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World Linking 3/27/2020

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Desos doing okay> @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> > > > @"phreeak.1023" said:

> > > > > @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> > > > > T1 EU is actually balanced in terms of PPT this week, even though it doesn't really matter who wins T1 anymore. Being perma T1 for 5 months has not been worth it.

> > > > >

> > > > > It does seem a bit one sided in terms of fights or pretty inactive, as alot of guilds left Deso during the last link, but you'll have to wait a couple of weeks until each server starts to settle in their right tiers.

> > > >

> > > > We are now T1 and i am happy if we drop out again. Underworld ist just pptn and running away from everything. They let WSR alone.

> > > >

> > > > That's result till now (reset was only yesterday) in 2 servers vs 1, because one server is afraid of the other one and the other server is bored of the other one. Dont think it's getting any better this week than fighting on homes and ebg against 2 blobs constantly and can't upgrade anything.

> > >

> > > 2v1 is normal, especially against the weaker or stronger server on a map where one server is disorganized, but most servers couldn't' be bothered or lacked the population and coverage to 'win' Skirmishes day or night so it would be pointless. WSR was double our kd after the relink which wasn't a surprise, because they still have a strong community with commanders, pugs and guilds.

> > >

> > > We used to have a good WvW community, but all we have left is a few guilds, few fight commanders, night cappers and pugs who won't just cloud around off tag and wipe against more organized servers/zergs. It's only partly Anet's fault too, since Links allow people to stack on some servers by coincidence or not, which causes queues and imbalance like in the previous T1. We only won every match up with the last link, because of Chatmanders and overpopulation, now we have to wait for Deso to open or wait for the relink.

> >

> > Nah, people are definitely getting more active on Desolation now that they're needed. It is just GH gives WSR vibes they gave up logging in so fast. GH link FoW has at least 7 guilds ((FaLL, PT, Ng, Dmon, Jd, TLS, BB) + vabbi boys now. Guildless group just can't beat guildful ones.

> >

> > But yea Deso hopefully opens up tommorow as Very High and then we get a few nice 1800 gem long-term people in. Overall state of WvW on Deso is much better now than with a link because there is at least something to do even if we can gather max 30 in squad for now against these little overstacked servers.


> You seem confused on how stuff works. If you are playing more hours to compete since you no longer have an overstacked link you aren't dropping to VH anytime soon. It takes weeks. Like Piken is last in most hours atm and they won't drop for a bit nvm you with a ton hours are def not dropping till guilds leave and your server collapses. So If your thread asking for no link was intended for you to drop to Vh so you could stack more barring an anet mess up no that isn't going to happen. You will burn yourself out trying to compete more guilds will leave if you keep dropping tiers etc a more likely outcome


Hehe, well we will just play with what we got then, its not a big deal. And our guilds already left ages ago, our server doesn't function around them. We aren't burning out, we are just trying out best with what we got, which happens to be 30 man groups farming 60 man groups with acs and cannons :p Just eventually enemies will stop hitting our stuff because playing 60 v 30 isn't very fun for them (either 1-push us or get clouded/sieged down). Deso isn't stacked, just 3 full maps of people wanted to be on our 500 gem link without committing longterm because we play smart.

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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > I am glad it is 5 tiers again. The queues were insane lately. Now they are still bad at times, but at least one map is open most of the time.


> Which server? No queues on prime time. Outnumbered almost all the time on Desolation, which is supposedly "full" server (Arenanet should change their metrics or update them more often).


Yep, the problem is prime time is dead without our 2 guild Raids, but also there are too many people night/morning capping like this week, which keeps our activity high enough that we stay locked.


Although many people have time off because of the worldwide quarantine, we would just get demolished in T1, with this current population.

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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > I am glad it is 5 tiers again. The queues were insane lately. Now they are still bad at times, but at least one map is open most of the time.


> Which server? No queues on prime time. Outnumbered almost all the time on Desolation, which is supposedly "full" server (Arenanet should change their metrics or update them more often).


Blackgate flashbacks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who the hell thought this made sense? You've matched the number 1 full borderland with a high population server and matched up the other two full with medium population servers! This is utter horseshit and frankly expect to lose a lot more players in WvW over this match-up. Nobody likes being zerged 24-7, i love a challenge but one that is realistic! Total BS!

Tier Rank Color Linked worlds (NA) Victory points

1 1 Green Stormbluff Isle, Ferguson's Crossing 154

1 2 Blue Tarnished Coast, Sanctum of Rall 110

1 3 Red Blackgate, Isle of Janthir 132

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The Population algorithm they use is baffling, some servers adjust alot more quicker and open up, while others just end up perma closed at least in the EU.


Alot of servers are more active due to the quarantine, but there are a few medium servers around linked to well populated hosts.


It's not like that with an unlinked server with so few guilds, like on Deso. Maybe it will take another couple of weeks, or until WSR and RS become unlinked?


> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Yes so baffling. It's play hours. Each threshold is total play hours. So confusing.


It's play hours? That's a good joke, but not along with your sarcastic reply.

If they actually counted the play hours, you would find collectively there is less play hours on somewhere like Deso, who used to be active due to being linked to a stacked server, after 5 guilds, yes 5 Guilds left the host server. Now activity on here is even lower compared to the Current stacked links, but that happens with this Current linking system and it's lack of population balance, due to a bad algorithm.

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Their algorithm was written by tossing pasta at a wall to see what sticks. If they want a taste of just how idiotic they should log in at anytime and watch how absurd their numbers are compared to other servers. Like i said I've seen people just flat out leave the game now knowing this won't get fixed until late May. No point whatsoever thinking you can move them out of top spot. WvW cannot afford to bleed more players but trust me over the next month it will and many won't ever return, sad, just sad.

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Why doesn't this game have map faction cap like Planetside 2? So if one server has a massive numerical advantage there is an aditional que? outnumbered is only good for farming pips.


The big overpop servers, who somehow get links and get bandwagoned to hell are killing other servers.

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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> Why doesn't this game have map faction cap like Planetside 2? So if one server has a massive numerical advantage there is an aditional que? outnumbered is only good for farming pips.


> The big overpop servers, who somehow get links and get bandwagoned to hell are killing other servers.

in PS2, if I'm not mistaken (was a while since I played it), you can create characters for any faction and choose to play them depending on the current faction stats.


WvW doesnt work like that at all, so thats why.


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So, forget Alliances that will never happen as focus will now be on the revenue making next expac. So here's a temporary solution, either link the bottom least populated servers permanently so their is an even amount, so regardless of which server it is, every server will always be linked, or 2nd option after 4 years of temporary linking, just stop it, go back to unlinked. The metrics and Glicko have never solved any balance in 8 years, neither has linking. In real time, real play, single servers get double teamed all day, all night because the linked servers want to play against the easier unlinked server assuming their skill levels and brilliant play has stepped up another level, not!! Its unrealistic. Linking of some EU servers means all they do is one big blob attacking one side of the map, and another big blob the other side, and this causes the most insane lag, skill loss, and frustration. Time to make the changes Anet, youre in charge, make some decisions please, or at least let the Devs come into the BL's and experience the issues so they can solve them in real time with real solutions.

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> @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> The Population algorithm they use is baffling, some servers adjust alot more quicker and open up, while others just end up perma closed at least in the EU.


> Alot of servers are more active due to the quarantine, but there are a few medium servers around linked to well populated hosts.


> It's not like that with an unlinked server with so few guilds, like on Deso. Maybe it will take another couple of weeks, or until WSR and RS become unlinked?


> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > Yes so baffling. It's play hours. Each threshold is total play hours. So confusing.


> It's play hours? That's a good joke, but not along with your sarcastic reply.

> If they actually counted the play hours, you would find collectively there is less play hours on somewhere like Deso, who used to be active due to being linked to a stacked server, after 5 guilds, yes 5 Guilds left the host server. Now activity on here is even lower compared to the Current stacked links, but that happens with this Current linking system and it's lack of population balance, due to a bad algorithm.


From what I've seen, it just takes their algorithm a few weeks to adjust to population changes. So it's more likely population changes over a longer period of time than most people assume. I have seen exceptions to this where they have seemed to close some servers very quickly.

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