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Is it fair that LW S1 achievement points are unobtainable for newer players?

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As most of us know, Season 1 of Living World is no longer playable at this time because of technical limitations. The living World S1 content was mostly built into the maps as they were at the time and ArenaNet confirmed that they cannot easily bring it back or instance it. It remains to be seen if LW S1 will ever see the light of day again.


That leaves the question of the achievement rewards locked in this episode. These are currently unobtainable and I consider this an unfair disadvantage to players who missed this episode. Especially the higher tiers of [Achievement Rewards and titles](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_rewards "Achievement Rewards and titles") are increasingly hard to obtain, especially when you reach area's above the 15,000 daily/monthly cap.


For me personally: I'm a player of the first preview weekend, but because I had great difficulty to adjust to GW2's weapon-based skill system I left the game for around the start of LW season 2. That leaves me locked out of almost all of the LW S1 achievement points.


I would welcome a solution for newer players or players who missed the content to be able to get on par with players who have the LW S1 achievements.

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I still have some season 1 achievement partway completed. That said, I do not believe that there's a solution in which players should have the ability to uniquely get the achievements regarding past content.


I do, however, believe in bringing back season 1 in some way, and bringing those achievements back would be necessary, since they are related to season 1 content.

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Eh. My account's only about five months old, but I put that up there with all the holidays I wasn't here for. Or not getting a pre-order bonus because I didn't realize a game existed. I did hear there were complications with it and I've accepted it. If we missed out, we missed out. There won't always be a positive solution to something. At least there's that video some kind players put together so we can see the story in more detail than the ingame summary.

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> @DearlyMe.5320 said:

> Eh. My account's only about five months old, but I put that up there with all the holidays I wasn't here for. Or not getting a pre-order bonus because I didn't realize a game existed. I did hear there were complications with it and I've accepted it. If we missed out, we missed out. There won't always be a positive solution to something. At least there's that video some kind players put together so we can see the story in more detail than the ingame summary.


Pretty much my feelings on the matter. I started playing after Scarlet was killed and I accepted even back then that if I miss something, I miss something. Same thing with any holidays I missed (I missed last SAB because I was suffering from burnout and because I'm not really a fan of SAB).

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> And it is totally fair imo. As many have said in the past, **you should have been there**. GL


That is the most nonsensical argument in the world. Maybe people _would have been there_, had they known that ANet intended to deliver unrepeatable "once in a lifetime" content in GW2.


I didn't get into GW2 for a long time for the same reason as the OP, as I was still too adjusted to the GW1 mechanics. Had someone told me, "Hey, listen, here is something to motivate you to give the game another chance: exclusive content that will never return!", I _might_ have "been there". But no one did. So I wasn't.


Thanks for being ignorant like that. Or maybe it just makes you feel "special" that _you_ were there. Either way, not the nicest response to address the issue.

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I was there back then and did most of the LS1 achievements.

And I kinda agree about it being not fair.


Why? Because Achievements Points are a long term goal for many AP hunters, just like Skins are for Skin hunters. They've put back all the skins recently (even though some of them are and will remain rare / expensive) specifically so that we can complete the wardrobe (They listened for the Sovereign weapons too, thank you ANET for that, now please do something about RNG Teq/TT <3).


The AP is a more difficult issue, but as things as right now, a new player who starts has no reason to start the AP hunt race, because they are not able to EVER catch up.

This is the reason why there's a cap on AP dailies, and I think it's a good thing. Now there should be a cap on "non permanent content" as well so that people can slowly catch up.


I think Anet is aware of the issue but doesn't have a good solution at the moment, but I would love to hear an official answer from them.

Only my two cents.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> There is nothing unfair about someone who did not pay the price for something, time spent pursuing the achievements during their window of availability in this case, not getting that something.


What is "unfair" is that it's no longer possible to do it, and so there is basically no point for new players to hunt for AP.

I think this is pretty understandable.


They're not asking to get points for free, only to be able to catch up.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > There is nothing unfair about someone who did not pay the price for something, time spent pursuing the achievements during their window of availability in this case, not getting that something.


> What is "unfair" is that it's no longer possible to do it, and so there is basically no point for new players to hunt for AP.

> I think this is pretty understandable.


> They're not asking to get points for free, only to be able to catch up.


There is nothing unfair about not getting something that you did not pay for. The price was logging in and doing the achievements during a specific window of time.


Even without those points a new player will be able to earn a variety of AP based rewards. Weapon skins, armor skins, account bonuses, gems, gold, etc. If those are not worth going for to a new player then having access to the LS1 points would probably be meaningless.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > There is nothing unfair about someone who did not pay the price for something, time spent pursuing the achievements during their window of availability in this case, not getting that something.

> >

> > What is "unfair" is that it's no longer possible to do it, and so there is basically no point for new players to hunt for AP.

> > I think this is pretty understandable.

> >

> > They're not asking to get points for free, only to be able to catch up.


> There is nothing unfair about not getting something that you did not pay for. The price was logging in and doing the achievements during a specific window of time.


> Even without those points a new player will be able to earn a variety of AP based rewards. Weapon skins, armor skins, account bonuses, gems, gold, etc. If those are not worth going for to a new player then having access to the LS1 points would probably be meaningless.


None of us "paid" for LS1, it was just temporary content at the time.

There is also no way of "paying" for that content now.


They're not asking to be given those points for free, but to get a chance to "work" for them and catch up.

You gotta be an achievement hunter to understand the problem. If you're not then for sure it doesn't matter.


Also LS1 had a lot more AP to give than newer content, PoF has a ridiculously low amount of AP.


(and I again I was there and got most of these AP so I'm not biased by my own situation)

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LS1 points are not the only achievements no longer available, as some holiday achievements did not reappear. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that every holiday, there's a fresh list. However, I am not sure fairness is an issue with regard to busywork points in an MMO. While I would have no problem if Anet decided that they would somehow reintroduce those AP because it is better for the game, I do have a hard time seeing why it would be better for the game. Getting the AP rewards slower rather than faster is a delay, not a hardship. While I understand that delayed gratification is not in fashion, it is the nature of MMO's.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > > There is nothing unfair about someone who did not pay the price for something, time spent pursuing the achievements during their window of availability in this case, not getting that something.

> > >

> > > What is "unfair" is that it's no longer possible to do it, and so there is basically no point for new players to hunt for AP.

> > > I think this is pretty understandable.

> > >

> > > They're not asking to get points for free, only to be able to catch up.

> >

> > There is nothing unfair about not getting something that you did not pay for. The price was logging in and doing the achievements during a specific window of time.

> >

> > Even without those points a new player will be able to earn a variety of AP based rewards. Weapon skins, armor skins, account bonuses, gems, gold, etc. If those are not worth going for to a new player then having access to the LS1 points would probably be meaningless.


> None of us "paid" for LS1, it was just temporary content at the time.

> There is also no way of "paying" for that content now.


> They're not asking to be given those points for free, but to get a chance to "work" for them and catch up.

> You gotta be an achievement hunter to understand the problem. If you're not then for sure it doesn't matter.


> Also LS1 had a lot more AP to give than newer content, PoF has a ridiculously low amount of AP.


> (and I again I was there and got most of these AP so I'm not biased by my own situation)


Everyone with those AP paid for them in the currency asked by ANet at the time.


I am not adverse to the idea of the content being brought back, except in the sense that I believe there are better ways to spend dev resources, along with the associated AP. I do, however, disagree that there is anything unfair about the current situation.

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> For me personally: I'm a player of the first preview weekend, but because I had great difficulty to adjust to GW2's weapon-based skill system I left the game for around the start of LW season 2. That leaves me locked out of almost all of the LW S1 achievement points.


You made a decision to leave the game and you pay consequences of your decision. Make it into lesson for the future.

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I think the horse is beyond dead at this point. I personally think it is fair, as there were things that happened in game before I started playing (I started a year and 2 months after launch) and I accepted the fact that I just was not there for that content. I didn't play very much of Season 1 except for the tail end of it because I was busy getting my first character to 80, which was more challenging back then.

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As someone who completed every historical living story episode and who got every achievement available in them, I would still like for them to bring back LS1 as a playable season, even if it means converting it to the new format. The reason for this is simple, so that more players get to enjoy that content. There's not much more to it than that, I don't care if other people get achievements or whatnot or how fair or unfair people think it is, I just care about people having fun, which is the ultimate point of a game (not to mention, I myself would enjoy redoing some of that content).


To make it work, many of the encounters can be changed to instanced bosses (such as the Marionette, or the Lions Arch invasion). The assets, enemies, dialogue and even the cut scenes are all there already, so there would be a lot less work and costs involved in implementing this than there would be with creating a new LS season from scratch. And it would add a lot of value to the game for newer players, which would subsequently make the game itself more attractive to players.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> As someone who completed every historical living story episode and who got every achievement available in them, I would still like for them to bring back LS1 as a playable season, even if it means converting it to the new format. The reason for this is simple, so that more players get to enjoy that content. There's not much more to it than that, I don't care if other people get achievements or whatnot or how fair or unfair people think it is, I just care about people having fun, which is the ultimate point of a game (not to mention, I myself would enjoy redoing some of that content).


> To make it work, many of the encounters can be changed to instanced bosses (such as the Marionette, or the Lions Arch invasion). The assets, enemies, dialogue and even the cut scenes are all there already, so there would be a lot less work and costs involved in implementing this than there would be with creating a new LS season from scratch. And it would add a lot of value to the game for newer players, which would subsequently make the game itself more attractive to players.


To add to this a bit, I'd also like them to bring back other older events, such as the Queens Jubilee, and the Zephyrite Sanctum. It just seems like such a waste to create all that content, and then just leave it rotting, when players could be enjoying it more regularly.

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Is it fair? In short, yes. As how living world season 01 was structured that is what was intended; to reward players currently playing. As someone who started playing right as season 02 began, I have no issue with it and I do like going for AP. That said It is a shame that they haven't made season one playable for new players and veterans who wish to revisit it. For a game that is centered around it's story and them having a chunk of it not even available to play is kinda ridiculous imo.

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