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Which bosses is consider a "boss" to unlock raid mastery?

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From what i know, the escort from wing 3 is consider the easiest to unlock raid, but, it require at least 1 Mesmer that already unlock raid mastery in the team, so that might be a problem if i want to create my own unlock-raid/yolo squad with completely random pugs.


So which of the other options i have? Slothasor look like a "boss" but from what i heard, it doesn't work? Can Cairn unlock it to you? And if it does, between Cairn and Vale Guardian (and Slothasor + Trio), which one is easier for pug?


Thanks in advance.

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> @Atamazon.7062 said:

> From what i know, the escort from wing 3 is consider the easiest to unlock raid, but, it require at least 1 Mesmer that already unlock raid mastery in the team, so that might be a problem if i want to create my own unlock-raid/yolo squad with completely random pugs.


> So which of the other options i have? Slothasor look like a "boss" but from what i heard, it doesn't work? Can Cairn unlock it to you? And if it does, between Cairn and Vale Guardian (and Slothasor + Trio), which one is easier for pug?


> Thanks in advance.


Any boss that ends the encounter counts. Cairn, VG, Sloth, Trio, etc. Which is easier for PUGs depends on the PUG.

I'd be surprised if you can't get a mesmer to help.

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I see. In the old threads everyone mention trio can unlock but no one mention sloth (although sloth must be defeated before trio) so i think it doesn't count.


Also i don't know when i can gather the other 8 ppl, so i can't have that mesmer wait for who know how long, so i kinda prefer to work without rely on some specific someone.

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Every boss will unlock the mastery for you.Trio, escort, and cairn are the easiest bosses in the game when compared to the rest of the raid bosses. The reason sloth isn't mentioned is because it is a mechanics heavy fight and it only takes 1 mistake to cause a wipe, it's not recommended for those who just want the mastery unlocked.

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Both trio and sloth count. The reason some mention trio and not sloth is that trio is alot easyer. The opener needs to have killed sloth. But you can always just get an opener from lfg (who open and then leave, and you invite someone in his place), getting an opener normally cost 1-10 gold depending on time of day/week and/or boss.


Escort is, by FAR, the easyest "boss", and though having 1 mesmer who have the mastery is easyer. You can do it without anyone having the mastery. You "just" need a mesmer + a lightning hammer (so an ele/temp/weaver), this requere that the mesmer can do abit of jumping. But it can be done. All that said, just lfg for a mesmer to port. Normally easy to find.

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Anything that gives LI works, this includes:

vale guardian







keep construct



mursaat overseer




Escort is definitely the easiest, but if you cant get a mesmer for porting, mursaat overseer is also very easy. MO is the 2nd boss of wing 4 (bastion of the penitent). You can pay the opener service 5g to open it. There is a person who runs that service, they full clear Monday - ish. By Tuesday night they should have every boss available to open. Just look for them in the lfg and ask them to open mursaat overseer. Or just ask in map chat/lfg.


Of the 3 options you gave in your original post, cairn is the most beginner friendly. Sloth has more personal responsibility, one player making a mistake can ruin it. Vale guardian can be incredibly easy for a ps/dps if your doing the distort strat (i.e. you find 2 good chronos and 2 good druids). But if you have 2 good chronos/druids just do escort, so chances are if your doing vg, its going to be more difficult than cairn.


Honestly, given the state of scourge right now, you could probably stack condi scourges in your 4 dps/1 ps slots, and if they all bring corrosive poison cloud, cairn would do almost no damage to you. Assuming cpc works on cairn's projectiles (which I would assume they do). Alternatively, If you want to make the fight really easy, replace 1 dps with a kiter rev who keeps cairn facing away from the main group.

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> @Atamazon.7062 said:

> I see. In the old threads everyone mention trio can unlock but no one mention sloth (although sloth must be defeated before trio) so i think it doesn't count.


They probably meant it in a way to do Trio with someone that already finished Slothasor. Someone does Slothasor with another group, leaves that group, does Trio with his guildies/friends to unlock the mastery for them.

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Sloth is not mentioned as mastery unlocker mainly because it's not a boss you should be killing as your first one. Simply, when the topic is brought up, usually only the easiest bosses (escort, trio, cairn, mursaat overseer) get mentioned. It doesn't mean the harder ones wouldn't work (because they do), just that they are not recommended for this specific purpose.

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Sloth is not that hard to be honest. Worst mistake is a necro epidemic on an ally. The rest you can easily recover from, and with the massive power creep with DPS this xpac Sloth is no longer the DPS check it used to be.


I remember running a condi druid and even with that small amount of healing on a noob group we were fine. He died in 4 pulls and there were only 2 experienced people in the group.

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Thanks everyone ^^ good to know that you can continue from the previous "stage" in raid. I always thought you must do all 3 stages in 1 go. Also good that every boss can unlock the mastery track. But in the end i go with the escort *shrug* because someone tell me i can skip the cave completely without the mastery by climbing certain place.


But after i form a raid squad with completely random pugs, some mesmer veteran get in decide to help us by port us in the proper way *lol* and also lead us. Although we fail 2-3 times (can't be too optimistic with random pugs with no requirement, of course), i finally unlock it, so now i don't have to think about raid for a long time.

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  • 4 months later...

You just want to unlock raid mastery?


Escort is your answer. Make a group in lfg for this and play DPS to go with the group on the ground.

"W3 Escort LF exp 2 chronos (1 solo cave), 1 backwarg, 2 druids (1 glenna),1 bs & dps"


When you hv full team sort group up

G1 chrono (solo cave), druid and 2x dps

G2 everyone else except backwarg duty and druid that take glenna

G3 backwarg duty


You will get ppl with exp to join. :p I join a few of these in lfg to help


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