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Strike Missions are going to end up like raids — mostly closed for new players.

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This is my mindset. I want to enjoy the game. I enjoy striked if I play with experianced raiders. If I play with beginers its boring. Thats why I only do strikes:

a) with a static

b) with experianced raiders

I know that I can do them with anyone (especialy older ones) but why when it isnt fun?

And waiting in lfg doesnt take any time since I CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE WHEN WAITING.

So here is a choice: do something boring or do something fun while waiting for more players to do something fun.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?


> You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.


> If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.


> Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.



Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?


Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :



(short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)




>! > @"Asum.4960" said:

>! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

>! > > One last try...

>! >

>! > Indeed.

>! >

>! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

>! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

>! > >

>! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

>! > >

>! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

>! >

>! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

>! >

>! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

>! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

>! >

>! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

>! >

>! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

>! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

>! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

>! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

>! >

>! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

>! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

>! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.


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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> >

> > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> >

> > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.


> > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> >


> Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?


> Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)




> >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> >! > > One last try...

> >! >

> >! > Indeed.

> >! >

> >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> >! > >

> >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> >! > >

> >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> >! >

> >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> >! >

> >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> >! >

> >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> >! >

> >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> >! >

> >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> >!


First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.


That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.


I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.


And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

Nothing wrong with that.


Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > >

> > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > >

> > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> >

> > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > >

> >

> > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> >

> > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> >

> >

> >

> > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > >! > > One last try...

> > >! >

> > >! > Indeed.

> > >! >

> > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > >! > >

> > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > >! > >

> > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > >! >

> > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > >! >

> > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > >! >

> > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > >! >

> > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > >! >

> > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > >!


> First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.


> That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.


> I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.


> And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> Nothing wrong with that.


> Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.


You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?


The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?



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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > >

> > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > >

> > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > >

> > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > >

> > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > >! > > One last try...

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Indeed.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > >! > >

> > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > >! > >

> > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > >!

> >

> > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> >

> > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> >

> > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> >

> > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > Nothing wrong with that.

> >

> > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.


> You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?


> The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?




At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.


I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > >

> > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > >

> > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > >

> > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > >

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > >! > >

> > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > >! > >

> > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > >! >

> > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > >!

> > >

> > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > >

> > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > >

> > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > >

> > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > >

> > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> >

> > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> >

> > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> >

> >


> At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.


> I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.


Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...



> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?


> You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.



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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > > >

> > > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > > >

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > > >! > >

> > > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > > >! > >

> > > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > > >! >

> > > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > > >!

> > > >

> > > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > > >

> > > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > > >

> > > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > > >

> > > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > > >

> > > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> > >

> > > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> > >

> > > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.

> >

> > I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.


> Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

> It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...



> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> >

> > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> >




So you are saying players choosing to play with like minded other players of a similar skill level, having fun together to the detriment of no one else is what is killing hardcore content, rather than people only getting 30 minutes of new hardcore content every year (or 15 minutes of content in 3 years for Fractals), burning out on playing the same extremely limited selection of content over and over, all while feeling like the content they are investing time and effort in has no future?


And seriously, what is so outrageous to you about me suggesting to people to make their own groups with their own set of requirements (or lack thereof) and to have fun playing the way they want to play, regardless of what others are doing?

Why are you, and a large part of the more casually playing community so hostile and toxic about how other more hardcore oriented players choose to play the game, rather than just playing the way you want to play yourself?


How are you harmed in any way by someone else asking for 100LI or what have you for a Strike, when you can just join another group not asking for that, or make one yourself?


Why does everybody have to play by your rules and cater to your needs, or be a horrible elitist?


I'm not saying people who play Strikes or Raids or any other content with groups without any requirement are doing it wrong or don't belong, quite the opposite, I think it's great (and I'm infact one of those more casual players currently). Just like I also think it's perfectly fine for people with different expectations to set requirements for playing together with strangers, making it more likely that the expectations and skill levels in those groups are more aligned, making it in turn more likely that everybody has a good time in those groups as well.


You are the one propagating a hostile mindset that is keeping yourself and other players away from more engaging content such as Strikes and Raids, when really you could just be making your own groups with your own set of rules and expectations, not other players asking for LI.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > > > >

> > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > > > >!

> > > > >

> > > > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > > > >

> > > > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > > > >

> > > > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> > > >

> > > > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > > > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > > > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> > > >

> > > > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > > > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > > > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.

> > >

> > > I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.

> >

> > Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

> > It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...

> >

> >

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > >

> > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > >

> >

> >


> So you are saying players choosing to play with like minded other players of a similar skill level, having fun together to the detriment of no one else is what is killing hardcore content, rather than people only getting 30 minutes of new hardcore content every year (or 15 minutes of content in 3 years for Fractals), burning out on playing the same extremely limited selection of content over and over, all while feeling like the content they are investing time and effort in has no future?


> And seriously, what is so outrageous to you about me suggesting to people to make their own groups with their own set of requirements (or lack thereof) and to have fun playing the way they want to play, regardless of what others are doing?

> Why are you, and a large part of the more casually playing community so hostile and toxic about how other more hardcore oriented players choose to play the game, rather than just playing the way you want to play yourself?


> How are you harmed in any way by someone else asking for 100LI or what have you for a Strike, when you can just join another group not asking for that, or make one yourself?


> Why does everybody have to play by your rules and cater to your needs, or be a horrible elitist?


> I'm not saying people who play Strikes or Raids or any other content with groups without any requirement are doing it wrong or don't belong, quite the opposite, I think it's great (and I'm infact one of those more casual players currently). Just like I also think it's perfectly fine for people with different expectations to set requirements for playing together with strangers, making it more likely that the expectations and skill levels in those groups are more aligned, making it in turn more likely that everybody has a good time in those groups as well.


> You are the one propagating a hostile mindset that is keeping yourself and other players away from more engaging content such as Strikes and Raids, when really you could just be making your own groups with your own set of rules and expectations, not other players asking for LI.


When casuals would come here to whine aout the increasing demand of KP/LI/gizmos from last bosses , that was increasing by the min ....

When the casual would whine that all players forced them to like their Berseker gear ....

When casuals would come here to whine about needed to 20k dps otherwise they would get kicked ....


You would come here and try to shut them down

Have you thought for a sec , from where those players demanding such ludicrus demands copy from ?

It was from the company ? From other casuals ?

When we see ppl hating Raids .... they hate the company ? The other casuals ?

Do they whine about the 30 min Raids every 9 months ?


You failed with raids ... dont do the same in Strikes

Use the 5 year friendlist/guild

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > > > > >!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > > > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > > > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > > > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > > > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > > > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > > > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > > > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> > > > >

> > > > > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > > > > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > > > > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> > > > >

> > > > > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > > > > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > > > > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.

> > > >

> > > > I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.

> > >

> > > Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

> > > It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > >

> > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > So you are saying players choosing to play with like minded other players of a similar skill level, having fun together to the detriment of no one else is what is killing hardcore content, rather than people only getting 30 minutes of new hardcore content every year (or 15 minutes of content in 3 years for Fractals), burning out on playing the same extremely limited selection of content over and over, all while feeling like the content they are investing time and effort in has no future?

> >

> > And seriously, what is so outrageous to you about me suggesting to people to make their own groups with their own set of requirements (or lack thereof) and to have fun playing the way they want to play, regardless of what others are doing?

> > Why are you, and a large part of the more casually playing community so hostile and toxic about how other more hardcore oriented players choose to play the game, rather than just playing the way you want to play yourself?

> >

> > How are you harmed in any way by someone else asking for 100LI or what have you for a Strike, when you can just join another group not asking for that, or make one yourself?

> >

> > Why does everybody have to play by your rules and cater to your needs, or be a horrible elitist?

> >

> > I'm not saying people who play Strikes or Raids or any other content with groups without any requirement are doing it wrong or don't belong, quite the opposite, I think it's great (and I'm infact one of those more casual players currently). Just like I also think it's perfectly fine for people with different expectations to set requirements for playing together with strangers, making it more likely that the expectations and skill levels in those groups are more aligned, making it in turn more likely that everybody has a good time in those groups as well.

> >

> > You are the one propagating a hostile mindset that is keeping yourself and other players away from more engaging content such as Strikes and Raids, when really you could just be making your own groups with your own set of rules and expectations, not other players asking for LI.


> When casuals would come here to whine aout the increasing demand of KP/LI/gizmos from last bosses , that was increasing by the min ....

> When the casual would whine that all players forced them to like their Berseker gear ....

> When casuals would come here to whine about needed to 20k dps otherwise they would get kicked ....


> You would come here and try to shut them down


There main reason there are more groups asking for specific requirements in LFG, at least for Strikes, than those without is because those without fill much faster, often near instantly, while the ones with requirements stick around a while until they fill up, increasing their perceived visibility.

If the people who Raid are such a small minority, how could the majority of LFG's be people asking for LI and who is joining all those groups?

And why does no one else make their own groups without requirements?


Like a broken record I'm going to say it again, just make your own group if you take issues with existing groups in LFG asking for specific things.

Nobody is keeping you from playing that content, no one is forcing you to provide LI, no one is forcing you to play with specific gear, no one is forcing you to have a certain amount of DPS - unless you purposefully chose to join a group with any of those requirements over one without or to make your own group.


I'm not shutting anyone down, rather than just pointing out the entitlement and victim mentality of some vocal casuals, who rather spend their energy complaining about other's not catering to them than to just make their own way.


Again, how hard is it to put up your own LFG asking for "X content, everyone welcome", and how does another player asking for LI for their own group prevent you from doing so or harm your experience in any way?


> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> Have you thought for a sec , from where those players demanding such ludicrus demands copy from ?

> It was from the company ? From other casuals ?

> When we see ppl hating Raids .... they hate the company ? The other casuals ?

> Do they whine about the 30 min Raids every 9 months ?


> You failed with raids ... dont do the same in Strikes

> Use the 5 year friendlist/guild


Surprisingly the players who hate Raids aren't the ones complaining about lack of Raids, but the ones who enjoy and play Raids, yes.


And again you are trying to tell me how to play the game and how I'm allowed to look for groups, even though I'm not even one of those players keen on LI checks for especially Strikes myself.

I just recognize that it doesn't effect me in any way if other's do.


If I want to do a casual Strike run with a wacky/niche build I just don't join a group looking for specific things I'm not willing or able to provide, expecting them to just cater to my demands. I join a casual group or, if currently not available, make my own, so I don't come in conflict with other players with different expectations.


If I want to play casually and/or am playing on a build I know can't perform at high levels/fill certain asked for roles, it is my fault if I get kicked should I join a group asking for those things and it would be imo quite rude of me to waste other people's time like that.


Raids or Fractal CM's didn't fail, they just lacked support. Strikes won't fail either, but yes, if Anet scales them back and only releases a single Strike every 1-3 years and never updates the rewards in half a decade, Strikes will slowly die out too.

That has very little to nothing to do with how people make their own LFG's/groups, as that is not an ability hardcore players or elitists have a monopoly over.


Don't tell other people how they have to play and enjoy the game, just play it how you enjoy it.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > > > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > > > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > > > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > > > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > > > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > > > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > > > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > > > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > > > > > >!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > > > > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > > > > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > > > > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > > > > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > > > > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > > > > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > > > > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > > > > > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > > > > > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > > > > > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > > > > > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.

> > > > >

> > > > > I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.

> > > >

> > > > Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

> > > > It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > >

> > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > So you are saying players choosing to play with like minded other players of a similar skill level, having fun together to the detriment of no one else is what is killing hardcore content, rather than people only getting 30 minutes of new hardcore content every year (or 15 minutes of content in 3 years for Fractals), burning out on playing the same extremely limited selection of content over and over, all while feeling like the content they are investing time and effort in has no future?

> > >

> > > And seriously, what is so outrageous to you about me suggesting to people to make their own groups with their own set of requirements (or lack thereof) and to have fun playing the way they want to play, regardless of what others are doing?

> > > Why are you, and a large part of the more casually playing community so hostile and toxic about how other more hardcore oriented players choose to play the game, rather than just playing the way you want to play yourself?

> > >

> > > How are you harmed in any way by someone else asking for 100LI or what have you for a Strike, when you can just join another group not asking for that, or make one yourself?

> > >

> > > Why does everybody have to play by your rules and cater to your needs, or be a horrible elitist?

> > >

> > > I'm not saying people who play Strikes or Raids or any other content with groups without any requirement are doing it wrong or don't belong, quite the opposite, I think it's great (and I'm infact one of those more casual players currently). Just like I also think it's perfectly fine for people with different expectations to set requirements for playing together with strangers, making it more likely that the expectations and skill levels in those groups are more aligned, making it in turn more likely that everybody has a good time in those groups as well.

> > >

> > > You are the one propagating a hostile mindset that is keeping yourself and other players away from more engaging content such as Strikes and Raids, when really you could just be making your own groups with your own set of rules and expectations, not other players asking for LI.

> >

> > When casuals would come here to whine aout the increasing demand of KP/LI/gizmos from last bosses , that was increasing by the min ....

> > When the casual would whine that all players forced them to like their Berseker gear ....

> > When casuals would come here to whine about needed to 20k dps otherwise they would get kicked ....

> >

> > You would come here and try to shut them down


> There main reason there are more groups asking for specific requirements in LFG, at least for Strikes, than those without is because those without fill much faster, often near instantly, while the ones with requirements stick around a while until they fill up, increasing their perceived visibility.

> If the people who Raid are such a small minority, how could the majority of LFG's be people asking for LI and who is joining all those groups?

> And why does no one else make their own groups without requirements?


> Like a broken record I'm going to say it again, just make your own group if you take issues with existing groups in LFG asking for specific things.

> Nobody is keeping you from playing that content, no one is forcing you to provide LI, no one is forcing you to play with specific gear, no one is forcing you to have a certain amount of DPS - unless you purposefully chose to join a group with any of those requirements over one without or to make your own group.


> I'm not shutting anyone down, rather than just pointing out the entitlement and victim mentality of some vocal casuals, who rather spend their energy complaining about other's not catering to them than to just make their own way.


> Again, how hard is it to put up your own LFG asking for "X content, everyone welcome", and how does another player asking for LI for their own group prevent you from doing so or harm your experience in any way?


> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > Have you thought for a sec , from where those players demanding such ludicrus demands copy from ?

> > It was from the company ? From other casuals ?

> > When we see ppl hating Raids .... they hate the company ? The other casuals ?

> > Do they whine about the 30 min Raids every 9 months ?

> >

> > You failed with raids ... dont do the same in Strikes

> > Use the 5 year friendlist/guild


> Surprisingly the players who hate Raids aren't the ones complaining about lack of Raids, but the ones who enjoy and play Raids, yes.


> And again you are trying to tell me how to play the game and how I'm allowed to look for groups, even though I'm not even one of those players keen on LI checks for especially Strikes myself.

> I just recognize that it doesn't effect me in any way if other's do.


> If I want to do a casual Strike run with a wacky/niche build I just don't join a group looking for specific things I'm not willing or able to provide, expecting them to just cater to my demands. I join a casual group or, if currently not available, make my own, so I don't come in conflict with other players with different expectations.


> If I want to play casually and/or am playing on a build I know can't perform at high levels/fill certain asked for roles, it is my fault if I get kicked should I join a group asking for those things and it would be imo quite rude of me to waste other people's time like that.


> Raids or Fractal CM's didn't fail, they just lacked support. Strikes won't fail either, but yes, if Anet scales them back and only releases a single Strike every 1-3 years and never updates the rewards in half a decade, Strikes will slowly die out too.

> That has very little to nothing to do with how people make their own LFG's/groups, as that is not an ability hardcore players or elitists have a monopoly over.


> Don't tell other people how they have to play and enjoy the game, just play it how you enjoy it.


''And again you are trying to tell me how to play the game and how I'm allowed to look for groups, even though I'm not even one of those players keen on LI checks for especially Strikes myself.

I just recognize that it doesn't effect me in any way if other's do.''


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?


> You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.




I am a maister too in circular comments :P


Cy another time ..Mr Mod is agree..

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> >

> > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> >

> > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.


> > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> >


> Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?


> Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)




> >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> >! > > One last try...

> >! >

> >! > Indeed.

> >! >

> >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> >! > >

> >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> >! > >

> >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> >! >

> >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> >! >

> >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> >! >

> >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> >! >

> >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> >! >

> >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> >!


I am not saying that they are not trying enough. I am saying that I want to play strikes with same kind of players as I play raids with. Why? Because playing with casuals is not fun for me

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > >

> > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > >

> > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > >

> > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > >

> > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > >! > > One last try...

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Indeed.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > >! > >

> > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > >! > >

> > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > >!

> >

> > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> >

> > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> >

> > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> >

> > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > Nothing wrong with that.

> >

> > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.


> You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?


> The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?




I dont want to add players to friendlist. Why should I when there is lfg so I can find players I am looking for. Why didnt you add casual players to friendlist so you dont have to look at lfg? Same question

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > > > > >!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > > > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > > > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > > > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > > > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > > > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > > > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > > > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> > > > >

> > > > > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > > > > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > > > > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> > > > >

> > > > > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > > > > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > > > > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.

> > > >

> > > > I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.

> > >

> > > Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

> > > It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > >

> > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > So you are saying players choosing to play with like minded other players of a similar skill level, having fun together to the detriment of no one else is what is killing hardcore content, rather than people only getting 30 minutes of new hardcore content every year (or 15 minutes of content in 3 years for Fractals), burning out on playing the same extremely limited selection of content over and over, all while feeling like the content they are investing time and effort in has no future?

> >

> > And seriously, what is so outrageous to you about me suggesting to people to make their own groups with their own set of requirements (or lack thereof) and to have fun playing the way they want to play, regardless of what others are doing?

> > Why are you, and a large part of the more casually playing community so hostile and toxic about how other more hardcore oriented players choose to play the game, rather than just playing the way you want to play yourself?

> >

> > How are you harmed in any way by someone else asking for 100LI or what have you for a Strike, when you can just join another group not asking for that, or make one yourself?

> >

> > Why does everybody have to play by your rules and cater to your needs, or be a horrible elitist?

> >

> > I'm not saying people who play Strikes or Raids or any other content with groups without any requirement are doing it wrong or don't belong, quite the opposite, I think it's great (and I'm infact one of those more casual players currently). Just like I also think it's perfectly fine for people with different expectations to set requirements for playing together with strangers, making it more likely that the expectations and skill levels in those groups are more aligned, making it in turn more likely that everybody has a good time in those groups as well.

> >

> > You are the one propagating a hostile mindset that is keeping yourself and other players away from more engaging content such as Strikes and Raids, when really you could just be making your own groups with your own set of rules and expectations, not other players asking for LI.


> When casuals would come here to whine aout the increasing demand of KP/LI/gizmos from last bosses , that was increasing by the min ....

> When the casual would whine that all players forced them to like their Berseker gear ....

> When casuals would come here to whine about needed to 20k dps otherwise they would get kicked ....


> You would come here and try to shut them down

> Have you thought for a sec , from where those players demanding such ludicrus demands copy from ?

> It was from the company ? From other casuals ?

> When we see ppl hating Raids .... they hate the company ? The other casuals ?

> Do they whine about the 30 min Raids every 9 months ?


> You failed with raids ... dont do the same in Strikes

> Use the 5 year friendlist/guild


Dont you see this? You are saying that the way someone plays is bad because you like it diferently. I can make 200 dhuum kp squad to do keyfarm. I CAN. Why not? Because it is not needed? Because I dont take everybody? And so what? I can play with whoever I want. If you create your squad with no requirements and I join, I will not enforce any. I might leave if I dont have fun because we are failing but I wouldnt demand something when it is someone elses squad.


If anet give special KP system to strikes, hardcore players will stop asking for raid KP or Li. Symple as that

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> Okay to sum up the reality of the title of this thread, let's say the title should be renamed to: Strike missions are going to end up just like raids--mostly closed to players who are afraid of failure.


And dont want to put up their own squads and instead want to get carried.


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Unfortunately some people are toxic and Arenanet keeps sleepings here.

I don't play Raid, but I know as to play every Strike Missions. But how can I join someone else, if I haven't any Kill Proof in my hand? I am simply excluded.


This game's getting worse! ç.ç


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> @"fra.5241" said:

> Unfortunately some people are toxic and Arenanet keeps sleepings here.

> I don't play Raid, but I know as to play every Strike Missions. But how can I join someone else, if I haven't any Kill Proof in my hand? I am simply excluded.


> This game's getting worse! ç.ç


That's why you should just open your own Squads in the LFG finder.

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > >

> > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > >

> > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > >

> > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > >

> > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > >! > > One last try...

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Indeed.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > >! > >

> > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > >! > >

> > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > >! >

> > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > >!

> >

> > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> >

> > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> >

> > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> >

> > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > Nothing wrong with that.

> >

> > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.


> You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?


> The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?


No, as you said just now:

**The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .**


That is LITERALLY what you said, in your very comment. Now following that statement and logic: the majority of players can make strike groups without demanding LI or KP, since they themselves do not have any (or join free for all groups).


Every player has the same choice as far as who and how he wants to play with others. You don't get to tell others how they should play, and others don't get to tell you how you should play.


If you want a group without any requirements, that is possible and just a few clicks away, here is a small guide:

1.) You open your contact menu

2.) You open the LFG section of that contact menu

3a.) You now either join a LFG with no requirements

3b.) You open a LFG with no requirements. Usually a simple:"all are welcome" is sufficient and will fill up in less than 1 minute

4.) you can skip all of the above and simply join a public squad via the games tab, simply do not chose the squad option but rather the public option


You can now proceed to play the content without any requirements in place or having to worry what other players do or do not.


> @"fra.5241" said:

> Unfortunately some people are toxic and Arenanet keeps sleepings here.

> I don't play Raid, but I know as to play every Strike Missions. But how can I join someone else, if I haven't any Kill Proof in my hand? I am simply excluded.


> This game's getting worse! ç.ç


Stop relying on others to make the squads and make your own. Problem solved.



There is a simple solution to every LFG issue people have: it's called show personal initiative (aka make your own groups). You don't get to complain about others not playing the way YOU want, while expecting them to do all the work. That's not how the world works.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > If you are not (yet) part of that community or don't want to be, you don't have to join those groups.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Everybody who actually wants to can play and beat this content (and to a lesser extend the same goes for Raids, it's just more effort to find or get beginner groups going, mainly due to lack of new content to serve as more even jump in point).

> > > > > > > > > It's just easier to complain most of the time than to actually do something about it.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Or you can stay on Wing 5/6 and let the more casual envoroment alone without the KP /LI requiments .

> > > > > > > > What kind of logic is that ?.. I did wing 5 and i then i move to a more casual and impose there humogous amount of requiments too ?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Have you checked yourself in the mirror , and aks yourself why you are saying to the casuals 4 YEARS NOW ''you dont try hard enought'' . And when some1 else asked you why Raids are discontinued/failed you give them this answer :

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1166940#Comment_1166940

> > > > > > > > (short answer > the company released Wing 5 ... 9 months after the Wing4 .... the majority got a heart attack and quit ... its the company that screw it up)

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >! > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > > >! > > One last try...

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > Indeed.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > > > > >! > > There's a wider trending downwards that is beyond anyone's ability to change. People play games on their phones in 2020. Also GW2 is an "old" game. A loss of players and revenue was inevitable, will continue for a while, and it will **never** be 2014 for them ever again. Adding more to game modes _that were never popular to begin with_ won't change that.

> > > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > > >! > > Anet are trying to draw more players into the raids and the like so they can justify putting more manpower into it, so it's obvious they are more on your side of things than mine (their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMO). They *want* that side of the game played more. You will need at least one more year to see how that plan shakes out so the doom-screamers need to slow their roll and wait.

> > > > > > > > >! > >

> > > > > > > > >! > > I don't think it'll work solely because.... Pink Tap-Dancing Elephant in the Room time... it's not the difficulty that keeps people away from those modes, it's the people playing them. Only time will tell if strikes will make hardcore modes appealing, because hardcore players sure ain't.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > While there is an unfortunate wider trend, it's both one GW2 has been defying for years now, as well as the drop for 2019 going far beyond that overall trend.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > Raids at it's peak according to efficiency with VG was cleared by 30% of the player base, which only started to drastically dip after release schedules for the content slowed down significantly, in addition to coinciding with a disappointingly easy Wing 4 release, after that increased wait time - driving away a lot of disappointed hardcore players.

> > > > > > > > >! > Not only was that not a niche audience, it was also a highly engaged one. Both in and out of game.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > And ofc they want that side of the game to be played more, because it's an area of the game where communities (static raid groups) and guilds are formed, and which can be repeated for years on end, which is what combined keeps players engaged (and interacting with the gemstore) longterm, over the log in every 3-4 months and play for a week, or even just 2h, free single player content that LW provides, after which players check out again without getting much or consistent Gemstore engagement, let alone creating buzz around the game from outside engagement.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > The best way to enjoy content like Raiding is and has always been forming/joining a static of like minded people.

> > > > > > > > >! > Pugging is a last resort for coordinated group content, and especially unsuited for beginners due to clashing expectations and mentalities.

> > > > > > > > >! > Hardcore players aren't keeping anyone away from hardcore content as much as casuals are barring themselves from it. It's just a lot of casual players are used to being able to do whatever and still get free instant gratification across most of the rest of the game, which clashes quite hard when they then try to join a organised team environment tackling semi-difficult content with certain baseline expectations, making it needlessly hard on themselves, as well as the people they are joining unprepared.

> > > > > > > > >! > There is a reason training groups exist, and everybody is able to from their own group according to their own skill level and expectations, socially and in terms of what amount of content progression they expect.

> > > > > > > > >! >

> > > > > > > > >! > Lastly, I'm pretty confident that if Anet had released another HoT like feature rich expansion with a more endgame focus in late 2019, the buzz leading up to that as well as the sales number from that would have most likely lead to revenue of the levels of 2014 again.

> > > > > > > > >! > It's not like 2016, 17 and 18 weren't on that level.

> > > > > > > > >! > It's just that they really dropped the ball in 2019, regardless of any trends working against them, which is reflected in a 23% drop in revenue from the previously lowest year for GW2 in 2016, which was suffering from the content draught after HoT.

> > > > > > > > >!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > First of all, I mostly quit the game for a while after the "Template" fiasco and due to the lack of new engaging content and just recently came back playing a bit now and then, and quite casually so.

> > > > > > > In doing so I've never asked anyone for LI or KP for strikes, and considering their difficulty (or lack thereof) find it quite ridiculous to do so personally.

> > > > > > > I myself mostly pug Strikes through LFG, the majority of those groups I joined have no requirements whatsoever, or at most ask for some experience with the mechanics.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That said, I don't see what the issue is with people wanting to play with like minded people of a similar skill level? How does that harm anyone, and why do casual players keep complaining about it to this extend? Everybody has the ability to form their own groups with their own rules and requirements.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I've never seen hardcore players being toxic about casuals making groups with no requirements and how they now don't even want to play the content anymore.

> > > > > > > Why is the other way around constantly the case? Why are casuals in this community so toxic and hostile towards hardcore players and content, wanting everybody to play by their rules, rather than just doing their own thing?

> > > > > > > Don't like LI/KP groups? Don't make/join them and make/join one without.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > And why are Raiders moving to Strikes? Well, maybe they got tired of playing the same 3h of content, with seemingly no future, daily/weekly for years, so now they are moving to something at least somewhat comparable and new.

> > > > > > > Clearly there is an audience for hardcore content, they are just not getting it, so it's not surprising to now see those players in semi-casual strikes, but still wanting to play with other competent players for the smooth experience they are used to and with a efficiency which is fun to them.

> > > > > > > Nothing wrong with that.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also the highest/most common serious LI requirement for Strikes that I've seen so far was 100LI, which is 4 full clears, aka 12 hours of raiding over 4 weeks. And while it would take a beginner surely more time than that to acquire, it's hardly humongous.

> > > > > > > Also, as said before, these requirements are usually just to provide some sort of barrier of entry to get at least baseline competent players and is hardly ever enforced, especially if players joining are upfront and honest about lacking the requirements and about their skill and experience level. Sure, some will just kick players lacking the requirements, but that's entirely their prerogative, just as more casual groups can kick elitists from their casual group if they are not a fit.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You have played with simply minded player and you had the orppotunity to put them in your friendlist , for 5 straight years now (including your guild) .

> > > > > > What you cannot find 10 ppl , from the 30% of the population that did the first boss from Wing 1 ?

> > > > > > Is it the Templates ... that broke those friends bonds ? Where they , simpy '' discarded tools'' for each day to be used ?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The majority of the population dont have Raid LI/KP , because they havent done Raids .

> > > > > > So you comming here and telling them that they should go in Training Raids > put some efford > dont expect everything to be handed to them > AND THEN TRIED STRIKE MISSIONS AFTER THEY GET 100 LI , it doesnt sound too welcoming from here .

> > > > > > Why shouldnt in return , be hostile to you too ?

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > At this point I honestly don't even know what you are on about or what your beef with me is.

> > > > >

> > > > > I also didn't tell anyone they have to go do Raids and get LI to get into Strikes, quite the contrary.

> > > >

> > > > Your kind , breeds the same mentality that resulted into the failure of Raids .

> > > > It was not the company fault for releasing raids 9 months later ... but comments like this ...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > > > Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?

> > > > >

> > > > > You don't. There are some experienced Raiders looking for like minded players of a similar skill level in hopes for a quick and smooth run, I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially since their favoured content, like Raids, hasn't seen any updates for almost a year, or like Fractal CM's for almost 3 years. That community has to go somewhere and is likely intend on maintaining their expectations to their groups.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > So you are saying players choosing to play with like minded other players of a similar skill level, having fun together to the detriment of no one else is what is killing hardcore content, rather than people only getting 30 minutes of new hardcore content every year (or 15 minutes of content in 3 years for Fractals), burning out on playing the same extremely limited selection of content over and over, all while feeling like the content they are investing time and effort in has no future?

> > >

> > > And seriously, what is so outrageous to you about me suggesting to people to make their own groups with their own set of requirements (or lack thereof) and to have fun playing the way they want to play, regardless of what others are doing?

> > > Why are you, and a large part of the more casually playing community so hostile and toxic about how other more hardcore oriented players choose to play the game, rather than just playing the way you want to play yourself?

> > >

> > > How are you harmed in any way by someone else asking for 100LI or what have you for a Strike, when you can just join another group not asking for that, or make one yourself?

> > >

> > > Why does everybody have to play by your rules and cater to your needs, or be a horrible elitist?

> > >

> > > I'm not saying people who play Strikes or Raids or any other content with groups without any requirement are doing it wrong or don't belong, quite the opposite, I think it's great (and I'm infact one of those more casual players currently). Just like I also think it's perfectly fine for people with different expectations to set requirements for playing together with strangers, making it more likely that the expectations and skill levels in those groups are more aligned, making it in turn more likely that everybody has a good time in those groups as well.

> > >

> > > You are the one propagating a hostile mindset that is keeping yourself and other players away from more engaging content such as Strikes and Raids, when really you could just be making your own groups with your own set of rules and expectations, not other players asking for LI.

> >

> > When casuals would come here to whine aout the increasing demand of KP/LI/gizmos from last bosses , that was increasing by the min ....

> > When the casual would whine that all players forced them to like their Berseker gear ....

> > When casuals would come here to whine about needed to 20k dps otherwise they would get kicked ....

> >

> > You would come here and try to shut them down


> There main reason there are more groups asking for specific requirements in LFG, at least for Strikes, than those without is because those without fill much faster, often near instantly, while the ones with requirements stick around a while until they fill up, increasing their perceived visibility.

> If the people who Raid are such a small minority, how could the majority of LFG's be people asking for LI and who is joining all those groups?

> And why does no one else make their own groups without requirements?


> Like a broken record I'm going to say it again, just make your own group if you take issues with existing groups in LFG asking for specific things.

> Nobody is keeping you from playing that content, no one is forcing you to provide LI, no one is forcing you to play with specific gear, no one is forcing you to have a certain amount of DPS - unless you purposefully chose to join a group with any of those requirements over one without or to make your own group.


> I'm not shutting anyone down, rather than just pointing out the entitlement and victim mentality of some vocal casuals, who rather spend their energy complaining about other's not catering to them than to just make their own way.


> Again, how hard is it to put up your own LFG asking for "X content, everyone welcome", and how does another player asking for LI for their own group prevent you from doing so or harm your experience in any way?


> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > Have you thought for a sec , from where those players demanding such ludicrus demands copy from ?

> > It was from the company ? From other casuals ?

> > When we see ppl hating Raids .... they hate the company ? The other casuals ?

> > Do they whine about the 30 min Raids every 9 months ?

> >

> > You failed with raids ... dont do the same in Strikes

> > Use the 5 year friendlist/guild


> Surprisingly the players who hate Raids aren't the ones complaining about lack of Raids, but the ones who enjoy and play Raids, yes.


> And again you are trying to tell me how to play the game and how I'm allowed to look for groups, even though I'm not even one of those players keen on LI checks for especially Strikes myself.

> I just recognize that it doesn't effect me in any way if other's do.


> If I want to do a casual Strike run with a wacky/niche build I just don't join a group looking for specific things I'm not willing or able to provide, expecting them to just cater to my demands. I join a casual group or, if currently not available, make my own, so I don't come in conflict with other players with different expectations.


> If I want to play casually and/or am playing on a build I know can't perform at high levels/fill certain asked for roles, it is my fault if I get kicked should I join a group asking for those things and it would be imo quite rude of me to waste other people's time like that.


> Raids or Fractal CM's didn't fail, they just lacked support. Strikes won't fail either, but yes, if Anet scales them back and only releases a single Strike every 1-3 years and never updates the rewards in half a decade, Strikes will slowly die out too.

> That has very little to nothing to do with how people make their own LFG's/groups, as that is not an ability hardcore players or elitists have a monopoly over.


> Don't tell other people how they have to play and enjoy the game, just play it how you enjoy it.


The basic logic that I’m getting from those who are arguing their point against you Asum, is that I think that people are considering Raids to be somewhat of a failure, due to the gate of entry as well as requirements.


My basic understanding is that they don’t want Strikes to fail like Raids because of those reasons probably because they are enjoying the content and are beginning to guard it out of fear.


100% get what your saying in your post though, but I think this generally what the problem is.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Stop relying on others to make the squads and make your own. Problem solved.

> **TL;DR**:

> There is a simple solution to every LFG issue people have: it's called show personal initiative (aka make your own groups). You don't get to complain about others not playing the way YOU want, while expecting them to do all the work. That's not how the world works.

Oh sure, problem solved! It's not about initializing something or not, because this is mental discrimination, and it's a topic that also goes beyond videogames.

I'm agree that people have to get a bit of experience to certain contents. Maybe giving player a chance to join, it'd be possible to have an idea of him. But to read certain post as "250LI required", it's litterally crazy!

Humanity is the key to all, my friend. But people think only of themselves. This is the real reason!

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I have never done any Raiding in GW2, but I do strikes all the time. Often use the public lobby for the daily strike mission. While I do occasionally see those listed with ridiculous requirements, most of the time it is pretty chill. I suspect that those are made by people just wanting other people to rush them through content, because the few times I joined a squad asking for prior experience (link the gloves or some other dumb thing) they tended to be focused on cheese tactics, not adapting to the dynamic / group and generally being a slog.


Conversely, joining a chill group, or forming my own, or just PUG in the public lobby have all been better experiences.

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> @"fra.5241" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Stop relying on others to make the squads and make your own. Problem solved.

> > **TL;DR**:

> > There is a simple solution to every LFG issue people have: it's called show personal initiative (aka make your own groups). You don't get to complain about others not playing the way YOU want, while expecting them to do all the work. That's not how the world works.

> Oh sure, problem solved! It's not about initializing something or not, because this is mental discrimination, and it's a topic that also goes beyond videogames.

> I'm agree that people have to get a bit of experience to certain contents. Maybe giving player a chance to join, it'd be possible to have an idea of him. But to read certain post as "250LI required", it's litterally crazy!

> Humanity is the key to all, my friend. But people think only of themselves. This is the real reason!


You're right and even as a raider myself I see requiring any LI for strikes as idiotic. I also see people leaving on a first couple of wipes as idiotic. But that's the same humanity you talk about.

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> @"fra.5241" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Stop relying on others to make the squads and make your own. Problem solved.

> > **TL;DR**:

> > There is a simple solution to every LFG issue people have: it's called show personal initiative (aka make your own groups). You don't get to complain about others not playing the way YOU want, while expecting them to do all the work. That's not how the world works.

> Oh sure, problem solved! It's not about initializing something or not, because this is mental discrimination, and it's a topic that also goes beyond videogames.


It's discrimination to try to organize with like minded players? Sure, what ever you say.


> @"fra.5241" said:

> I'm agree that people have to get a bit of experience to certain contents. Maybe giving player a chance to join, it'd be possible to have an idea of him. But to read certain post as "250LI required", it's litterally crazy!

> Humanity is the key to all, my friend. But people think only of themselves. This is the real reason!


Good news, you can do all that in the squads YOU make. If you stopped caring about what other players did, and focused more on what you can do (and if by extension, every one acted that way), this problem would go away.


Take some personal responsibility here.

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> @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > It's giving people a false experience using the cheeseo healo tactic beacuse you can't do that in raids when a bosses mechanics get too annoying to deal with.

> >

> Actually, that's exactly what's happening to raid.

> No Green Vale Guardian anyone?


> And no, I disagree with the topic, raids are never closed for new players, they are only closed for closed minded casuals.


I raise you a no updraft Gors and KC (honestly has anyone even had to do the kill white/red mechanic).

Honestly the dev can't foresee how players find inventive way to crack the nuts they produced for them. I could forsee that wanted qadim 2 to be 3 subsquad of 3 at each pillar, and 1 tank in the middle. Honestly I wish Teapot could have a interview with all the old raid devs, and see how many mechanics the players found solutions to that were not intended.

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