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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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> @"eXruina.4956" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > No. Just no. I have multiple leggy armor sets, and I demand no refund,


> Thats you.. world isn't just about you..


> Some people do want that refund or compensation and its rightfully deserved given the difficulty and resources to attain legendary gear.


You dont deserve any compensation. It was your own choice to make them, doesnt matter how expensive it was. You made the choice to make it, you didnt have to and that's it. The excuse of if i knew such feature would be implemented earlier/it was expensive is just plain stupid. You enjoyed the perks of legendary for x months/years. That was all your choice, no one made you to do it.

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if some rare class needed on some action I have fee ascend set for it. Prepared some combination, and use it if needed,

If someone not understand that it is free ascent - try play 6 years for better understanding.


So I see only one change for me. I will more often use different classes and more often swap for better gameplay.

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> @"Areneys.2940" said:

> You dont deserve any compensation. It was your own choice to make them, doesnt matter how expensive it was. You made the choice to make it, you didnt have to and that's it. The excuse of if i knew such feature would be implemented earlier/it was expensive is just plain stupid. You enjoyed the perks of legendary for x months/years. That was all your choice, no one made you to do it.


Strange how you can be so angry about it given you have nothing to gain or lose whether people do gain compensation or not. ^^


I really don't understand, why seeing potentially good things happen to other people could make certain kinds of people so upset, specially when no harm comes of it.. befuddling.


its just that for the people who sunk all that time and effort into multiple sets/copies of legendaries that will become redundant after this feature hits, it would be a nice gesture if Anet did offer them something.


As for me, as you said I don't really deserve compensation, I am not affected as I did not craft multiple copies of the same legendary.. lol. why did you assume this is about me. ^^


Its just I know the time, effort and resources put into making one and it would really feel bad if they crafted it only to have it invalidated, those resources could've went into other things. xD

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> @"eXruina.4956" said:

> > @"Areneys.2940" said:

> > You dont deserve any compensation. It was your own choice to make them, doesnt matter how expensive it was. You made the choice to make it, you didnt have to and that's it. The excuse of if i knew such feature would be implemented earlier/it was expensive is just plain stupid. You enjoyed the perks of legendary for x months/years. That was all your choice, no one made you to do it.


> Strange how you can be so angry about it given you have nothing to gain or lose whether people do gain compensation or not. ^^


> I really don't understand, why seeing potentially good things happen to other people could make certain kinds of people so upset, specially when no harm comes of it.. befuddling.


> its just that for the people who sunk all that time and effort into multiple sets/copies of legendaries that will become redundant after this feature hits, it would be a nice gesture if Anet did offer them something.


> As for me, as you said I don't really deserve compensation, I am not affected as I did not craft multiple copies of the same legendary.. lol. why did you assume this is about me. ^^


> Its just I know the time, effort and resources put into making one and it would really feel bad if they crafted it only to have it invalidated, those resources could've went into other things. xD


Why do you assume im angry about this issue??

Im just stating you or anyone asking for refund/compensation for making x set simply dont deserve it, just because you spent time/money on it.

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> @"Areneys.2940" said:

> Why do you assume im angry about this issue??

> Im just stating you or anyone asking for refund/compensation for making x set simply dont deserve it, just because you spent time/money on it.


Well I just assumed, my bad if that wasn't your mind set, you came off pretty derogatory in your post.


Its precisely because the people did invest considerable time, effort and gold on their legendaries that they deserve some sort of compensation if the design of the template does undermine the value of their legendaries.


If they were easy to attain, and didn't take so much resources to craft then it would hardly matter at all.



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> @"eXruina.4956" said:

> Its precisely because the people did invest considerable time, effort and gold on their legendaries that they deserve some sort of compensation if the design of the template does undermine the value of their legendaries.

As for me craft leg item is some good trip, fun, but not toxic challenge. All pleasure I get asap after craft and during process.

If for someone craft leg is pain I am can only ask - "WHY U DO IT???"



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Whether they are compensated or not, I just want to say about people that have crafted 9 sets or armor or more. If you have the time and money dedicated to making this many sets, they probably don’t need compensation in reality. I understand the time it takes to put in for these. If they can make 9 sets, they probably can make any legendary they want. I am not saying Anet should or shouldn’t compensate. Like I said before, perhaps an updated armor set could be offered by trading in duplicates. It doesn’t negate the effort they made, and it doesn’t give them free materials.

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> @"eXruina.4956" said:

> > @"Areneys.2940" said:

> > Why do you assume im angry about this issue??

> > Im just stating you or anyone asking for refund/compensation for making x set simply dont deserve it, just because you spent time/money on it.


> Well I just assumed, my bad if that wasn't your mind set, you came off pretty derogatory in your post.


> Its precisely because the people did invest considerable time, effort and gold on their legendaries that they deserve some sort of compensation if the design of the template does undermine the value of their legendaries.


> If they were easy to attain, and didn't take so much resources to craft then it would hardly matter at all.



This is exactly how I see it. I wouldn't be making the same argument for less time consuming items. The other issue is that the WvW/PvP legendaries require time gated currencies that could have otherwise been used on other exclusive items attainable only with those currencies.


Everyone saying players who crafted multiple sets "chose" to are obviously correct. But this design change undermines the choice by completely altering how legendaries work.

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No one really knows how ANet is going to shake things up and it can spike or tank the prices of things overnight. This Legendary Armory system is no different.If you crafted your 4th Legendary Armour set within the last couple of months, that's frustrating and I totally understand, but that's a gamble we take every day.


Who is to say that ANet won't suddenly increase the costs of Gifts, Number of Mystic Clovers, or some other price hike? Overnight the costs of making a set of Legendary Armor could jump from 1400g to 3000g. Hell, the prices of certain trophies (Totems, Bones, Scales, Blood, etc.) are already starting to creep up because people are looking into it more seriously now. Or what if they suddenly decrease the costs of the Legendary Weapon collections? Prices might tank.


Or maybe we'll need to gather 500 Ascended Shards of Glory, 500 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets, some item that requires 100 Laurels, and 1 Gift of Exploration per character wishing to access the Armoury--then it becomes a big time investment (1 PvP Season, 2 WvW Completed Skirmish Weeks, approx 2 months of login rewards, and Map Completion = Approx. 2 Months minimum).


I get the frustration of those who have 4+ sets of Legendary Armour as it is a lot of time and gold invested. However, if you had known this feature was coming when Legendary Armor was released May 2017, would you seriously have only ever made one set and never considered making another of that weight for almost three years? We still don't even have a hard release date, so it could be another year before we see this Armory come in, so you're getting use out of it now rather than later.


Same logic applies to:

* Ascended Gear; rolling releases from Nov 2012 to Dec 2013. People were frustrated that they had made full exotic gear, then all of a sudden something better comes along. No refunds were given (that I can recall), and this was back before people really had much gold or materials, so it was a big investment back in the day. Dungeons were the main way to get these.

* Town Clothing Tonics. They were absolutely useless from 2014 onwards, then out of the blue in 2017 BOOM suddenly the hoodies are worth 300g-500g. People were begging for tings like the witch hats, bunny ears, etc., and so much wasn't available until all of a sudden it was and the prices exploded.

* Wardrobe System in 2014; people might hold onto skins or weapons, but if you got rid of those skins before the wardrobe came in you were hooped--and prices for those skins suddenly bumped up as a result too (including the frustration with "Legacy Armor").

* New Weapon Releases: When the Sunscythe came out, it spiked up to 150g, nowadays it's worth 30g-40g. Or the Boreal Weapons people made a quick fortune off of because they could get Eitrite Ingots with all their saved up PvP/WvW Potions (reward tracks), make the Exotic ones to sell for 30g-50g. Now they're only worth 5g-6g but people bought the higher price because they wanted it right then.


There are plenty of features they note they're looking into (Ascended Jeweler Crafting... GAH!) but it seems unreasonable to hamstring yourself for years waiting for something they vaguely promise when you can get the utility out of it now. Sure it might mean a loss down the line, but it also might not be a loss, or you could make out like a bandit since all new players would need to spend 2x-3x higher than what you did back in the day.


We simply don't know how it'll impact the economy with their changes, and it's unlikely they'll offer a refund because--historically--they don't. That's not a bad decision or design, it's just that the players who already bought it have already gotten use out of it vs. the ones who don't/haven't.


(I destroyed 2 hoodie tonics the day before the outfits came out, so I totally understand losing gold minutes before you could buy that nice little condo on the Tarnished Coast. FML)

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> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> Here’s a thought. For people who have crafted multiple sets, allow them to trade theirs for unbound versions of the armor to be able to be sold on trading post. This gives a way for a user to make their money back, and allows others the ability to purchase these for their armory.


This is a pretty neat idea. I mean, if you're going to devalue your endgame rewards, may as well go all in. To be clear, I genuinely think your idea is a good one. I just think that Anet's is terrible.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> > Here’s a thought. For people who have crafted multiple sets, allow them to trade theirs for unbound versions of the armor to be able to be sold on trading post. This gives a way for a user to make their money back, and allows others the ability to purchase these for their armory.


> This is a pretty neat idea. I mean, if you're going to devalue your endgame rewards, may as well go all in. To be clear, I genuinely think your idea is a good one. I just think that Anet's is terrible.


One thing that is being missed is this.


Expect them to sell the Armory slots like shared inventory slots at about 500 gems per slot. Anet doesn't give QOL away anymore


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> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> Here’s a thought. For people who have crafted multiple sets, allow them to trade theirs for unbound versions of the armor to be able to be sold on trading post. This gives a way for a user to make their money back, and allows others the ability to purchase these for their armory.




Since the start of the game players were able to purchase a legendary weapon straight from trading post. Why not the same for the armor now going forward? If that person has a full set, why not allow it to be sold as a bundle too? The game had always devalued legendary status from the beginning.

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Perhaps if they upgraded the WvW armor skins to have a unique skin for the legendary version and then added collections for the armor sets (repeatable for those with more than 9 sets).


The collection can give out a tradeable infusion which gives players some legendary effect regardless of the armor skin used. For example, you could have the Raid Armors 'draw" animation on any skin you wanted with this infusion. WvW and PvP could have similar draw/stow or other infusion effects.


Making the infusion sellable would help recover costs for those with multiple sets OR they could just make multiple repeats of the collection give a bundle of appropriate materials like clovers plus tickets for wvw, shards for pvp, raid currency for raid armors.





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> @"phantom.1675" said:

> Perhaps if they upgraded the WvW armor skins to have a unique skin for the legendary version and then added collections for the armor sets (repeatable for those with more than 9 sets).


> The collection can give out a tradeable infusion which gives players some legendary effect regardless of the armor skin used. For example, you could have the Raid Armors 'draw" animation on any skin you wanted with this infusion. WvW and PvP could have similar draw/stow or other infusion effects.


> Making the infusion sellable would help recover costs for those with multiple sets OR they could just make multiple repeats of the collection give a bundle of appropriate materials like clovers plus tickets for wvw, shards for pvp, raid currency for raid armors.






I don't like the clover idea, but the mode-exclusive currency idea is splendid. Clearly those players had interest in that mode, so why not reward them with currency they can use to get weapons/trinkets of that same nature? That much makes sense to me.

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> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> Here’s a thought. For people who have crafted multiple sets, allow them to trade theirs for unbound versions of the armor to be able to be sold on trading post. This gives a way for a user to make their money back, and allows others the ability to purchase these for their armory.


I quite like this idea. I like making legendary weapons, but I would probably prefer to buy the 3 weights of armor. I am currently working on the light weight though.

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I love this, It's made me start my first legendary. Before I never bothered because it only seemed like a slight upgrade from ascended but with a huge price tag but now even tho the price tag is still there the convenience that will come from Trinkets especially has made it seem worthwhile.


I'm hoping that it wont cost anything to unlock the armory since making any legendary is already very expensive and time consuming, If I have to pay even more to add it to the armory or unlock it in there then I'm out and I'll stick to ascended.

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> I'm hoping that it wont cost anything to unlock the armory since making any legendary is already very expensive and time consuming, If I have to pay even more to add it to the armory or unlock it in there then I'm out and I'll stick to ascended.


You can bet it won't be given away for free, but even if they charge 500 gems, that's like 200g on a bad day.


Ascended weapons costs about 50g, and ascended armor is around 40g or so per piece, so figure a set of ascended armor + 1x 2H weapon costs about 300g. If you wanted a second alternate set with different stats, another 300g or so, etc.


But if you already have a set of legendary armor in that weight class, paying 200g to give that character access to it would be a bargain (and ANET knows this, which is why I'm 99% sure they will charge for it).


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > I'm hoping that it wont cost anything to unlock the armory since making any legendary is already very expensive and time consuming, If I have to pay even more to add it to the armory or unlock it in there then I'm out and I'll stick to ascended.


> You can bet it won't be given away for free, but even if they charge 500 gems, that's like 200g on a bad day.


> Ascended weapons costs about 50g, and ascended armor is around 40g or so per piece, so figure a set of ascended armor + 1x 2H weapon costs about 300g. If you wanted a second alternate set with different stats, another 300g or so, etc.


> But if you already have a set of legendary armor in that weight class, paying 200g to give that character access to it would be a bargain (and ANET knows this, which is why I'm 99% sure they will charge for it).


I really hope it's free since it's supposed to be a property of the legendary itself which is an end game and in game item. Additionally, they already have a system in place to monetize it with the equipment templates which is how multiple legendary "configurations" can be stored even if everyone has access to the legendary items.



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You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.


A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.


Things I'd like to see and/or hope are already included:

* Changed skins/dyes for legendary equipment on one character do not automatically apply to all characters equipping the same item (but have the option to apply the skin/dye to other characters on the same account) - and/or shareable skin/dye template codes.

* Ability to salvage or do -something- with duplicate legendary gear created i.e. multiple sets of armor of the same weight class (but not weapons used for Twice Told Legend)

* If one legendary Ring (or Accessory) is created and added to the Armory, would it be usable in both equipment slots on a character at the same time? (Hopefully not?)

* I enjoy collection achievements.. Can we get a collection achivement for building the Legendary Armory?

* Somewhere to show off legendary gear, a la GW1 HoM?

* Non-PvP legendary amulet, as that game mode is so toxic and un-fun to play? (donning flame retardant armor now for the inevitable insults for not liking PvP)

* Ability to apply stat package across all legendary gear equipped, not just "of the same type" (i.e. pick stats on helmet, apply to all armor, weapons, and trinkets)

* Ability to suppress display of legendary trinkets as per backpack, helmet, shoulders


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