecessary legendaries.


I've already got my face shield on from Covid so hit me with all of your tears.

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> @"Faith.3807" said:

> ANet has no obligation to "refund" people for making multiple sets of legendary armor/weapons. These items were intentionally designed to be easily transferable between characters and YOU made the conscious decision to pursue extra, unnecessary legendaries.


> I've already got my face shield on from Covid so hit me with all of your tears.


First you are correct: the developers are not obligated to anything. Stores are often not obligated to accept return items, yet many do to keep customer satisfaction up even beyond their legal requirements. There is a fine line between obligation and business sense. If this issue was in any way the developers obligation, this discussion would not be had at all.


So, if there is no need for making additional same legendary items, since as you state: they are easily transferable between characters, why implement this legendary armory in the first place?


Your argument does not make sense since on the one hand you argue that access to multiple sets is undesirable because the items could be traded, yet you look forward to getting access to each of the legendary items multiple times. You are literally arguing the same point in 2 different ways depending on your personal agenda. That's as split personality as it gets.


Making multiple legendary items made a lot of sense with the current limitations in place (both in regard to trading items between characters, build templates not saving setups, etc.): indicating that players who made multiple of the same legendary did so for it the functionality.


Removing those limitations also makes sense, the question thus becomes: how much sense does it make to consider the subsection of players who will likely make the most use of this feature, the ones who tried to emulate it already with multiple sets (and likely spend the most money on this)? That's something only the developers can answer.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> So, if there is no need for making additional same legendary items, since as you state: they are easily transferable between characters, why implement this legendary armory in the first place?


> Your argument does not make sense since on the one hand you argue that access to multiple sets is undesirable because the items could be traded, yet you look forward to getting access to each of the legendary items multiple times. You are literally arguing the same point in 2 different ways depending on your personal agenda. That's as split personality as it gets.


> Making multiple legendary items made a lot of sense with the current limitations in place (both in regard to trading items between characters, build templates not saving setups, etc.): indicating that players who made multiple of the same legendary did so for it the functionality.


> Removing those limitations also makes sense, the question thus becomes: how much sense does it make to consider the subsection of players who will likely make the most use of this feature, the ones who tried to emulate it already with multiple sets (and likely spend the most money on this)? That's something only the developers can answer.


Just to add to this one, same logic applies to the Wardrobe, WvW Level Reset, any one of the various improvements they've implemented over the years. There's often QoL changes that they put into place that "remove the need for X", even though people had gotten around it previously by spending more time/resources. These kinds of updates and changes are good for the game. The % of the player base with multiple copies of the same Legendary are fairly minute by comparison to those who own 1 copy of each vs those who own none.


This change will incentivize more people to pursue Legendaries. Yes, it may result in a net loss to those who already have multiple copies accrued over the years, but that happens with almost anything we do. Think of all the people who footslogged through getting Hero Points and then they released the ability to get them with Testimonies of Heroics from WvW or how they make old crafting materials (Charged Quartz & Pile of Putrid Essence specifically) relevant again by introducing new collections or crafting that need it.


It's just changes.

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For your consideration, I miss the amazingly creative scavenger hunt process like the H.O.T. legendaries. You got to fully understand the origin/genesis of all the effort and thought as well as the backstory of the legendary. I hope we can bring some of that back for future ones. Maybe its easier to just have run-of-the-mill resource requirements per map but the loss of creativity in order to streamline is aparent.


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  • 2 weeks later...

how I see some people very strange understand word "have plan and we wrok". I don't say that this is can't be after few weeks. no !

I just say that this is can be after years, after exp3, after 2 years .. So relax, and be chill !!

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It's been kinda long and few question still bother me.

- Legendary Runes and Sigils, will they be a part of that Armory?

- What kind of measurement will be added to seperate character looks ( i.e. Different skins on each character who is using gear from armory. Having same skins on everyone not really funny. P.s. [skin Templates](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1206163/#Comment_1206163) idea can solve this, i personally would like to have Skin Templates rather than Legendary Armory ).

- Are you planning to add Legendary Aqua Mask?

- Is there any plans to add Legendary Infusions? ( so far WvW and Fractal infusions are seperated. But not only by gaming mode, also by stat and by Defense\Offense types. Everything can be unified into legendary infusion that can be swapped in gear like Legendary Sigil or Rune and re-used in Gear Templates, but also it will allow to change Stat on demand, and it will provide +1% offense\defense for WvW aswell as +9 Agony resist at same time. )

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> It's been kinda long and few question still bother me.

> - Legendary Runes and Sigils, will they be a part of that Armory?

> - What kind of measurement will be added to seperate character looks ( i.e. Different skins on each character who is using gear from armory. Having same skins on everyone not really funny. P.s. [skin Templates](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1206163/#Comment_1206163) idea can solve this, i personally would like to have Skin Templates rather than Legendary Armory ).

> - Are you planning to add Legendary Aqua Mask?

> - Is there any plans to add Legendary Infusions? ( so far WvW and Fractal infusions are seperated. But not only by gaming mode, also by stat and by Defense\Offense types. Everything can be unified into legendary infusion that can be swapped in gear like Legendary Sigil or Rune and re-used in Gear Templates, but also it will allow to change Stat on demand, and it will provide +1% offense\defense for WvW aswell as +9 Agony resist at same time. )


its 1 and a half month aka 45 days that is not a long time, if you speak about long then it should be about wvw alliances.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:


> its 1 and a half month aka 45 days that is not a long time, if you speak about long then it should be about wvw alliances.

I could care less about WvW alliances. If that will be added, it won't effect us too much as legendary armory will...

For now it will be very usefull info if we should craft more than 8 legendary sigils or more than 7 legendary runes.

Also it will be very usefull info if skins on legendary armory will be somehow seperated, because without it use of legendary armory will be questionable ( Sylvari cannot wear Human Cultural Skins ).

And, if Legendary Aqua Mask will appear, it will be good info if we should buy more swim speed infusions. Will it be one per template or one per character? P.s. i love +20 swim speed :tongue:


Lot of people here already said their complains about more than one legendary armor set of same type. More info can atleast help those who only started their legendaries.



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@Fire Attunment.9835


I recently returned to the game and found that my Legendary Weapon Twilight was transmutted using the old system because at the time you couldn't change the stats. I have messaged support to see if they can restore my Legendary Weapon, but I feel like this might be an unlikely outcome.


So my question is, would this new system add Legendary Weapons that you had on your account previously (that may have been lost, deleted, or transmutted but you have the skin unlocked on your account)?

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If i remember correctly, at some point Support _was_ restoring the transmuted legendaries, as long as you had the skin unlocked. That was long ago (shortly after the wardrobe system got introduced), but i see no reason why they should not be able to do that even now.

Twilight may be one problematic case, however, if you have also Sunrise unlocked and happened to craft Eternity at some point

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I am late to this thread, but I personally think the "legendary armory" should include any account bound equipment stats. So if I unlock light exotic berserker stats then any light exotic armor can be swapped to berserker gear. Same for ascended of course. Making every combination of ascended gear would take quite a lot still, so bypassing legendaries doesn't seem too problematic. Requiring a base item for other stat swapping could keep the economy sink reasonable (IE I still have to create another ascended light set for each light armor character).

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> @"bardir.2746" said:

> After seeing the new trailer for the update coming at the end of May, no news for this feature. So we won't be seeing legendary armory as mentioned in the initial post with this update?


My guess is that they likely delayed it due to users feedback. Especially regarding how the new system will interact with the wardrobe.

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@"Fire Attunement.9835" Hmm, the announcement for No Quarter that came out today doesn't mention Legendary Armory. Does your original statement about "plans for the next update" still reflect the timing of Legendary Armory, or has it been pushed out to a future update? Inquiring minds eagerly want to know!

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> @"GalenWolffit.3842" said:

> @"Fire Attunement.9835" Hmm, the announcement for No Quarter that came out today doesn't mention Legendary Armory. Does your original statement about "plans for the next update" still reflect the timing of Legendary Armory, or has it been pushed out to a future update? Inquiring minds eagerly want to know!


That is not what was said.

> @"Fire Attunement.9835" We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features


We still have no idea when the update to templates features will be, as they never said just next update.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"GalenWolffit.3842" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" Hmm, the announcement for No Quarter that came out today doesn't mention Legendary Armory. Does your original statement about "plans for the next update" still reflect the timing of Legendary Armory, or has it been pushed out to a future update? Inquiring minds eagerly want to know!


> That is not what was said.

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features


> We still have no idea when the update to templates features will be, as they never said just next update.


Yeah, they said "the next update **that will affect the suite of templates features**" not "the next update".


So these will be in the next update to the templates alright but not the next update to the game.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"GalenWolffit.3842" said:

> > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" Hmm, the announcement for No Quarter that came out today doesn't mention Legendary Armory. Does your original statement about "plans for the next update" still reflect the timing of Legendary Armory, or has it been pushed out to a future update? Inquiring minds eagerly want to know!

> >

> > That is not what was said.

> > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features

> >

> > We still have no idea when the update to templates features will be, as they never said just next update.


> Yeah, they said "the next update **that will affect the suite of templates features**" not "the next update".


> So these will be in the next update to the templates alright but not the next update to the game.

And since it's not even sure they're working on any _other_ updates to the template system at all, it can also be read as "legendary armoury will be in the next update that will introduce legendary armoury", so basically "we'll release it when we'll release it". One should not expect any specific schedule out of it.


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Out of curiosity, what happens to people that have 2 of the same legendary armor type? e.g. legendary medium armor.


Does that mean one will disappear? Will they get reimburse? Or they just have 2 legendary medium armor?

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> @"garngikel.9406" said:

> Out of curiosity, what happens to people that have 2 of the same legendary armor type? e.g. legendary medium armor.


> Does that mean one will disappear? Will they get reimburse? Or they just have 2 legendary medium armor?


You'll still have 2 sets. You can choose whether to use the armory or not I presume, as you can now with the equip. templates.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.


> We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.


> Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.


> Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:


> * Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.

> * Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.

> * Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.


> Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!


This would be a great change! I've been looking for a good reason to craft legendarys and a change like this would be a great motivation. If we could toggle the Legendary Accessoires visuals as well that would be even better.

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3 pieces of feedback:


1) I don't want the game to hard crash every time I change a legendary sigil or rune's stats


2) I want the legendary armor/weapons to retain their transmutations/skins and stats when switching.


3) I want the option, read the *option* to combine equipment templates with build templates so that it's just a one click change for a character to change builds to exactly what they want.


A last thing that I'd like to see is for build templates to include sigils, runes, amulets, and other gear as well, at least for pvp.

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