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Bad things I noticed coming back after 2 years

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1. **Guilds**

---It's hard to find good sized guilds, use to be a couple of 400+ and 40% or more is active within a week. I don't see many recruitment messages anymore. I don't see any decent guilds in the Guild LFG tab that they made. **Maybe make that tab so even if you/or guild recruiter logs out, the message is still there, as well as for people who are looking for specific guilds**, like PvP guilds can be hard to find, and server related WvW guilds can be hard to find as well. I am still guildless and have been 30% looking for them and I just never hear anyone promote their guild and I don't really get feedback. I don't want to join a new startup, I want to join one that does stuff, the game's been out for 6 years, I'm not trying to help someone startup, I've done that already, people should be merging if they still in startup phase, because there is just too much content now.

2. **Community Support for WvW**

---There isnt any help sites when it comes to WvW and getting your WvW rank up fast. I do not want to be useful in WvW right now, I want to get to the average WvW level which is around 20000. There is a lot of little hidden tricks to WvW that people like myself do not know about, that everyone thinks everyone knows about. Like earning +195 WvW track, people are earning A LOT more than that, they probably getting WvW xp a lot faster too. They going through WvW content twice as fast as me.

---I say lack of Community WvW related stuff because, you have Snowcrow for raids, you have Metabattle for PvP, you have dulfy/wiki for PvE, but there is NOTHING for WvW (FOCUSED) community content. **People probably not realizing this but being under 200 WvW levels and playing in WvW where people average around 20000 levels thats a huge gap**, especially in a game thats all about everyone should be equal. I'm not saying change it, I'm saying the WvW community needs to bring out content to seriously help people in leveling up WvW. (You can find out about peoples WvW level by queing up tourny, going into WvW, yes I was shocked people have such high amount of WvW levels)

3. **Finding Training Raids**

--- 2 years ago I could find Training raid guilds, nowdays, I'm in LFG for 30+ mins throughout the day with LF Training Raid, and I never get any message about any guilds or even how much do i know. I just dont even get anything.

--- I think this is due to strike missions, I've never done strike mission before, but doing around 5 raids, keep construct, mursaat, the slug one, the minotaur one, the defending the castle one. Those were not too difficult to do, and I was getting raid gear stuff. My knowledge of Strike missions, is that you get exotics for doing pretty much samething except they hit less? I want the raid gear, I do not want exotics, **strike missions is very dumb and I think it took away from Raid Training groups/guilds.** I look at LFG for raids, it says show your raid stuff, and you dont get that stuff from strike missions I assume. Thats why raid training is better, because you get the stuff, and show you've done something. Aint no one I see is asking to show x amount of strike mission stuff for you to be qualified to join the PUG raids.

4. **Difficulty scaling (PvE related, including stories)**

-- Not going to lie, LS4, and some of PoF, I find myself dying a lot in the storymode. Every single time I have to do the story it ends with a boss with huge amount of health, and I have to throw something at it while he's AoEing the living daylight out of me. There is nothing fun about that, and its pretty much the samething over and over again. I really dislike doing unfun stuff over and over again. The original storyline didn't always have a boss fight at the end, and they sure as heck didn't have aoes all over the place and i didn't always have to throw something at something too.

ALSO, they didn't last super long per each of them. One of the research findings about millenials (20s - 30s year old people) is short attention span. Which I tend to find myself asking is it over now? Oh great its not, another boss fight with huge hp, I have to throw things, and he's AEing the entire zone. I'm guessing 3 more deaths this time?

--- The story missions teach people about dodging out of stuff if thats a problem the game is seeing. We don't need strike missions that gives non raid stuff for that.

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1. I find this to be your personal issue/selectiveness rather than anything else. There are guilds and recruitment messages out there. Since you are using the forums, why not go and post something on the LFG section here and see if someone with a suitable guild wants to recruit you?

2. There are focused community Discord servers for WvW - I recommend going to WvW and asking in team chat about common WvW guilds on your server. They will help you out.

3. So you do not want to help people start up, but you want to find raid training... hmm. You basically require a dedicated guild that does things and does not focus on learning when you yourself are wanting to learn new things. Raid training guilds do exist, and so do raid training Discord servers.

4. Sounds like you need to spend a little bit more time learning the game's mechanics if PoF story mode gives you issues.

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I can only talk about the WvW part.


WvW guilds do in my experience advertize in WvW teamchat quite frequently.


There are several sites for WvW builds, some harder to find than others. WvW guilds usually have a list of these sites and often their own guild builds.


The high WvW ranks people have come from years of playing WvW. One can use xp boosters and play during events to earn them faster however there is no secret method to skyrocket in WvW rank.


The good news is that WvW ranks do not matter much. Warclaw and gliding is the most important and after that most WvW masteries are just siege use upgrades that have no real in-combat advantage.


For learning the WvW tips and tricks join a WvW guild or find some other WvW players and run with them. You will learn all the tricks in time.

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20.000 "levels" in wvw dont exist. Rank caps at 10.000. The "secret formula" is to join a ppt server, use all boosters, keep karmatraining until you reach what you want. Free stuff isnt a choice, here.

195 points per tick is... Natural if you keep up T6 participation. No secret here, either.

Metabattle has wvw builds. Many people use their own builds, there is also Vabbi.eu if you need meta builds. But you specifically mentioned you 'do not want to be useful in wvw right now', so why care?


Join your server's community wvw guild. Every server has one. And ask away from there.

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I only have two comments to make on points 1 and 2.


1- The only difficult guild to find in my honest opinion is a raiding one. You may have to look through the official guild recruitment pages on the forums or on Reddit. Sundays are the days to look for such guilds because that's reset day for raids. Apart from that it's a mistery to me how you're having trouble finding a general guild.


2- I used to be in WvW since the Red Guard days and I will say I'm going to disagree with everyone on what they said about the mount. And creating the model centered as some sort of tower defense was a bigger mistake. If I wanted to play an RTS I would play one. If you're guessing, yes I used to be in fight guilds. Without fight guilds WvW is boring and just a game of who has more numbers.


Also ANET has absolutely ignored WvW, it's a game mode that has been underdelivered, and for years on end just imagine, there are nights when you'd only encounter the enemy like one time in three hours. Then the losing team just cubby holes in keeps.


When they introduced tier 3 walls, they made things even more boring because now to break in you have to spend more gold on better siege and waste more time trying to get in, and I tell you the waiting on siege, the dying to siege, the overall destruction of the walls, it makes you bored man. It's too much waiting and not enough actual fighting.


Whereas I can go into Tyria and just hop into a fractal or do a raid, WvW makes you wait to have fun. I did alot of brawling back when I hardcore's WvW because that was the most fun there was. Being in a cohesive unit working together to bring down the enemy through steel and magic in these large scale brawls was amazing. When you knew your team of 10 people can dominate a team of 20 it felt absolutety awesome. That's the only good thing that came to WvW. Everything else from all the waiting to have fun, to waiting to for a t3 wall to come down just makes WvW boring and mundane.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> 1. **Guilds**

> ---It's hard to find good sized guilds, use to be a couple of 400+ and 40% or more is active within a week. I don't see many recruitment messages anymore. I don't see any decent guilds in the Guild LFG tab that they made.

The LFG tool isn't generally used for recruitment. Large guilds are still recruiting all the time. Idle in Lion's Arch for 20mins. The ViPs of the world are absolutely still active and recruiting.

> 2. **Community Support for WvW**

> ---There isnt any help sites when it comes to WvW and getting your WvW rank up fast. I do not want to be useful in WvW right now, I want to get to the average WvW level which is around 20000.

The average level of a WVW is 20000? Come on now.

Being useful in WVW means running a decent build, having exotic gear, staying on tag, keeping your supply up and building on time. You can technically do this at level 1. You will want your glider for sure. But that can be acquired quickly. Even the Warclaw's necessity for new players was recently mitigated a bit with the shared speed buff.

>There is a lot of little hidden tricks to WvW that people like myself do not know about, that everyone thinks everyone knows about. Like earning +195 WvW track, people are earning A LOT more than that, they probably getting WvW xp a lot faster too. They going through WvW content twice as fast as me.

"Going through the WVW content" faster?

It's been the same 3 maps and gameplay for over 4 years. The only things that change are balance and rewards. The "content" in WvW isnt something you burn through like PvE. The players are, largely speaking, the content.

> ---I say lack of Community WvW related stuff because, you have Snowcrow for raids, you have Metabattle for PvP, you have dulfy/wiki for PvE, but there is NOTHING for WvW (FOCUSED) community content.

Metabattle has a sizable section for wvw Builds. For training and learning, join a WvW guild. Even the lowest pop server has dedicated wvw builds recruiting that gladly take people who are looking to improve and not be a liability.

>**People probably not realizing this but being under 200 WvW levels and playing in WvW where people average around 20000 levels thats a huge gap**

Anyone who actually plays the mode regularly can tell you this is absolutely untrue. Your effectiveness in combat in WvW has little to do with your rank and masteries. Positioning and being able to manage your skills, mitigating damage and conditions mean much more than a slight damage buff on siege.

> 4. **Difficulty scaling (PvE related, including stories)**

> -- Not going to lie, LS4, and some of PoF, I find myself dying a lot in the storymode. Every single time I have to do the story it ends with a boss with huge amount of health, and I have to throw something at it while he's AoEing the living daylight out of me. There is nothing fun about that, and its pretty much the samething over and over again. I really dislike doing unfun stuff over and over again. The original storyline didn't always have a boss fight at the end, and they sure as heck didn't have aoes all over the place and i didn't always have to throw something at something too.

This is a L2P issue. Even the "hardest" of the story missions such as Scruffy 2.0 or Hearts and Minds can be beaten fairly easily on a janky build in Masterwork gear if you work the mechanics properly.

The original (core) story can be beaten by a ranger pet and the player using no skills. While the encounters since the start of Season 3 are absolutely more difficult than that, don't you think they should be?

Pay attention to the encounters leading up to the boss. They are generally there to teach the mechanics.

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WvW is one of the most forgiving modes in a lot of ways when it comes to builds, etc. WvW is more about situational / map awareness then following the latest meta build like PvP / raiding does. With a bit of practice it isn't that hard to keep t6 ticks even solo if you are just focused on maxing rewards. If you don't see a commander tag up, just start roaming or taking out camps or dolyaks and stuff will start to happen.

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