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floating balls eveywhere

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As the title says floating balls eveywhere on screen its to much clutter with this new legendary trinkets being released , its just to much annoying. When enemy standard model is on it should also remove all these balls .. is just to much now please do something about it

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> I want them gone too. In fact I won't make them cause I don't want to see them around me so I need a remove those effects option in settings cause I do play on lowest settings and I don't see anyone's fashion and you all look the same except for those.

yeah is stupid i have to play on low settings just to turn of some stupid balls killin my eyes


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I have to agree. The legendary effects of jewelry , in my opinion, are some of the most uninspired cosmetics in the game. I have yet to look at someone that has them and say to myself wow that looks good. I have avoided crafting any for this sole purpose. The only thing that has changed my mind recently on perhaps trying to craft them is the new Legendary Armory that will be released in the future but I am still on the fence about that.


I think adding a new tab in hero panel that lets you customize all aura's and legendary effects would be the best. A simple toggle for every effect you have on your character and make it either on or off.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I have to agree. The legendary effects of jewelry , in my opinion, are some of the most uninspired cosmetics in the game. I have yet to look at someone that has them and say to myself wow that looks good. I have avoided crafting any for this sole purpose. The only thing that has changed my mind recently on perhaps trying to craft them is the new Legendary Armory that will be released in the future but I am still on the fence about that.


> I think adding a new tab in hero panel that lets you customize all aura's and legendary effects would be the best. A simple toggle for every effect you have on your character and make it either on or off.


A simple toggle for every effect you have on your character and make it either on or off.



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I have to agree here as well. I feel like I need a fly swatter. In WvW it’s utterly distracting. I don’t mind the Aurora or vision trinket, but this new one? It flies all over the damn screen. Throw in a few ppl with the ring? It’s like you’re being swarmed by angry hornets. Not sure why the ball stays still on one character, but on others it flies from the upper right corner of my screen all the way down to the left corner. I’m afraid Ima be one of those puggies that call INC and realize it’s just a massive sliver floating ball flying at me. Fix this disgrace of a leg plz. At least put it in same vicinity to the toon as aurora and vision. This mini pet fly all over the map bs is nonsense.

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We have an option to disable all unique sounds from other players but it's time to give us another option — to turn off unique and legendary visual effects because it's seriously hurting my eyes. Sometimes it's annoying just the same as hearing Quip or other legendary weapon shoting horses over and over again.

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> We have an option to **disable all unique sounds from other players**, but it’s time to give us another option — to turn off unique and legendary visual effects because it’s seriously hurting my eyes.

Well, but even this option isn’t up to date. Even though it overwrites all glider sounds, it doesn’t work on mounts. So, you have to hear all those annoying distortions. :dizzy:


But yes, even the Standard Models can’t help any more. This game needs an option to deactivate **all** extra visual effects, which aren’t from skills. Optionally—like the sound options—for other characters and/or just your character.

Maybe they should also update the Standard Models for the competitive modes to make players use standard gliders and mounts, which also use team colours.


On the other hand, I’m always surprised, people actually dress their characters like a light pillar. It doesn’t look good. :s

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This thread , reading everyone's replies has made me laugh. Thanks guys!

I also agree that it would be nice if we could toggle the visuals off . I understand that flashy visuals denote accomplishment but very accomplished players tend to stack all their gains and it looks really gross. It's so bad I try to avoid Mistlock now.

Understated items don't feel like much when you earn them though so making elite gains look ordinary isn't the answer.

The real problem is a design issue. It's too late to redesign these things; people love them whether you do or not but I think moving forward a more delicate touch needs to be used when designing awards.

Also a toggle option would at least for now solve a lot of problems.

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> @"dkzbabe.1804" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > I have to agree. The legendary effects of jewelry , in my opinion, are some of the most uninspired cosmetics in the game. I have yet to look at someone that has them and say to myself wow that looks good. I have avoided crafting any for this sole purpose. The only thing that has changed my mind recently on perhaps trying to craft them is the new Legendary Armory that will be released in the future but I am still on the fence about that.

> >

> > I think adding a new tab in hero panel that lets you customize all aura's and legendary effects would be the best. A simple toggle for every effect you have on your character and make it either on or off.


> A simple toggle for every effect you have on your character and make it either on or off.




It shouldn't just be for your own character, you would need two toggles, one for your own character if you wanted to turn your own aura's off(though why get the aura's in the first place if you do that) and a second for all other characters. Personally the light show doesn't bother me in one bit, and I'm both light sensitive and have epilepsy(but not triggered by flashing lights). It's not my character, so to each his own I say.

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Agree this is rather short sighted by Anet the visual assault was already bad enough then to add these stanky balls. It's time to invest in an option to turn off all player practical effects from items.


Its not some great achievement that others need to see. Combo those with the players that have the blue and black and bees ect. It's clear some people like looking at that but dont punish other players.

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I think the new legendary trinket balls could be reduced slightly in size since they hover *over* the character and obscure the area around them. But watch the trinkets be forgotten and largely unpursued if it can't be flaunted when an option is made to entirely disable them. Same goes for infusions and legendary weapons, which will tumble in value if an option is ever made to disable their effects. I argue that the problem isn't most of the trinkets and infusions themselves, it's that some people go so far as to equip tens of them at a time. And those are rare and extreme examples.


I think the bigger issue instead is overwhelmingly caused by the nuclear chain-reaction of attack animations. While I like to enjoy the highest quality of graphics, the sheer number of people spamming simple attacks will reac havoc on just about anyone's PC setup regardless of animation setting.


Regarding those that turn their character into a walking bug zapper, a better solution would be placing a maximum on the amount of infusions that can be displayed on a character at a time (I would say 3 to 5) on top of the legendary trinkets. After all, at the moment, you can stack the same infusion so many times that it obscures your character entirely.

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