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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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2x every weight armor. // 26x 1ºgen Weapons ( included Water weapons ). // 5x 2ºgen Weapons. // 2x Backpieces (fractals + pvp) // Aurora, coalesence, vision.

I do not want a refund of the armor/weapons repeated. what I want is the legendary armory NOW!!

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@Fire Attunement.9835 :

That is very nice for relatively new players like me (1 year) that are just starting crafting legendaries with the idea of stopping after 1-2 weapons and an armor sets for the main.

Now i really want to get at least 1 legendary of every type for amorrs and weapons so i can gear properly all of my alts (16 characters and growing... :D ). That also make easy to create and gear new characters (and that is 800 gems spent on the store pe new character).


If i may, I also have a **little suggestion** for you:

since this feature is a nice-to-have for veterans but is primarily aimed at new players (i suppose you saw tha most players in the game are actually deserting the legendary crafting feature...), instead of a buyable gem store upgrade, wouldn't it be better to **create new structured Collection Achievements to unlock each Legendary Armory slot? For example, 1 achievement to unlock Axe Legendary Armory Slot, another one for Headgear Legendary Armory Slot, and so on...**.

That would require us to partecipate in more stuff, like metas, world bosses, JPs, fractals, the hype for the new feature would last much longer than just "ok, we all bought it, we're good now". Also that would add **new obtainable APs** that cold interest even those veterans with a lot of legendaries that are over 30k AP already with no ways to get more.

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> @"GalenWolffit.3842" said:

> * If one legendary Ring (or Accessory) is created and added to the Armory, would it be usable in both equipment slots on a character at the same time? (Hopefully not?)


Absolutely Not. They are already marked as "Unique". Even if you could dupe a Coalescence right now, you would be unable to have two on the same character.





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This is a great idea. For those with multiple armor weights of the same type, there should be some sort of salvage option with a decent return on salvage.


Already the coming existence of this feature has me working on legendaries. (I'd made one piece of legendary armor previously and decided it wasn't worth the trouble. It's not like restating ascended is hard or all that expensive). But now that I will be able to share across multiple toons of the same weight, I've made 4 more pieces and will make a 5th in the next few weeks. Actually converted some gems to gold to do some of it. I am also buying more build and equipment templates slots already.


I would like to see transmutation by template slot. As that would cause me to continue to buy transmutation charges, as opposed to using far fewer of them, I am sure Anet will implement that feature. (While we are at it, how about hair style by slot, for those of us with permanent hair contracts :) )


This comes down to QOL but also some simple math on the internal stats that Anet has for the game. Yes, some people did multiple legendary sets per armor weight but how does that compare to the players (like me) who just made lots of ascended sets? I bet the latter outweighs the former. IIRC I have 6 light, 2 medium and 4 hvy sets. They just aren't that hard to come by compared to legendaries. I'll be happy to salvage them all in time and won't regret the expense.


Makes me wonder if template slots aren't selling as hoped and this is a way to increase sales. Seems like a win-win. I'm happy to buy more slots if I can share legendary armor.


Now making a legendary is a lot more trouble than an ascended, so I'd encourage Anet to provide a decent return on salvage, a fair amount of gold, shards, tickets, and not just some matrices :).


Also, I'll now consider doing legendary trinkets and the like, when I previously had no interest (for an established player there are a crazy number of ways to get these.)



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For people with duplicate legendaries, I guess one simple solution would be for ANet to unbind all leftover legendary duplicates so people could sell them on the market.

1. Angry people get their gold.

2. More people can actually emjoy the armory update.


Just sayin...

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For people with duplicates, just refer to the current system of build templates especially with regard to legendaries. Crafting a full 9 sets may not have been worth it now considering this but at the very least, you won't have to deal with the horrible/half decent implementation that we have to expect with legendary armory


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > I'm hoping that it wont cost anything to unlock the armory since making any legendary is already very expensive and time consuming, If I have to pay even more to add it to the armory or unlock it in there then I'm out and I'll stick to ascended.


> You can bet it won't be given away for free, but even if they charge 500 gems, that's like 200g on a bad day.


> Ascended weapons costs about 50g, and ascended armor is around 40g or so per piece, so figure a set of ascended armor + 1x 2H weapon costs about 300g. If you wanted a second alternate set with different stats, another 300g or so, etc.


> But if you already have a set of legendary armor in that weight class, paying 200g to give that character access to it would be a bargain (and ANET knows this, which is why I'm 99% sure they will charge for it).


Depends what they want to do with it. If they want to incentivize people to play more (and make legendaries), the armory should be free. If they want to make a cheap cashgrab instead (and _disincentivize_ people from making more legendaries), they will make it cost (probably a lot).

Seeing their implementation of template system, i am not very hopeful. I'm certainly not going to invest anything more into legendaries than i've already had until i'll know how they'll decide to solve this.


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It would to easy for Anets competitor to hire players into making duplicate legendaries so they could deliberately hamper Anets ability to evolve their software into a much more feature rich game. They shouldn't take much notice to the "ethical problem" of duplicate legendary owners imo, making 2 of the same was already like a "shot to the foot".

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> @"Salicia.5943" said:

> You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.


> A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.


I mean - they could make it right for all 100%? Anything short of 100% is a fail at my work. Hard for me to believe Anet let's its designers get away with this. The entire build template ecosystem is a train wreck, but they keep adding to that instead of adding other actual important updates? It's the compounding of bad decision making for me.

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> @"phantom.1675" said:

> > @"Salicia.5943" said:

> > You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.

> >

> > A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.


> I mean - they could make it right for all 100%? Anything short of 100% is a fail at my work. Hard for me to believe Anet let's its designers get away with this. The entire build template ecosystem is a train wreck, but they keep adding to that instead of adding other actual important updates? It's the compounding of bad decision making for me.


It's not a matter of ArenaNet letting them _get away_ with it. ArenaNet _instructed_ them to do it.


The designers wouldn't have wanted to carve the system into three parts for monetization.


That's a business decision.


The designers would have wanted a template system like the ArcDPS one just better integrated into the system.


The business saw an opportunity to charge and charge and charge again. Literally in this case.

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> @"Salicia.5943" said:

> You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.


> A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.


Know the big difference though? The expenses for all the other items are not tied to weekly limited account wide resources.


- Players who made multiple legendary armors from WvW, will not see those tickets again, putting them at a direct disadvantage versus other players who did not spend those tickets.


- Players who made multiple pvp legendary armors will not see those PvP League tickets again, putting them at a direct disadvantage versus players who did not spend those tickets.


- Players who made multiple pve legendary armors will not see those LI again, and while this might be the least of the gated materials disadvantage wise, it still puts there players behind.


If this was an issue of ONLY cost, it would be annoying but manageable.


The way it is now though: you are directly putting players who spent MORE resources and effort into the game at a disadvantage over others who invested less effort. This was never the case with any of the previous alterations, which effectively only resulted in more gold/money having been spent/wasted.


The fact that you believe this system is "ruined" by one player versus another, speaks volumes as to how you view the player base. Basically you are saying: everything I agree with is fine, everyone else just suck it up. FYI, the biggest group of players will remain the ones WITHOUT any legendaries. Where is their share in all this glory and goodness?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Salicia.5943" said:

> > You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.

> >

> > A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.


> Know the big difference though? The expenses for all the other items are not tied to weekly limited account wide resources.


> - Players who made multiple legendary armors from WvW, will not see those tickets again, putting them at a direct disadvantage versus other players who did not spend those tickets.


> - Players who made multiple pvp legendary armors will not see those PvP League tickets again, putting them at a direct disadvantage versus players who did not spend those tickets.


> - Players who made multiple pve legendary armors will not see those LI again, and while this might be the least of the gated materials disadvantage wise, it still puts there players behind.


> If this was an issue of ONLY cost, it would be annoying but manageable.


> The way it is now though: you are directly putting players who spent MORE resources and effort into the game at a disadvantage over others who invested less effort. This was never the case with any of the previous alterations, which effectively only resulted in more gold/money having been spent/wasted.


> The fact that you believe this system is "ruined" by one player versus another, speaks volumes as to how you view the player base. Basically you are saying: everything I agree with is fine, everyone else just suck it up. FYI, the biggest group of players will remain the ones WITHOUT any legendaries. Where is their share in all this glory and goodness?


Out of interest, would you be happy if they refunded the time gated currencies but that was it? If not, then I suspect that short of making an achievement for donating legendary armor, there's not going to be an upside.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Salicia.5943" said:

> > > You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.

> > >

> > > A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.

> >

> > Know the big difference though? The expenses for all the other items are not tied to weekly limited account wide resources.

> >

> > - Players who made multiple legendary armors from WvW, will not see those tickets again, putting them at a direct disadvantage versus other players who did not spend those tickets.

> >

> > - Players who made multiple pvp legendary armors will not see those PvP League tickets again, putting them at a direct disadvantage versus players who did not spend those tickets.

> >

> > - Players who made multiple pve legendary armors will not see those LI again, and while this might be the least of the gated materials disadvantage wise, it still puts there players behind.

> >

> > If this was an issue of ONLY cost, it would be annoying but manageable.

> >

> > The way it is now though: you are directly putting players who spent MORE resources and effort into the game at a disadvantage over others who invested less effort. This was never the case with any of the previous alterations, which effectively only resulted in more gold/money having been spent/wasted.

> >

> > The fact that you believe this system is "ruined" by one player versus another, speaks volumes as to how you view the player base. Basically you are saying: everything I agree with is fine, everyone else just suck it up. FYI, the biggest group of players will remain the ones WITHOUT any legendaries. Where is their share in all this glory and goodness?


> Out of interest, would you be happy if they refunded the time gated currencies but that was it? If not, then I suspect that short of making an achievement for donating legendary armor, there's not going to be an upside.


Honestly, I can live with any type of implementation, mostly because all of my Legendary armors (6 sets total) were made with LI (and I have enough for 3 more sets), and there is no use for LI or LD besides armors and I have 30+ characters, so the net benefit to me is huge, even if I had continued to 9 legendary armors.


I'd probably be more annoyed if it was PVP tickets or WvW tickets, since those actually can be used for things like infusions and skins (and a full legendary set from say WvW takes close to 1/2 a year of weekly all ticket gains, versus 10 weeks in pve). So I could fully understand if some players, even if in a big minority, felt cheated out of years worth of WvW/PvP rewards.


My main concern is rather the long-term effects this will have on the game and its itemization. I mentioned this earlier in the post that I do think this approach is the natural result of the equipment system (and I believe mostly to circumvent the necessity to make some kind of save feature for players who trade their legendary items between characters).


Finally, one quality of life feature I would hope for is:

Individual wardrobe saves per equipment slot. That would increase the value proposition for equipment templates immensely. I do not know though how big the revenue from transmutation charges is for Arenanet, so not sure how feasible this is.

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What about legendaries that are bound to your account through the mystic forge (e.g. twilight and sunrise combined to eternity)? Do I have both of the swords - which are now only skins in my wardrobe, bc I sold eternity - as legys in the armory? Or how exactly will that work out?

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